forebarence · 2 hours
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SUPERNATURAL 2.22 — All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two
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forebarence · 2 hours
If you use the word "knot" as a synonym for a burl on a tree, than would Slipknot be a valid warrior name?
I think so. However this also opens a lot of doors for a lot of specific people
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forebarence · 2 hours
i think i said this one before but i remember we used to go to church and one day on the way i just out of the blue asked the car "how do we know god is real? what if people just made him up" and the adults all got super mad at me and gave me generic answers like "we just know" and stuff and my ass was fucking CURIOUS so when church started i asked the Sunday School teacher and she was like "well the bible was written about him" or something like that and i was like "but someone wrote Curious George and hes not real, what if someone made him up too" and she was like irritated but was like "he's a talking monkey of course hes not real, children just like fun stories" or something like that and i don't remember exactly what i said but it was something very close to "but adults like stories too! how do you know he's not made up so because adults want to believe in something too?" and she got SUPER mad and i had to apologize in front of the church but i saw an opportunity so i was like "but no one answered me so i still dont know and i guess you guys don't either" and [everyone] got super mad and none of us could go to that church anymore
the adults were okay to go to church again but me and my siblings had sundays off from that point on and that was kind of a catalyst for the way my brother and sister perceived religion
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forebarence · 2 hours
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forebarence · 3 hours
please practice being excited about stuff.
yeah, I said "practice". remember how much joy there was in getting a new toy/book/game as a kid, and practice feeling that excitement again. a lot of us had that instinct squashed out of us, and you may not even know that you've internalized the idea that being excited and joyful isn't "mature" or "cool".
fuck that! let yourself experience joy and excitement! part of being an adult is learning that not only should you be able to feel anger/sadness/hard emotions without suppressing them, you have to do that for joy/excitement/wonder too.
let yourself feel unhindered, unbridled excitement!
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forebarence · 3 hours
“What if we were normal about men” every time i walk past a man i send a psychic shockwave directly to their prostate just to remind them it’s there
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forebarence · 3 hours
Men invented dueling so they could shoot hot loads into eachother
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forebarence · 4 hours
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forebarence · 4 hours
sometimes i feel a little guilty reblogging those fake chinese homesteader tiktoks bc i don't think most people realize theyre all staged sets and not actually indicative of a capitalism escape fantasy but frankly theyre fun and relaxing to watch and i enjoy seeing traditional practices being done so who give a shit
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forebarence · 4 hours
first rule of washing dishes: Be yourself and have fun
second rule of washing dishes: Make sure to get water and soap in every possible corner of the entire kitchen
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forebarence · 4 hours
I’m really looking forward to the day at work when the CEO comes online and says, “Congrats, that was everything we were gonna do. We’ve done all the work. That’s all the stuff we’ve planned to do. The products are all really good right now and we shouldn’t change them anymore. It’s just cashing checks from here on out.” And we all go outside and play in the river.
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forebarence · 5 hours
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Happy Pride, monsterfuckers.
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forebarence · 5 hours
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forebarence · 5 hours
Doorbell rang so my dad went off to get it, and when he came back and I asked who it was he just said "Ugh 😒 Just some Round Table nonsense" & I'm like "?????? Round Table as in King Arthur's Round Table??" "Yeah :/" The goddamn Knights Templar were at our front door and you just sent them away???
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forebarence · 5 hours
I don't wanna @ anyone because I understand how fast things seem to move in today's landscape of streaming shows dropping entire seasons in one day, and networks pumping out new series constantly to try to attract more subscribers with no intent to actually maintain those shows over time but I just saw someone self-deprecatingly lament that they are still thinking about a show that ended almost a year ago, making fan art and playlists for it, and I want to be very clear:
you can still create fanworks when it comes to old media!! PLEASE do!! there are always going to be new fans who will appreciate it, and veteran fans who are dying for new content and new perspectives. also, less than a year is NOTHING. the original Star Trek series was on TV six decades ago and there are still people losing their minds over it, writing stories and reblogging gifsets daily, and that's only one example.
a fandom lasts as long as there are people who love a thing, even if it's only a handful of people. love what you love and write and draw and make gifs and playlists about it!
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forebarence · 6 hours
closure isnt real they made that shit up for tv and movie
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forebarence · 6 hours
as i approach the end of my lease im reminded of this beautiful fixture in my home
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thank you, landlords, for everything you do.
im not sure what it is you do, but you make significantly more money than me so it must be something, right?
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