fntasma · 4 years
( justiiceswords‌ ):
Well, this was a meeting she wasn’t excepting. She probably would have expected it if this city didn’t mess with the Law of Cycles. She was still angry over that. It’s like when Homura’s witch barrier somehow managed to trap Kyouko and Mami-san inside of it. Madoka had chosesn Sayaka and Nagisa to infiltrate it. They had entered Homura’s world, and attached themselves to Kyouko’s and Mami’s memories respectively. Of course, then was different as Nagisa and Sayaka had full control over the Law of Cyles. Nagisa isn’t here now, and Sayaka doesn’t have that ability. Even the memories of the events are hazy. What, did the city screw that up too? She can’t even remember why she’s HERE and not saving Homura from the grip of the incubators?
Ah well, there was no point to take her frustrations out on Kyouko.It wasn’t her fault, and Sayaka knew that. The rational, mature part of her was fighting with the aggressive, anger-fueled side of her.
…And it seems the mature, rational side wins the battle.
Sayaka gives the redhead a smile. She missed spending time with her, as fiery as she could be. Maybe that’s why they got along? Similar hotblooded personalities? For once, she wasn’t smirking as she poked a little fun at Kyouko’s expense. She genuinely was happy to see her.
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❝…Hey, Kyouko. Did you miss me?❞
Great, now if she can manage to get all her friends outta here and back to Mitakihara, that would be super swell. That would be hard for one girl to do alone, but… 
@fntasma​ liked!
         at first, catching sight of the blue haired girl has kyouko by surprise. not because sayaka was taken from her world -- from her own life in mitakihara but... how cheery she seemed. as if that whole conversation in the train station never happened and her succumbing to the fate bound to every puella magi -- never happened. don’t get her wrong. kyouko never wished for that to happen to sayaka, not after -- not after they’ve become something more than just acquaintances. kyouko’s even found a liking to the other puella magi, so isn’t it only natural that relief washes over her here? knowing that sayaka is safe, her playful self and... no sense of a tainted soul gem anywhere, it was more than the redhead could ever wish for.
         but something was also... different? she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. in fact, she holds no urgency to bring it up seeing how relaxed the other was. she wouldn’t want to dampen the mood, especially not after what kyouko remembered last. this was the best for both of them -- probably.
         a smirk can’t help itself on her features as she raises her arms behind her head. feigning indifference in attempt to keep her excitement at bay, kyouko scoffs.
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         ❛ ha? like anyone would miss you! ❜ certainly not kyouko, nope. ❛ when did ya get here anyway? ya could’ve called me or somethin’ instead of meetin’ up like this. it’s more my style than yers, y’know? ❜
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fntasma · 4 years
( hopearrows ):
❝Wehihi-!❞ Ah, there’s that iconic Madoka laugh. ❝Kyoko-chan! You needn’t say such things, you know!❞ The pink-haired swears her laugh was not at Kyoko’s expense. She was merely happy to see her again! It seemed like the red-head still had that distinct personality that set her apart from everyone else. Casual. Maybe that’s why Sayaka-chan liked Kyoko-chan so much and they appeared to be getting along? It seemed like those two were always arguing over something, but that was just friendship at work, wasn’t it?
Madoka found their friendship incredibly entertaining. But also, she would be lying if she said that the pair of them didn’t make her tired. Anyways, Madoka follows Kyoko’s line of sight and she notices it’s OVER her rather than right at her.
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❝I’m right here!❞
Yeah, she was flesh and blood. Not a universal concept of HOPE PERSONIFIED at all.  ❝How’re you, Kyoko-chan? Good, I hope?❞
The young girl gives the redhead another one of her Madoka smiles. You know the ones. The smiles that only Madoka can give. She was happy to see one of her friends here! 
         ah! looks like she fell for it. well, it wouldn’t be madoka if she didn’t. the other’s company is especially welcome now -- today. after the whole altercation with mami, the redhead’s been in a mood much fouler than foul. if it was any other puella magi that called her name, this would’ve been a much more hostile interaction. but madoka’s kind and caring nature -- how much she loved and would do anything for her friends -- it radiates off her smile, it's... ultimately endearing. 
         crimson hues return to meet pink ones and a light hand reaches to pat her head. 
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         ❛ there ya are, madoka! ❜ each syllable of her name is drawn out, hints of warmth and familiarity scattering between each one. ❛ ‘nd i’m... okay. definitely could be doin’ better. how ‘bout yerself? been here long? i know there’s a way ta check new ‘rrivals and stuff like that but -- maaan, i’m jus’ not that good with phones. ❜
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fntasma · 4 years
( whydithavetobeagacha )‌:
“I can’t just ‘shut up’! I’m the main character, I have to talk!”
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“…I mean, I guess I could be like one of those silent protagonists or whatever… but I have too much of an established personality for that! …Kinda.”
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         ❛ ah... i get it. yer a dumbass. ❜
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fntasma · 4 years
( whydithavetobeagacha ):
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“GAH! What a potty mouth on you! You’re breaking the censors! At this point, I might as well just bleep out everything you say! Gah—whatever! I’m sure so long as I don’t swear, everything should be fine… Leave it to the localization team or something… A-A-And STEAL?!?!? What are you, some kind of character meant to serve as a corruptive influence on the children?! …You really ARE Etna!”
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         ❛ censors? the hell are ya goin’ on about? blah blah blah, ya talk an awful lot. ever heard of shuttin’ up?? ❜
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fntasma · 4 years
( whydithavetobeagacha )‌:
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“Can it, Etna clone! I must try my best to keep my language E10+, to help maximize my chances of receiving an uber-popular CONSOLE game!”
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         ❛ etna clone...? ya do know ya can just buy one of those here, right? anybody ‘nd their moms can get that shit with a small price, or y’know -- by stealing it. ❜
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fntasma · 4 years
( hopearrows )‌:
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❝Kyokoooo-chaaaaaan!~ ❞
The redhead was easy to spot in a crowd. Kyoko just had this certain aura to her that distinguished her from everyone else. Madoka, blinded by her own emotions, quickly sidesteps through the jostling crowd, trying not to step on anyone’s feet. She had to catch up to the other girl. It seemed Kyoko was going somewhere…?
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❝Kyoko-chan, wait a second! It’s me! Madoka! How are you?❞
The pinkette’s earnest smile could melt even the coldest hearts. Madoka holds her hands behind her back and leans forward slightly, interested in what Kyoko would have to say, if the other was willing to speak to her, of course.
         a voice -- far too familiar and friendly -- catches her attention amiss her commute to the arcade. pace slowing as a brow raises, kyouko attempts to locate the direction the voice was coming from. she can’t exactly pinpoint who it was at this point but her curiosity and desire for a distraction has her by the reigns. and then it catches up to her. 
         whirling around with her ponytail following closely behind, she meets the pinkette face to face. surprise overcoming her now, a hand rests on her hip as she assumes a casual stance. something about madoka made it easy for the ever callous girl to lower her guard, a small, relieved smile peaking through. 
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         ❛ huh? ❜ her free hand shields her sight from the sun as kyouko purposely looks over and behind the shorter girl. ❛ i thought i heard madoka’s voice but maybe i’m just imagin’ things. guess this is what it’s like to be old. ❜ perhaps it was how easy she was to tease.
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fntasma · 4 years
( magicmusket ):
“A… A-Ack…! N… No… No-no-no-no-no… That… THAT C-CAN’T POSSIBLY BE TRUE! I… I…!”
She has both of her own hands pressed up to her own neck at this point. 
It felt like her whole head was on fire. 
Surely there were people looking at them from the street now. 
She didn’t care.
To her, all those people were just shadowy, faceless figures lost in a darkened crowd… just like how nearly everyone already looked to her. The life of a magical girl was hard… No one could ever understand how she felt, the trials and tribulations she went through… not even most other magical girls. 
No one… No one except for Kyouko Sakura.
“S… Sakura-san… I… I…!”
Just standing there, simply opening and closing her mouth a few times like some sort of dying fish with no more words to follow, she was even unable to fully look the other girl in the eye, seeing her all from just the mouth down… all as tears strained down her face and plummeted to the ground below. 
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“I-If… If I wasn’t r-real… Could… Could I… Could I do this—?!”
With a clearly shaky start, she lets her hands drop from her throat—only to join her in a lunge forwards, right towards the other Magi.
         the manner of mami’s death wasn’t disclosed to her. the wringing of her neck with her own hands -- kyouko could only assume what might’ve happened. she could hardly watch the blonde without the wave of nausea forcing its way into her system. this is one of the rare moments where she detests the scent of sweets, her breathing cutting short to stop the urge to hurl. gaze remaining downcast, the wretched noises that escape the other -- no doubt signs of confusion, agony, desperation -- the red puella magi wanted nothing more than for it all to stop.
         but kyouko sakura was never one to simply run from her problems; no, her stubborn nature carries more pride than that. so as mami advances in a lunge forward, directly towards her, instinct warns her to retreat but her soul advises her to face it. whatever mami tomoe can dish out, she’d be able to endure it. an illusion or not, whatever the person in front of her claims or did not, she’ll face it head on.
         arms clasp at her sides, fists tighten as she braces for what’s to come. her guard remains up, walls high as she watches mami’s every move.
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         ❛ a frontal attack? if ya still think i’m the same naive girl ya once knew, then ya can’t be more wrong. there’s no way i’m falling for th -- ❜
|✿| Star-Crossed
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fntasma · 4 years
( witchesstuffings ):
The other’s answer caused Kazumi to frown a little, it seems like she was wrong. Though the sensation did not go away. Something about this girl was familiar and she could not tell why. If this girl never met Michiru than there must be another reason.
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“Oh really? My head felt all tingly when I saw you so I thought sh– I might have met you before…”
That  frown was quickly replaced with a bright smile as an idea surfaced in her head. She didn’t want to leave this feeling un-investigated. Plus it could be a chance to make another friend!
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“Is it alright if we talked a little bit? Maybe I can figure out why I get that feeling from you if we did!”
         the frown doesn’t go unnoticed and even the callous puella magi has to question what exactly she’s said to warrant it. the words that follow only serve to unsettle her even more. a ‘ tingly head ‘ sensation isn’t something to look over so simply. not to mention the traces of magic, as weak as kyouko’s own powers were here, are certainly faint around this girl. maybe...? was that even possible...?
         her suggestion finally breaks kyouko out of her thoughts -- that smile of the other’s definitely erasing the weird nickname she gave the redhead earlier. after popping another chip in her mouth and chewing thoroughly with loud crunches, she nods rather enthusiastically.
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         ❛ yeah sure, i wouldn’t mind talkin’ to ya a bit more. there’s somethin’ i wanna figure out too. ❜ a pause. ��� wanna grab some food? i’m feelin’ a bit hungry right ‘bout now. ❜
Ghost Peppers of the Past
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fntasma · 4 years
021. How do they display affection?
100 character development questions // no longer accepting 
answered here !!
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fntasma · 4 years
005, 021.
100 character development questions // no longer accepting
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005. Are they in good health?
technically, no but kyouko’s a magical girl so as long as her soul gem is pure, she is in good health. specifically because her soul is separated from her body, she can go beyond the limits of humans. eating, sleeping, social interaction – she doesn’t need to do any of these things as long as she has enough magic to continue on – as long as she can fight.
021. How do they display affection?
first and foremost, kyouko loves to tease people. she’s quite reserved with verbally expressing affection but if she purposely tries to spend time with someone, you’ll know she likes them as a friend – sometimes even something more. flustering them, making them laugh – just being by their side is all she could ever want. very rarely will kyouko display physical affection, but whether it be brushing away one’s hair or holding their hand, it’s the ultimate display of her affections.
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fntasma · 4 years
081. Is your character religious?
100 character development questions // no longer accepting
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it’s obvious that the sakura family was religious – that is, until their deaths. kyouko’s father was a priest and they owned a church to share their god’s words. he preached about some branch of christianity with goals for everyone to live together happily without suffrage. he was undoubtedly devout/ his work put food on the table and allowed his family to survive. but perhaps for greed or pride or something more, he deviated from standard teachings. his new teachings seemed bizarre and unorthodox to his former followers and thus, they left him. 
and after her father finds out that it was kyouko and magic that forced people to listen to him and not what he had to say, he was furious. why wouldn’t he be? what gave his family peace for just a little bit was all because of some illusion and not the contents of his preachings. kyouko’s existence as a magical girl, fighting witches and along with it – evil, went against all he and his religion stood for. she sold her life to the devil. she’s a witch. she has no place in this pure, untainted family. she’s a curse.
despite how much she explained to her father that she was helping her father rid the world of sadness, he didn’t buy it. this was a worser fate than having no one to listen to his preachings, than having to sleep for dinner. it was the ultimate betrayal and kyouko just couldn’t understand why.
but of course, he didn’t stop at refusing to accept his daughter – no, he decided to soil his own hands.
if there even was a god, why did they let kyouko make such a cruel wish?
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fntasma · 4 years
100 character development questions // no longer accepting 
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004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? 
solitude was never a choice she wanted to make. in her uncensored, true self, kyouko is a rowdy girl who loves to tease her friends. maybe if she actually had a normal life, she could admit that she likes being with others. but of course, unfortunately, events forced her to leave her only real friend behind and become the embodiment of selfishness. her life is her own and the choices she makes are only her burdens to bear. 
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fntasma · 4 years
089, 094, 098
100 character development questions // no longer accepting
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089. How vocally expressive is your character?
kyouko is selectively expressive. she knows anything she chooses to say will reflect on her character and that’s partially because her father was a priest, constantly preaching his beliefs. he always had to choose his words carefully and mostly honestly. though her younger self listened – not because she had to but because she genuinely believed her father’s words – not everyone else would. in learned example, kyouko tries to withhold her tongue as much as she can, only speaking when necessary. showing her emotions with actions is more her style nowadays anyway.
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know.
she can peel an apple with a knife ( even a spear ) continuously in one go without breaking the peel. of course, she eats the peels too. 
braiding hair! she doesn’t do it to her own, but she loved braiding her little sister, momo’s hair all the time.
she knows how to pick the juiciest melons from the bunch.
098. Does your character like animals?
animals… well, in her eyes, they’re not as important as human lives and she makes no real effort to understand them. but even kyouko can’t deny that petting one can put her at ease effortlessly. she’s indifferent towards them but she won’t go out of her way to hurt an animal either. they cool/
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fntasma · 4 years
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fntasma · 4 years
55, 56. 👀
100 character development questions // accepting
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055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?
kyouko’s more of an introvert than an extrovert. in different timelines though, it can easily be flipped – i’d say it’s a 45/55. in her current canon, she’s more aloof and prefers to fly solo. when she only has herself to worry about, she can figure out and understand her thoughts more easily. this isn’t to say that she doesn’t like company or seeking it. with certain people, she can lower her guard and be the mischief loving trickster she truly is. she’s just been so desensitized to the weaknesses of being alone, even fighting around it, that she honestly doesn’t mind it – even preferring it over fraternizing with the other magical girls. 
056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger?
kyouko has shown to be aggressive to sayaka multiple times, especially after hearing that sayaka was wasting her magic on fighting familiars rather than going straight for witches. kyouko challenged sayaka to a fight, going as far as to attempt to knock her unconscious. it wasn’t just anger fueling her actions here, it’s a mix of regret and grief that convinces her that she even has to step in to try to prevent sayaka from going down the same path of despair.
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fntasma · 4 years
084. Describe your character in one word. 085. Describe your character in three words.
100 character development questions // accepting
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084. Describe your character in one word.
085. Describe your character in three words.
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fntasma · 4 years
2, 35, 67
100 character development questions // accepting
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002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?
she only exclusively celebrated her birthdays with her family – when they were still alive. they’d celebrate with a small cake, later dwindling into small tarts or fruits. her parents made sure to make those birthdays special despite their financial status. 
last year was the first year she couldn’t celebrate with them and opted not to celebrate it at all. because in her eyes, kyouko didn’t see the point in celebrating the day the person who destroyed their whole family was born.
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by?
to use her powers solely for herself. after witnessing what her ‘selfless’ wish was capable of, she swore never to use her powers for anyone else. when she fights witches, it’s not because she wants to save the people who’ve been hurt by the witch, it’s because this is her duty and she needs the grief seeds to continue fighting. it’s a very cold and heartless approach to living but after all she’s done for others with no rewards, this way of living is the most beneficial to her. it’s honestly not until sayaka miki enters her life does she reconsider this.
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny?
yes, definitely. after learning about what happens to magical girls and what their inevitable fates are, she has no excuse not to believe in fate. especially after seeing a magical girl turn into a witch right before her eyes and having heard kyubey’s explanation for the whole process, kyouko can’t help but curse her own destiny.
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