forgivenbuilder · 8 months
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forgivenbuilder · 8 months
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"People ALWAYS need people!" Conclusion: All of us need each other in order to equally live long and prosper justly, lawfully, peaceably, freely and compassionately. That's why Jesus our Lord God Messiah Savior gave us two greatest divine commandments that God, our Heavenly Father, gifted us with: First, we love God and second we love each other as we love our own selves. On these two great commandments hang the whole Law and the Prophets. In short, "ABOVE ALL, DO NO HARM!"
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forgivenbuilder · 1 year
To our neighbor, let’s give renewal and Hope,
That open, of loneliness and hopelessness, the Cage!
To the one drowning, toss a life-saving Rope,
That frees their urge, to become bold, wise and Sage.
To attend their cares needing to Mend,
Our hearts to impel us, vigorously Forward,
Embracing Love to guide our precious Plan!
Let this be our selfless and righteous Reward.
To someone else extend a helping Hand,
Empowering us with freedom and strength, “to turn the Page,”
For honor, integrity and decency that dignify our Moment,
To live: Courteous, considerate, and kind, in our old Age!
                                                    AUTHOR UNKNOWN
"People ALWAYS need people!" Conclusion: All of us need each other in order to equally live long and prosper justly, lawfully, peaceably, and compassionately. That's why Jesus our Lord God Messiah Savior gave us two greatest divine commandments that God, our Heavenly Father, gifted us with: First, we love God and second we love each other as we love our own selves. On these two great commandments hang the whole Law and the Prophets. In short, "ABOVE ALL, DO NO HARM!"
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forgivenbuilder · 1 year
Leo Emmanuel Lochard    Thursday, December 15, 2022
Though flawed in their miraculous undertakings to create a new form of Human governance on the Earth, e.g., Human slavery atavistically continued and women were prevented from political participation through voting, still, our American Founders, were neither cynical pessimists, nor naive utopians.
But, due to their faith in God as Creator of the Universe, they were imbued with eternal Hope that “a free people could govern themselves without the whip of a task master.” (American Founder, Thomas Jefferson).
General George Washington, after victoriously ending the American Revolutionary War, in 1783, did not declare himself “emperor for life” for “king George of America.”
General George Washington literally got off his horse, removed his officer uniform, surrendered his military commission to the Continental Congress, and returned to his farm as a common American citizen, to plant and harvest, its crops.
Still a farmer, George Washington, now a civilian American, waited until 1789 to be lawfully elected President of the United States of America according to the laws of the land at that time in the 18th Century during which all forms of humanly administered government on the Planet were despotic kingdoms and tyrannical empires.
Thus, General George Washington set the tone, once and for all time, regarding how democratically elected forms of representative republican self-government, ought to be freely established, from henceforth, in accordance with the free principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence: “That, in order to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Our American Founder, James Madison, by his profound self-evident and sound pronouncements, put the reality this way, as proven by the history of Humanity: Men are not angels and government must be obliged to control itself, hence, the paramount necessity for "AUXILIARY PRECAUTIONS," (American Founder, James Madison, Publius / Federalist Papers, No. 51).
Our American Founder, James Madison also wrote: "An elective despotism is NOT the government we fought for......" (American Founder, James Madison, Publius / Federalist Papers, No. 48).
Thus, America’s Founders, though not historically faultless in their endeavors, had a profoundly realistic understanding of the innate vicissitudes of our flawed "Fallen" Human Nature. Mortal Humans with delegated constitutional powers, even when justly derived “from the consent of the governed,” must be carefully, cautiously, and prudently watched with diligent public oversight as well as scrupulously safeguarded with lawfully designed processes and constitutional procedures for dealing with official corruption and abuses of power, e.g., President Richard M. Nixon was “compelled” to resign from his official duties in the Executive Branch due to illegal criminal malfeasance.
Consequently, in order to preserve, protect, and defend our God-endowed Human Liberty and inalienable Civil Rights:
(1) At the same time that WE THE PEOPLE in  the United States of America, have a form of free, representative self-government whose official administrators are periodically and democratically elected for a limited duration by American voters as “public servants;”
(2) WE THE PEOPLE, also have an inalienable God-endowed constitutional Bill of Rights, both of which facts, protecting us, not only, against government-initiated, totalitarian fascism but also, against chaotically emergent or anarchic, “mob rule.”
Thus, our form of representative Self-government is secured, from both ends of the political spectrum, by the free principles embedded and enshrined within its prudently framed and cautiously organized structure, as a democratically elected free republic.
Our realistic, prudent, and foresighted American Founders, logically deduced and scientifically recognized, in the 18th Century, by their sober-minded analytical conclusions, that, sinful mortal flawed Human Beings, as proven by the bloody historical experiences during which Humans violently, painfully, criminally, unjustly, and painstakingly travailed and fought each other, in their relentless quest to finally establish, for our mutual benefit and general welfare, the perennial undeniable self-evident Truth: That, ALL our Human rights, freedoms, privileges and immunities of American citizenship, do come and originate, only from ONE ETERNAL SUPREME BEING, our loving and merciful Creator, Almighty God!
America’s Founders also firmly ensured, prudently affirmed, and constitutionally protected the necessary immutable provision: That our inalienable God-endowed Human and Civil Rights, were based, neither upon transient MORTAL AND SELF-CENTERED Human whim or invention, nor upon instrumental ad hoc self-serving contrivances, but, are therefore transcendent, or “super-natural.”
Our inalienable, constitutionally secured Bill of Rights, within which are embedded our privileges and immunities of American citizenship is transcendent: Our Rights come from God, our eternal sovereign immanent Creator.
Consequently, these inalienable God-originated Rights are purposefully and deliberately founded and ordained, with a clear conscience, to securely, equally, and safely prosper, by being administered, justly, lawfully, freely and peaceably, in order to remain in good standing with our Creator Almighty God and in good standing with all Humanity, as safeguarded perpetual “blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
Flawed, error-prone, sinful, and corrupt, mortal Humans, who are lawfully and freely, peaceably and justly entrusted, with "societal powers of Human governance," have to be, must be, and SHALL be permanently observed, prudently watched, and cautiously monitored, with continuous public oversight actively engaged in preserving practically exercised Checks-and-Balances, verifiable Division of Powers, sustained Separation of Powers, in foresighted application of direly needed necessary "AUXILIARY PRECAUTIONS," as already ordained and established so prophetically and so carefully by our Founders.
These AUXILIARY PRECAUTIONS are transcendentally designed and eternally discerned, as absolutely necessary for the perpetual security and long-lasting enduring preservation of our God-endowed inalienable constitutional Rights to "life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness.”
These self-evident eternal universally proven Truths, are historically affirmed, as essential pillars and fundamental bulwarks that firmly undergird the very “substantive raison d’être," and "intrinsic material essence" of our God-given Liberty. They are therefore to be irrefutably preserved, indestructibly defended, and protectively safeguarded, as “embedded blessings” within the God-inspired, eternal, free principles of our democratically elected, republican form, of representative Self-government.
“IN ORDER TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION” is a perpetual ever-present constitutional mandate that, We the American people, freely decide to deliberately co-labor, together, in resolute commitment, not only to PRESERVE that which is proven to be already Good for all the American people, such as these free principles of our form of representative self-government: Constitutional due process of law, just powers from the consent of the governed, and the equal protection of all the laws; but to also, at the same time, resolutely decide to co-labor together in order to justly, freely, lawfully and peaceably REDRESS, AMEND, and CORRECT such historical grievances that regrettably continue unto the Present, to even soil our global repute, compromise our domestic tranquility, and sabotage our historical maturity.
May God continue to bless and preserve in perpetuity, the United States of America: “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL."  ***
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forgivenbuilder · 1 year
Leo Emmanuel Lochard     Forgiven Builder     01-03-2023
(Previously posted on LINKEDin on 12/23/2022 – Account is closed)
Let's look at things from another perspective, folks! The FED printing press has been churning Fed Reserve Notes on the assumption that the economy will have sufficient employed workers and laborers, from whom federal taxes can be consequently extracted, from which, will ensue, general revenue funds that cover ALL our national expenses as government responsibility. What does Humanity have as "collateral" as substantial guarantee for this perpetually growing expense budget? The whole Planet; the whole world population; and the whole Universe!
What is ECONOMICS, folks? Human Biology “interfaces” with Natural Ecology to produce Useful Technology! So: “The American Dream” is what happens to your DNA from natural biological conception to natural biological death! And who “produces” Technology – Humans! And who “consumes” Technology – Humans! And where does technology come from? Natural Ecology which Human Biology utilizes to produce Technology! Think about it, folks! Where is the problem? Real Capital has no limits – Its components can be "monetized" from any objective thing, which makes THE WHOLE UNIVERSE AS "REAL CAPITAL!"
Thus, if the whole of Humanity owns the whole Universe as "collateral," then, who is indebted to whom and for what? Seven Billion People own a whole Universe full of planets, natural resources, social resources, all of which comprised of "people administering produced things!" And every thing that satisfies both natural, i.e., food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, transportation, communication, etc.., and social needs, i.e., Life, Liberty, Security, Safety, Justice, Equality, Human Rights and Civil Rights, Due process of law, equal protection of all the laws, etc…, all of which proceeding from HUMAN SOCIAL RELATIONS, is already here! Male Sperm "meets" Female Ovum and boom a Human is born - Humans are "born naked" and bring absolutely NOTHING into the world that belongs to them; and then, Humans "drop dead," taking NOTHING with them! Thus, all economic activities are "extractive" and all Humans are "consuming users!"
So, conclusion: LET'S RELAX, FOLKS!
The “problem” is the “abstract system of Understanding” processing all of this “between our ears!” No disrespect, folks! This is just a matter of Economic Management and Administration which direct both Production and Distribution, and, Humanity owns the whole Universe as "REAL CAPITAL," transformation of which, into useful appliances and machines, are then "exchanged" via an "Economic Credit System" based on "circulating currency" that can be printed or coined as expansively as the whole Universal Capital already is! Thus, folks, there is no problem at all that cannot be properly resolved! That means all so-called "shortages" whether in "supply" (production) or "utilization" (consumption) are "man-made" - natural resources, raw materials, and 7 Billion Human Consumers are ALL HERE - No petroleum or wheat grain went to Mars or Jupiter!
So, what's a "shortage?" What's "scarcity?" There is NO "budget problem" - The "administrators" only need a "new approach" to "problem-solving" that is attuned to maintaining a Credit-based Economic System - where "Real Collateral" = "Real Capital!"
Given that both "collateral" and "capital" are equivalent - We're always ahead, folks!
No raw material or natural resource is escaping from the Planet - thus, Real Capital is always plentiful and so is Real Collateral! It's only a matter of establishing and directing "administrative procedures" that yield just, free, lawful, and peaceable "distribution/exchange" between "users" who are both "producers" and "consumers" in accordance with the "Equivalency Equation" between "Real Collateral" and "Real Capital" - the Whole Universe and the vast expanse of every thing it contains, and the Family of Humanity as a whole!
Already here and it's called:
   (a) A CREDIT ECONOMIC SYSTEM that keeps goods/products/services FLOWING/CIRCULATING all the time for Human needs fulfillment and no so-called "crisis" or "shortage!" JUST PAY AS YOU GO! And that's what we've been doing already!
    (b) FULL EMPLOYMENT so that user-friendly consumers have a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT MEANS to keep making "credit installment payments!"                                                     
And, as complex and difficult are the ways-and-means of accomplishing FULL EMPLOYMENT, meaning: When ALL workers, laborers, producers, consumers, etc..., have EQUAL ACCESS (not mere "opportunity" that may never come!) Yes, EQUAL ACCESS to all lawfully established and lawfully practiced WAYS-AND-MEANS, avenues and pathways to freely, justly, lawfully, and peacefully achieving PERSONAL PROSPERITY for themselves, even as, from the ensuing totality of their socio-economic political activities, will their communities also amply benefit.
The comprehensive holistic organic totality of economic/financial activities associated with the Economy, --- as Natural ECOLOGY, i.e., raw materials and natural resources, is "properly interfacing" with BIOLOGY, i.e., Human Beings in social relations embodying the totality of all "economy- related" industrial/technical/social activities that yield TECHNOLOGIES --- ARE befittingly and properly coordinated, integrated, and synchronized in consistently maintained in symbiotic and synergistic associations, relations, and connections, --- e.g. just as all the parts, members, organs, systems, and components constituting the whole Human Body are properly organized to benevolently operate in all their inter-communal activities, sums of which, conducive to the person's optimal health conditions for life-affirming results, i.e., lungs, heart, kidneys, brain, liver, etc..., --- THAT, together, are CORRESPONDINGLY/BEFITTINGLY TRANSFORMED into the free market of distribution and utilization of useful, functional, objective, and operational technologies, such that, the free market is consistently being “lubricated” by the JUST principles of the collectively administered functioning economy that is brimming with new constructive ideas, innovative inventions, and principled economic activities, in which are embedded, all necessary steps and stages leading to ownership of resources that will then yield transformative production as well as all proper steps and stages conducive to consumption, with liberty and justice, in accordance with the constitutionally established principle of EQUAL ACCESS to all social assets and natural resources and raw materials that yield an ECONOMY OF FULL EMPLOYMENT, --- even, as goods, products, and services, are being purchased, sold, distributed, and utilized.
And once the whole Full Employment System, through equal access to resources, both social and natural, and to the CREDIT ECONOMY WHOLE SYSTEM resulting in lawfully instituted and justly practiced ways and means of acquisition of the circulating universal means of exchange or money --- as delineated above; and as complicated as this unfolding difficult journey is properly traveled --- is appropriately "fine-tuned" as an Organic Whole, optimal transformative improvements will begin to unfold for befitting and proper understanding/knowledge, in both principles/policies and corresponding lawful/legal activities/applications.
Good purpose-achieving processes and methods, procedures, and ways and means, are consistently retained and applied, while, at the same time, unsuccessful processes/activities are properly modified --- through honest and directly engaged activities designed for redress, correction, and/or amendment, etc...,--- for justly and freely exercised amelioration and increasingly effective refinement towards "a more perfect befitting correspondence" BETWEEN abstract - "in the head" - comprehension, i.e., "economic theory," (INPUT), AND humanely designed framing of processes and procedures, e.g., "economic policies and their practical exercise, just practice, and result-achieving implementation, (PROCESS) AND correspondingly and befittingly achieved and purposed results that yield economic/financial prosperity for both individuals and their communities, respectively. (OUTPUT)
Even as the United States of America, ALL AMERICANS, continue to perpetuate and prosper, with a clear conscience, peaceably, lawfully, justly, and freely, while, at the same time, remaining, in good standing with both God our Creator and Humanity, our fellow neighbors on this Planet, throughout all the ages to come, let it be affirmed that it is because our Free, Representative, Democratically Elected, Form of Constitutional Self-governance: ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL is constitutionally functioning and freely operating as a well-organized (INPUT), and well-administered (PROCESS) FREE republic that fulfills our national motto: IN GOD IS OUR TRUST, for A MORE PERFECT UNION while being self-governed in accordance with JUST POWERS DERIVED FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, with faithful, consistent, and active adherence to Constitutional Due Process of Law and the Equal Protection of all the Laws, sums of which, being actively, faithfully, and consistently observed and practiced, as humanely purposed self-evident Truths, as above presented, for BOTH equally accessed ways and means to lawfully, justly, peaceably, and freely instituted processes and procedures yielding individual prosperity and community prosperity, respectively, as well as, within publicly transparent socio-politico-economic environment with public oversight and citizen participation, whereby all Americans are free to deliberately and justly, and equally participate in "the pursuit of Happiness." (OUTPUT) ***
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forgivenbuilder · 1 year
Let’s be courteous and kind in our old Age,
To someone else, extend a helping Hand,
It gives us freedom and strength “to turn the Page,”
And let Love guide and embrace our precious Plan!
                                                    Forgiven Builder
                                                    Leo Emmanuel Lochard
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forgivenbuilder · 1 year
Leo Emmanuel Lochard
July 24, 2021
(Edited/Copyrighted Material)
 “mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines.
Instead, mRNA vaccines TEACH OUR CELLS how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.”
Web Ref: https://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html
“The variants have evolved because the virus has a chance to mutate every time it infects a person and over a 100 million people worldwide have been infected.”
Web Ref: https://cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-coronavirus-variants-60-minutes-2021-03-12/
Do mRNA vaccines’ “protein synthesis” replication methods possibly end-result in  triggering "suitable reactions,” that consequently “engineer” a “vehicle of mutability” for channeling incubation conditions yielding “viral variants?”
Though replicate mRNA operational processes do not affect or interact with HUMAN DNA, still, does not emergence of such “suitable conditions,” also signal, that the long duration of the present COVID-19 Pandemic, “embodies” a reliable correlation, between associated bio-chemical developments and “derivative synthetic reactions?”
And could not such “derivative synthetic reactions” be conducive to “cell-surface enzymatic actions” that are possibly accountable for the uncommon frequency or multiplicity of mutational variants?
“For Delta Plus to be a serious concern, scientists would need concrete evidence that it's more transmissible than Delta, causes more severe disease, or resists protection from vaccines to a greater degree. I could imagine that, because the mutation is in the spike [protein], it might have some advantages in terms of immune evasion and some disadvantages in terms of binding to the ACE2 receptor," Read said. That receptor serves as the port of entry for the Corona-Virus.”
Web Ref: https://news.yahoo.com/delta-plus-variant-spread-nearly-231857146.html
But, what is the “logic” or “modus operandi” of the Human immunologic stimulus-response system? To “attack” or “neutralize” or “destroy” certain organic or inorganic products or substances, --- e.g., bacteria, viruses, or other forms of pathological toxins NOT generated or metabolized by the Human body’s own native-generic immune system dynamics --- which, the “resident-sentinel cells” of the Human Organism, regard or treat, as “alien pathologic agents.”
However, with mRNA vaccines, we have a contraindication to the body’s normal-regular healthy generic-resident immunologic operations, i.e., “the pathologic agent” is NOT from without. Thus, more poignant, is the fact that our Human immunologic system is triggered against “alien substances or agents” that invade the Human Organism from without, that is, existing externally to the Human Body’s natural-regular-normal generic-resident “initial immunologic conditions of Homeostatic Equilibrium.”
In the case of mRNA vaccines, upon injection, their bio-materials “trick” the Human immune system into INTERNALLY MANUFACTURING parts of the virus, so-called “SPIKE PROTEINS,” sums of which, are “HOME-GROWN ORGANIC TOXINS,” while, at the same time, microbiologists and vaccines manufacturers theorize that, the Human organism will, in return, proceed to “attack’ the “Spike Protein,” that itself, the Human Body, did manufacture via “mRNA trickery.”
HOWEVER, such “INTERNALLY MANUFACTURED SPIKE PROTEIN” is NOT from without, is not external, nor can be “considered” as “alien” to the organism’s immunologic system, given that it’s “home-grown” or “internally generated.”   
Consequently: The resultant SPIKE PROTEIN or parts of the Covid-19 virus, ARE INTERNALLY MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS from the Human Body’s own immunological dynamics, meaning that, the Covid-19 virus as a ‘SPIKE PROTEIN,” might not be “recognized” or “treated,” by the body’s generic immunologic stimulus-response system, as “an external alien PATHOLOGIC agent” or “foreign toxic substance” to be “attacked,” “neutralized,” or “destroyed.”
Web Ref: Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
Learn more about how mRNA vaccines trigger our immune systems to produce antibodies that protect us against COVID-19.
Not only does it not stimulate a proper adversarial immune system response from the Human Body, but, it becomes very highly transmissible to other persons, for whom, it is now, “external,” or “alien,” sums of which, resulting in a particular person’s immune system having to “battle against,” both his or her own internally generated “spike protein variant,” in addition, to the “just acquired,” transferred viral variant he or she might have contracted from other infected people dealing with the same pathologic conditions.
In a free society, such as ours, in the United States of America, it is essential and necessary to ask questions and to pursue appropriate scientific answers pertaining to matters having paramount life or death consequences for Humanity.
In order to combat viral or bacterial infections that appear to be demonstrating “rates of mutational variability” that are quite unusual in their cycles, durations, or frequencies, for engendering disruptive cellular operations that are generating or creating a multiplicity of highly transmissible “viral Variants,” medical prudence, societal safety, and sanitary security, exhort us, to find corresponding medical solutions, geared to defeat such widespread pathologic occurrences marking an uncommonly extended period of time, for person-to-person contraction, contagion incubation, onset of prolonged illness, and egregious or highly unexpected rates of transmissibility, especially during certain pandemics caused by such clearly deadly “pathologic agents,” as the current “COVID-19 Viruses.” 
COULD THIS mRNA vaccine MANUFACTURE METHOD BE "ENGINEERING" THE HIGH-MULTIPLICITY RATE OF MUTATIONAL VARIANT, emerging from internally caused “immuno-metabolic” operations or transactions that arise, pursuant to, artificially triggered "enzymatic actions at the surface of cells?”
"Inquiring minds want to know!” For, in our great nation, the United States of America, WE THE PEOPLE, do have the God-endowed inalienable constitutional Right to CHOOSE to have or reject any form of medical procedure or treatment - We have the freewill choice to either reject/object to, or accept/consent to, ANY medical/pharmaceutical treatment, or ANY medical/surgical procedure! And that's THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND! ***
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forgivenbuilder · 1 year
Leo Emmanuel Lochard  on  Monday, January 2, 2023
To know, understand, and scientifically apply the core fundamental substance of true reality: We must begin from the ground up! So, let's get grounded!
Let’s be verily well-grounded: not in abstract conjectures or presuppositions! Do not live, “only between your ears,” but, rather, in “the real natural order of things that exist,” to “purposely operate,” “meaningfully function,” and “constructively move” within the whole Universe!
Your very first act in the Universe when you exit your mother’s womb after natural biological Conception is to take your VERY FIRST BREATH OF LIFE FOR PROSPEROUS LIVING in this Universe!
Oxygen, being a natural resource of Planet Earth like Iron Oxide or Bauxite, like Water or fertile Soil, makes ECONOMICS a “LIFE-SCIENCE!”
Therefore, an authentic OPERATIONAL definition of “Economics” is that: Economics is a “Life-Science!”
The Fruit you pluck out a tree's branch hung IN THE AIR, starts, first, with its SEED, planted IN THE GROUND or fertile Soil!
So: ECONOMICS begins, not in your Mind, but IN THE UNIVERSE, for which, only our CREATOR has “the title,” and no one else!
Mortal Humans don’t have “the Title” to this Planet.  Only God, our loving Creator, does! Eventually, we all go “six feet under!” And, “there is no U-Haul behind a hearse!”
Thus, all things that were, are, and will become, belong to Almighty God, Our loving Savior, Our merciful Redeemer, Our gracious Heavenly Father: Our awesome Creator!
But, for that fruit hanging on the tree branch to “land in your stomach,” you must, first, “get moving” and then, go pick that fruit SPECIFICALLY from its own fruit tree! Why? Because: You can’t pick apples from an orange tree! For, “A tree is known by its fruit!”
And that means: There are “absolute standards” or “self-evident Truths” in our existential reality that cannot be ignored or suppressed without serious consequences for civilized Human living on this Planet.
In order to live and remain in optimal health, you breathe and inhale OXYGEN – or, O - and not Carbon Monoxide – CO. When exceedingly thirsty, WATER – or, H2O - will really quench your thirst and not Sulfuric Acid or H2SO4. The Speed of Light in a Vacuum is 186,000 miles per second, and not 2,000 miles per second, or 34 Million miles per second. For biological reproduction: Human Male Sperm Cell fertilizes Human Female Ovum, and not feces or waste matter!
So, in attempting to authentically define “THE SCIENCE OF ECONOMICS” as a “life-science,” let us remain totally grounded in substantial reality and not in imaginary conceptual fiction or mentally contrived and contorted verbal schemes.
First of all, Science has its own method or “way of doing things:” The Scientific Method, tenets of which, requiring “reproducibility” in both theory and application!
What do we mean, then, when we say: “The Science of Economics is a LIFE-SCIENCE?”
The First Law of Thermodynamics states:
“Energy is never created nor destroyed, but always Transformed.”
What does PHYSICS have to do with ECONOMICS?
Mathematical Equations for defining and explaining natural processes, universal phenomena, and earthly ecological-meteorological events that are logically derived from the Science of Physics are proven true and valid via cause-and-effect relations and mechanisms when they result in yielding a useful, operational, objective, physical, functional TECHNOLOGY.
Thus, validly proven PHYSICS EQUATIONS, such as F = ma or E = mc2 yield, produce, or result in our creative invention and innovating manufacturing of physical-material functional, operational, useful and objective TECHNOLOGIES — F = ma, a mathematical equation condensing Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion, makes realizable, our launching of ARTIFICIAL SPACE SATELLITES in Low Earth Orbit for Telecommunications purposes and functionalities; and — E = mc2 , a mathematical equation embodying an operational definition and description by Albert Einstein, of the Law of Energy Transformation, yields, produces, or results in nuclear fusion reactions and/or nuclear fission reactions that climax into our production of NUCLEAR BOMBS.
Thus, SCIENCE, by its consistent reliance upon “integrated correspondence” between its theoretical assumptions and objective applications, in methodical faithfulness to INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT, which is “the operational mechanism of thermodynamic Energy transformation,” continues to “journey towards meaningful accuracy.” In its evolution from one Form to another Form “towards meaningful accuracy,” Science, is “finally standardized” within “core fundamental principles” that MUST demonstrate to possess, not only, the quality of “Theoretical Refinement,” but also, when necessitated, the characteristic of “a flexible Process” for making corrections in its Applications!
For example, the “Science of Physics” has “evolved” FROM discoveries by such science researchers as Galileo, Brahe, Copernicus, and Kepler TO discoveries by Newton,  through discoveries by Maxwell and Faraday, climaxing into discoveries by Einstein. Newton defined the Law of Gravity as “Centers-of-Mass attract Centers-of-Mass” — accounting for the gravitational relationship between the Earth and its natural satellite, the Moon — which Einstein complemented by his addition to the Law of Gravity that “Centers-of-Mass also bend, curve or warp Space” —accounting for the Perihelion Shift of Planet Mercury.
Just as Physics began with physical-material Reality, Economics must also begin, NOT in your mind, but IN THE PHYSICAL-MATERIAL UNIVERSE AND PLANET EARTH, both of which, ARE REPLETE WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF NATURAL AND COSMIC RESOURCES, abounding as a well-spring of scientific assets for the discovery and production of numerous objective technological inventions.
We're GROUNDED IN REALITY, remember, and not in mere fictional imagination!
Thus, ECONOMIC THEORY, having to do with natural resources and cosmic assets, begins, NOT, in your “disembodied” abstract thoughts and ideas, but, with your transformation of such resources and assets into technologies that fulfill your DNA's REAL NEEDS that are already GROUNDED IN THE REAL PHYSICAL-MATERIAL OBJECTIVE UNIVERSE!
So: What is TRUE CAPITAL in which FRUITFUL INVESTMENT is made? True and real Capital is: THE WHOLE UNIVERSE that abounds with natural resources and cosmic assets.
Consequently, a true and authentic definition of Economics cannot be “the Management of Scarcity.”
To the contrary, we have UNIVERSAL ABUNDANCE! Blessings of divine Providence - God's Creation!
In short, We, Humanity, have the whole total UNIVERSE at our commonly agreed-upon equal disposition via regulations, enactments, treaties, and policies called “legislation” by our elected representatives, for just, free, peaceable, and lawful administrative stewardship of the Planet’s resources and equal access to all lawfully established and justly practiced societal opportunities for individual and social prosperity!
 Therefore: God’s Creation, is True and Real CAPITAL forming Universal Abundance, God’s divine Providence for us, mortal Humans:
(1) True authentic Capital is the WHOLE REAL UNIVERSE!
(2) Economic Theory is based upon: Your DNA's REAL NEEDS grounded in true Capital: THE REAL UNIVERSE!
In acknowledging and understanding, recognizing and realizing the obvious self-evident truth that: The whole Universe, — even the whole Planet, — is much, much bigger than the general denotation encased in the restricted definition of “Capital” by “Economists” who define the Economy as “The Management of Scarcity.”
Therefore, we are certainly neither naïve nor cynical, but only hopeful, in stating that: Our capitalist system of free enterprise is NOT the problem, but rather, our definition of Economics, by “Economists,” as: "The management of scarcity." Economics is rather administrative stewardship or administrative management of UNIVERSAL ABUNDANCE!
Where is the “scarcity” of able-bodied and willing-to-work laborers in a population of 330,000,000 people in the United States of America?
Where is the “scarcity of Resources” in a country with an American landmass surface area as large as 3,794,100 square miles?
Is there really “scarcity” in this whole Universe? Is there “scarcity” within this whole Planet constituted of Air, Land and Sea in which are embedded all our natural, societal, and social resources?
. FOOD  
. SOCIETAL SAFETY, along with all the social resources and societal assets that fulfill your spiritual-emotional needs, such as, for Human relationships of love and friendship, whereby, all the good blessings flowing from associative Human activities can be enjoyed.
So: TRUE LIBERTY governs in your LIFE, when you become really FREE to choose what you truly CONSENT to do with your DNA's real FUNDAMENTAL needs in the Universe, sums of which, are ALREADY fulfilled, FROM THE GROUND UP, by REAL CAPITAL:  With all your real needs fulfilled in the free, equal, just, peaceable, and lawful, unhindered exercise of your constitutionally preserved and protected Bill of Rights, as “blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity!”
For when your REAL FUNDAMENTAL, TRUE-DNA NEEDS are COMPLETELY fulfilled FROM THE GROUND UP with REAL CAPITAL: Your whole life is NOT spent "Struggling to make ends meet!"
Do you understand, folks? Only mortal Humans get to be buried in an honorable funeral for internment in the cemetery of their choice. We are “only passing through” while the whole Universe remains for us all to administer in good stewardship and equal enjoyment.
THE WHOLE-UNIVERSE IS "HERE TO STAY!" And all its resources are not going anywhere else. They’re not going to Mars, Jupiter or Uranus!
Thus: Certainly, assuredly, verily and truly, There is no such thing as “Scarcity.” What “shortage?” What “Scarcity?” What exactly is “missing” from this Planet and the whole Universe? Everything we really need is already here for us when we are conceived and born into Human life!
THE WHOLE-UNIVERSE AND PLANET EARTH ARE "HERE TO STAY!" Thus, it is only a matter of good administrative stewardship.
This Self-evident Truth means: The economic concept of "SCARCITY" is a restrictive limitation upon the reality of divine Providence, which is, God’s Creation, that is intelligently designed “to make scientific sense” to our logical Minds and reasonable spirits for the benefit, well-being, and welfare of the whole Family of Humanity.    
Here is a wondrous mystery: Both life and death are encased and condensed, as in a nutshell, in your biological DNA, but, life is its own justification!
For, all mortal Humans are equally created by God to lawfully, freely, peaceably and justly prosper in this Universe and on Planet Earth “from the Womb to the Tomb!”
Therefore, as clearly stated in our Declaration of Independence of the United States of America: You are the Equal of every other mortal Human Being on this Planet! In personal worth and individual value, you justly deserve and merit to be treated with dignity and decency, sums of which, designed for your rightful inheritance and gifted possession of God-endowed inalienable constitutional Rights that encompass the whole of Self-evident Reality as truly condensed and contained in the fundamental substance of the real material-physical Universe — ALL THINGS THAT REALLY AND TRULY EXIST TO FULFILL OUR REAL BIOLOGICAL DNA NEEDS!
The very first thing all little Human babies do when they exit the security of their mothers’ wombs is: To take the “breath of life” from Earth Atmosphere!
Thus, "Earth Real-Capital Economics" begins and ends with “WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR BIOLOGIAL DNA” from natural biological conception and birth, to natural biological death!
For, apart from us, that is:
Absent, HUMAN BEINGS in the Milky Way Galaxy, the whole Universe, by itself, is “blind, deaf and dumb,” because, it is through us, via our creative powers, technological inventiveness, and productive Intelligence that the whole Universe obtains the well-merited joy in living its “Intrinsic Capacity for Self-discovery” through the life-affirming Technologies that operate to maintain, as does Nature, all our Earthly Life-Support Systems.
Folks: The fundamental essential intrinsic substance in our Minds, activating our knowledge and understanding and application of authentic meaning and genuine significance for “the Science of Economics” on this Earth, does not involve and evoke “merely hoarding money,” but rather, rests within the truly useful transformative innovations of THE WHOLE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE THAT IS REAL MATERIAL CAPITAL performed by us, Humans, in order to genuinely fulfill all our biological-DNA needs, physiological, personal, and social, from the womb to the tomb!   ***
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forgivenbuilder · 2 years
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forgivenbuilder · 4 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard  "ForgivenBuilder" Tuesday, January 14, 2020 
Congress declares war, period. No if's, and's, or but's!  AFTER a war declaration by Congress, only THEN, does the Executive Branch get engaged in implementing "conduct of the war;" but still, not without Congressional "advise-and-consent," and duly exercised public oversight by the American people! Let us decisively uphold the integrity of constitutional due process of law that firmly preserves, protects, and defends our republican Form of free government!
Checks-and-balances, division of powers and separation of powers, do work, as "principles of self-restraint" against government abuses of power. But abiding to them, in letter and spirit, is paramount to sustaining America as a representative democratic republic with a form of free government based upon consent of the governed, which President Lincoln exulted, as "the last best hope of Earth!"
Therefore, it is easy to conclude that Congress might be "afraid of constitutional war powers" due to selfish cravings of easy self-enrichment and lusts for corrupt power, as molded and contoured by the various political machinations and financial considerations, evoked in the above-cited articles. Thus, there is room for improvement in all the three co-equal but separate branches of our form of free government.
Senators and Representatives have been so timid, bashful, lukewarm, and tepid about voicing their concerted, decisive, and firm agreement for reclaiming constitutionally granted war powers of Congress that are expressly designed, to preempt and prevent, the Executive Branch, from going to war, without express congressional input and approval; especially, during such times that present propitious opportunities for exhorting "the better angels of our nature." Hence, the imperative necessity to restore the constitutional power to declare war, back into the hands of Congress.
Before triggering American entry into World War II, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt patiently waited, until Congress properly, lawfully, and constitutionally deliberated upon declaring war against Japan and Germany. What's the rush anyway? The sky didn't immediately "fall off" right after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii!
Proper deliberation in accordance with constitutional principles of checks-and-balances, separation of powers, division of powers, open conferences or meetings, and prudent public oversight by the American people, effectually contributed to the war's success that climaxed into victory for the Allies during World War II; in that, pertinent preparedness and specifically tailored readiness, could proceed, in a more rational, effective, principled, measured, deliberate, decisive, and successful manner, as firmly secured by global affirmation, public encouragement, and international support, rather than derailing from complete mayhem that would have resulted in failure, as if carried out and implemented under the duress of rash actions, born of tension from fear, panic, and confusion.  
May God bless America with the prudence to restore congressional powers to declare war in accordance with the Supreme Law of the Land: The Constitution of the United States of America! *
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forgivenbuilder · 4 years
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Leo Emmanuel Lochard  "ForgivenBuilder"  Friday, January 17, 2020
The problem with this pretense of "admiration" and "praise:" PEOPLE magazine contributes to caricature ethnic groups into "stereotype curiosities" that only result in isolating them from main stream American society! Animals are grouped into "species;" Human Beings are grouped into "races," all in the name of "objectivity" and "science!" Why can't the guy just be "AMERICAN" - why does he have to be "First ASIAN-KOREAN American?" Which only breeds the same kind of hostile animosity and resentment from other people-groups considered as so-called "minorities" (again, a demeaning idiom used in both false praise and discriminatory opprobrium) who (not unlike their so-called "majority or white" counterpart) "back-lash" in complaining about Asian predominance at American colleges and universities. This is a type of "soft bigotry" passing for the hypocrisy called "diversity and inclusiveness," but which only perpetuates unspoken covert ethnic divisions or outright overt racial strife in our great country. As if, the man is "not good enough" to be called "AMERICAN" plain-and-simple, like a "John Wayne" (real name: Ian Michael Morrison) or a "Jimmy Stewart!" No wonder most "famous Jews" among us change their names to "Gentile-sounding" last names, like "King," "Limbaugh," "Koch" etc... Hence, all in all, PEOPLE magazine is doing no more than projecting a condescending pretense of pride or admiration that in the end climaxes only in viciously "isolating" some people-groups among us while underhandedly "integrating" some other people-groups among us, into the "normal" American mainstream. Does anyone ever ask Henry Kissinger about his German Jewish Yiddish roots by calling him a "Jewish American" while he is being flattered or eulogized by "Zionist reporters" in the mass media? Of course not! Has anyone in the mass media declared or proclaimed Melania Trump as the "First Eastern European Slavish Slovenian First Lady?" Of course not, she is not from a "SH*T HOLE COUNTRY!" Of course not, because Melania is still a so-called "caucasian" or "white woman" presumed to already have been "naturally mainstreamed," either due to "accident of birth" and/or "country of origin," without ever having to worry about being branded as a "hyphenated-American," such as "Afro-American," "Asian-American," "Hispanic-American," etc.... So much for the highly vaunted, but forgotten, "AMERICAN MELTING POT!" The more "the powers that be" pretend to call for "unity" in America, the more "Divide and conquer" remains the major tactic of those "politically well-situated" who control "the universe of discourse" in the secular mass media. They just can't leave well enough alone! Hence, why we have so much trouble at home with racial strife and ethnic animosity, and to boot, as a perpetual curse about which "our AMERICAN ancestors" did fight an AMERICAN CIVIL WAR during the years 1861-1865! It never ends, does it? God bless "America as it ought to be" which we all pray for, hope for, and yearn after!  So, here is how it ought to be: "Let us introduce you to: A Great Achiever, AMERICAN Astronaut, Johnny Kim!" God bless America! *
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forgivenbuilder · 5 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard   "Forgiven-Builder"  Wednesday, October 30, 2019 
SECTION. 1. ALL PERSONS born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are CITIZENS of the United  States and of the State wherein they reside. NO STATE shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the PRIVILEGES OR IMMUNITIES OF CITIZENS of the United  States; NOR SHALL ANY STATE deprive ANY PERSON within its jurisdiction THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS. (emphasis, added).
On that point, we agree with Sanders: Education and Healthcare for ALL AMERICANS! And that's NOT "socialism!" Are corporate tax-breaks "socialism?" Well, neither are expenditures that care for the American people who work to pay those taxes! Don't we find money for corporate business tax breaks, tax-shelters, and other incentives? Don't the rich and wealthy have tax-shelters, foundations, and trust funds or "secret bank accounts" in which to hide their money so that they don't pay any taxes?  Social Security Trust Fund has always been "in the black" - but it is CONGRESS that took $2.14 TRILLION from the fund and replaced them with "IOU's" -- It is time that CONGRESS returns this money, and that money did not belong in "the general fund" so that they can spend it on their "pork-barrel-pet projects!" This money belongs to the American people who paid FICA and other Social Security taxes!  In addition: We need EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE recognized as basic Human civil rights! Who wants a sick and illiterate working population in this age of HIGH TECHNOLOGY? Does not our government find $868 BILLION for the military, including so-called "foreign aid" as $3.8 BILLION for the "Zionist State of the Jews" in the Middle-East every year; how about taxpayers' money for roads, police departments, sheriff departments, all government departments and agencies; how about money for TAX-BREAKS to the top 1% wealthy class to the tune of $1.3 TRILLION; how about all the TAX INCREMENT INCENTIVES (T.I.F.'s) to businesses in the guise that they'll "create jobs" for our workers and laborers; or how about TAX SUBSIDIES TO CORPORATIONS like EXXON-MOBIL that had $14 Billion in profits in fiscal year 2009 but paid Zero federal taxes! ALL these programs and revenues are coming from TAXPAYERS' MONEY! How come the Supreme Court declared a "corporate business" to be "a person" under the law but that takes precedence over us, WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, real PERSONS who are the laborers and workers who make this country the greatest nation on Planet Earth! So too, our government can find money to provide decent Healthcare and Education to our children whose parents and other care-givers are paying the taxes to take care of "the country's business." So, Healthcare and Education are as important as all these other expenditures that keep the country working and moving forward! Education and Healthcare are long-overdue necessary mandates for our government, as constitutional obligations that attend to "providing for our general welfare!" Food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education ought to be held as NECESSARY BASIC HUMAN CIVIL RIGHTS which our form of free government must provide in the same manner that it finds money for everything else on our politicians' agenda! We're all paying taxes as "the American people" -- and "what's good for the goose is also good for the gander!" How come such "corporate $$$ welfare" or "corporate socialism" as de facto official government policy is not called "entitlements" when they've been happening so regularly, as opposed to working Americans who, through no fault of their own, must receive government assistance because Wall Street CRASHES the economy to "throw them in the streets!" Congress allowed corporate businesses to move their plants overseas at taxpayers' expense! "The rug has been pulled out from under their feet:" How can they "make a living" when their jobs have been "out-sourced" abroad? Those corporate businesses don't stop operating for profits — why should our working people pay the price for their excesses and abuses of the law? Thus, Fairness and justice demand that our government starts treating us equally in accordance with the 14th Amendment that has secured for us "THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS!" Given that a corporation is a PERSON under the Constitution of the United States of America, WE THE PEOPLE, the American people, as individual PERSONS under the Constitution of the United States of America, must also enjoy the same treatment under the federal and State tax laws in our great nation! As persons, we are equal to corporations, also declared persons, under the jurisdiction of the United  States for taxation purposes and other financial considerations, and we must receive equal treatment from our Government. Government cannot disparage or abridge our privileges and immunities of citizenship as PERSONS by denying us both due process of law and THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS under the Constitution of the United States of America for taxation and other financial or revenue purposes! Therefore, Government can find and must find money for every obligation that our public officials deem necessary to keep our country running and prospering --- including public education and public healthcare for the American people! All government revenues are TAXPAYERS' MONEY --- How come it is being used for some things and not for others? Why is our government "playing favorites?" Who decides how we spend taxpayers' money? WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DECIDE: We have a form of free government founded upon "JUST POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED!" SO, let's all collaborate together to make it work that way! God bless America: The land of the free and the home of the brave! One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice FOR ALL! *
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forgivenbuilder · 5 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard  "ForgivenBuilder"  Friday, October 11, 2019
Very interesting article, well-reasoned, and logical in its deductions. Fact is that all these events supposedly bringing impending doom and certain gloom to Humanity have been happening on this Planet ever since it was created and formed. The Great Flood described in the Holy Bible during the times of Noah is also recorded in cultures around the globe too many to count. So how did the flood happen? No industrial revolution then; no coal mines, and coal-fired power plants, no so-called "green gas emissions" from any Humanly activated factories and manufacturing industries, etc...
Then, solar activity and Earth ecological variables must have engineered a "geo-meteorological dynamic" yielding the Great Flood. And where did the waters come from? From periodic bouts of very cold spells during which snow and ice accumulated on mountain-tops and polar icecaps, as well as from other phenomena like submarine earthquakes that could have initiated Tsunamis and other causes of coastal flooding.
The majority of those "climate change advocates" or rather "hoaxters," are "jet-setters" flying, from one country to another, while traveling in one of the most pollution-rigged machines manufactured by Human ingenuity and creativity, i.e., "the green-gas-emissions-belching" Jet planes, scouring the globe for naive and scared people to brainwash with their "scare tactics" and "get-rich-quick schemes."
Al Gore, for example, now a multi-multi-millionaire from "climate change" and "global warming" advocacy, has made many trips, even to India, where a "social caste system" keeps "the untouchables" from equally enjoying the technological fruits of Human civilization, and many times, to the point of starvation, literally. Additionally, it appears that rich Western industrialized nations who've already advanced to the "Information Age" in technology and its accompanying resources, and who've prospered beyond the rudimentary stages of an "industrial revolution,'" are "scaring" undeveloped countries into wallowing in perpetual under-development, so as to keep them "technologically starved and needy," but as subordinate markets and marketplaces for the products, goods, services and wares of international corporate businesses, said markets that would "dry up" for business corporations, because they'd be saturated with such goods, products, and wares, were those currently undeveloped countries to follow the path of domestic internal economic development, while utilizing "fossil fuels," like coal, petroleum, natural gas, wood, etc..., which are, the very same forms of fuels, "fossil fuels," that were previously utilized by Western nations on their merry way from the "Industrial Revolution" to the telecommunications and computerized technologies prevailing in "the Information Age."
Yet, already developed-wealthy countries such as in Europe, or such as America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc..., didn't "give a flying feather" about trees in the forest or coal-fired steam-engines and power plants or "green gas emissions" when they were developing their manufacturing, machinery factories, and power-plant industries for agriculture, the automobile and appliances markets, domestic commerce, and international trade.
Rather than transmogrifying "anti-pollution policies" into fear-mongering profitable fascistic political ideologies, those "climate change hoaxters" ought to be advancing the "Science of Pollution Control Technologies," such as "scrubbers" for industrial smokestacks, or engaged in discovering new chemical engineering processes that would operate to "neutralize environmental toxins" that present a grave and critical danger to Humans and Earth Ecology, such as, carcinogens and pollutants, akin to carbon monoxide and dioxin.
But, all they have is "fear-mongering speech" feeding "jack-booted decrees," and government-enforced compulsory dictates, geared to destroy not only American workers' means of livelihood and resources from which to "make a living," but also the high standard of living, with the "comforts of civilization," already achieved by industrialized nations who've advanced to the technologies of the "Information Age," such as the United States of America.
Conclusively, then, Technology is the solution to cleaning up the environment of industrial pollution, and not fascistic policies that only enrich environmentalist activists and endanger our hard-won constitutional Bill of Rights, political liberty, form of free government, and social freedoms. God bless America! *
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forgivenbuilder · 5 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard  "ForgivenBuilder" Wednesday, October 16, 2019
“There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone … that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us.” O’Rourke said
As if "paying taxes" were the equivalent to surrendering our Bill of Rights to the tax collector! The IRS collects taxes, Mr. O'Rourke, and not our Bill of Rights! Remember, Mr. O'Rourke! The First Amendment to our Constitution declares and reads: "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW......" Thus, government, namely, the IRS, has no lawful authority or constitutional jurisdiction over "Church matters!"
HELLO, Mr. O'Rourke: Sodomy is not a "human right!" Anal sex is not a "civil right!" You need your brain examined for moral sanity and scientific sound-mindedness! These unnatural and abnormal practices of sexual deviancy are an abomination in the sight of God and a revolting assault upon genuine Human dignity and decency! A person can be born Black or White, but the practice of sodomy and engagement in anal sex is an abhorrent choice of sexual deviancy. 
To equate anal sex with "civil rights" for racial equality is an insult to the decent living memory of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. who was a Christian Baptist Minister of the Word of God! Harriett Tubman was not a lesbian! Frederick Douglas was not a homosexual! Get a grip, Mr. O'Rourke! Free yourself from the heavy burden of guilt that's darkening the spark of God's image and likeness in you! You choose to practice homosexual sodomy and must live with the disgusting consequences! We don't have to put up with them --- That's your problem! When you "come out of the closet," you can't force people to put up with the festering stench of the dirty laundry! "Take it to the cleaners first!" Human civilized living demands it! So we pray you'll come to your good senses and repent of your grievous sins in order to have forgiveness from our Creator to begin a new life of genuine freedom from bondage to sexual sin! (Romans 12:1-2; 9, KJV). 
God bless you with good judgment "for transforming your inner-Man" by "the renewing of your Mind" unto a life-affirming awakening to sense-making Human  understanding, for emotional cleansing, moral sanity, and the dignified hygiene of logical thinking! There are only two genetically specified genders, Mr. O'Rourke: A Man is Male Human Being; and a Woman is a Female Human Being! And nothing else! The "other stuff" is "between your ears," Mr. O'Rourke! Gender identity is genetically specific, and thus, DNA-determined, and cannot become only "a conceptual scheme," aimed at providing the illusion of "personal emotional comfort!" Not even surgery can cut-off your DNA-specified gender! Don't even try it! 
God bless America with moral sanity for good civilized clean lawful living! *
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forgivenbuilder · 5 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard "ForgivenBuilder" Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Godless Evolutionists say that the Universe began with a big Bang! Let us have "the glorious God-inspired Hope" that we don't finish also with another big Bang: a nuclear big Bang! So, let's humbly "look up to Heaven" for a life-giving earthly solution!
Don't miss the greater geo-political implications of the Russian presence in the Middle-East! We need CHECKS-AND-BALANCES not only at home in our domestic politics but also abroad in international relations! Why? Because: That prevents emergence of "regional super-bullies" who would end-up terrorizing weaker countries into military subjugation, economic fascism, and political bondage!
Consequently then, promoting and affirming nascent and developing "seedlings of republican democracy" on the Planet must present "promising windows of opportunity" that constitute a superlative paramount fulfillment priority to the harvesting of awesome future benefits of Freedom and Prosperity for the ultimate well-being of all Humanity!
For the alternative cynical agenda of "setting-up one nation against another" for hostile conflict, will result in a nuclear holocaust that would bury, all civilized hopes of finally establishing ubiquitous democratic Forms of government all over the Earth, into the destructive ash-heaps of failed universal Human history!
May this development please the Lord God Almighty, our loving Creator, with continuous blessings for our inalienable God-ordained constitutional freedoms in America and on the Earth! God bless theUnited States of America: The original birth-place of civilized God-given Human liberty in the Universe! **********
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forgivenbuilder · 5 years
GOD SHOWS NO PARTIALITY AND NO FAVORITISM BUT JUDGES RIGHTEOUSLY AND JUSTLY!Leo Emmanuel Lochard     "ForgivenBuilder"   Thursday, October 10, 2019 https://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=WA19J22&f=WU19J08
NO, THANK YOU! I will pray for Syria for my own reasons, not from a source of camouflaged hate, pretense of piety, or racial partiality, but from a charitable and humble heart reckoning with the frailties of Human Nature in ALL Human Beings, including Zionist Jews practicing cruel violence against Palestinians to steal their lands and resources, and, including victimized Palestinians who retaliate in kind as they fight for their God-given rights to life, justice, equality, and liberty!
Very strange, indeed! How come I don't see or hear you, nor have we ever known you to be asking for us to PRAY FOR PALESTINE, AS IF Palestinians are "non-Human," don't exist, and don't deserve Jesus' love, compassion, Justice, Equality, and God's charity through Christ our Lord and Savior? Ethnic partiality or racial favoritism to protect criminal injustice and violent military oppression is a sinful abomination before God and Humanity!God-ordained Justice has no skin color, race or ethnicity, hence, why God commands us in Christ Jesus, to be even-handed, impartial, and just in our dealings and judgments with Humanity, our own neighbors on this little life Planet, Planet Earth.
NO, thank you! Representatives Tlaib and Omar are "checks-and-balances" in a society with a corrupt past of criminal injustice against both American Native Indians who are "out of sight" on Reservations and Black Americans who were slaves for more than 400 years.
But God is merciful to those sinners who deliberately repent of their sins for forgiveness and newness of life. Thus, there is Hope for our great country, America, as well as for every other people-group on this Planet. (1 John 1:9, KJV). God is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV) but of peace as in all the churches of the saints." And "God does not show favoritism" or "partiality" (Romans 2:11, KJV). In short, Palestinians are also created by God "in His own image and unto His own likeness."
Liberty is God's gift to Humanity, and not for Man to manipulate against other Humans he or she is oppressing and murdering! Palestinians have a legitimate cause, in the same way that Black Americans had a legitimate cause against Slavery for which we fought a Civil War during the years 1861-1865, even as President Abraham Lincoln who published "The Emancipation Proclamation," gave his own very life to "SAVE THE UNION!"Zionist Talmudic Jews have been perpetrating genocide ever since they declared themselves a so-called "Zionist Jewish State" on that piece of stolen land which they continue to expand and expand through illegal settlements in violation of all international laws and through military cruelty and indiscriminate bombing that murders even children, women, elderly, and innocent journalists who are only reporting the news. As Jesus told them more than 2,000 years ago, "Ye err greatly in not knowing the Scripture and power of God!"
So, both the Jews and the Arabs need Jesus Christ as eternal Lord, God and Savior, and not "partisan injustice" that "shoves Zionist crimes under the rug," as if, because of so-called "Holocaust:" "As if, Jews can do no wrong?" That's NOT true -- Human Nature is fallen and sinful; and Zionist Jews are criminals like every other murderers on this Planet! You forgot how they wantonly "mowed down" Rachel Corie, an American peace activist, with a bulldozer, literally, because she was trying to defend and protect a Palestinian home that Zionists were lawlessly destroying with the pretext of "fighting terrorism," when Zionists themselves, are the real terrorists in the Middle-East.
Given that those people, that is, Palestinians, cannot "play dead" and must resist injustice, oppression, genocide, and tyranny in the same manner that Black Americans agitated and demonstrated for their own Civil Rights in our great country, they have no other means of defending themselves, their land, their property, their natural resources, and their infrastructure.
That's a grave cruel criminal injustice being perpetrated against innocent Palestinians, and everybody, including you, is pretending that there is no wrong being done against Palestinians!
Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace and loves all Human Beings who repent of their sins in order to obtain God's forgiveness for beginning a new life in righteousness and holiness, by loving and serving God with all your hearts, souls, minds and strengths, and by also loving and serving your neighbor (that is, all other Human Beings,) as yourself.
You can't have it both ways! You are just being used as "token pawns" being exploited by the Talmudic Bankers who finance Zionist racial Apartheid in the Middle-East with American taxpayers' money (3.8 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR) and with mass media propaganda supporting Zionist genocide of Palestinians to steal Arab lands.
Not all Jews are Talmudic Zionists; the Torah Jews in Israel refuse to serve in the criminal Zionist army and are often put in jail for their conscientious objection to military violence and cruel murder and land thefts.
Therefore, it is our solemn responsibility and unswerving duty to co-labor together to preserve, protect, and defend God-endowed Human Liberty, wherever it's being violated, at home and abroad, through voluntary participation in open deliberation and discussion, by applying checks-and-balances, and public oversight, so as to motivate all people-groups to treat each other with love, compassion, peace, justice, equality, friendship, and hospitality!
May God bless you in all your endeavors as you faithfully ponder these thoughts with the help of God's Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ our eternal Lord, God, Redeemer, and Savior: King of kings and Lord of lords who is returning as a mighty victorious holy righteous Judge, and not to be crucified again, but to set things right for all Humanity by establishing "a New Heaven and a New Earth."
God bless the United States of America, with God's understanding and compassionate wisdom, for maintaining "the good work" already begun by our albeit flawed Founding Fathers, "in order to form a more perfect Union," as One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL --- including for Arabs and Palestinians, and other disadvantaged "people-groups" (not so-called "minorities," which is a derogatory term invented by people who masquerade their practice of "soft prejudice" with apparently innocuous words and harmless expressions.)God bless you and God bless America! *
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forgivenbuilder · 5 years
Leo Emmanuel Lochard   "ForgivenBuilder"   Sunday, October 20, 2019
Worse than summarily exacerbating "every level of our fractious project of self-governance," the opinion in this article lamenting the apparent decline of Christianity, would suffer us to contemplate a more foreboding, sinister, ominous, impending catastrophe: That is, as marked by its embodiment of so numerous failed attempts at eradicating the Biblical Foundation upon which America is founded, sums of which, constituting the very ultimate original historical Source that had, for countless centuries, foreshadowed and foretold the birth of our great country, as well as set the substance for the precedents that foreordained the creation and set-in-motion establishment of the rule of law in the administrative processes and political affairs of the United States of America, in its free institutions, social transactions, cultural associations, and form of free government!  
And there is no doubt that the demise of Christianity would bring forth the most disastrous calamities on this Planet, worse than the Fall of the Roman Empire: For, our Declaration of Independence proclaims that our equal inalienable constitutional Rights are given to us by our Almighty Creator, God, under whom, our system of free representative self-government has unfolded its miraculous development since the very beginning and genesis of our national Founding!
The free principles animating our system of representative self-government are not conceived to operate "under mortal Man" of flesh and blood, but UNDER GOD --- albeit the necessity that the required progressive amelioration of its practical processes does demonstrate the workings of an institution that embodies the tenet that it cannot, but be, only "a government that is to be administered by men over men." (James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 51).
What would happen then, to us, We the American People, and the rest of the world that looks to us for leadership and emulation, if we "got rid of God" who is the sole Author and Giver of all our Human and Civil rights?
Well, the end of all things would be very bleak, very sordid, very macabre, and very undesirable. For if God did not give us our rights, who did? Mortal men like us? And where did such mortal, flawed, finite, and fallible men obtain the original authority and source of jurisdiction to invent such "Natural rights?" Is it from their flawed mortal ancestors preceding their short temporal existence, but who also, died? Does inanimate Nature, in and of itself, an unfeeling, lifeless, material entity, possess any character-qualities as a "Creator-person" that could transcend its essential physical non-sentient and non-perceptive existence? Is there anything "super-natural" within the structure of "a natural Universe?" And what would that "something" be, if such a thing could even exist, that could be "above and beyond Nature," coming out of Nature, to then, "transcend Nature?" The inconsistent logic would just "not compute!"
And so, where does "perpetual protection" for our constitutionally secured "Natural rights," apart from God, come from?  How would such "perpetual protection" be enforced, except by "natural Man" who is also very flawed, very corrupt, and very mortal? Could mortal Man save himself, by himself, with, only, himself to depend on? We think not!
For men die, and so do their abstract contrivances! And as men die, and they do, so would our "Natural rights" go "out the window" with them, which no other mortal men could ever replace, regain, recapture, or retrieve. For, whatever mortal men give would die with them when they "go six feet under;" or such transient gifts from mere mortals could also be taken away by same such mortal men, while they live, or by others like themselves who would succumb to the lures of vice, lust for power, wealth, and corrupt gain: For corruption, lust for unjust powers, unbridled greed, and spiritual depravity would usually follow "the arrogance of power."
Well then, how do we ensure the perpetuity of our form of free government, except that our "Natural rights" also born within a Universe created by Almighty God, would best be secured by that same Sovereign and Omnipotent Supernatural Being? For, what God gives,  that is, the Gifts of God, which are, "life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," are inalienable, and hence, eternal, in the sense then, that no finite, flawed, mortal men, would ever acquire the immortal sovereign authority or unbeatable legitimate jurisdiction to prevent them from being destroyed or taken away by others like themselves! For such supernatural infinite powers would not be within the limited purview of  "Man's finite mortal Nature!"
Consequently, then, absent the presence of our Creator, Almighty God, and our "firm reliance upon the protection of divine Providence," as enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, every historically travailed beneficent blessing and every enduring social process nascent to our fragile Human society, would "burst open at the seams," to eventually reach ultimate chaos, anarchy, mayhem, lawlessness, disorder, and inevitably, national suicide. In short, God-given Human liberty can only be freely exercise, but within the advantageous boundaries of His holy commandments of self-control, self-restraint, and virtuous, self-disciplined, personal moderation. {(Men are not angels and government must be obliged to control itself, (James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 51); An elective despotism is not the government we fought for, (James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 48)}.
For, men drunk with the unbridled lusts for wealth, fame, clout, influence, and power, "stroking their vain egos," would know no bounds and no limits to their irrational desires and instinctual passions, and hence, as written in Federalist Papers, No. 51, by American Founder James Madison, "the necessity of auxiliary precautions." (James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 51). In addition, as Lord Acton is historically attributed this maxim: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!" How true!
As President George Washington warned us in his Farewell Address at the end of his second term as President of the United States, any person who entertains the notion that private or public morality can be obtained without the transcendent influence of Religion, is courting a world of disastrous fantasy that can only become a living nightmarish reality! For, Morality without religion remains a destructive self-delusion! For flawed mortal flesh would be the sole original Source and Author of its own puny efforts at countering its natural tendencies to an intrinsically flawed Nature, inevitable mortality, and thus, ultimate self-extinction! For, indeed, biological death is in our physical members, and moral sinfulness is in our spiritual make-up!
In this frame of reference, quarantining the principle of ultimate terminal Entropy in this material inanimate lifeless physical Universe: It would not be impertinent to note that, We are, practically, "the breathing and walking dead!" For, death is in our DNA, in our cells, in our flesh, and in our very constitutional Nature! And hence, we must have a transcendent supernatural sovereign Authority, our Creator, Almighty God, to intercede and intermediate between our Fallen Nature and the universal Good that we are pursuing! Any other perspective, would, to say the least, be, bordering on being, mutually suicidal!
But more to the point, in light of current events officiating sectary or factional opposition to Christian principles of Human moral behavior as purposed to be commanded by a transcendent supernatural Creator, Almighty God, the notion of "Separation of church and state" is neither in the text, nor in the written content, of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution of the United States of America!
To the contrary, the notion that there is "a wall of Separation between church and state" is contained in a letter written by President Thomas Jefferson, in order to reassure the Danbury Baptists Church Association, at the time, concerned with over-reaching State intrusion upon the blessings of religious freedom that inhere in our form of free government, that government has no legitimate constitutional jurisdiction or original transcendent authority that would permit it to infringe or encroach upon our religious liberty in ways to illegally abrogate the free exercise of our religious practice. (
Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists (June 1998) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin
To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association...
Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists (June 1998) - Library of Cong...
And this constitutional assurance of protective security for our religious worship and constitutional guaranties to freely practice our religion in our great nation, is clearly and undeniably affirmed in the First Article of Amendment to the Constitution, which states:
"CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"....
Therefore, the meaning of the First Article of Amendment not only clearly conveys but also solemnly affirms the irrefutable constitutional mandate that, neither the government nor the State, has any validly granted constitutional authority or lawful legitimate jurisdiction "in Church matters." {(Except, of course, as applicable within the purview of constitutionally-grounded statutory law, during such occasional happenstances, as would be concerning any other social institution or civic organization that is administered by flawed and sinful Human Beings, where or when provable crimes or provable violations of the Constitution, in a duly officially constituted court of law, and in accordance with the rule of due process of law, would prove, to have been indubitably perpetrated as validated by convicting material evidence. In our system of constitutional jurisprudence, application of the Law, is triggered, not by abstract ideas or verbally expressed thoughts, but only by provably criminal actions!)}
Thus, rather than expressing a "mandated rule of absolute exclusionary isolation" or strict civic abstention, controlling the participation of public officials in freely practiced religious observance, the Jeffersonian notion of "a wall of Separation existing between church and state," is not an "absolute principle of separateness" between "church and state." However, it is, primarily, a reaffirmation of constitutional protective assurance against government infringement or State encroachment upon our religious freedoms, as unabashedly, succinctly, tersely, and clearly written in the text and content of the First Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, in the strictest sense of all proscribing legislative prohibitions:
Therefore, our God-ordained, inspired, and predestined, miraculously established, form of free government guarantees, to the benefit of both "church and State," to us, We the American People, one another's brothers, sisters, children, and neighbors, that our religious freedoms of spiritual worship and practical exercise, are firmly and perpetually secured against government infringement of "the blessings of liberty" that have historically accompanied, both, our liberty of religious worship, and our freedoms of religious practice.
We pray God continues to protect and guide the United States of America during our earthly journey towards the ultimate fulfillment of His transcendent perpetual Will for the eternal destiny of the American people in this Universe that He originally created in accordance with His loving kindness in Christ Jesus our beloved God, Lord, and Savior, on behalf of all people-groups that make-up the Human Family, the Family of Humankind, within the infinite and boundless vastness of the Universal Cosmos!
And may God have Mercy on us all for our many trespasses, transgressions, sins, and iniquities against His loving kindness and against one another's well-being, as well as for our inadvertent flaws and unavoidable proneness to error that might result, in culpably grieving His Holy Spirit, even as such errors and flaws, also bring us, grief, suffering, pain, and misery, short of self-destruction, and damnation. God forbid! God bless us all and God bless America! *
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