The brunette nodded her head "Indeed, that's me." She felt a bit bad for not having known what Milla taught, she'd remind herself to look through the teacher's list later. It was always updating and relatively quickly as of late, it was hard to keep track. In fact, she pulled out her notepad to write it down, else she would have forgotten for sure. It was incredible how quickly things could be forgotten when distracted with work. Especially for a workaholic like the detective.
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"I see! How interesting. Truth be told, I have always been interested in cooking as well. Though I never seem to find the time to try it out myself." between her past work as a detective, to her current occupation of being a teacher, Ema was always on the move. Sometimes it seemed like she never could find the time to sit down and rest for at least five minutes. "Cooking itself is like a science, I've always been interested in learning how to properly cook. Unfortunately my work has always prevented me from doing so."
the science of food / ema + milla
    "Ema?" Hearing her name, Milla finally remembered what class she was teaching. The list of teachers only had names after all, and no photos, so it was hard to tell who was who unless introduced. "So you’re the biology teacher then?" She didn’t know very much biology herself, so she was quite impressed when she met someone who did.
    With her attention returning to the books she was holding, she let out a slight chuckle. "Well, sort of," she answered, "I wanted to see if I could find an ingredient that would make my soup even better. Something like a special secret ingredient. So I ended up borrowing quite… a lot of books." Maybe with these, she could try to learn to cook a lot of other things as well. "Cooking is sort of my hobby, you see…" And there wasn’t really much else to do back in the village she came from either besides cooking.
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Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth - Prosecutor’s Path ~ The Man Who Masterminds the Game
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Wincing once more in pain before looking up, someone was there offering a hand. Seemed she was indeed spotted after all, internally she would shame herself but right now the current headache she had was preventing her from doing so. Taking his hand the brunette brought herself back up, feeling a bit uneasy.
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"No No- it's fine- I'm fine--" she began to say, placing a hand on her forehead. It was normal for her to deny the assistance of others, however it would always be clear when she really did need help, now being one of those times. "I'm just a bit dizzy that's all-- I'll be fine-" she reiterated, putting her free hand on the wall to keep her balance. The headache seemed to grow stronger with each passing minute, it was unbearable. Perhaps she did need to go to the infirmary after all.
Distractions; || Ludger & Ema ]
   For once, Ludger had decided to visit the cafeteria for lunch, as opposed to making his own. Being a Home Ec teacher gave him free access to the kitchen, where he would experiment on new dishes. Today however, it was closed for maintenance, leaving the lunch-less teacher to spend the little money he had on food at the school’s caf. Although he was still fairly new, he had not once eaten any meals there. What kinds of dishes would they have? Just the thought of trying something new motivated him. 
   Just around the next corridors would bring him to the doors of the cafeteria, but before he could even take the turn, a girl seemed to have crashed into a wall. The loud thud from the impact caused him to jolt slightly from the sound. That must’ve hurt. 
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   Upon instinct, Ludger first picked up the fallen glasses before quickly walking towards her and holding out a hand to help her up. "Are you alright? I can take you to the infirmary, if you need to."
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Another Little Thief?; || Blue & Ema ]
The bell rang signalling the end of another biology class, quickly the students began to pile out of the classroom. Ema normally stuck around the classroom for a while after class was dismissed, just in case someone would come in to ask a question. Today however, she wished to get away from the stuffy room and get some fresh air for once. Which is why the detective had quickly left her classroom as soon as all the students were gone.
To step outside and take in a breath of the outside air was certainly refreshing, the temperature was nice today as well. Ema contemplated staying outside to grade some papers, it seemed like a good idea. While in thought, she instinctively went to pull her glasses down onto her face- only to realize her glasses were for some reason not on her.
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"?! My glasses- I must have left them in the classroom--" quickly the brunette turned, making a beeline for her classroom. Opening the door she headed to her desk to search for her beloved pink tinted glasses. Why she didn't have them was a mystery, she was 95% sure she had them on when she left the class- could it be she was just clumsy and forgot them? That couldn't be the case- could it?
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✚ M U N  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ✚
Name: Karina Nicknames: Karie, Kari, Pink, Kyou Wishlist Nickname: none! I don't mind new nicknames i guess Birthday: October 28th Height: 162.25 cm (5'4'') Eye Color: brown Hair Color: black Ethnicity: Hispanic/Asian Lives in: United States Relationship Status: Video games Character(s) Most Identifies with: mmm... do I have to list them all Hobbies: drawing, video games, rping, Special talent(s): uh,  Warning/disclaimer: don't talk to me im a huge fucking nerd who rambles too much about games you have been warned Struggling with: LIFE
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✚ M U S E  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ✚
Name: Ema Skye [not skype she will murder you if you call her that] Nicknames: Science-chan  Wishlist Nickname: none Birthday: n/a [ my headcanon is that she's an aries, lol] Height: 172 cm (5'6'') Eye Color: teal Hair Color: brown Ethnicity: uh.. American? yea idk Lives in: Nashi Dorm Relationship Status: single Classification: human Special talent(s): SCIENCE anything science. She's also known for being kind of a tsun and can eat 5 bags of snackoos in one hour. Warning/disclaimer: Please don't anger her she can punch your lights out. Struggling With: Lonliness
In conclusion: Same | C L O S E A S H E C K | Almost | Ehh...? Not Really | Nope |
Mun & Muse: A Comparison by Me
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ok ok I've done the things I owe, now to add onto that, if you'd like to thread with Ema like this post for a starter and I'll write one up for you! ]
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Distractions; || Ludger & Ema ]
The past few weeks had been quite a whirlwind of work. More and more people had come to Kerria Academy, both students and teachers alike. It was quite overwhelming for the detective, each day she'd find herself swamped with more work than the day before. Becoming the head of a brand new dorm also provide her with more work, but work was something Ema enjoyed. It kept her busy, with that she felt content.
Class had finished for the day when the detective left her classroom. Half the day was done but more work still had to be finished. Before she could get herself to do any work though, she had to respond to the complaints coming from her stomach. Work resulted in hunger, and she certainly couldn't work on an empty stomach. 
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Contemplating what she should eat before getting back to work distracted her from focusing on where she was going, causing her to inadvertently walk herself into a wall. How clumsy. Her glasses fell to the ground, she rubbed her forehead where it had hit the wall. Wincing from pain, the detective hoped no one had seen her do that, it was laughable how clumsy she had been. Her stomach once again complained as she attempted to regain her composure. 
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The brunette looked at each of the book's covers, there certainly was every type of cook book you could think of here. To think there were so many different ways to prepare specific foods, cooking in itself was a science that many people attempted to learn. It was quite fascinating, she too would give it a try, if she weren't so busy [or lazy for that matter].
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"It's quite alright, really. My name is Ema Skye, it's a pleasure to meet you Milla." was her reply as she finished picking up the remains of the scattered books. If Ema recalled, Milla was a teacher who had come to Kerria not too long ago. She couldn't quite remember what she taught exactly, she'd have a look later. "I can't help but notice, do you plan on using all of these books? For cooking I mean." was then asked out of pure curiosity. Normally that would be the logical conclusion, one would use a cookbook to try cooking a recipe. Maybe that was what Milla planned on doing as well, the detective couldn't be totally sure, but it did pique her curiosity.
the science of food / ema + milla
    "No, I'm sorry…” Milla’s apologizes were mostly awkward ones, so hopefully the woman didn’t take it the wrong way. With help, the blonde got back up and started picking up the books scattered around the corridor floor as well. Seeing them like this, she started wondering if she hadn’t borrowed a few too many. There was one with just soups, bbq and meat in general, desserts, fish, “healthy” food, and even drinks. All the ones with perfect food for the summer heat, really.
    Having picked up the last ones, she turned around and looked at the other again, "Thanks. And again, I’m sorry for not really looking where I was going." She shouldn’t have to apologize this much, but it was a bit embarrassing considering this was the first time she met the other. But Milla knew she was another teacher. The other teachers’ faces had started to become familiar to her, but not so much their names. "Oh, I’m Milla, by the way."
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imperialprince replied to your post:There are students stripping. What the actual...
[wink wink]
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A smile graced the brunette's face as the young girl sat down next to her desk. There were very few times when Ema was genuinely excited to see someone, this being one of those times. The detective had developed a fondness for Ava, thought she wasn't exactly sure what was the cause of it. She couldn't exactly explain why even if she tried. To hear she would be attending the school, and was one of her own students on top of that- it was much more than exciting news.
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"I'm surprised myself to see you here!" she began, laughing lightly. The detective shifted herself away from the work on her desk before continuing, giving Ava her undivided attention. She could finish grading later. "It has been hasn't it? I've been well! Becoming a teacher has taken a bit to get used to, but here I am. How about you? Have you been doing good?"  They indeed hadn't talked in quite some time, it was incredible how quickly time seemed to fly by. It seemed like it was just yesterday she and Maya arrived here at the academy. Nonetheless, she couldn't be happier about her decision to come teach, seems it was well worth everything it took to get here.
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Apparently some student had stabbed another earlier today, this wasn't exactly pleasant news. Before you know it people would get carried away and there might actually be a murder here. That would be.. something.
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"I advise you all to refrain from doing something you may regret. If anyone here gets seriously hurt you will be in big trouble." There's a serious tone in her voice.
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Might as well hop in on the bandwagon and make a list myself! If you’re taking Biology, please like this post!
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"Nah it's alright, impressive shot. Kudos to you."
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"That it is, good luck out there soldier." A salute was followed, how cute it was to see these kids get so into this war. 
John, you are too good at paintball for this world. “Sorry about that, Miss Skye!”
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"But, heh, all’s fair in love and war!"
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It seems she got hit by some kid. Ah well, as competitive as she can be, defeat is defeat. She'll be eating snackoos while watching on the sidelines
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Have fun nerds 
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Might as well hop in on the bandwagon and make a list myself! If you’re taking Biology, please like this post!
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Might as well hop in on the bandwagon and make a list myself! If you're taking Biology, please like this post!
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Name: Karie URL: galacticremix Characters Played: Ema Skye, Maya Fey & Kou Matsuoka Birthday: October 28th Height: 4'4'' Eye colour: brown Hair colour: black Gender: female~ Sexuality: what's that Relationship Status: whats that
Character: Em..a... I guess! I like a lot of characters Colour: Purple! I also really like Blue and Green Singer/Band: uhhh?? I don't really have a favourite, I like Coldplay alot I guess School Subject: Language Arts Book: don't make me choose just one Sites: Tumblr + Twitter Past-Time: Playing Video games, talking about video games, VIDEO GAMES
Meet the Mun!
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