freshmiraclecheesecake · 29 minutes
Can we get people thinking Ruby and Penny are innocent girls. But when we overheard what they are talking to each other about, it is perverted things that they want to do with Jaune. They are a duo of cute perverted ladies that want that blonde.
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Head Tap
Jaune: Hey, Jessica?
Jessica: Yeah, Jaune?
Jaune: What of we dressed up like, Mandalorians…
Jessica: Oh I like where this is going~!
Jaune: And, what if we did that head tap, kiss thing with our helmets? Like in this photo.
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Jessica: I will accept that as a marriage proposal. Yes.
Jaune: Oh… So does that mean you don’t want a ring, cause I already got the ri…?!
Jessica: …
Jessica: R-Ring…?
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Damian, as Robin, is about to be sacrificed to summon a Powerful Being. Except instead of a Powerful Being, a kid his age pops into existence as though he was shoved forward.
The kid looks around, startled. He's got a black eye and he's holding a length of rope, presumably what had been restraining him.
"Uh. Is. Is this the afterlife?" The kid asks, bewildered.
"...No, this is Gotham. We were trying to summon Pariah Dark?" One of the cultists answers, also confused.
"But I was being sacrificed to summon Pariah Dark?" The kid says, brows furrowed.
The cultists pause in their attempted murder of Robin and hurriedly reconvene, taking their eyes off of the kid. They're muttering about how maybe there was another cult doing a sacrifice at the same time, and things got switched up. Should they sacrifice both of the boys?
Damian, though. Damian never takes his eyes off of the new kid.
Unlike the cultists, he's not an idiot. He knows a liar when he sees one. That boy is no sacrifice.
That boy is the being they summoned.
He waits for the being to show it's true colors. And waits. And waits.
'Hurry up!' Damian mouths to it.
'I am trying!' It mouths back, motioning at it's feet where it's been wearing away the containment sigil.
'Well try faster!'
'That's not how it works!'
'How hard is it to mess up chalk?'
'Well then you come here and you do it!'
"Maybe I will," Damian spits outloud, done with this farce.
"Uh, do you two need a moment or...?"
Damian answers the cultists question by kicking her in the face as he cuts himself loose.
He will rescue both himself and the demon they dragged into this world.
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Tim: I know who you are.
Danny, squinting down at him wearing Hello Kitty pjs.: What are you talking about? Who's child is this?
Tim: Batman has gotten too dangerous. He is a threat to himself and others. He needs a Robin to keep him sane. You need to come back to Gotham.
Danny: Kid-
Tim: I have proof! I'll release it all!
Danny sighing: I was just about to have some milk and Oreos. Do you want some?
Later, while Tim is eating his snack, Danny is talking on the phone: No Jazz, of course I'm not Robin! How was I supposed to know that turning off gravity so I could do a crazy hard flip would lead to a literal toddler thinking I was Robin? .....Because apparently, the quadruple somersault can only be done by four people in the world.....I don't know! What am I supposed to do with him? Tim already threatened to become Robin himself! He's so tiny, Jazz! I can't just send him out in the field like that!.........Look, Batman is spiraling. He'll never notice.....yes, I'm sure. How hard can being Robin be? I was already Phantom for a few years.
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not true they also know Bail Organa.
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They only know one senator
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9 Days of Lancaster: Stranded
I rattled the gate. It was locked down tight. I might have been able to break it but there wsa a camera up above us which would capture me. I was sure Ruby could cut the lock but that was the same problem. 
���So we’re locked out of campus for the evening?” Ruby asked. 
“Sure seems that way,” I responded. 
“Where are we going to sleep?” 
“We’ll have to find a hotel.”
“Ha,” Ruby laughed. “Reminds me of Anima.”
I grinned a little at the mostly good memories. “Anima was good times.”
“So where do we start looking?”
I pulled out my scroll. I started googling. “The nearest hotel is a couple blocks that way.” I pointed South. “No wait that’s an BNB.”
“So it probably wouldn’t work out.”
“Why not?”
“Well...” I didn’t have a ready retort. “I suppose it could...that is to say...”
“Lead the way,” Ruby demanded with a smirk. I grinned back down at her. I closed my scroll and began to walk through the crystal like buildings which made up Atlas. 
Ruby took my arm. I looked down at her but she wouldn’t meet my eye as she skipped to keep up with my gait. I slowed down for her so she could walk beside me easily. It wasn’t like we were in a rush. 
“You know Jaune...” She began.
“I probably don’t. Tell me,” I shot back. 
“Never mind, then.” Well alright. Keep your secrets. 
I held the door for Ruby to the BNB. She walked in and up to the register where a lanky dude in a t-shirt was standing looking bored. I glanced around. There were neon hearts and light up arrows. My face reddened. 
“I think... this may be... like, a love hotel.”
“A love hotel?”
“Yeah, you know. A place for couples. To get away.”
“What’s the big deal? Its just for a night.”
“Yeah. I think that’s the jist of this place.”
“One room please,” Ruby said to the dude by the counter.
“Enjoy your stay,” he returned sounding bored. Ruby scanned her scroll to pay before I could argue. I would have paid but I still had my reservations about the hotel we found ourselves in. Ruby grabbed my arm and half dragged me to the room we’d be staying in. There was a large heart shaped bed in the center of the room. I shot Ruby a glance. Her face was beet red like her hair. 
“I’ll just take the floor,” I managed. It should be comfortable enough and there were plenty of pillows on the bed.
“Nonsense. We can share.”
“Yeah? What’s the big deal?”
“Its inappropriate.” 
“Why? I trust you.” She looked up to me with her cool grey gaze. I looked away blushing. “Jaune. I trust you.”
I sighed. “I’m a guy Rubes. You’re a girl.”
“So this is about gender roles.”
“Not necessarily,” I protested. “I’m straight.”
“And I’m demi,” she shot back.
I blinked at that. “So it wouldn’t be a big deal for you but it would be for me,” I tried to explain.
“Why wouldn’t it be a big deal for me?” She wondered.
“Well... you’re demi.”
“But I trust you,” she shot back with a glare and some heat. I flinched.
“All the more reason its inappropriate,” I carried on.
“So this is what Pyrrha went through.”
“Jaune, I’m comfortable sleeping with you.”
“This has nothing to do with sleep!” I protested. 
“I know!”
“What? Rubes I-”
“Jaune, won’t you sleep with me?” She pressed. She looked up at me with big silver eyes. “I know the implications of what I just said. I’m not a little girl.”
My throat was suddenly very dry. “Rubes you’re my best friend.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be friends with you. I’m very flexible. Want to see?”
I swallowed hard. I choked on air. “Yeah. I do.” She led me inside by the hand and shut the door. 
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Gentle persuasion
A veeeeeery loose sequel to this (x)
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9 days of Lancaster Day 8: Beach Day
Ruby:Jauuuuuune! You ready for next week’s team environmental bonding training!? AKA, the beach!?
Jaune:Umm, yeah. I’m sure it’ll be fun.
Ruby:..Don’t tell me you can’t swim?
Jaune:I can swim fine. Although if I’m honest I’m probably build a sandcastle or something. Maybe read.
Ruby:You sound like Blake. I need you amped! We gotta wipe Yang’s smug look off her face in volleyball.
Jaune:As long as Nora’s on our team.
Ruby:Obviously. Hey, are you already done packing? I didn’t even see you shop.
Jaune:Ren got most of the travel stuff like sunscreen.
Ruby:You owned beach clothes already?
Jaune:I mean…sorta? I have trunks and y’know, a cozy top.
Ruby:Like a divine shirt?
Jaune:More like a…beach hoodie.
Ruby:Jaune, it’s gonna be in the triple digits when we go.
Jaune:I’ll live.
Ruby:Yeah in an emergency room! What’s with you? Do you have a weird scar or something?
Jaune:No. I…*rubs arm* I don’t know. Being shirtless really isn’t my thing. Never had the confidence.
Ruby:Really? I mean i get it; especially before training but you look good! Nora calls you Mr. Muscle.
Jaune:Hehe, yeah it’s a wild thing. I know it’s in my head but after getting picked on when I was younger I kinda became self conscious. Hoodies have always felt cozier after that.
Ruby:….Wanna make a deal?
Jaune:A deal?
Ruby:I actually have been trying to gain more confidence in myself and shake off some awkwardness. I was planning on wearing this older one piece I own. But, there’s also a part of me that wants to try a bikini for the first time. If you step out of your comfort zone then I will do it too. We can be awkward together.
Jaune:I bet you would look nice in a one piece though.
Jaune:..Yeah, that didn’t sound quite right coming from your boyfriend in this situation.
Ruby:I got the sentiment, but yeah. Not your finest moment. *holds his hands* Let’s take the plunge together. We can even be a little gross and get matching outfits. *smiles*
Jaune:Haha. That would be something, wouldn’t it? I…eh, why not? Sure, let’s try.
The fateful day arrived. After lots of second guessing himself, Jaune stood on corse hot sand underneath a recently planted umbrella . His hoodie was nowhere in sight and his new white swimming trunks fit nicely. All he knew about the design was the at the right leg had a gray pail pouring water out of it like one of those watering buckets.
???: Nora might be onto something with Mr. Muscle.
He turned around to see a red reaper holding her beach bag. More importantly, on her was the bikini she picked in secret. It was the average cut for a standard bikini, with the top being green on the straps and upper rim. Meanwhile, the cups and bottom were bright red with a few yellowish specks. Jaune quickly realized Ruby was a red as the strawberry design she chose.
Ruby:S-So? Any thoughts? How do I look?
Jaune:That’s not- I mean- *covers face*…. You look really nice. Man this hasn’t been my week.
Ruby removed the boy’s hands to get a good look at him. He wasn’t as cut as her but man did he bulk up! Not too much though. Jaune was still pretty lean and Ruby found that wonderful. She moved her arms under his own and gave a gentle hug while her fingers traced his back.
Ruby:If ya ask me, you look, feel, and smell good. I’m one lucky gal.
Jaune:*red* Thanks. I’m pretty lucky too. *hugs her*
Ruby:Well your luck isn’t over. I kinda need your help. *pulls out sunscreen*
Jaune:..You’re really trying give me a heart attack.
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Can we get people thinking Ruby and Penny are innocent girls. But when we overheard what they are talking to each other about, it is perverted things that they want to do with Jaune. They are a duo of cute perverted ladies that want that blonde.
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Jazz not existing is going to mess up Nightwing when he learns more about her.
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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Prompt 318
Danny is learning how to shapeshift. It’s fun, really, and he honestly thinks it’s more than a little cool. Plus it’s not a learn or you fully die sort of thing, which is pretty cool too. He just erm, might’ve also made a mistake. A little oopsie. An uh-oh. 
Erm. So. Apparently stuff stays when you go from ghost to human form. Just erm. More… permanent? Look he panicked, okay! And it wouldn’t have been that bad if not for the fact erm… his friends might’ve done it too…? 
Okay, okay, this is fine erm. Oh hi Mom, Dad I- O-oh yeah! D-definitely! Psst, Tucker, what’s a meta…? Oh. Okay yeah- wait can they use this to avoid the GIW thing? They definitely could, right? Like they definitely can- Sam we need the corkboard!
Er. And inform their parents too… even if it’s more than a little obvious. Maybe they shouldn’t have been trying to mix and match…
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The two teams, RWBY + JNR Are discussing plans for their next mission, which has them group off in small groups or in pairs. All was going well until Nora just had to say something.
Jaune: Nora, is this really the time to discuss who goes with who?
Nora: YES! YES, IT IS!
Ruby: I don't see a flaw in the buddy system here.
Nora: Well, I find one flaw in this 'system' that seems weird!
Ren: Did you just call it the buddy system...?
Nora: Nevermind that, why is it that you and Jaune-Jaune are always paired together? I mean, am I the only one thinking this?!
Yang: Y'know, she's kind of right. What's up with that?
Jaune: Well, that's easy to explain. I'm more of a close quarters fighter while Ruby can have my back or step in when I get overwhelmed.
Ruby: Right!
Weiss: I could use my summons to provide as well. And some here are equipped with weapons for long range bouts too.
Ruby: Well...still. Jaune and I just find it easier to do things as we have our own little combo thing going on so-
Yang: Sis, you literally had us all do really specific moves that really synergize well with each other, I highly doubt you not being Jaune's partner for one mission is going to make you a train wreck.
Ruby: It could!
Blake: Okay, I'm getting bored of this. Are you two a thing?
Yang: A what?!
R+W: Oh boy/gods...
Jaune: W-Wait what?! No, we are not a thing Blake, this is literally for mission purposes!
Blake: Then explain to me when everyone else is nearly done dispatching Grimm, you and Ruby take nearly the entire day to which you're both laughing and happy together.
Ruby: Well, we-
Blake: And whenever we see either of you, you're always waiting on someone and that 'someone' is around the corner and is one of you.
Jaune: Uh...
Blake: Just come clean or I'll bust out the photos.
Ruby: P-Photos...?
Jaune: You've been taking pictures of us?!
Blake: Not all the time...only when you two are together. Which is all the time.
Yang: I think Blake is the least of your worries, VB. Are you really dating my sister?
Jaune: ...Ruby help.
Ruby: Yang, Yang! I swear this isn't what it looks like. We can explain this a-
Blake: Oh look, a photo of Jaune and Ruby cuddling in a movie theater~.
Yang: Let me see- ARE YOU TWO MAKING OUT?!
Ruby: Jaune.
Jaune, already out the door: Leaving now!
Weiss: Well...I hope you're proud of yourself. Now we're in a disarray, down a teammate if Yang kills Jaune, and might fail this mission!
Blake: Oh please, nearly everyone here uses these missions as a front to date. Heck, me and Yang decided to do it waaay before you guys ever thought of it. That's how I found out about Jaune and Ruby when I 'accidentally' saw them getting handsy one day at a nearby cafe.
Blake: So uh, this may or may not be a bad time but...could you get me the name of that cafe you and Jaune went to for your fourth date? I wanna take Yang there to experience what made you guys so reckless.
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RWBY AU: Demon x Hero
Prompt: Jaune summons a demon out of curiosity in his room. He doesn't think it'll work as he lazily says the curse of summoning one fluently when all of a sudden, a bright purple light flashes him. When he can see again, he sees (insert ship here) in front of him.
Jaune: Uh...
Demoness!Pyrrha: *Can't speak due to how embarrassed she is on the way she's dressed and because of a adorable mortal in front of him*
Jaune: ...I did not think that would work. Listen uh, want to just watch a movie together?
Demoness!Pyrrha: *Nods her head slowly*
Jaune: Okay, let's just do that. Uhm, your name?
Demoness!Pyrrha: Pyrrha...
Jaune: Excuse me?
Demoness!Pyrrha: It's Pyrrha...nice to meet you.
Jaune: Nice to meet you too Pyrrha.
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Gun Girls
Jaune: There are Gun Girls, and there are *Gun Girls.*
Jaune: There are many differences between the two, but they both contain one thing in common.
Jaune: I want to *fuck* the Gun Girls.
Blake: I'm a gun girl! That mean's he wants to fuck me!
Yang: I have two guns, he wants to fuck me more than you!
Emerald: Well I have two guns, but mine are bigger than yours so, ha!
Pyrrha: Step aside girls, I have a rifle, he'll want to fuck a real woman~!
Ruby: I have a sniper rifle! That's a bigger reason to fuck me!
May: He'll want me because I have a sniper rifle, and more womanly assets than you~!
: Ladies~!
The group turn to see, Coco posing seductively in her underwear with her minigun.
Coco: Get on my level~!
Ruby: FUCK!
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The Wayne kids aren’t mafia, but individually they’re scary enough for people to assume they are. Everyone knows Brucie Wayne is the biggest himbo ever and his kids are running everything from the shadows. It’s like…a given. Seriously have you seen his kids? Tim’s even the CEO at 18.
Dick is beloved. Everywhere he goes kids practically flock to him, but people have seen him slam one too many possible child predators into a wall with the most threatening smile for them to think he’s all sunshine and rainbows.
One time, a mother asked for his help because his daughter was missing and the police wouldn’t help. Dick made one call (to Tim or Oracle), and the child was back by the end of the day and an entire trafficking ring was taken down. When asked he simply smiled and denied any involvement but said he was over joyed that one more trafficking ring was out of their city.
Jason Todd is Crime Alley’s hero. More so than anyone else, he has directed funds to help the area he called home before being taken in by Wayne. He died, but no one actually believes that. The Wayne children’s “mafia” had him doing something under cover. And while dick is all threat with a smile, Jason is Threaten with a frown. He can send people running with just a look.
someone noticed that Jason is always strapped. Man has no less than 5 weapons and one is always a gun. He doesn’t hide it, kids always ask him question and Jason always stops to answer them if he has the time. Even shows kids a few moves if they need to defend themselves. For whatever reason people don’t connect hood to Jason, but they definitely think Jason is funding hood.
Tim is the most relatable. Certified genius and always down to help kids with homework. Sometimes he’ll camp out in a cafe for the day. Without fail his location gets leaked and by mid afternoon he’s put away his WE work to tutor any students who have walked in.
He’s always tired, always has coffee, and always gives people a smile, but he knows too much. Rumor is that nothing happens in this town without Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne knowing. One time he was taking a break at the park, scrolling through his phone when a group approached him clearly intent on kidnapping him. Before they even got close Tim was reciting their social security number, their cell phones, the names of their loved ones, and their address.
When Tim looked up it was with a tired smirk that clearly came across as a warning. He then stood, slipped a business card onto the bench, and told them if they need work to call this number and their reps will help them find something regardless of their past record.
Rumor has it the downfall of the most recent corrupt socialite was completely orchestrated by Tim.
Damian is a little gremlin that has the family wrapped around his finger. At first their were rumors of infighting between the two youngest (Tim and Damian), but then how could that be possible when at the first sign of trouble Timothy materializes out of the shadows wearing his mother’s smile that promised social and financial ruin if you so much as looked at his baby brother wrong.
Dick flat out punched a man in the face for calling Damian a terrorist. The “victim” was high society and swore up and down that their would be a law suit, but Tim took care of it with a few photos and screen shots of an affair that would have ruined the man in question.
Damian has scary dog privilege on his own, but it’s a whole new ballpark when Jason is out with him. Apparently someone tried to kidnap Damian on the way to meet up with Jason and the bats didn’t even need to be called. Jason took care of it before they even got the kid in the van.
Damian is a violent little thing. Everyone knows, even if it was never announced, that he got it from where ever he had been living before, so they always gave him a little leeway, especially since his violent tendencies were decreasing…at least physically. Damian can, will, and regularly verbally eviscerates anyone who wrongs him. It’s impressive as it is scary. This kid looks at you like he can read every insecurity you’ve ever had and is not afraid to air it to the world while also insulting you into the grave.
Individually they’re terrifying, but the reason that they’re still Gotham’s golden family is because together the goofiest fucking people you have ever seen in your life (also the endless amount of charity work they do together as a family). When all four siblings are together they always end up trending and it’s always the funniest shit you’ve ever seen.
During the first major snow when all of the streets were shut down the Wayne Boys were out in all terrain jeeps shredding it up dragging someone behind them on ski’s or a snowboard
Somehow, all four boys were spotted trekking across town covered in a rainbow of colored powder. When someone enquired they admitted to getting into a rather harmless prank war with the currently reformed Ivy and Harleen Quiznel. If asked they totally won, but the fact that no part of any of the boys was uncovered said otherwise.
Dick once asked social media to help him track down Tim because he hadn’t slept in 3 days and was not supposed to leave the house. He’d been spotted at a cafe he doesn’t usually frequent and anyone around to witness the retrieval would later say it was the cleanest covert op they’d ever witnessed from the Wayne boys. Jason was the get away driver, dick was on retrieval duty, and Damian was there to make sure their route in and out was clear (hold open the door). Tim was recorded yelling every creative non curse (because no cursing in front of Damian, Alfred said so) under the sky, struggling in the arms of Dick Grayson who was smiling bright enough to rival the sun. 3 minutes in and out. The video screen shots are still used as a meme template to this day.
Brucie Wayne gets asked about his boys in interviews a lot. There are a lot of times where he’s only finding out about their shenanigans due to the interview question, but he just smiles and says he’s happy they’re all getting along while mentally planning out how to deal with them later.
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After moving to Gotham and having to deal with a stressful job, Danny has started taking walks around the city as a way to destress.
Since he knows that he could get mugged, he just becomes intangible and invisible while listening to some loud music on his phone.
Unfortunately for him, his control on his Invisibility keeps slipping when he gets lost in his music, and the people of Gotham keep seeing a semi-translucent ghost man walking around at night aimlessly.
Some thugs think it’s just a meta with invisibility and try to mug him, but pass right through and he disappears completely. This convinces them that he is a ghost, since having both invisibility, and intangibility would be too big a coincidence. Not to mention he never reacts to them whatsoever.
The Bat’s get word that a Ghost has been stalking the streets of Gotham, and he looks scarily like Bruce Wayne from the little they have been able to see from him. Now Batman thinks his dad may have come back as a ghost.
Danny is oblivious to all of this. He just likes his nightly strolls.
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Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
See, ghosts got bored, a lot, Danny did too. When Amity became a neutral and cooperative zone they decided to go exploring. Which was mostly fine, since most of them didn't really mean any harm. And the GIW had been dismantled, Danny preferred to let people speculate why rather than answer.
The problem arose when the ghosts of the Realms encountered other types of ghosts. Apparently there were spirits that did not reach the Realms and became weak or simply vengeful (spiteful?)
The ghosts Danny knew were very upset because apparently "weak" ghosts were extremely rude. So he started talking to them (when they didn't want to talk, or refused, the thermos was a good solution)
Very quickly people started calling him "Ghostbuster", he found it ironic since he wasn't actually repelling ghosts, he was attracting them and sometimes collecting them. A ghost named Deadman yelled at him for not "respecting the rights of the dead", to which the halfa raised an eyebrow. The ghost vanished before he could explain that all ghosts were in the Realms or Amity (where people didn't really mind sharing a house with a spirit).
He shrugged and continued visiting all the ghosts that his friends pointed out to him. He argued with a certain "Zatanna Zatara" and "John Constantine" for disturbing the rest of the dead. Danny rolled his eyes as he chose to ignore them.
It wasn't long before Justice League Dark branded him a "ghost threat" and people in general called him out asking for help with their haunted houses (Danny hadn't really considered turning his travels into a job but at least he was getting paid). The halfa wondered how wizards would react if they knew he was ghost hybrid and his "Ghostbuster Team" was full of ghosts.
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