flowerski · 2 months
shoutout to that one train conductor who announced this today “ladies and gentlemen if you’ll be exiting tha train on the left side, please use the back door. The front one is sick today.”
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flowerski · 5 months
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Neo (a.k.a Ari, but you can call him either) is a crazy person who thinks nothing is impossible, including his dream to hit it big as both a youtuber and a graphic novelist. This unrealistic mindset causes him to do questionable things, such as posting regularly on FOUR different Youtube channels, Tapas, Characterhub, Tumblr, Instagram, and Kofi, on top of being a freshman at university, because apparently giving up any of his passions is too much of a sacrifice. That being said, he desperately hopes you at least CHECK OUT some of his content, since you're here. Please.
Besides all that- Neo is currently 24 and was raised in the state of Georgia, but now lives in Washington. He's a BIG animal lover and hopes to one day live somewhere he can have pets. He's also a long time horror lover and appreciator of anything creative or artsy. In contrast to his loudness in most videos, in real life Neo has social anxiety and probably won't initiate a conversation with you, even if he wants to. That's why he stays in his room and listens to music from Matt Maeson, Grandson, Mother Mother, and Rainbow Kitten Surprise.
And this is just a guess, but Neo probably hopes you have a good day, and remember to take care of yourself. For real. There's no potential subscribers if all y'all die or something. So, go eat a sandwich, take a shower, give yourself a hug, and watch a SpaghettNeo video. That's all there is to it.
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flowerski · 6 months
making a group of ocs that are in a band: :D
coming up with a name for their band: :(
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flowerski · 7 months
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flowerski · 7 months
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flowerski · 8 months
Unbounded, my beloved ❤️
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flowerski · 8 months
i’ve just gotten a very cursed idea…has anyone ever asked chat gpt to make a human sona?
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flowerski · 8 months
I feel cute today, i don’t know why but specifically today i really do
oh right
i showered
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flowerski · 9 months
help I need more adult moots with my interests!! looking for blogs who post about:
good omens
diverse fantasy books
doctor who
art history
if this is you, please reblog or reply!!! (minors plz DNI)
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flowerski · 9 months
crowley was so funny during the job minisode. hello mr job i know you're currently in the process of watching your entire life fall apart around you but could i perhaps see your children please. why? for normal and regular reasons don't worry about it. i am normal and can be trusted around children
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flowerski · 9 months
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flowerski · 9 months
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Sometimes you just are trying to live out your day and then your brain thinks:
What if in the opening titles of Season 3 Aziraphale and Crowley aren’t walking together anymore.
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flowerski · 9 months
wild west minisode where aziraphale is tied to the train tracks damsel style but crowley is taking too long to come to the rescue so aziraphale has to keep miracling the train slower and slower to keep giving him chances
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flowerski · 10 months
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[ID: Promotional image for season 2 of Good Omens with Aziraphale and Crowley standing back to back surrounded by the secondary characters. To the right, most of the image is bracketed and labeled with “they're back!! wonder what's up with gabriel also fuck yeah flashbacks and lesbians.” A small line right below it is labeled “ineffable bureaucracy???” A last, smaller section is labeled “oh god oh fuck.” End ID]
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flowerski · 10 months
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flowerski · 10 months
anthony janthony crowley is better than me because i would have snot and tears while saying "you idiot. we could have been (PAUSE. THE FUCKING PAUSE) us" actually fuck crying i would havebeen beating him up
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flowerski · 10 months
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S02E03 I Know Where I'm Going
This scene destroyed me. Physically and emotionally. Oh Aziraphale, you poor sweet angel...
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