forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Who: Andie & Remus ( @moony-themarauder ) Where: A corridor near the library When: March 14, late evening
The nightmares came and went, and Andie managed to adjust to them for the most part. She could almost always shake them off after a while and fall back asleep - or more frequently, read until it was late enough to go out into the common room. Sometimes Savannah was there and she would sit with Andie. Tonight, she’d gone out to the common room but Savannah wasn’t there and the dorm was stifling - even here in the common room, Andie felt as though the walls were closing in on her. 
She didn’t realize she’d left until she was in the corridor, walking swiftly away from the entrance and though she should turn back . . . she didn’t. Being in the dungeons was just too much and she had a half-formed though of making her way up to the Astronomy tower, because it would at least give her a chance to breathe. But she didn’t make it that far before she heard footsteps and turned quickly. There were prefects and Aurors and professors wandering the halls but there were also other people and while she couldn’t imagine anyone supporting the Dark Lord would hurt her, not knowing her father, Grindelwald’s supporters didn’t seem to hold with that. 
She gripped her wand tightly and raised the candle higher - she didn’t even remember getting it, and while wandlight was enough, she was glad for the candle. “Hello?” 
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Edward was relieved to know that Ted and Andromeda had spoken of Ted’s responsibilities in some capacity, though he wouldn’t pry, and he wouldn’t offer further information on Ted’s behalf. It wasn’t his place, but he had felt it necessary to make certain Andromeda was making a well-informed decision if she was looking to him for advice on how to make it. The fact she had met Ted’s father, however, was something that surprised Edward. He had made sure to speak to Henry Tonks himself, to welcome him to the school during the holidays, and was under the impression that the Duke had been content enough to hole up in his accommodations and avoid as much contact with the witches and wizards flooding the school for the holiday season as he could. His disdain for everything- from the staircases shifting to the talking portraits on the walls to the ghosts wandering the halls- was evident in the way his lips drew together tightly and his eyes narrowed. According to Ted, Henry Tonks hadn’t minced his words either when assessing Ted’s school. “I’m sure the Duke was a pleasure, as always.” Edward couldn’t help but quip sarcastically.
Thinking back on his own school days, Edward couldn’t remember much about Mulciber other than his connection to Adeline. “I don’t know that he was, I never spoke with him much. Adeline was never too keen on marrying him, but he did well to hide behind more powerful friends like-“ He paused for a moment, remembering who it was he was talking to and the fact he had nearly said her father’s name. “Well, that was all a very long time ago now.”
Edward Bones nodded in understanding, wishing there was something more he could do for Andromeda Black than to simply listen to her even if he knew from personal experience how valuable that could be in itself. “It’s not fair.” He agreed quietly. “You shouldn’t have to choose.” But she would have to choose, and there was no sense in pretending she wouldn’t have to. “But there will come a day when the choice will be clear. It won’t be easy, letting someone go, it never is. But all I can say is, when that answer becomes clear, accept it as true and don’t let yourself regret the choices you make. There won’t be any going back no matter what you decide and there’s no sense being miserable. It’s your decision and your happiness. I’m sure in the end you’ll choose what’s best for you.”
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A startled laugh escaped at his comment on Ted’s father; Andie certainly had no rebuttal either. The conversation had not been a pleasant one, nor an experience she really wanted to repeat, although if it meant a future with Ted, she’d talk to his father every day for the rest of her life. But she just nodded after her giggles subsided, which didn’t take long. Whether or not Joseph had anything in common with his father, she felt a connection with Mrs. Bones just for this reason - she would understand what Andie was going through in a way that almost no one else would. She nodded again though, not especially curious to pursue that train of conversation any further, because the similarities didn’t really matter in the end.
Her hands twisted together and she looked at them, then her feet. “I just - I don’t know how I’ll make the choice, knowing that I’ll hurt someone either way.” Though she was starting to think it might not truly matter to Bella what Andie did, she knew that Cissa would miss her, if nothing else. She would end up breaking Ted’s heart to keep her sister happy, or breaking her sister’s heart to make herself happy and that was horribly selfish, even for Andie. She nearly told him that staying with her family would mean she was miserable forever. There would be no way around it, no way to find happiness in a life where she was married to Joseph Mulciber. But his final statement startled her too much for that. What was best for her? 
That had never really entered this conversation at all - not in the context of deciding between her family and Ted.  Because she knew without a doubt that the best thing for her would be to stay with him. “But it - if it’s best - it -” She stood abruptly, wringing her hands as she took a few jerky steps. “What if it’s best for me and still hurts other people? How can - it’s so selfish.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Alice was well aware that even though they were both purebloods, they were different kinds of purebloods. That wasn’t to say she would make any assumptions about Andromeda, but it did make her think the other girls hesitation and obvious restlessness was because of that fact. At least she thought that was what the other girl was feeling due to her being unable to look her in the eyes and constant shifting. She didn’t blame her though, knowing from Frank how strict sacred 28 families could be. Perhaps that was why she was so grateful that she didn’t count as one. She had less to worry about, such as arranged marriages and who she should or shouldn’t talk too. Though out of everybody, she supposed in Andromeda’s eyes there were worse people she could talk to. Maybe that was why she hadn’t left yet. 
Nodding, Alice just shrugged it off. “It’s no problem.” She told her quietly and quickly. No point dwelling on a rejected invitation. She was surprised at the change in subject, wondering how interested Andromeda was to actually knowing the answer. “I want to reopen my families ice cream shop in Hogsmeade, though I don’t know how I’m actually going to do that.” She laughed a little bashfully. No matter how many times she talked about it, she still felt like doing so was some sort of childish fantasy that wasn’t going to come true. Though it was probably just her slight pessimism showing through. 
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Anything lighthearted was a welcome distraction for Andie, and she couldn’t help but latch on to the mention of the ice cream shop. “Really? That sounds like it would be lovely.” Perhaps it was less the idea of the ice cream shop itself and more the idea of pursuing what she wanted, whatever she wanted . . . it was hopeless and Andie knew it but she couldn’t deny that her late night fantasies had wandered in that direction more than once lately. Leaving it all behind was impossible but a soothing dream nonetheless. 
“I’m sure you could come up with a plan,” she said, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “Why did it close?”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
The sound of her laughter was music to his ears, her smile as bright as sunshine in the darkened space, and Ted felt his heart swell at the fact she was smiling and laughing with him. Knowing Andromeda as well as he did, Ted knew that it was a rare gift only shared with those closest to her, and it felt something like an honor to catch even a glimpse of her happiness and even more so to be the cause of it. His arms felt empty as she slipped from them, but he was laughing much too hard himself to stop her. “Actually, you make a very good point.” Ted added as his laughs faded, even if his smile did not. “It’s an old wives tale you lose more heat from your head, but really you lose heat evenly across any exposed skin.”
Watching her spin had Ted laughing once again, and he wondered at the last time he’d seen her so carefree and happy. “Of course!” He assured her, ducking under a low beam and reaching for her hand. “In fact, I think you ought to do it again.” With a grin he lifted her hand to spin her once, watching the way his cloak twirled around her with the motion. It was far from the gown she’d worn the night they had last danced together, but a stolen moment to hold her close was no less special than any other one, no matter what she was wearing.
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The twirling did more than just warm her - and it did help her warm up. Andie felt far warmer than she had in ages, although she would argue that it was due to Ted’s influence as much as any physical exertion. It just made her feel so light - or maybe the twirling was a result of feeling light. Being in the castle, in the Slytherin dorms, with her sisters or anyone else really, she just felt the weight of expectations and the future and the grief. It had been there for so long that she didn’t notice it anymore - the grief lingering since January, her estrangement from her sisters since Christmas, the weight of the future since last summer when her father informed her of the betrothal. But when she was with Ted, all of it faded away and she could just be. Another laugh escaped, as much from the sheer joy of being with him as from any amusement.
“If you think I should -” Taking his hand came without needing to even consider it - aside from the very first time he’d touched her hand, when she was too startled by the contact to reciprocate it, Andie had always loved holding hands with him. Or any other form of touching, really. She spun again and once more and then another time, moving closer to him until they were almost touching, and she could drape her arms over his shoulders. “It worked,” she said breathlessly. “I’m warmer but I must confess, it’s hardly my favorite of the things we tried. I much prefer . . .” Her voice trailed off and she stood on her tiptoes as she gently pulled his head down so she could kiss him.
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
While Ted had expected Andromeda to startle awake under his touch, he hadn’t expected her to scramble away from him, shoving his arm away as she rose to her feet. Instinctively, Ted raised his hands and stepped away from her, quietly watching her trembling form as she blinked into focus and calmed her breathing. He remained still and silent, afraid to upset her further, though he could see his own hands were shaking slightly with the worry and fear he felt for her. He’d known of her nightmares but never once had he imagined them to be so terrifying that she awoke in tears and so obviously in distress. He wanted to step closer, wrap his arms around her and comfort her, but he knew that was the last thing she needed in her disorientation.
When her gaze finally seemed to focus on him, Ted stood frozen on the spot, unsure what to do. The silence was palpable between them, somehow making the few feet between them feel much, much further away. Her voice finally shattered the silence, and was surprisingly even given the state she’d been in just moments before. Surely she wasn’t so used to these nightmares that she recovered so quickly? “Dromeda..” Ted said, his voice hardly above a whisper, sadness and guilt coloring his tone. “I had no idea it was that bad.”
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This was one of the worst possible things she could imagine at the moment - nearly as bad as if someone found them together. Ted couldn’t know how bad the nightmares were, because he had too much to worry about as it was. Andie had complicated everything because she was too selfish to let him make the right choice, so the least she could do was keep him from worrying more. She could handle this, handle herself. “It - it isn’t - it’s not. I’m fine.” She knew it couldn’t possibly be convincing in the slightest; her voice was still hoarse, and she was still shaking even if it had lessened, and if nothing else the way she’d moved so quickly had to be evidence that she was not fine. And she could see it in his expression, when she managed to meet his eyes; he didn’t believe her, which meant he’d worry about her. 
“It - I can - Ted, I can take care of myself,” she said, dropping her gaze to the ground. That also was patently false. Things were much better now than they had been, but she still wasn’t doing well, and letting Ted help - god, she wanted that. Asking for help had never been easy, but with Ted, it was always different and she knew that his support could make the difference - would make the difference. But she’d been selfish enough already, and she knew that he had so many other things to take care of that it would be the height of selfish to ask him to take this on as well. “You don’t have to worry about me.” 
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Alice let out a silent ‘oh’, failing to hid her disappointment as her invitation was rejected. It was a bit to be expected though since they weren’t exactly friends. She would like to be friends with the other girl though. Or at least friendlier then they were now. Not to say they were hostile with each other or anything but they didn’t exactly seem comfortable. Then again they’d never really talked before, never really having a reason or an opportunity too. That didn’t mean she shouldn’t try. Even though they both would be graduating soon, the Hufflepuff thought it to be all the more reason why she should try. Leaving Hogwarts would change a lot of things, hell so many things were changing while they were in school, so why not try and make more friends while she could? 
“Well even if it’s not my common room, if you need a study partner in the library let me know.” She smiled, figuring it would be best not to push. Though she could definitely be pushy, she figured that wasn’t a very good thing to do in the situation. Alice could be stubborn when she wanted to be. She would save it for her parents though, the two adults equally as stubborn as she was. It was no wonder where she got the quality from. “I could definitely use some extra studying before the end of the year officially comes around.” 
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Andie shifted uncomfortably, eyes darting from the grass to the lake and the sky and then back to her hands. She couldn’t very well come out and say that associating with anyone of less than acceptable bloodlines and loyalties would have very unpleasant consequences. Not only for her - though Bellatrix hadn’t threatened Alice, Andie somehow doubted that Alice would be spared Bella’s wrath if word got out that they were spending time together. There was no way to word it appropriately though so Andie didn’t even try. 
“Thank you.” The offer was both surprising and a little frightening. For all her reasoning that she needed more friends, actually making new friends seemed intimidating. Even something as simple as studying in the library made her nervous. And of course, the Bellatrix problem loomed over everything else. “Do you have plans for after school?” A change in subject might be the best course of action now, so she didn’t have to offer any real answer to the invitation.
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
A lack of no-maj knowledge was not enough to stop Savannah Wilkinson now that a plan was already forming in her mind and she simply shrugged at Andromeda’s admission. “So we’ll discover them together then.” She said easily, grinning at the thought of the two of them exploring the no-maj parts of London, disguised in no-maj clothing and looking like a pair of proper tourists.
If there was one thing Savannah could relate to, however, it was the ever-mounting pressure placed on her as she grew older and just how important it was to have some sort of outlet if only to keep her sanity. Savannah found her escape in music, something that could still be read as dignified despite her music selections and in some cases her choice of instrument. Stumbling upon a witch and her fiddle was much less startling than seeing one dashing across the lawn- though the mental image did bring a smile to Savannah’s face. “I suppose Hogwarts has some sort of rule in regards to running around like a mad women then?” She teased lightly. “The rush from Quidditch would be comparable, I’d imagine?”
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Savannah had an answer for everything, and it was reassuring for some reason. Even though she knew it wouldn’t happen, Andie couldn’t help but smile at the thought of trying to navigate Muggle London with Savannah - or letting Ted show them around. “I suppose two competent witches could navigate without much difficulty,” she said, grinning. 
A soft laugh escaped as Savannah continued, and Andie nodded ruefully. “Well, I’m not sure there’s school rules so much as family rules. My parents -” Her voice caught as she realized what she’d said, and she had to take a steadying breath as she corrected herself. “My father wouldn’t be pleased and I - I’ve displeased him enough lately.” That was a little heavy for their current conversation though, so she hurried on past it. “The rush from Quidditch might be better. I can go faster and especially when I’m playing a game, it’s so exciting. And then there’s the aspect of working with the rest of the team, of course. And especially if we win. What do you do - when you feel the pressure like that?”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
“Blind obedience is a dangerous thing.” Savannah mused, shaking her head at the lessons passed amongst the Sacred 28. She’d heard it all before; how wizard-kind was somehow better than their no-maj counterparts. And she’d seen it all as well; the prejudice the pureblood community could show to those they deemed of lesser blood-status than themselves. It was more of a rarity in her home country, as their history was much more forgiving if not celebratory of those of all blood-statuses, but even she would readily recognize some of the prejudice even their congressional and judicial systems showed toward their no-maj countrymen in even recent history. “I think it shows a strong will and sense of self that you can look back on it all and question everything you’ve ever known. Perhaps that won’t change anything you see, but a change of what you feel inside? Well, that’s just about the biggest step anyone can take.”
Savannah couldn’t imagine how alone she would feel if she put herself in Andromeda’s shoes, her heart aching at the thought of having no one to turn to but a perfectly good stranger in a moment so special as this- unable to voice any of what she was feeling to those she loved most in the world. “Forgive me for sayin’ it, but that doesn’t sound like love at all.” Savannah said gently, her hand once again reaching to cover Andromeda’s. Though she hardly knew all of the details and circumstances aside from what Andromeda was telling her, Savannah’s gut told her that Andromeda’s situation was far from acceptable, and if no one else would tell her so, then Savannah would risk it. “If I can sit here as a perfectly good stranger and see how scared you are to marry that boy, and how in love you are with another, and my heart is bleeding for you- well then, I don’t think it’s askin’ a whole lot for your family to feel for you too.”
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Although she had grown up in a family that felt itself superior to everyone else, Andie had always had a pretty clear view of her own failures. But it made her feel good about herself that Savannah seemed to think there was something praiseworthy in her attempts to become a better person. She smiled faintly, eyes dropping to the couch as she waited out an unexpected surge of emotion. “I wish I were brave enough to change more,” she said quietly. “I’m not brave at all, but I wish I were.” Truthfully, she sometimes envied Sirius his ability to do the right thing, no matter the consequences, but Andie wasn’t the same way. She was too afraid of what would happen to her, too focused on protecting herself to risk anything.
For weeks, if not months, Andie’s security in her sisters’ love - especially Bella’s - had been steadily fraying, undermined by the ways that Bella had hurt her and the expectations both her sisters had on her future. Savannah’s words were both a relief and a burden - a relief to know that she was right, a burden to realize that her sisters’ love was conditional. Her breath caught with a soft shudder and she squeezed Savannah’s hand, grateful for the contact. She had never thought that physical contact was important but it felt important to be connected to someone else right now. “I just - I would do anything for them, but I can’t - if they asked anything else . . . but I can’t leave them. I love them.” Even if they didn’t love her unconditionally, she loved them unconditionally. Even when they were asking her to give up a part of herself and to take this awful future, she couldn’t imagine walking away from them. Unless something drastic happened, she couldn’t picture herself doing it. And she wouldn’t be free, even if she left. She’d spend her entire life worrying about what they would do and looking over her shoulder. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Who: Ted Tonks & Andromeda Black When: March 17th, 1978. Just after nightfall. Where: Greenhouse No. 6
One of the many downsides of spring looming ever closer was the lengthening of the days. There was a time when Ted Tonks would have been grateful for just a few more minutes of sunlight and the warm breeze that meant he could leave his scarf and gloves back in his dorm. This year, however, Ted prayed that winter might last a lifetime. Anything to prolong the summer and the goodbyes it would bring. Every moment the sun lingered above the horizon meant a moment stolen from his meetings with Andromeda, meetings that relied on the secrecy and cover of darkness. Ted had paced the Hufflepuff Common Room countless times, waiting for the last of the sunlight to fade before slipping out to the greenhouses to meet her there.
He’d known she would have been waiting on him for a while now, and Ted felt terrible for making her wait so long, but he hadn’t expected to slip through the doorway only to find her sound asleep at the work bench, her head resting on her folded arms and her dark hair splayed around her. Ted stood for a moment, frozen aside from a small, sad smile tugging at his lips as he debated how best to wake her so she could return to her dorm- at least, until he heard her whimper. It was a soft sort of cry and Ted took a half-step forward, dismaying at the sort of dreams that might be plaguing her and recalling how she had mentioned them before.
Before Ted could best decide how to wake her, however, her dream seemed to grow worse as Andromeda thrashed against the workbench, her hands pushing aside potted plants and sending them smashing against the floor. Ted was at her side in an instant, his hands gently shaking her shoulders “Dromeda… Dromeda, wake up… It’s just a dream.”
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The dream rarely varied. Even now as the months spun into spring and summer, it was always the coldest part of winter, the darkest time of the year when she dreamed, with icy snow and frigid winds sweeping through the manor. Even though she somehow knew that she dreamed, she couldn’t stop the inevitable, moving through the manor halls against her will, to the stairs and down them - 
She came awake with a harsh gasp, reaching to shove away whatever - whoever - was touching her, as she always did. She moved withouth conscious thought, scrambling to her feet and away as she drew in ragged breaths - one, two, three, four, I’m safe, she’s gone, I’m safe - and pushed the emotions down and away and down until they were a tight knot in the pit of her stomach, the one she lived with day in and day out, but manageable. The wild trembling ceased as her breathing calmed and she straightened up, unclenched the fists she didn’t realize she’d made, blinked back the tears that formed without her awareness. “I’m sorry, Profes -” 
But it wasn’t Professor Sprout. When Andromeda’s eyes focused, it was Ted. And that was worse. She had told him that she had nightmares and trouble sleeping but she never wanted him to know the extent of it.Silence hung heavy in the air as she stared, mouth agape despite the lessons that had been hammered into her about being a lady; she wanted to find something to make it better, make it less horrific, keep him from worrying because he ahd enough to worry about without dealing with her on top of it but her mind couldn’t draw anything in. Finally she managed to say, voice astonishingly calm though very hoarse, “I’m fine.” Calm but expressionless, really, and she didn’t know if that was better but she had to try.
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
If you apply yourself. Ted nodded seriously, turning away to let his gaze wander the lines of sheet music, a small frown tugging at the corners of his lips. Oh the things he could accomplish if only he would apply himself. How many times had his father said those same words to him before launching into some lengthy lecture about one thing or another that Ted found next to no interest in? Sure, if he worked hard enough he could be halfway decent at any number of things, but why was it he was always supposed to apply himself to things he didn’t particularly want to? “I will.” He said, his polite and serious tone a well-practiced mask that hid his melancholy thoughts.
Andromeda’s interest in his band’s music caught his attention, however, and Ted turned back to look at her curiously, a small smile returning at the slight pink color gracing her cheeks that hadn’t been there a moment ago. “I don’t know what you’d call it really, sort of a folk rock sound?” Ted said scratching at the back of his neck and thinking it sounded lame when he put it like that, especially when Andromeda seemed to like completely different music. “Rachel Platten? She’s the one with the song that goes like- hang on-” Ted said, glancing down at his hands as they hovered over the keys for a moment before hesitantly working through something that sounded like the chorus of a song he’d heard on the radio, in shopping malls and grocery stores countless times. “or something like that, right?”
In a moment of bravery, or maybe stupidity, Ted shifted on the bench to face Andromeda a bit better. “Maybe I can borrow some of your music sometime?” He asked, before quickly adding. “After my recital, of course. And I’d be happy to share some of our songs. The band’s songs that is. If you’d like that.”
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There was something in his answer that struck a chord in Andie, although she didn’t know enough to really know how he felt and she didn’t want to press her luck by asking him. And he seemed much more interested in discussing his band - Andie tried not to think about how cute he looked when he was happy or excited - and so she focused on that instead. “I can’t say that I’ve listened to very much folk rock,” she said, with a little smile. It wouldn’t be allowed in her house, that was certain. Her attention was diverted when he started playing and she nodded enthusiastically, surprised and impressed that he could play it by ear. “That was very good. I can’t play by ear - I have to look at the music or else I’m no good.” 
She didn’t expect him to move but found that she liked it; her whole mood for this encounter had changed and she found she liked that too. “Oh, that would be interesting,” she said. The thought of playing music so outside her norm was an intriguing one. “We could swap for a little while. You might have to tell me how to play yours though. I’m not sure I could.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
“Oh yeah, of course. I can think of loads of creative ideas.” Ted assured her, nodding and doing his best to match her thoughtful expression which quickly broke into a wide grin once more. The truth was, as he tried to think of some other clever response, his mind only circled back to how perfect this moment was and how happy he felt; happier than he had been for a long time now. “But if you’re disenchanted with the idea of using magic,” Ted said, amused with his own pun and finally settling on an idea “we could always try the muggle way.”
Ted unwound his arms from Andromeda’s waist, his hands moving to rub her back and arms quickly, but gently. “Did you know, friction can convert the energy of motion into heat?” He asked, smiling at the memory of how his many random facts had caught her attention over the years. For some reason, she had found them interesting or perhaps just amusing. Either way, Ted figured it had been too long since he’d last shared a bit of muggle science with her in the hopes that she might reward him with a smile or laugh. “But a good half of that will be lost with your head uncovered like that.” Ted added in false seriousness, as one of his hands reached for the hood of his cloak still wrapped around her shoulders and pulled it over her head playfully.
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Andie was more skilled at keeping a straight face, and hers lasted a little longer than Ted’s, but it was impossible to stay serious for too long right now. A little giggle escaped at the joke - it seemed like so long since she had laughed, the sound almost startled her - and her brows rose curiously. “The muggle way? I must admit, that would be a change of pace, if nothing else.” She held back her protest as he moved his arms, both because she trusted whatever he was going to do and because it did help warm her up a bit. “Friction can convert the - what?” Although she always considered herself a smart girl, something about the Muggle science that Ted liked to tell her always left her a little bit baffled. 
“I didn’t know that,” she continued, “but I daresay I’m feeling the effect of it now. Wait, my head -” Another laugh burst out as he pulled the cloak of the hood up. That didn’t seem like it could really be true though. “I don’t see how that could possibly be right,” she said, taking a step away from him and planting her hands on her hips. “There’s a lot more space to lose heat from the rest of me, isn’t there?” Without waiting for an answer, she took another step away and spun in a circle, an impulsive, childish move - the sort of thing she hadn’t done in months. “This should work too, right? To warm me up?”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
She couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow, the mention of Professor Sprout catching her interest. She’d been meaning to speak to her Head of House but was unable to find the time. Or rather, unable to find the courage. She knew that she should talk to the woman though.  It wasn’t like Pomona was mean, if anything she was one of the nicest people around. Which was saying something since Alice liked to think that most of the people she knew and was friends with were pretty nice. Most Hufflepuffs really relied on the woman though, in a way that almost intimidated the girl. If she tried to do the same, would she be told that her issues were so much less trivial than she made them out to be? 
“You do? That’s so cool!” She simply grinned. No point in bringing all her worried into the conversation. Not when Alice couldn’t help but feel a little bad by her last statement. She’d never been particularly close to any Slytherins, so she didn’t know how most felt about living in the dungeons. For the most part she thought that they didn’t mind it, maybe she was wrong though. Perhaps it was only Andromeda who felt that way though. “Well, I can’t speak for everyone now, but there have been lots of guests in the common room lately. I’m sure nobody would mind one more, no matter how late it is. Just for a change of pace.” 
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Andie nodded, not entirely sure if she wanted to admit that it had started out as remedial lessons. Her marks had dropped so dramatically in January but thankfully they were at an acceptable level again. She wanted to do better, although her hopes of actually studying at St. Mungo’s dwindled steadily. “I do. I enjoy it.” She smoothed her fingers over her uniform skirt, hoping that answer would suffice and she wouldn’t need to either explain the truth or come up with a way to cover for herself.
The invitation was more than she had expected, and she had a moment where it was an immense temptation. She didn’t doubt that the Hufflepuff common room would be a cozy place to spend some time, and there was the added benefit of Ted being there. But she knew it would be beyond foolish to even attempt it. “Thank you,” she said, sincerely. “I wish - I don’t think it would be very wise though. I’ve been spending as much time in the library as possible, and that’s helped some.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
“Well that settles it then.” Savannah said brightly, straightening in her seat and nodding once as if all was decided. “You’ll have to come visit over the summer and I’ll take you to my favorites. New York, of course, but Savannah, too. We can explore the no-maj parts of the city together and I’ll show you the best of our side as well.” The prospect of showing a new friend around did well to brighten Savannah’s spirits and she already had a list of ideas on where she would take Andromeda first.
The notion of falling through the cracks was a foreign one to Savannah Wilkinson. Her whole life she’d been the center of her parents’ attention, the star student when it came to their teachings. And even if Beau did not live up to the expectations their parents had for them as wholeheartedly or as successfully as Savannah did, he was far from ignored. Perhaps excused was a better way to put it, as he was always granted just a bit more freedom than Savannah. Still, Savannah could easily imagine the feeling of freedom Andromeda found sneaking out of the house in a way that reminded Savannah of some of her favorite novels. “That sounds like Heaven.” She sighed wistfully, imagining the bright sunshine, the warm air, and the cool green grass back home and what she wouldn’t do to race through her own backyard just about now. 
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Even as she nodded with true excitement at the thought of visiting Savannah, Andie knew it was too good to be true. Her father would never let her go to America, to visit someone like Savannah. She’d be surprised if he let her out of the house at all when they went back home. She’d be in the manor until it was time to be married. But the idea of visiting Savannah was such a lovely one that she couldn’t help but entertain it, if only for a few minutes. “I’d love that. I’m sure you’ll be an excellent guide too. I wish I could do the same here but I don’t know any Muggle places.” Ted would, and that gave rise to another beautiful thought of Ted showing both of them around. Another beautiful, impossible thought.
“It feels like heaven too,” she said quietly. “There’s really nothing like it. I always felt so much pressure - well, maybe not always. But as I got older, the pressure got worse and worse and that was the only thing that ever helped, really. If I could do it without getting caught here, I probably would as well. But I know someone would spot me if I just started running about like a mad woman. But I have Quidditch here, and that’s as good.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Savannah simply nodded at Andromeda’s explanation, having nothing more to offer than a sympathetic ear and the promise of keeping the details of their conversation to herself. If Andromeda’s family truly felt so strongly about No-maj students, it was no wonder Andromeda was keeping Ted a closely guarded secret. In a way, Savannah found her extremely brave for following her heart despite her family’s wishes, no matter how prejudiced they might be.
Despite the sadness Savannah felt for Andromeda Black, she couldn’t help a small smile at the other girl’s laugh. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” She asked, fighting a grin. “Like wipin’ your hands clean of someone else’s wrongdoin’?” Apparently the saying wasn’t as common here, and Savannah was glad to pass on a phrase that made her housemate smile. Her own smile, however, waned at the mention of the arranged marriage. “That’s not right.” She said softly, though firmly. “It’s not fair of them to do that to you.”
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“I never - I grew up with them,” she said hesitantly. Even with Ted, Andie had never been able to truly explain how complicated and difficult this was for her. Sometimes she felt guilty trying to tell him anyway, because he faced so much more serious consequences than she did. But she wanted someone to understand, or at least to hear it from her. “I didn’t realize . . . it’s just how our family is. Our parents taught us we were better than everyone and I didn’t question it. But then I came to school and it wasn’t true and there was Ted - from the beginning, he’s been my best friend, I think. Aside from my sisters. And I didn’t understand how my parents could think there was anything wrong with him. But I just - we had ways of doing things. I didn’t really question it.”
Until the betrothal to Mulciber, she truly hadn’t questioned her family or ever entertained the faintest thought of leaving them. “I thought they loved me but . . . I knew our father didn’t after that. And it was clear Mother didn’t either, because she didn’t show any interest in helping me but . . . I thought my sisters . . .” She shrugged unhappily, dropping her eyes for a minute. “I would do anything for them. Anything. And I thought they would do the same but now - they both expect me just to marry Joseph Mulciber and I know if I do that, I’m going to lose myself. I can’t - I  can’t and they just . . . I don’t understand how they can expect that of me and still say they love me.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
“I do have a whole week to work on it.” Ted pointed out, his words colored with humor as he turned to her with a grin. A grin that very quickly faded when he realized it might sound as if he was making light of something Adromeda might take very seriously, considering she had mentioned previous experience with the piece. “I mean-“ He turned back to look at the music, clearing his throat and any traces of laughter that still lingered in his voice. “I plan to practice it” Ted assured her. “A lot.”
He was glad that he wasn’t looking at her when she asked about what else he had been practicing, sure that pesky blush was still working its way up his neck. “I- uh- meant to practice this, I did, but rehearsals for the spring musical started and they needed a rehearsal pianist and- well- it was a lot more fun.” It was a lame excuse and one his parents certainly wouldn’t like as they had assumed he spent those hours after school on homework. “And then my friends roped me into this band and we got carried away writing some of the songs- none of which would make acceptable substitutes.” Another lame excuse. “I’m afraid this is all I have to work with.”
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It was absolutely ridiculous but she felt hyper-aware of him and his proximity and presence next to her. Andie rarely let anyone get this close - outside of her sisters, she preferred not to allow people to touch her but this was . . . different. She couldn’t say why it was different, but it was. Her wandering thoughts focused a bit on his words, and she glanced at him from the corner of her eye with a frown. If he was just going to make light of it . . . but he seemed serious enough. And really, it shouldn’t matter if he did well or not. She had helped him, of course, but she’d barely done anything really. It was up to him if he succeeded. “That should be enough time to master it, if you apply yourself.”
She sounded like her parents, and that thought was enough to sour her mood, although it didn’t stay for long. Ted was interesting. He had a point too; the other things he played sounded far more interesting than the classical pieces. Andie herself was guilty of sneaking pop songs into her music bag for when she was at school alone and could experiment. “What sort of music does the band play? I like -” She stopped, cheeks turning pink before she finished in a quieter voice. “I have some of Rachel Platten’s music on me, actually. But I practice my rehearsal pieces first. And you’ll do well if you just practice. You’re good enough to do it. You just need motivation.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
The mention of exams resulted in a sigh from the girl. She tried not to think about them, as it called for more studying than usual. Often times she got by with a bit of last minute studying, but exams usually required more preparation. That wasn’t to say she worried about failing them but rather just wanted to do the best she could. Alice was by no means dumb, but she certainly wasn’t a genius. Like everybody, she had her classes that she excelled at with little to no effort and other classes that required more time and focus. At this point she’d gotten to know which class required the extra effort and which ones didn’t. “Then I’ll stay!” She smiled at the other girl, happy that she hadn’t been shoo’d away. 
Alice was also relieved that Andromeda didn’t actually want to study right at that moment. Or even if she did, she was alright with pushing it back for a bit. “I was thinking the same thing!” She laughed. By the looks of it, most students had the same idea. Part of her wished it was closer to summer, but the weather wasn’t terrible. “I think being cooped up in the castle has made us all antsy.” 
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This would be much easier if Ted were around; he always made Andie better in general, and she felt like she hardly knew how to carry on a conversation with anyone besides him really. Keeping to her sisters as company had been easy when she was younger but it meant that she felt very unprepared for socializing with other people now. Or maybe it was only people who were more genuine than the other purebloods she’d grown up with. She could carry on a meaningless conversation without any difficulties still, but this was different.
Still, she had to try so she smiled and nodded, shuffling her things around absently. “Being inside has been very difficult. I’m lucky I’ve been working with Professor Sprout so I get out on a regular basis but it’s not the same really. Sometimes I feel like I can breathe at night. The dungeons have been very . . . claustrophobic lately.”
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forgottenandromeda · 5 years
Days ago Dom spoke with Edward about taking night rounds. Once he had explained that it was in part because he had the hopes of escorting Pomona back to the castle Edward had allowed it. Dom was nearly positive that the allowance was more from his position as his elder brother than it was as his boss but he was glad for the opportunity to get to know the first woman that had caught his attention in years a little bit better. This night was supposed to be like every other had been so far, they’d walk and talk a little and he’d leave her at the castle before going on to finish his rounds, but he knew upon entering the greenhouse that it would be different. Unpotted plants were strewn about the floor, soil in a large heap near an overturned table and a young girl he had only seen from a distance were the sight that met him. After a quick whispered conversation and a promise that he would return to help with clean up he found himself walking quietly beside the middle Black sister. 
Near about a month ago Ted had come to him and told him everything that was going on. He hadn’t said a word to anyone, not even the team of hit wizards that he had hired to guard the Tonk’s family and report back to him personally, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least the slightest bit curious. Dom was a muggleborn himself so he made sure to be familiar with the families that might think lesser of him, especially with the dividing of families during the war. Clearly, Andromeda didn’t agree with her family if she and Ted were fighting this hard just to be with one another. It was evident too that something was troubling her if she was having nightmares violent enough to result in the overturning of tables. “I’m in no rush, Miss Black” he assured her, softening his voice in spite of knowing no one was around to hear them “I’m Dom, by the way. Ted’s uncle”
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Truthfully, Andie wasn’t in a rush either. Going back to the common room - or worse, the dorm - would just be stifling and she already felt like she couldn’t breathe. She really wanted Ted, although she didn’t want him to realize how bad her nightmares could be, because so far he’d been lucky enough not to witness one. He was the only one who ever helped her feel safe enough to calm down again and he was really the only person she couldn’t let see her like this. He had enough to worry about, with his sisters in danger and Bella’s threats and he was in danger. “I’m Andromeda Black,” she said, belatedly lifting her head and attempting to offer a smile, though she knew it was shaky and weak. “You can call me Andie though. I prefer it.”
She still couldn’t catch her breath and her words came out in short bursts between gasps but maybe it wasn’t that noticeable. “Ted’s - uncle?” She didn’t remember that but . . . Ted had sort of adopted the Bones family, or they had adopted him, so maybe it was in that way. And since he was an auror - “Do - do you know how his sisters are?” It was easy to keep her thoughts settled and reasonable during the day but at night like this, when she was already on edge, it was much harder to keep them in track. Much easier to imagine that the worst had happened because of her.
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