freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - The Jewish Kabbalah claims that dreams with New shoes are common for dreamers who are triumphant from completing a goal.When New shoes dreams happen, it’s a sign that the dreamer will have an unexpected achievement soon.New shoes, which are needed in a dream, are a good sign for your life.They...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Face Pimples is a message for your connection and creativity. You have triumph over much adversity. You need to be more straightforward in your approach. This dream signals how you have full control of your emotions. You are undergoing changes in your life. Face Pimples is a hint...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about someone being captive is an admonition for unexpressed anger and aggression. Perhaps you feel suffocated or smothered by those around you. You may just not be feeling any chemistry or passion in your relationship. It is a portent for old memories, ideals, hopes and old emotions. You are...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Getting Lost In A Foreign Country is a hint for something that you need to remember. You are willing to part with something near and dear to you in the hopes of material advancement. You have expressed some hurtful words. This dream signals your drive, determination and ambition....
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about a purple sunset is an omen for your emotional urges and desires that are longing to be expressed. You are having problems with the feminine aspect of yourself. You need to venture out on a journey in order to find who you are as a person. The dream...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about having a child with boyfriend symbolises spiritual harmony. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Your stress will be alleviated and you will find peace of mind. It suggests something in your life that you always wanted to do for a...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Old Street is a signal for rapid and swift movement. Something drastic needs to happen in order for you to react or respond. You are getting in touch with your intuitive side. Your dream means the beat and rhythm of life. You are on the right path toward...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Rain Song is a signal for a happy home life and good hospitality. You need to draw on your own inner strength and willpower in order to overcome adversity. You will benefit from your hard work. The dream is a harbinger for hidden areas of the conscious mind...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about bird flying into window indicates disruption and chaos. You are rejecting or ignoring some aspect of yourself. Perhaps someone or some situation calls for your help. The dream refers to a major change occurring in some aspect of your life. You need to think things through before taking...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about dark girl is a hint for some aspect of your family heritage and trait. Perhaps you need to perk up one of your five senses. There is trouble ahead for you in the near future. The dream is a hint for your need to experience and explore what...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about bridge ending is an omen for the meeting between your two states of mind – the rational and the irrational. Ou are not taking things seriously enough. You are not fully letting yourself go. This is sadly an admonition for a lack of happiness in your life. You...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Labor In Third Trimester signifies your communication and relationship with others. Someone is paying attention to the steps that you are taking. You are feeling out of touch with society. This dream states your ability, determination and level of confidence. You are seeking guidance from a higher source....
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Being Left At A Party symbolises your desire for a freer way of life. You are trying to establish your boundary and mark your territory. You are filled with inspirational power and enlightenment. The dream is a hint for your self-sacrifice and generosity. You are on the mark...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about watching sweets is a sign for unity and togetherness. You are afraid of the truth. Perhaps you need to let go of a relationship. This means mistrust. You need to consider the consequence of all your actions.Watching sweets dream points at luck and protection. Some repressed feelings are...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about Seeing Someone Possessed states an emotional situation or personal relationship that you need to handle carefully. You see being nurturing as a weakness. You feel your emotions are being undermined and cut-down. The dream is a metaphor for your instinctual and animalistic nature. You are asserting yourself and...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about melting ice is a hint for a newly developing relationship or idea in your life. You are trying to create an air of mystery. Subconscious thoughts may be trying to push to the surface. This is a portent for your need to belong or be part of a...
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freedreamdictionary · 10 months
Read More at Turkwm.com - Dream about standing alone is an indication for renewal, rejuvenation and cleansing. You need to keep your facts and information straight. You need order and stability. This dream points at your need to be more economical. Your vitality and energy is being drained away by some situation or someone else.Standing...
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