fre-nesia · 4 days
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fre-nesia · 8 days
I'd like to bring your attention to a campaign by Shahd Abu Mousa, a passionate dentistry student in Gaza whose studies were cut short by the violent ongoing genocide, and whose dreams were dashed when she and her family lost everything they own.
Shahd is trying to raise funds to save her family's lives, including her older brother, her parents, and her 3 younger sisters. They are a loving family, just trying to survive these horrific circumstances.
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(ID in Alt)
In addition to raising funds for her family, Shahd has been conducting the important and heroic work of acting as a volunteer dentist during the war, at great risk to herself, just to provide healthcare to her fellow Gazans at a time when resources are scarce and the medical infrastructure of Gaza is completely gone.
Being forced to constantly evacuate from area to area under threat of bombing and gunfire, as well as the scarce resources is no way to live. And this family needs your help. They are requesting $40,000 and have only reached $4,811 as of now. Their donations have gotten slower, and as tumblr continues to shadowban Shahd's accounts, she needs help spreading the word.
Please donate if you can. Any amount would make an impact.
And please share!
You can reach follow Shahd on tumblr where she's posting a lot of updates, information, and photos around her experiences during the war @shahdhatem and also on instagram @/shahdmosa24
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fre-nesia · 8 days
as the eurovision final takes place this year, please take this time to instead please reblog, and donate (if you can) instead of watching:
fundraiser for selma cheurfi
help evacuate nisreen shaheen's family from gaza
bring najlaa's family to safety in canada
help evacuate dr ahmad's family from gaza
donate an e-sim to gaza here (several options available) (holafly tutorial)
donate to provide feminine hygiene kits for women in gaza
urgent evacuation for rafah's family from gaza
donate to careforgaza here (twitter) (paypal)
rescue lulu and baby adam from the siege on rafah
help firas and his family escape to egypt
an entire google doc of gofundme's for palestine
help this family evacuate from gaza
donate to the palestinian civil relief
donate to the children of gaza
please read through and support operation olive branch, a cohesive and detailed spreadsheet of fundraisers and links
donate to the palestine children's relief fund
please also reblog other aid posts (especially recent ones), or flood the tag with posts about palestine. this doesn't have to be just donation posts, but also information and updates on rafah/gaza. anything helps and make sure not to give eurovision your view or your vote! do not take your eyes off rafah.
please boost, and add other resources and links to this post.
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fre-nesia · 10 days
anyone else destroying and betraying themselves for nothing 🤣
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fre-nesia · 10 days
Another day of being a beautiful and charismatic woman
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fre-nesia · 11 days
i’m so tired i need to be held or killed
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fre-nesia · 11 days
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fre-nesia · 3 months
I am unfortunately just like other guys. I like trashy horror, dog poems, cannibalism as a metaphor for obsessive devotion, religious imagery, people who use my name in a sentence, academic validation, lying for fun, being bisexual and bleeding out in the snow.
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fre-nesia · 4 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share, reblog any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤
hello!! i’ll try my best to get a donation in :)
im a small creator but hopefully it’ll reach anyone who’s willing to share and / or donate as well
i wish you the best in getting your goal, and hopefully reaching above your goal. wishing you the best!! <3
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fre-nesia · 4 months
I am so sorry and sad to have woken up to this news, Hind's body was found alongside the two medics who went to rescue her, after 12 days.
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Hind was killed. And Israel continues its crimes without consequences.
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fre-nesia · 4 months
being rly brave and washing my hair even tho i don’t want to. everyone pls clap
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fre-nesia · 4 months
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Sara Ashour
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fre-nesia · 4 months
Fuck dude. Seeing all these Palestinian people sharing videos of themselves and their family before everything is making me tear up a bit. Remember that Palestinians aren’t a statistic. That one person that died was someone’s father, brother, sister, mother, child, friend, lover, or someone’s reason to continue living. Everyone in these clips and photos you see online had jobs, had dreams, went to school, played outside with their friends, made art, loved one another, helped there friends, owned pets, had plans for the future, had achievements they were proud of. Each life lost is an absolute tragedy.
There’s no replacing everything around you that you love. Don’t think that Palestinians can just replace everything that they loved.
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fre-nesia · 4 months
Me seeing a boy: I am a faggot
Me seeing a girl: I am a faggot for girls
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fre-nesia · 4 months
I will always remember the true story of a woman whose newborn died in her arms while she lived. She described how she helplessly put him to her chest, but no milk was being produced due to her own malnutrition. The horrific feeling of failing your own child.
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fre-nesia · 4 months
Reminder that the US bombed Iraq a day ago. Reminder that this attack has killed 16 Iraqis, many of whom were civilians. Reminder that Iraq has already suffered enough at the hands of US imperialism, that to this day it’s recovering from the aftermath of being defamed to the world as terrorists, from its cities being destroyed under the guise of “exterminating ISIS” (an echo of Israel decimating Palestine to “exterminate Hamas,” interesting), that the US has so many ulterior motives to continue encroaching upon Iraq that have nothing to do with their seemingly noble rationale, and that it does all this while funding Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians (which are basically doing their dirty work of pushing further in on Arab territory). It’s jarring that this is all happening on a world stage & yet nothing is being done to stop it. Hands off Iraq. Free Palestine. Hands off Iraq. Free Palestine.
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fre-nesia · 4 months
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