foreverwednesday · 16 days
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college | headcanon
zachary "zach" harrington | 22 years old | sports science major
max baker | 21 years old | history major
eleanor "nell" harrington | 20 years old | english major
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foreverwednesday · 16 days
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briar hollow | headcanons
william "will" beckett | 26 years old | cafe owner
francesca "fran" rigby | 26 years old | journalist for the local newspaper | mother of seth rigby (12 years old)
sonny greene | 24 years old | waiter
erin sawyer | 23 years old | school mental health mentor
charles "charlie" rigby | 22 years old | unemployed
rosie castillo | 22 years old | pianist
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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A Star is Born (2018)
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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london gen 3 | parent headcanon
elias hayes | unemployed | currently missing | father of noah hayes
johnny mcguinness | social worker | single | father of robin, teddy and ginny mcguinness and iris saracen
gomez horowitz-morley | neurosurgeon | married to fleur morley | father of wren and penny morley
barney chase | museum curator | married to sylvie chase | father of meredith and grayson chase
aaron gallagher | wedding photographer | married to alba gallagher | father of arlo hayes
wyatt abrams | pe teacher | married to savannah abrams | father of victoria and benjamin abrams
audrey mccoy | stage performer (currently playing nancy in oliver) | dating caleb knightingale | mother of ivy kidd and phoebe mccoy
ava hayes | midwife | married to jude hayes | mother of noah and nancy hayes
minnie saracen | childrens book author | married to milo saracen | mother of annie, mia, ogie, gabriela, bryn and buddy saracen
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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mia | outfit
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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nancy | outfit
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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ginny | outfit
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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arlo | outfit
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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wren | outfit
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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ogie | outfit
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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gomez horowitz-costella | current appearance
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foreverwednesday · 2 months
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london gen. 3 | younger headcanons
wren morley | 21 years old | acting student at LAMDA
mia saracen | 20 years old | english literature student at london met
virginia "ginny" mcguinness | 20 years old | primary education student at london met
arlo gallagher | 19 years old | sports science student at london met
nancy hayes | 19 years old | musical theatre student at guilford
ogie saracen | 19 years old | waiter at his family's restaurant
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foreverwednesday · 3 months
"God yeah, I must be losing my memory or something. You're basically Prince Charming, right?" Mia grinned, raising an eyebrow. For Mia, every place in her life had basically been a safe space; growing up, her parents had given her the biggest sense of security and safety and because of that she knew how to trust people, how to love people. Knowing Noah didn't have that and seeing him begin to put his trust in her anyway... It felt special. She knew better than to say that out loud, though. "Yeah, I get that. It's how most of our nights out end. Except this time, you're here." She chuckled, poking him gently. "Okay, Mr Popular. You're just so cool and broody, I forget." She teased, shaking her head playfully. It did worry her a little, knowing that Noah would rather be out alone just so he could have a drink, rather than just calling it a night - but she didn't think bringing that up right now was going to be a good idea.
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"You seem to forget that i'm always charming." Noah laughed in response. He couldn't really understand why he was so different when he was around Mia but he felt safe. And safety really wasn't something which he had ever felt. He felt like he could really be himself when he was around her. "For the three of you? That doesn't surprise me." He smiled. Noah had never really had the same kind of friendship that Mia did with Penny and Ivy. His friends were his family - mostly. The other people who he hung out with weren't exactly people he considered friends. They were just there for convenience. "Nothing. No reason." Noah shook his head. "Yeah. Had people queuing up to drink with me." Noah scoffed. He thought that it was pretty obvious that he was a loner and it didn't see like the people at the club thought otherwise. And, really, when he was in a room where Mia was, all he wanted to do be with her. He could never get her out of his head.
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foreverwednesday · 3 months
"You're right, it really is my best quality. That's why I forgot. I'm just so humble, see?" Tommy grinned, raising an eyebrow. He would never pretend that he wasn't exactly what he was - an asshole. He was well aware, but it got him where he needed to be and the people that were important to him stuck around; he didn't feel the need to change. "Yeah, I did. Not a huge fan of the actual musical, I won't lie... But my agent had tickets and wanted me to go. Glad I did. Meant I got to see how good you were." He smirked. When Tommy had found out that he would be playing opposite Cassidy, he had been pretty happy about it; new talent was always exciting, but especially when it was new talent he'd seen himself and was totally confident in.
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Whatever pre conceived notions of Tommy that Cassidy had was out of the window now. She had no doubt that Tommy was the player that he was made out to be but he seemed to be more than that. He was a lot of fun, she could definitely tell that. "How could you forget? I think it's your leading quality, isn't it?" She tilted her head a little. She liked that he seemed to be completely open with the kind of person that he was. She thought that, that was refreshing. Especially for someone in the business that the two of them were. "You did?" Cassidy smiled. There was never a better compliment than being complimented on her performance - especially coming from someone like Tommy. She got the impression that he wouldn't give out a compliment like that unless it was absolutely necessary. "Thanks! It was a tonne of fun!" Taking the stage as Sophie for the first time had been absolutely crazy but it was incredible. She didn't know if she had ever felt anything like that feeling of elation before.
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foreverwednesday · 3 months
"I don't mind. I like having you here." Dylan said softly, shrugging his shoulders. He just felt better when Amelia was here, it felt as though everything was okay... his brain felt calm. He didn't know if he expected Amelia to actually answer his question, but he was pleasantly surprised as she started to talk; he was always desperate to learn more about her, to find out whatever she was willing to reveal. He raised an eyebrow slightly as Amelia spoke, wondering where she was going... and instantly, the thought of anybody trying to hurt her made his blood boil. It all made so much sense; how she was still in Cooper Landing, how whatever was here still wasn't as bad as what she had run away from. He shook his head, reaching out to take her hand and lace his fingers through her own. "I hate that they did that to you." He whispered. "And I'm so glad you're here. With us."
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"Exhausted. Like I told you." Verity laughed quietly, shrugging her shoulders. Being in here, with Hugo, door closed to the outside world and it just being the two of them laughing, she could almost forget about all of the horrible things waiting in Cooper Landing for them. Everything was easy and everything felt right. She didn't know if that was sometimes just as scary as everything else, though. "Good." Verity told him firmly, making sure she could see his face. "Because I can take care of myself. And I will." She smiled reassuringly. "Busy? Tell me what's going on inside that brain of yours, then. Let me take some of the busyness."
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Amelia smiled a little at that. She liked knowing that she was at least wanted. She never wanted to make him feel like he had to put up with her. Dylan was already so important to her. She couldn't wrap her head around it. She had never had people like Dylan and Verity and Hugo in her life. They were so special to her. "No. It's okay. I'm okay here. If you don't mind?" Amelia questioned. She'd leave if he wanted his own space but she wanted to be there with him. She raised an eyebrow at Dylans question. She hadn't expected it. But she wasn't going to lie and she trusted him enough to know that he could be trusted with this. "My parents were - they weren't nice people." Amelia sighed. Her fingers traced along the burn scar on her wrist before she held it out for him to see. "That was because I was sat in my fathers seat when he came home from work." Her eyes were trained on the small circular mark. She didn't want to see his reaction. "Cooper Landing was as far away from them as I could get and I didn't have any money to go any further and then.." She shrugged. "Then I met you. I met you guys. I didn't want to leave after that."
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"Wow. You must be tired." Hugo chuckled. He never really felt more at ease then when he was with Verity. He was on edge most of the time. In a town like Cooper Landing, it made sense. You never knew what you were going to get when you turned a corner. You didn't know who you would meet. When he was home with Verity and Dylan and, now Amelia, he felt like his shoulders could ease a little. He didn't feel quite so tense. He rolled his eyes, though, as she spoke. "I know you can. I don't doubt you can handle yourself. But even if I wanted to sleep before you got home, I couldn't. I wouldn't. Brains too busy."
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foreverwednesday · 3 months
"Should I be suspicious that you're being so charming?" Mia laughed, raising an eyebrow. She knew she was anything but irresistible in a ratty old t-shirt and hair that definitely said she'd spent the past however many hours dancing in a nightclub, but she liked that Noah was being so sweet about it - when he was like this, when he was just her Noah and she got to see the side of him that nobody else saw, it was her favourite time. "All the best nights end like that, don't you know?" She grinned, shrugging her shoulders. She picked up the remote and turned on her TV, putting on an episode of a show they often had on in the background. She liked that they had their little routine now, even if neither of them really acknowledged it. "What are you smirking at?" She laughed, taking a seat on the end of the bed. "Yeah, I think she's probably at fault. He wasn't allowed to join girls night and then she wouldn't go to him. Poor baby." She chuckled, rolling her eyes. "So, what? You met other friends?" It didn't occur to Mia that Noah would be so intent on drinking that he would stay out on his own, if he needed to.
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Sometimes, when Noah was sound of mind, he wondered why he couldn't just be what Mia needed. He wanted to be with her. He hated the thought of her being with someone else. But then he'd come back to reality and the idea of her relying on him, of being only hers was something that terrified him. He didn't think that he'd ever be in that position for Mia. "You're joking but you pretty much are." He shrugged. Noah knew that her friends didn't care about him. He knew that they would be happy if he was never there again. He knew that they didn't like him. But that wasn't about to stop him. If he wanted to be with Mia, then that was what he was going to do. "Sounds like you had a great night." He scoffed. Though he couldn't help but smirk a little as Mia continued. That meant that she'd at least tried to keep track of him as she'd gone about her business. "Arlo did. I didn't." Noah shrugged. "He went home in a right sulk. Figured it was Ivys doing."
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foreverwednesday · 3 months
The pressure that Cassidy spoke of was exactly what kept Tommy going; he thrived on it, the knowledge that everybody expected nothing but the best from him, because Tommy knew he could deliver. He knew he was the best of the best and seeing people realise it was one of his favourite things. "I knew it. It gets them all eventually, I just didn't realise it would happen so quickly." He grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "Exactly. Humility. I forgot about that." He laughed, nodding his head. Something told him that Cassidy could absolutely give as good as she got and Tommy liked that. He always found it fun. "I saw you in Mamma Mia, by the way. The first night you went on. You were fucking good." He smirked, raising an eyebrow. He always liked watching covers, he liked seeing whether or not they could withstand the pressure - and Cassidy absolutely had. It had impressed him.
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Knowing how popular was made Cassidy pretty nervous... but also excited. The pressure of everyones eyes on her - on her and Tommy - was something which just made her want to work harder. She wanted to prove herself. "That must be it, yeah. Can't keep away from you." She smirked. Cassidy always enjoyed a bit of harmless flirting, a bit of back and forth. So she was already enjoying herself. "And here I thought you'd just be cashing in on the name. Y'know, being the Tommy Morley and everything." It was hard not to be excited about working with him. Whatever else happened, she knew that he was going to be good. "And that humility. It's hard to believe why anyone wouldn't instantly fall in love with you." Of course Cassidy knew Tommys reputation. But it wasn't something that she was particularly paying attention too. She thought that she was smart enough to make her own decisions. She already liked him a lot more than she thought she would.
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