freeddead · 23 hours
grumpy/sunshine trope prompts!
naturally these are shippy and soft and i’m honestly so honored that someone asked and trusted me to do these, so i hope y'all enjoy them just as much as i enjoyed writing them!
from the grump
“ i know i can be an asshole, but… you always see the good in me. ”
“ only YOU could convince me to do something like this! ”
“ don’t make this weird, but… i saw this in the store. figured you’d like it. ”
“ nobody’s ever made me feel the way you do. ”
“ you’re so full of light… and i’m terrified that i’ll be the one who quenches it. ”
“ why do you stick around with a misery-guts like me? ”
“ you’re the lighthouse in the fog, guiding me to shore… ”
“ i’m trying so hard, but… i can’t stop myself from falling in love with you. ”
“ i love you… oh, damn it, don’t look at me, i’m all red… ”
“ i don’t really smile much. not unless you’re around, it seems. ”
“ no. no way, no way in hell am i doing that. no! no… aw, fine… ”
“ how are you so happy all the time? ”
“ oh jeez… nobody’s ever made me laugh like that in a long, long time. ”
“ i don’t think i wanna know a world without your smiles. ”
“ i never feel like this grumpy asshole when you’re around. i feel like… me. the real me… ”
“ hey, now… i’m not going anywhere. i’m gonna stay right here. right with you. ”
“ whoa… hey, now, who made you cry? where’d they go? ”
“ don’t make a big deal out of this. you like hugs, right? so… here’s a hug. ”
“ um… if you don’t mind, i think i’d like a hug now. if that’s okay… ”
“ the world just… feels right. when you’re with me. ”
from the sunshine
“ i love it when you smile! i wish you’d do it all the time… ”
“ you have a really good smile, you know that? ”
“ see? i knew there was a soft heart under all that grumbling! ”
“ admit it. you had FUN today! ”
“ i want to know you. the REAL you. so let’s go somewhere that makes you feel happy. ”
“ you can’t get rid of me that easily. i’m gonna be here every day to remind you how wonderful you are! ”
“ you know me. you… you see me. i’m never totally myself unless i’m with you. ”
“ everyone else always sees this ridiculously happy, over excited, naive little baby who needs protecting. but… never you. you’ve always seen the real me. i guess that’s what i love the most about you. ”
“ why is it so damn difficult for you to believe you’re worthy of love? ”
“ you make me smile. and laugh. i feel happy when i’m with you! is that so hard to believe? ”
“ don’t be so stubborn! take my coat/scarf! ”
“ come on! dance with me! ”
“ who’d have thought you’d be such a softie! ”
“ your smiles are like shooting stars. really rare, and really beautiful. ”
“ don’t go. please? just… we can share the bed. i just don’t want to be alone right now, if you don’t mind… ”
“ we all have our flaws. you stayed with me in spite of mine. now i’m doing the same… ”
“ we’re two sides of the same coin. right? ”
“ well, they do say opposites attract… ”
“ of course i remembered! i remember everything about you! ”
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freeddead · 2 days
crime and punishment, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky.
poverty is not a vice. that's a true saying.
what are you to be pitied for?
who will have pity on a man like me?
it is necessary that every man have at least somewhere to go.
do you understand what all that smartness means?
the vice one sees nowadays.
what help can you be to me now?
one death, and a hundred lives in exchange. it's simple arithmetic.
we have to corrupt and direct nature.
i don't want to say anything against duty and conscience, but what do we mean by them?
my goodness, how you sleep.
i am haunted by such strange daydreams.
criminals always leave such obvious traces.
when reason fails, the devil helps.
i'm not very much afraid now.
am i very pale?
you'd better come into the light.
all women keep boxes under their beds.
are you asleep, or murdered?
my beauty, open the door.
it's evident there's something wrong here.
how can i go to sleep with nothing done?
if i'm lost, i'm lost. i don't care.
i'm not shouting. i'm speaking very quietly.
you're a scandal to the whole street.
i can write to all the papers about you.
i'll write a satire on you.
at the bottom, you've a heart of gold.
the details are no business of mine.
what if i don't get well at all?
i don't really want lessons.
you are kinder than anyone. cleverer, i mean.
you're a perfect madman.
there are greater fools than i am.
i make it up as i go along, for the most part.
i don't want the money.
don't be bashful.
don't forget. you promised.
what a busybody you are.
where did you sleep last night?
i'm not afraid of you. i'm not afraid of anyone.
do i seem strange to you?
we're not all as cunning as you are.
what were you talking about behind my back?
i'm sick to death of you all. i want to be alone.
can't you see that i don't want your benevolence?
you're a translation, not an original.
is there really no hope?
what's the use of talking about forgiveness?
no need. i know what you want to say.
did your father love you?
pray sometimes for me, too.
i'll pray for you all the rest of my life.
strength must be won by strength.
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freeddead · 3 days
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freeddead · 4 days
nineteen claws and a black bird.
dialogue prompts from nineteen claws and a black bird: stories by agustina bazterrica.
human evil knows no limits.
take whatever you like.
did you just call me ____?
old age that's covered up irritates me.
do you mind if i put some music on?
you're consistent, if alarming.
you need to know how to look.
let's go. take me with you. you know where.
i don't need more men in my life.
i want to die with the style and dignity of a cartoon character.
i don't have a loved one.
i was just imagining your chest with a bomb inside it.
i don't know how to live through a real tragedy.
i love you more than my life.
you broke my heart into a thousand pieces.
you need to see a doctor.
i'm telling you this as a friend. you know that, right?
you know what i'm talking about. of course you do.
you'll learn to live with the fear.
you're always saying such strange and unfavorable things.
if i stop, i start thinking about the shadows of things.
you've always wanted me close.
i can't bear the thought of being close.
i just want you to look at me again.
i don't mind being ignored. i prefer the silence.
death is a pastime for you.
each of us is a wolf devouring another in exquisite eternity.
are you going to kill me?
you like it? take it.
all dead people go to the moon.
i think dust is the soul's filth.
sometimes the ghosts sing to me.
why are you so bad now?
you're not always a scary bad word.
what would happen if i drank holy water?
you don't sing to me anymore.
you're messing up my hair.
people will do anything to dissipate the monotony of their lives.
i only write to you so that i don't kill you.
no one will remember you.
it's like i never stop dying.
you have the smile of a porcelain antique.
you again.
i don't want to feel alone in my pain.
is this your little hell? your private torment?
i want to be a circle, round and infinite.
misery hides in vulgarity.
misery is destructive and, as such, ephemeral.
we love one another because we repulse one another.
i want to shrink to the edges of inexistence.
consider this your first glimpse of hell.
the silence is so sharp, it bleeds.
i just wanted to fit in somewhere.
why do i smell roses?
your hair looks better loose.
i need to understand if it's real.
i don't know what they did to me.
we have to make up for lost time.
what animal would you like to be?
you look like you know something.
in the dark, one is truly alone.
can you tell me where the exit is?
why won't you answer?
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freeddead · 5 days
you'll be torn open and laid bare.
hehe and then what
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freeddead · 6 days
when i say “that reminds me” & theres zero connection you just have to take my word for it theres no time to explain
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freeddead · 7 days
i love when my american mutuals are like. im out here in Illinois. like that means nothing to me 
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freeddead · 7 days
In a crowd
Being Uncomfortable
“C-can we get out of here..?”
“There’s a lot of people…”
“It’s really crowded, I-I don’t like it…”
“I think I wanna go home now…”
“People keep bumping into me, I hate it.”
“Can I hold your hand..? I-I don’t wanna get lost…”
“Too many people, w-way too many people…”
“I-it’s too loud…”
Noticing Discomfort
“[Name] are you okay?”
“You look a little pale, is it the crowd..?”
“Do you wanna go somewhere else?”
“Come on, we’ll go somewhere quieter.”
“Hold onto me.”
“You’ll be okay. I’m right here with you.”
“I have headphones if you need them.”
“I-I’m lost…”
“No no no, I-I thought they were right behind me..!”
“I can’t find them, I-I– I shouldn’t have run off..!”
“Dammit all, they said they’d follow me..!”
“I-I can’t see my [friends/parents/siblings] anymore..!!”
“Wh-where did I end up..?!”
“[Name]? [Name]?!”
“We lost [him/her/them] in the crowd!”
“Gah, there’s too many people– I lost track of [Name]!!”
“[Name] doesn’t do well in crowds, we need to find [him/her/them]!!”
“I told them I’d be right behind them, and now..!”
“Dammit, I told [him/her/them] not to run off!!”
[GRAB] - Sender grabs hold of receiver in a silent plea to leave.
[GRABBED] - Receiver grabs hold of sender in a silent plea to leave.
[DISTRACTED] - Sender get’s distracted and starts wandering away from receiver.
[DISTRACTEE] - Receiver get’s distracted and starts wandering away from sender.
[SILENCE] - Sender has gone suddenly silent after being overwhelmed in the crowd, receiver notices.
[SILENT] -  Receiver has gone suddenly silent after being overwhelmed in the crowd, sender notices.
[LOST] - Sender has been lost for a few hours in the crowd, and receiver finally finds them upset in a quiet alley.
[FOUND] -  Receiver has been lost for a few hours in the crowd, and sender finally finds them upset in a quiet alley.
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freeddead · 8 days
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freeddead · 9 days
mr beast just cured me from being dead but he hates how i turned out so they didn't even upload the video about it
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freeddead · 10 days
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made a graveyard friend
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freeddead · 11 days
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The black cat, Toni Demuro
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freeddead · 12 days
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freeddead · 13 days
the island dwellers, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from the island dwellers: stories by jen silverman.
i'm just going to sit very still and not move at all.
there are whole countries that have gone missing inside this house.
i never thought there was such a thing as hell, but this is it.
we always seem to be rebuilding.
i'm not upset, i'm concerned.
you have to know that i never would have done it if i knew it would hurt you.
you can go. i'd never tell you not to go.
i want to be better than i am.
is this an apology or a come-on?
i don't give a shit about art.
you don't have to sound smart, just answer the question.
i'm not very evolved yet.
i've seen things here i've never seen anywhere else.
i've never felt so alone in my life.
if i married you, would you stay?
i'm not a total asshole.
we aren't friends the way other people are friends.
what a life you have.
are you going to make me ask?
something happened, or you wouldn't be here.
sometimes i'm afraid i'll forget who i am.
the things that make me love you aren't things i love in myself.
no one would ever accuse you of friendliness.
you aren't the kind of person who damages people. you're nice.
i bet you're friends with all your exes.
you can be more than your history if you know your history.
i know you see me as a kid, but i have a much older soul.
i was trying to tell you, but you weren't listening.
you listened to me? you should never listen to me.
am i a good person or a bad person?
sometimes you're one thing, and then later a different one. people are inconsistent.
sometimes we like being surprised by ourselves, and sometimes we don't.
i'm turning over a new leaf.
i don't mind if you're in my way.
it's exciting now, but one day it'll all seem like a bad dream.
are you here to ruin your life?
language is the ultimate weapon.
if you kissed me after a line like that, i'd wash my mouth out with soap.
the virtuous may be the last to fall prey to vice, but they always fall the hardest.
no one's ever fought for me before.
if you're waiting on me, don't.
even if we never saw each other again, you'd be entirely unforgettable to me.
everything with you means something to me.
someday, something happens, and you realize you've been drifting for too long.
i will remember you here, in the sun.
where is your family? where are they right now?
there's so much i want to tell you, but i don't know what i would say.
i'll wait for you until the last train.
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freeddead · 14 days
im full of rage and dangerously stupid but god is holding me back by the scruff of my neck like a kitten
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freeddead · 15 days
   “Agnes,” Gerry answers, concentrated on picking dirt out of his fingernails, even though he has already cleaned them about eight times, scraping at the keratin as if there is still something there too collect.  “Her pact was with the woman I worked for.”  It is a bit bitter to refer to Gertrude as a mere colleague after all the shit she said about mother and son, not correcting assumptions, seemingly setting Gerry up as her favorite.  But there is nothing else to call her.
   Looking back on it, she wasn’t even especailly maternal, but Gerry had low standards for that.  It wasn’t hard to act better than the mother he was born to long enough to hook him.  It was stupid to trust her, and he didn’t entirely, but it was still more than he should have, and it still fucked him in the end.
   “Her name was Gertrude.”  He smiles bitterly and looks up, though his gaze misses Ava’s face by a few inches.  “Stop me if this sounds familiar: she used and screwed over just about everyone she came in contact with—Agnes, me, those who came before me, those who would come after me.  She was a right fucking cunt.”  Even so, there remains the slightest lingering trace of fondness when he speaks about her.
Her unease is increased tenfold when Gerry tells her both that it isn't someone he actually knew well, and that said person perhaps is no longer around either. That... Borders on been worse, at least in Ava's mind, to be like someone who has taken their own life and being a reminder of it.
She is somewhat more relieved when he at least tells her that she isn't a bother, and Ava waits with baited breath to hear the rest of his thoughts. Ava is used to being compared to unlikeable people, even if it still stings a little to hear it. Though, it seems Gerry had come around the other way with this person.
Forcing her hands, which had curled into tight fists, to relax she does let out a quiet sigh, nodding. Not wanting to be in a pact she could definitely understand. "Pacts are dumb," That much was almost always universally true in some regard. "What, um, what was her name...? If you don't mind me asking."
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freeddead · 15 days
kingdom hearts sentence starters
“I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately…”
“Like, is any of this for real or not?”
“Are you still dreaming?”
“Say, _____, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up.”
“I’ve told you before, I don’t remember.”
“Aren’t you guys forgetting about me?”
“If we have to, we’ll think of something else.“
“It’s just… I’ve always wondered why we’re here.”
“You’ve been thinking a lot lately, haven’t you?”
“Thanks to you. If you hadn’t come here, I probably would’ve never thought of any of this.“
“You wanted one, didn’t you?”
“If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.”
“Wake up, _____, wake up! This is serious!”
“If I win, I get to share a paopu fruit with _____.”
“This world has been connected.”
“There is so very much to learn. You understand so little.“
“One who knows nothing can understand nothing.“
“_____, don’t ever change.”
“_____,  dinner’s ready. Come on down. _____?”
“Look, a star’s going out!”
“Where am I?”
“This isn’t a dream!”
“Do you know where we are?”
“This is totally weird… I’m in another world!“
“This could take a while…”
“Who are you?”
“They’ll come at you out of nowhere.“
“And they’ll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade.”
“The darkness in people’s hearts—that’s what attracts them.“
“How did all this happen? I remember being in my room…“
“This _____ runs on happy faces.”
“No frowning. No sad face. Okay?”
“All for one, and one for all!”
“Why don’t we turn him into a Heartless?“
“Will it be he who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow him?”
“Check out the shops here. They’ve got some pretty neat stuff!“
“I hope you find your friends.”
“That is so unfair!”
“Silence! You dare defy me?”
“It’s too dim. Make it brighter.”
“It’s way too heavy!”
“You’re no heroes yet.”
“Kid, I got two words of advice for you: Attack!”
“I’m looking for someone.”
“I fell into darkness, and I couldn’t find the light.“
“Don’t lose sight of it.”
“I’m looking for my friends.”
“The more the merrier. Do make yourselves at home.”
“In the end, it disappears.”
“Are you… a Heartless?”
“Do you know what this is?”
“We’re finally free.”
“Don’t worry, just leave everything to me.”
“What in the world are you doing down here?“
“Hey, I’ll even throw in a cappuccino!“
“I don’t have a choice.”
“Oh yes. We had a deal, didn’t we?”
“We need the key to this thing first!”
“This time it’s sure to work.”
“_____, why didn’t I listen to you?”
“I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Sorry, your part’s over now. Here, go play hero with this.”
“Hey, don’t move. You’re hurt.“
“I’ve got a better weapon. My heart.“
“Your heart? What good will that weak little thing do for you?“
“I don’t need a weapon. My friends are my power!“
“The darkness holds no power over me.“
“I know all that there is to know.“
“Forget it! There’s no way you’re taking _____’s heart!“
“Behold the power of darkness!“
“What’s… What’s happening to me? Falling…falling…into darkness.”
“No. You won’t use me for this!“
“This time, I’ll protect you.“
“But then I heard a voice—your voice.”
“You brought me back.”
“I didn’t want to just forget about you, _____. I couldn’t.“
“That’s it! Our hearts are connected.“
“No matter how deep the darkness, a light shines within.”
“I guess it’s more than just a fairytale.”
“We made it this far by sticking together. You can’t go alone.”
“It’s my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me.“
“Who are you? What’s happened to me?“
“Maybe you’re here for the same reason I am.”
“Maybe it was fate.”
“You already know the answer.”
“Look inside your own heart.”
“Ah, it seems you are special, too.“
“It means you are not whole.”
“Tied to the darkness… Soon to be completely eclipsed.“
“You understand so little.”
“You see, darkness is the heart’s true essence.”
“That’s not true! The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in. But I’ve learned that deep down, there’s a light that never goes out!”
“So, you have come this far and still you understand nothing. Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!“
“Turn to darkness!”
“You’re wrong. I know now, without a doubt, _____… is light!“
“Take care of _____.”
“I’ll come back to you. I promise!“
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