freefollowerstool · 3 years
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Women consider their hair as their crowning glory. They believe that they’d look even more beautiful when their hair looks beautiful.
But don’t you feel bothered every time you see a strand of gray or white hair on your head? 
We have here this simple yet very effective remedy for white hair, and all you’ll need are some potato peelings. 
Peel 5 potatoes then put their peels in a pot with water. Let it boil then let it simmer for 5 to 6 minutes. Set it aside then let it cool. 
The next thing that you have to do is to strain the liquid then place it in a plastic container or a bottle. If you want it to smell nicer, then try adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Your white hair remover is now ready for use.
Via: HealthyTips, ReadandDigest
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freefollowerstool · 3 years
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Stroke is mainly caused by the improper blood flow in the brain. Because of this, it is considered as the leading cause of death and disability in the world. 
There are two types of stroke, namely, ischemic which is caused by a blockage in the arteries leading to the brain, and hemorrhagic, which is caused by a reduced blood flow.
Studies say that stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is blocked by a clot.
When a person recovers from a stroke, the brain has already been permanently damaged, causing malfunction to other parts of the body. 
Below are the early symptoms of stroke that we should all be aware of: 
– Hallucinations
– Pain
– Hiccup
– Sickness
– Personality changes
– Unconsciousness
– Epileptic attacks
– Lightheadedness or weakness
– Breathing problems
Via: HealthyTips, ReadandDigest
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freefollowerstool · 3 years
The Kerson fruit or aratiles/aratilis is a popular treat among Filipino kids. The red cherry-like fruit is a beloved little snack, plucked by kids who would climb the tree’s branches. 
It’s fairly easy to grow an aratiles tree and many families have a tree growing near them. Some families have even set-up nets under these trees to harvest the red fruit when they ripen.
But did you know that these sweet and juicy fruits have many health benefits? 
These are 6 Health Benefits of the aratiles fruit.
1. Aratiles are a very good source of Vitamin C.
 -One hundred grams of the berry is equal to 150 mgs of vitamin C.
2. Aratiles are full of nutrients.
 -The berries are full of calcium, carbs, fiber, protein, phosphorous, iron, and B-vitamins.
3. The fruit has antibacterial properties.
 -The aratiles is a natural antibiotic that helps fight against diphtheria, sepsis, staph, and intestinal bacteria.
4. The fruit is an antioxidant
 -The aratiles is full of antioxidants, which get rid of free radicals. Free radicals are the causes of cancer and other such diseases.
5. It provides relief from headaches and gout.
 -Eating around 9 – 12 berries 3 times a day may relieve gout pains
 -The berries also relax certain blood vessels to relieve headaches
6. Beneficial to those with diabetes.
 -The aratiles lowers blood sugar, making it beneficial to diabetic persons.
If you have access to aratiles leaves, then you can boil these leaves into a tea.
These are 6 Health benefits from aratiles tea.
1. The tea can be used to block pain receptors.
2. The tea has anti-inflammatory properties.
3. The tea can reduce blood pressure.
 -Aratiles tea contains nitric oxide, a natural chemical which relaxes blood vessels to relieve blood pressure.
4. The tea from the flowers can ease indigestion
 -Aratiles flowers can be boiled twice for a drink that eases indigestion and upset stomachs.
5. Researchers are exploring the possible cancer preventative properties of the plant.
 -Researchers are looking into the properties of the plant that may reduce tumor growth and cancer prevention. 
Via: HealthyTips, Lifehack
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freefollowerstool · 3 years
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According to experts, cataracts can cause vision loss for people aged 40 years old. Also, this has been a major cause of blindness all over the globe.
However, scientists found out that this eye drop can melt away cataracts! This new discovery is an amphipathic molecule.
Studies found that lanosterol is the major key molecule to prevent lens protein aggregation which can prevent and treat eye cataracts.
As soon as it is proven to be effective and safe for humans, this ingredient will be available in the market as a non-invasive treatment for people who have cataracts.
Via: HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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freefollowerstool · 3 years
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Sinusitis or Sinus Infection is the swelling of the tissue lining walls of the sinuses. You can sense it occuring whenever headaches, stuffed nose, loss of smell, cough or congestion, fatigue, bad breath, and fever begin to take over.
Here are kinds of Sinusitis:
1. Acute – Symptoms can be compared to common cold, includes runny, and stuffy nose with facial pain that would probably linger around for 10 to 14 days.
2. Subacute– Sinusitis that takes 4-8 weeks to go away.
3. Chronic– Symptoms that last longer than 8 weeks.
4. Recurrent – Several attacks within the year.
People suffering from sinus infections tend to resort to medicine for temporary relief.
This recipe though, can instantly cure your sinusitis in 20 seconds and may even permanently cure you in the long run:
1/2 cup of clean drinking water
1/4 cup of unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon of raw honey
1 squeezed lemon
1.Boil the 1/2 cup of clean drinking water and pour it into a mug.
2.Mix in the apple cider vinegar and stir.
3.Allow this to cook at room temperature, then add the raw honey and cayenne pepper.
4.Stir well, then add the squeezed lemon.
5.Drink this recipe twice; first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed time.
6.Maintain this habit until sinusitis is treated.
Via: HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Okra might taste bitter but this vegetable can provide many health benefits for the body if you eat it on a daily basis.
Also referred to as lady’s finger, Okra contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate content. 
Okra can also improve digestion, stabilize blood sugar, and help control the rate at which sugar is absorbed. 
Here are more health benefits that eating okra can bring:
* Okra Promotes Healthy Pregnancy
Okra’s richness in both folate and vitamin C improves the fetal development in pregnant women. Folate helps in maintaining new cells while vitamin C helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida and helps the baby to grow sufficiently.
* Helps Prevent Diabetes
The fiber in okra has proven to be helpful in normalizing the blood sugar levels in the body, which benefits people with diabetes.
* Helps with Kidney Disease
Regular consumption of okra can help lessen the risks of kidney disease according to scientific studies. Those who eat okra daily can reduce clinical signs of kidney damage.
* Supports Colon Health
Since okra is known to be full of dietary fiber, it can greatly help maintain colon health and aid in digestiion. The fibers Okra provide help clean out the gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency.
Via: HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Apple Cider Vinegar is widely-used as a natural remedy to treat many diseases and keep the body healthy. 
Another recipe including this ingredient is proven to boost a person’s immune system and improve its overall well-being. 
This natural remedy can help cure some medical conditions because Apple Cider includes acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes that are powerful healing compounds.
It will eliminate the bad bacteria in the body and promote the growth of good bacteria. Also, this remedy can decrease your level of cholesterol and normalize your blood pressure.
All you have to do is mix this recipe and follow the procedure:
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 grated garlic clove
1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
1 piece of grated ginger
1 teaspoon of honey
Mix all the ingredients well. If you prepare large amounts you can store it in the fridge for up to 5 days.
The ingredients are for one dose only. Consume it before meals and no more than three times per day. After the first week you will start noticing results.
Do you want to know more about the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?
Via HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Eggs are known as a “superfood” due to the many nutrients they contain that are essential to the body. Including eggs in your diet can boost your immune system and protect against numerous diseases.
According to nutritiondata.self.com, a single hard-boiled egg contains:
Vitamin A: 6{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the required daily amount (RDA)
Folate: 5{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the RDA
Vitamin B5: 7{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the RDA
Vitamin B12: 9{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the RDA
Vitamin B2: 15{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the RDA
Phosphorus: 9{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the RDA
Selenium: 22{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} of the RDA
Eggs also contain enough Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium and Zinc for the body’s needs.
Contrary to popular belief, eggs aren’t really bad for your blood cholesterol levels. Recent studies show that the link between high cholesterol and LDL-C (bad cholesterol) depends on the individual’s bloodstream. This means that some people shouldn’t eat too many eggs, but the majority can and should.
According to heart-healthy nutritional guidelines, there is no limit for egg consumption as long as you eat pastured or Omega-3 enriched eggs, which are better sources of nutrients. 
Eggs are excellent multi-vitamin supplements and we should never let our houses run out of them!
Via: HealthyTips, PopcornDaily
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Beer is the most common alcoholic beverage. It is typically consumed during special celebrations, and sometimes after heartbreak or after undergoing massive stress.
Some believe that it is the cure for the emotional pain a person is experiencing or a distraction for the many problems we face in our lives.
But would you believe that beer actually has health benefits?
Beer contains more protein and vitamin B compared to wine, but their antioxidant levels are just about equal. Both of them are rich sources of flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants.
Minerals that play important roles in the body can also be found in beer. If taken moderately, beer could potentially benefit your health!
Operative word being: Moderately. Too much of anything is usually bad. 
Here Are More Good Reasons Why You Should Drink Beer:
1. Beer maintains the well-being of the kidneys! A recent study has discovered that beer is really good for your kidneys. In fact, each bottle of beer you drink will reduce the risk of developing kidney stones by 40{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63}.
2. Beer can decrease your bad cholesterol levels. Here’s what you need to know – the fibers found in beer can help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, i.e. the “bad” type of cholesterol.
3. Beer can increase your vitamin B levels. According to medical experts, beer contains several B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12). They also believe that beer drinkers have 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 than those who are non-drinkers and levels that were twice as high compared to those who drink wine. Beer is also a generous source of vitamin B12.
4. Beer promotes stronger bones! Based on a study, beer has revealed that its elevated levels of silicon can contribute to higher bone density.
5. Beer also serves as a cure for insomnia! Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which are both present in beer, can improve sleep.
6. Beer can reduce the chances of a heart attack. According to experts, beer drinkers have a 40 to 60 percent reduced risk of suffering a heart attack compared to non-beer drinkers.
7. Beer is great at fighting blood clots! Experts believe that the ingredients found in beer help prevent blood clot formations.
8. According to experts, beer will boost your memory. A recent study has shown that beer drinkers are less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia compared to non-beer drinkers.
9. Beer can help fight stress. A group of experts at the University of Montreal have found that drinking two glasses of beer a day can eliminate work-related stress or anxiety.
10. Finally, beer is able to make your skin look more youthful and beautiful. Experts say that certain vitamins contained in beer can regenerate the skin and have a positive impact on its pigmentation. Your skin becomes smooth and supple. 
Share this so that your friends will know!
Via: HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Instant noodles are one of the most popular food in the market. Because of its convenience and cheapness, noodles are present in every home. However, this food is also known for being unhealthy. Instant noodles impose health threats that only few people knew about.
Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a study which reveals how dangerous consuming instant noodles can be. He used a pill-sized camera to see how the stomach digests instant noodles. The video showed that it has been two hours but the noodles were still intact inside the person’s stomach. Because it is hard to digest, the stomach is forced to work harder causing indigestion and otehr gactric problems.
According to researches, noodles contain tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) which is used to prolong its shelf-life. TBHQ is a by-product of petroleum and has anti-oxidant properties which extends the life of products containing this chemical. However, it is not a natural antioxidant. It is a harmful chemical which can be found in varnishes, lacquers, and pesticide products, as well as cosmetics and perfumes.
Too much exposure to TBHQ may cause nausea and vomiting, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), delirium, sense of suffocation and collapse of the body. The chemical is also known for its ability to accumuklate in the body. This chemical is also being linked to metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome can cause entral obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting blood sugar, elevated fasting triglycerides, and low levels of HDL cholesterol. 
Consuming instant noodles can also lead to the development of harmful diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular ailments. 
Aside from TBHQ, instant noodles contain excessive amount of sodium and monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG is classified as an excitotoxin which overexcites the cell until it damages itself or dies. This reaction may cause Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and more.
Instead of consuming noodles, experts suggest to replace it with wholegrain pasta instead to avoid health problems that may cause health issues. It is best to avoid overconsuming instant noodles.
Via: HealthyTips, Minionscoop
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
Diabetes is among the most common health problems and widely considered to be a life-long ailment. If left untreated, it can cause major life-altering problems.
Diabetes is caused by the excessive amount of glucose in a person’s blood due to the inability of the pancreas to create enough insulin.
Unfortunately, despite the progress in today’s medical research and technology, diabetes is still incurable. However there are many ways to control it or lessen its effects enough to be able to live a relatively normal life.
A natural remedy has been identified that can work as a substitute for insulin. This recipe can remove excess fluid and keep blood sugar at a normal level.
Using one leek with roots and 2 liters of bottled mineral water, follow these simple steps and see your life change for the better.
1. Begin by washing the leek and its roots well before putting it in the bottle of mineral water. However, before putting it into the bottle, remove at least 2 ounces of the water in order to make room for the leek with roots.
2. Let it stay for up to 24 hours before consuming. 
Via: HealthyTips, MinionScoop
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
Honey is one of the most nutritional and medicinal substances found in nature. Cinnamon is a natural spice which also has plenty of medicinal properties. Together they make an easy, all-natural and tasty home remedy.
Historically, many civilizations used honey and cinnamon both separately and together to cure diseases. This time-tested combination offers numerous health benefits, and is extremely helpful in dealing with many health concerns.
Read these health tips that use combinations of cinnamon and honey:
1. Immune System Boost
Honey and cinnamon paste is good for boosting the immune system. It can treat fatigue, chronic cough, colds and influenza. This is due to the antioxidants found in both honey and cinnamon. 
2. Cholesterol
Honey and cinnamon can help lower high cholesterol. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon to a cup of tea. Drinking the mixture will reduce cholesterol levels by 10{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} within two hours.
3. Arthritis
Honey and cinnamon help provide relief for patients suffering from arthritis. Mix two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water and drink this mixture twice daily – once in the morning and again in the evening. 
4. Digestion
Honey and cinnamon can help with the body’s digestive system. It can remove excess gas trapped in the stomach, relieve flatulence, relieve stomach-aches and help with indigestion and bladder infections.
5. Skin Care
A honey-cinnamon paste can be used to cure facial acne. Mix the two ingredients together into a paste and apply to the affected area before bedtime. Remember to wash the mixture off the following morning. Honey-cinnamon can be used on minor cuts and scrapes as well.
6. Weight loss
With a right diet and exercise, a mixture of honey and cinnamon can help with weight loss. Boil some cinnamon powder and honey in a glass of water and consume it on an empty stomach 30 minutes before eating breakfast. 
7. Hair Health
Consumption of honey-cinnamon paste can also help strengthen hair and stimulate hair growth. It also helps prevent hair loss. For a natural remedy to baldness mix a tablespoon of cinnamon, a tablespoon of olive oil, and a tablespoon of honey into a paste. Apply this paste on the scalp, leave it for 15 minutes, and then rinse.
8. Diabetes
Cinnamon contains antioxidant flavonoids which closely mirror the effects of insulin. When combined with honey, cinnamon helps improve the condition of people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes.
9. Cancer
Large amounts of phytochemicals found in honey have been linked to possible cancer prevention. Meanwhile, cinnamon has certain anti-tumor properties. Specific acids within honey also stop the activity of two cancer-producing enzymes: lipoxygenase and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C.
Remember, it is always recommended to see a doctor first.
Via: HealthyTips, MinionScoop
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
Hotdogs are one of the most popular and common food for chidren. Kids love hotdogs, bacons, sausages and other processed meats available in the market. 
However, studies show that processed meats such as hotdogs are carcinogenic. It means they can be agents of different kinds of cancer such as cancer in the colon. Researches also suggest that children who consume over 12 hotdogs in a month are likely to develop leukemia than those who don’t. 
The reason behind this is that processed meats such as hotdogs contain nitrites and nitrates which are used to preserve these meats. Excessive absorption oof these chemicals may lead to the development of cancer-causing compounds.
While nitrates can also be found in certain types of vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and cabbage, these vegetables have their own compounds that fight cancer-causing compunds that nitrates produce.
Via: HealthyTips, Minionscoop
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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While we all know that we can turn ginger’s rhyzome or its underground stem into ‘salabat’ when boiled, ginger offers other health benefits that you are not even aware of. Check it out below:
1) Relieves Digestive Issue
Ginger contains a compound called phenolic which help stimulate bile production to make the flow of food and fluids in the gastrointestinal tract. Just take 1.2 grams of ginger powder before meal to help prevent indigestion and stomach irritation.
2) Relieves Nausea
1.1-1.5 grams of ginger had been proven to relieve nausea caused by cancer or pregnancy.
3) Relieves Pain
University of Georgia conducted a study which proved that daily dose of ginger can actually relieve muscle pain  and cramps during menstrual cycles.
4) Reduces Inflammation
Ginger extract had been proven to reduce pain in joints caused by osteoarthritis, a common health condition which involves degeneration of the joints in the body. 
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5) Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
It helps regulate blood sugar levels which is a major factor of heart diseases. Researches discovered that consuming about 2 grams of ginger powder daily can significantly improve sugar levels by 10{88c35fc59d12a25b71e6504d7161f08c0e07bfe41b19c35c5bedd5b69128fb63} within 12 weeks. 
6) Lower Cholesterol Levels 
It had been proven that by taking 3 grams of ginger power each day can cause significant reduction in levels of cholesterol.
7) Anti-Cancer Properties
While there are no clear cure for cancer, ginger contains a substance called ‘6-gingerol’ which had been used as an alternative medicine for numerous types of cancer. 2 grams of ginger extract can cause significant improvement in inflammatory signaling moelcules located at the colon.
8) Improve Brain Function
Alzheimer’s disease and other brain deterioration are mainly accelerated by oxadative stress and chronic inflammation. Ginger contains antioxidants and bioactive compounds whih can counter these factors.
Via: HealthyTips, Minionscoop
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
Everybody loves melons, as they are packed with nutrients and they taste great as desserts or when juiced. 
But that is not the case for many when it comes to bitter melon or Amplaya, as its taste often leaves people disgusted.
However, Ampalaya – also known as bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) – is known as an alternative cure to cough, stomach problems, wounds, and, most notably, diabetes. 
The nutrients inside this bizarre-shaped melon is proven to have insulin, the hormone that regulates blood glucose levels.
A Food and Drug Authority-approved corporation, Herbcare Corporation, is also investing in producing tea and capsules that use dried bitter gourd slices.
Ampalaya is also a natural and cheap way to help prevent or fight off cancer cells. 
According to a group of researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, fresh bitter gourd juice “exerts strong anti-cancer efficacy against human pancreatic carcinoma cells, both in vitro (in glass) and in vivo (in living organism).” 
According to the Second Edition of Handbook of African Medicinal Plants by Maurice Iwu, insulin from the ampalaya “starves” the cancer cells until they die. 
A study by surgeon-oncologist at St. Luke’s Medical Center, lay health educator and former president of the Philippine Society of Oncologists Dr. Roel Tolentino, also said the same thing.
Bitter melon, commonly known as ampalaya in the Philippines, is a popular ingredient for Filipino dishes and is widely used in the kitchen.  
It grows abundantly in the subtropical regions of South America, Asia, the Caribbean, and certain parts of Africa. 
Via: HealthyTips, TheStandard
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Drinking cold water is refreshing but drinking warm water produces more health benefits for our body. Researchers have found that warm water provides more health benefits for the body, especially when consuming it on an empty stomach every morning.
Drinking warm water every morning benefits the digestive system and stimulates the removal of toxins from the body. 
Here are the other health benefits of drinking warm water every morning.
1.) Improves Digestion
Drinking warm water every morning stimulates the digestive system to work harder, easing the digestion of food. Warm water also helps the body remove waste and toxins by cleansing the digestive track. Drinking warm water every morning on an empty stomach helps the process of digestion run smoothly and easily.
2.) Avoids Constipation
Improved digestion prevents constipation. Warm water helps in digesting foods that are difficult to dissolve. 
3.) Helps Reduce Weight
It is proven that drinking warm water, optionally with lemon juice, in the morning helps the body reduce weight. This is because warm water increases the body’s temperature. This will then stimulate metabolism. Improved metabolism helps burn fats and calories more efficiently. 
4.) Helps In Delaying The Aging Process
Drinking warm water on an empty stomach helps delay the aging process. Warm water cleanses the body and eliminates the toxins which cause the body to age and be prone to illness. It also helps the body repair damaged skin cells and improve these cells’ elasticity. 
5.) Lessen pain and aches
Warm water helps the body’s muscles relax, which is helpful in lessening body pain and aches. It has a relaxing and calming effect on the body, which soothes pain. According to studies, warm water is an effective remedy when experiencing menstrual cramps and muscle spasms. 
6.) Improves Blood Circulation
Warm water helps in eliminating body fats and wastes from the blood. This process helps purify the blood, improving circulation. Having improved blood circulation helps the body function more efficiently.
Via; HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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freefollowerstool · 4 years
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Many people suffer from kidney stones. There are medical procedures to get rid of kidney stones but some people may not afford to do this.
To flush out kidney stones, just follow this home remedy:
-A handful of coriander or parsley leaves
Method of preparation:
1. Chop the leaves of coriander or parsley into large amounts. 
2. Transfer them to a bowl and pour some water over to cover them. 
3. Place the bowl over heat and boil it for 10 minutes. 
4. Remove the bowl from the heat afterwards and leave the mixture to cool. 
5. Strain and refrigerate.
Drink one serving daily. You will notice that the color of your urine will change after several days. This means that the elimination of kidney stones is already starting.
You can also make a tea from the same ingredients. Simply boitl the mixture for 30 minutes. Drink two times a month in order to detoxify the kidneys.
Via: HealthyTips, ReadAndDigest
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