foxyfoe-art · 3 years
I wasn't ready to be mindfucked by an unlikely masterpiece so early in the morning
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i made a comic in google slides for some ungodly reason
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foxyfoe-art · 4 years
ciri to geralt, as they watch jaskier and yennefer tear into each other yet again: they'd probably at least try to get along if you asked, you know
geralt, nodding: but it will be much easier if they think it’s their idea
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foxyfoe-art · 4 years
Well 'niche' does come from French, where it is pronounced 'neesh', and it's first-degree meaning is quite similar to 'nook'
will you do me a favor and reblog this with where you are from and if you pronounce niche as “nitch” or “neesh”
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foxyfoe-art · 4 years
I hate this
truly if the world was fair je pourrais parler en franglais et tout le monde comprendrais. quand est ce qu'ils inventent these universal translators or whatever it was called in star trek
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Right ? There are so much similarities between these two shows??
Oh man, I love that show
Where heaven and hell turn out to both be corrupt bureaucracies?
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And only one human prophecy turns out to have been right all along?
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The one with the unlikely group of friends who band together in the face of bigger forces trying to destroy them? 
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With the slutty and the neurotic soulmate? 
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Who find each other in a hundred different lifetimes and always bring out the best in each other? 
Yeah, that one. 
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
“The captain of a controversial ship that saved migrants in the Mediterranean Sea has refused to accept a medal for her work.
Pia Klemp, who is German, gained attention for rescuing thousands of stranded migrants with her crew as part of the nongovernmental organization Sea Watch International. For her efforts, she reportedly faces up to 20 years in prison in Italy, where the hard-line anti-immigrant government accused her of assisting illegal immigration.
In a Facebook message published Tuesday night, Klemp announced that she was rejecting the Grand Vermeil Medal, which the city of Paris awards for bravery. She told Mayor Anne Hidalgo that the city was brimming with hypocrisy.
“Your police [steal] blankets from people that you force to live on the streets, while you raid protests and criminalize people that are standing up for rights of migrants and asylum seekers. … You want to give me a medal for actions that you fight in your own ramparts,” Klemp wrote in the scathing post.
“It is time we call out hypocrite honorings and fill the void with social justice,” she said.
She went on to say that people don’t need medals. “We do not need authorities deciding about who is a ‘hero’ and who is 'illegal,’ ” she said. “In fact they are in no position to make this call, because we are all equal.”
Read the full piece here
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Tweet source
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Do I spot a Sherlock Holmes / GO crossover??
ok but when crowley and aziraphale retire to the south downs cottage, which one of them finds the 100 years old book on apiculture in a cupboard and decides to try raising bees?
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Please don't let him die 😭
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The Battle after Armageddon - part 3
I know you were testing them, God. But is this part of your plan as well, i wonder…
Part 2 https://pinkpiggy93.tumblr.com/post/186860176827/the-battle-after-armageddon-part-2-aziraphale
Part 1 https://pinkpiggy93.tumblr.com/post/186841791347/the-battle-after-armageddon-i-pray-this-is-not
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Oh my GOD why didn't I know about this before now?? It's so perfect, I'm ACTUALLY LAUGHING TEARS???
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Follow up (Part 1 | Part 3)
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
in honor of trans day of remembrance, id like to take the time to talk about my fav trans actress that not a lot of people know about: maddie blaustein!!
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she was a voice actress for various anime and video games, but she was mostly known for her work as meowth from pokemon!!
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she voiced him for eight seasons until the VAs were replaced, and she considered him her favorite role!! she wrote some episodes of the show and said that the episode that revealed meowths backstory (how he learned to talk and was rejected by his kind until eventually finding a home in team rocket) inspired her to come out as trans!!
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she also wrote and edited several comics!! she worked for both marvel and dc for a while and created a trans woman protagonist named marissa rahm for a mini series called deathwish!!
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she was also known for being a very active player of the game “second life” back when it was popular and became a respected member of the community. her character was named kendra bancroft
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unfortunately she died in december 2008 of a stomach virus, but she will always be remembered as a passionate activist for lgbt rights!! after coming out as trans, it was very difficult for her to find more voice acting roles due to the transphobic industry, but she was supported by her friends on the pokemon staff and online. she was a very sociable person who wasnt afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believed in
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rip maddie, and happy trans day of remembrance!!
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
look françois descraques copyrighted stupid time travel stuff and simon astier copyrighted found family of superheroes going into space
what i’m saying is that if the russos wanted so much to steal from them they could have at least had the decency to make it as gay as f descraques and s astier did
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Eh ben j'ai enfin eu le temps de lire et c'était BIEN 😍😍😍
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hero Corp (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Burt/Stan Characters: Burt, Stan, Stève (mention), et d'autres - Character Additional Tags: Fluff, et Explications™️, Alcool, Mention de PTSD Summary:
C'est terminé. Les héros font la fête, tout est bien qui finit bien. Mais il y a encore deux ou trois questions que Burt et Stan doivent régler.
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
we lived in a time where very good shows are being cancelled. what is your fav show that has been cancelled?
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Touuuuut le temps 😫 en plus je suis dans une licence où on a 0 stimulation intellectuelle du coup... I'm afraid
Feeling very valid rn parce que je prépare l'oral du bac avec un lycéen et woh je suis encore capable d'analyser un texte de Baudelaire, gg me.
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Ça explique tellement de choses 😭
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“3 Defining Features of ADHD That Everyone Overlooks”
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
6 months... eh ouais 😎
alright you nearsighted motherfuckers
rb this and tag your age when you first got glasses
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foxyfoe-art · 5 years
Grave 😭❤
I can’t believe my lesbian girl Lorraine has been officially adopted by Albert
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