fodlanficdotcom · 4 days
Posted a minific yesterday btw
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fodlanficdotcom · 4 months
Literally what did I mean by 'having a good spot to end this chapter'...... I'm still writing it and I have no clue where this alleged point was 💀
Writing progress update: there is no progress. (Kidding, I'm chipping away at the next chapter of my casphardt fic here and there. It's easy to let this kind of writing (ie. slice of life) continue winding and wandering until suddenly I have a 10k words chapter, so it's kind of an odd process for me. Also I'm just pretty busy. I think I'm potentially at a good spot to end this current chapter, almost. And that would be a relatively short chapter compared to the others iirc, so that's cool. Variety is the spice of life indeed.)
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fodlanficdotcom · 4 months
tragic fictional siblings... save me...
tragic fictional siblings
save me tragic fictional siblings
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fodlanficdotcom · 5 months
Writing progress update: there is no progress. (Kidding, I'm chipping away at the next chapter of my casphardt fic here and there. It's easy to let this kind of writing (ie. slice of life) continue winding and wandering until suddenly I have a 10k words chapter, so it's kind of an odd process for me. Also I'm just pretty busy. I think I'm potentially at a good spot to end this current chapter, almost. And that would be a relatively short chapter compared to the others iirc, so that's cool. Variety is the spice of life indeed.)
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fodlanficdotcom · 7 months
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(Big thanks to @geummi for providing the lovely Claude artwork <3)
FE artscuffle launches on Nov 22! Sign-ups are open!!
This is a Fire emblem themed art trading game for writers and artists looking to attack each other with fanworks (o゚v゚)ノ
SIGN-UP FORM -> https://forms.gle/ZKEp1nU7NMbMRWUq5
INFO DOC -> tinyurl.com/mrx2htkn
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fodlanficdotcom · 8 months
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fodlanficdotcom · 8 months
I haven't written in so long and I wanna get back into it but having ideas is difficult
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fodlanficdotcom · 8 months
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FE Artscuffle will be held from Nov 22 to Dec 30! 🎉🎉
This is an art trading game where members of a Discord server attack each other by writing or drawing Fire Emblem characters.
Sign-ups will open on Nov 8. Please check out our info doc here if you'd like to know more c:
Some new additions:
Introducing critical hits! During sign-ups, users may choose to submit their weak point. In other words, their number one favorite thing (eg. a ship in a certain AU or fairly detailed scenario). Including someone's weak point in your attack will award you with a bonus multiplier!
We'll be hosting a few other special events that can net you bonus points, such as character birthdays and a themed week ✨
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fodlanficdotcom · 8 months
Self-explanatory - Linhardt has no thunder spells in his learned magic list.
Caspar is in the upstairs dorms, where all the esteemed nobles stay (and is directly above Linhardt). Meanwhile Linhardt, who is an actual heir, is on the ground floor mostly occupied by commoner students.
The hairtie is practically canon, thanks to Hopes, but the grounding charm can't be forgotten!
This is excluding Linhardt being autism-coded, but does not dismiss it!
This includes non-binary headcanons!
It's good exercise and weight training, he'd say.
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fodlanficdotcom · 8 months
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fodlanficdotcom · 8 months
wahoo (I finally published casphardt chapter 3)
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fodlanficdotcom · 9 months
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fodlanficdotcom · 9 months
my scholarly physique and delicate constitution are not well-suited to questing, but they keep me around because i’m very good at saying ominous and unsettling things at significant moments
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fodlanficdotcom · 9 months
how the fuck am i supposed to act like a normal functional human being when The Character exists
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fodlanficdotcom · 9 months
I'm taking my sweet time on the casphardt chapter 3 but the good news is: it is done. (done meaning It's technically complete and technically edited but I want to reread the whole thing start to finish and do another round of editing where necessary. SCRUPULOUS!!! that's me.)
0 notes
fodlanficdotcom · 9 months
I feel like I haven't really seen the fe3h fandom talk too much about how clearly Azure Moon is an adaptation of Hamlet. Like not even subtly Hamlet (like, see, he's the lion king, get it, haha, because... It's Hamlet).
Dimitri is obvious; he's the prince whose uncle has become king, due to a conspiracy he's trying to uncover, spurred on by his murdered father's restless ghost. Pursuing this vengeance drives him mad, and he becomes increasingly erratic as vengeance continues to escape him.
Dedue is Horatio; Hamlet's best friend (but one he met more recently than his other friends), always at his side and loyal no matter how far Hamlet falls, but formal with him right up until Hamlet dies for his revenge. Crimson Flower Dedue practically delivers the "Goodnight, sweet prince" line in the game if you defeat him before he can transform himself.
The rest spends a lot of effort making subversions; Rufus is Claudius, and this is played straight in Three Hopes, where Dimitri gets justice before he loses his mind and so he never reaches the depths of despair he does in Azure Moon. But in Three Houses this gets subverted; Rufus is still actually the Claudius, but Dimitri has miscast Edelgard in the role. This also allows Patricia to serve as Gertrude, forcing Dimitri to grapple with whether his (step)mother was complicit in his father's murder and whether she has more loyalty to the murderer than to him. Rufus then shifts into the Polonius role, as it's after his death (allegedly at the hand of Dimitri himself) that everything starts going to shit.
Felix, meanwhile, I think is Laertes (with Glenn and Rodrigue serving as Ophelia and Polonius for him (side side note I personally think Glenn was one of Dimitri's first crushes but that's neither here nor there)). The death of one curdles Laertes's positive childhood friendship feelings towards Hamlet (and Felix towards Dimitri) and then the death of the second fully solidifies Laertes's feeling that Hamlet must be stopped.
In Azure Moon, this gets subverted, in that Dimitri reverses course here, where Hamlet doubles down. As a result, Laertes turns his sword against Hamlet, while Felix returns to a shaky companionship with Dimitri. But crucially, if Felix does get recruited to other routes and turns his sword against Dimitri, he basically cannot have a happy ending - the same way Laertes dies for turning against Hamlet.
I don't have a snappy conclusion or anything (are Ingrid and Sylvain Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Unclear) but I think it's fascinating.
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fodlanficdotcom · 9 months
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