fluffybreads · 2 years
memory indah of august jatuh kepada bubur harisah; yakult came second
memori terhangat sejauh july ini adalah memory sop buntut
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fluffybreads · 2 years
minding my own business is my national anthem
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fluffybreads · 2 years
she is so rude
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fluffybreads · 2 years
ok bye teh hitam
pa paan ini
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fluffybreads · 2 years
pingin menyendiri tapi dalam keadaan aman, sehat, dan banyak uang
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fluffybreads · 2 years
ok so making a single move is not allowed
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fluffybreads · 2 years
memori terhangat sejauh july ini adalah memory sop buntut
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fluffybreads · 2 years
ok why did i even bother to write these
suka orang yang rame dan lucunya natural
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fluffybreads · 2 years
selain itu, warm dan penyayang to his family and friends
suka orang yang rame dan lucunya natural
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fluffybreads · 2 years
really good at apa yang dia lalukan, professional and talented so i can trust his decisions
suka orang yang rame dan lucunya natural
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fluffybreads · 2 years
suka orang yang rame dan lucunya natural
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fluffybreads · 2 years
mungkin solusinya adalah, improving the art of communication agar orang tidak salah paham
what i understand today was, to think that someone blaming others, when this “others” actually blamed the system, and that this “others” did not blame, and rather actually understand the situation, but this “others” just wanted to point out that, they understand how something should be done, yet they accept it, but they did not have the chance to explain themselves, that they accepted it, or they chose not to because they didn’t think it was necessary
whoahhh it really is on a different level now
to think ill of someone, does that mean, to show the level of intelligence or understanding of the doers?
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fluffybreads · 2 years
what i understand today was, to think that someone blaming others, when this “others” actually blamed the system, and that this “others” did not blame, and rather actually understand the situation, but this “others” just wanted to point out that, they understand how something should be done, yet they accept it, but they did not have the chance to explain themselves, that they accepted it, or they chose not to because they didn’t think it was necessary
whoahhh it really is on a different level now
to think ill of someone, does that mean, to show the level of intelligence or understanding of the doers?
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fluffybreads · 2 years
laughing at someone’s ideas, that is RUDE
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fluffybreads · 2 years
i feel unloved, other than p****** idk what i’m good at
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fluffybreads · 2 years
kangen dipanggil “r***!”
kangen liat itu anak pake helm + masker item
atau pake parfume lebay just bcs he knew i would be near him
kangen waktu dibilang “wah lo gabisa nahan gue!” ngakunya gasuka f eh malah langsung ngeles. lo peduli kan sebenernya
ngakunya ga suka f tapi kalo ngobrol sama gue suka gabisa anteng.
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fluffybreads · 2 years
dih ngakunya gasuka f ngeliat gue duduk di sampingnya langsung semprot perfume
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