//Okay. So I went ahead and made Maat a main blog. It can be found here. Same tag/username so no worries there. Now I can actually follow people from her account.//
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anonymously send the mun what you really think of them.
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The child seems unimpressed, though his answer maybe amuses her just a little and she has to look down to hide it. 
Her uncle always makes it so difficult to scold him.
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Once she knows that her amusement is once more in check she puts her hands on her hips, looking amazingly stern for one so young.
"Then, I'll tell you what I hear them tell the other children: 
'You have to play nice with the other kids or the other kids won't want to play or to share their toys anymore.' 
You can't throw temper tantrums. It's not nice. For anyone else or for you."
Although even after hearing snippets of what had happened, she's really more concerned with the 'for you' part of what she said.
// When she heard about that, little Maat would’ve been like: 
#unamused //
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 ”Uncle… Uncle. What in Duat were you thinking? You throw worse temper tantrums than I do. How old are you?”  // xD // 
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❝I hate and fear snakes, because if you look into the eyes of any snake you will see that it knows all and more of the mystery of man’s fall, and that it feels all the contempt that the Devil felt when Adam was evicted from Eden.❞
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Apep should be renamed the “God of Super Destructive Temper Tantrums” # ;fangless   # bc that is pretty much how he became the god of chaos   # haha   # apep if u hadnt of destroyed everything maybe u'd still be liked   # asshole  
// When she heard about that, little Maat would've been like: 
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 "Uncle... Uncle. What in Duat were you thinking? You throw worse temper tantrums than I do. How old are you?" xD //
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Grab a marker and write something on my muse! (Anywhere over my muse's body.)
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// Thank you! I appreciate that! ^_^ //
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// Oh you! Stop it! What were you saying to me a few minutes ago? But thank you! You're too nice. ^_^ //
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Send me a ‡‡ if you like how I portray my muse.
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He reaches out to stroke her hair, a gesture that is not at all unfamiliar. After all, her uncle––not her actual father––is the one she had often gone to when nightmares had disturbed her sleep. 
Her father would always complain of being awakened for such silly, nonsense things. He would tell her to go back to sleep for he was very tired and, ‘Really, child. It is nothing more than your imagination running away with you. Perhaps you should practice more with your domain and find your balance. Order your thoughts.’
Her uncle would allow her to sit with him for a while, would tell her stories, would promise her that none of the monsters in her dreams would ever harm her. If the nightmare had been particularly bad, he wouldn’t send her back to her own room, at least not while she was awake. He would let her snuggle up beside him and he’d stroke her hair and tell her stories until she fell asleep, and then he’d carry her back to her own room some time during the night, careful not to wake her.
That he does this now…
And then she catches sight of something shimmery falling from his eye to the floor…
By the time he gives voice to his request, he almost needn’t have asked her, though these words almost make her own eyes shine with unshed tears. Why does it sound so much like he’s saying goodbye? What is going on?
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"Of course, Uncle. I’ll always hug you, if you want me to…"
Without even another word, she holds her arms out to him, offering the hug he had requested.
Tilting her head to the side, brow ever-so-slightly furrowing, she is more than a little confused by his words, but perhaps more than that, she is concerned with why his smile isn’t quite reaching his eyes. 
She likes when her uncle smiles. He is one of the few gods who smiles with any sincerity. She knows that some of the other gods are uncomfortable when he smiles––she thinks that maybe it has to do with the sharp teeth… what were they called again? Fangs?––but that had never bothered her. He has a pretty smile even with the fangs. That right now his smile seems so… diminished…
Well, of course, she wants to ask why. 
Why are things changing? 
Why won’t I ask to see you anymore? 
Why do you look so sad? 
And perhaps the questions flicker behind her eyes, usually the only way to really read her expressions, her thoughts … 
But she does not ask them. Not aloud. Somehow she thinks that, if she were to ask, his smile, weak as it is, might disappear entirely and she doesn’t want that.
So, instead she smiles for him––something that she rarely does––hoping to cheer him if only a little, one small hand reaching out for his much larger hand.
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"Very well, Uncle. What would you like to do?"
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// [points like a child on the playground] You started it! >< How do you think I felt reading your reply?! :') 
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AND THEN, your reply to the family question! 'cause I had thought the same thing! Of Maat almost thinking of him as her father because let's face it Ra is a deadbeat dad, and that made all of this that much worse because then I was really over here sniffling and snorting and trying not to start crying. So y u do dis?!//
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"Yes, I had thought as much."
After a moment, her expression softens as she sighs. How young mankind is, even now. How little they truly know.
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"Your kind... You never quite seem to understand. Your concept of Fate is so absolute..."
She is careful to choose her words. Careful not to say too much... Yet also to try to explain if only a little.
"Fate is not... Fate is not something one can speak of in absolutes. Fate is... a desert with a thousand tracks of sand. An ocean with a million waves. A tree with more branches than you could ever hope to count in a lifetime. That is the nature of Fate."
"There is a fine line between coincidence and fate."
A mildly amused light enters her eyes. After all, it is not often she hears such a statement from a mortal.
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"Yes. Indeed there is. Though… I must wonder if mortals know exactly how fine that line is."
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ask my character anything you want——anything. they have to answer truthfully.
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