floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 19 | an ode to my gravel tile
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
Day 18 | visit a cultural landscape and give a class
I started today’s assignment by doing some research on cultural landscape. What is that exactly? A cultural landscape is defined as "a geographic area, including both cultural and natural resources and the wildlife or domestic animals therein, associated with a historic event, activity, or person or exhibiting other cultural or aesthetic values." There are four general types of cultural landscapes, not mutually exclusive: historic sites, historic designed landscapes, historic vernacular landscapes, and ethnographic landscapes.
While researching I stumbled upon this little village in Belgium. Doel. In today’s class we will have a walk around an explore.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 17 | visit an art exhibition
Today I visited De Pont. A museum in Tilburg. I chose this museum cause I used to come here as a kid and onder andere because of Corona I haven’t been there for a while. So I checked their website, made a reservation and went to the museum. I really felt nice to actually be in a museum.
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I really loved all the exhibitions they had in the museum. I found it really hard to choose one piece of art I loved most. So I choose two.
First up: ‘According to Mark’ by Mark Wallinger
The work of Mark Wallinger is very diverse. His work is characteristically grounded in reality and in the social matters that it questions. Yet his art never becomes overtly political. Due to their hidden connotations and absurdities, the works elude unambiguous interpretation. Also where his own name is concerned, Wallinger manages to make optimal use of its ambiguity, as in the nearly two-hour-long video Mark and in the intriguing installation According to Mark. Depending on how we look at the title, our interpretation of the hundred chairs can shift. Set up in rows and marked with the letters MARK, they are visually connected by a bundle of white cords, which reach their vanishing point—or have their origins perhaps—at a higher point on the wall.
It is also could be seen as a reference to church. The way the chairs are set-up. When I came into the room I first thought the piece was about Mark Zuckerberg. The chairs represent facebook users who are under control of Mark. The people are the puppets to Mark’s strings.
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Secondly: Willem de Kooning
At the age of twenty-two De Kooning emigrated to the United States, where he would become one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century. While his themes - women, landscape and a merging of the two - remained essentially unchanged, he continued to seek new painterly solutions. In order to translate his sensory and emotional experiences into paintings that could be described as a cross between abstraction and figuration, he worked on the basis of intuition, having no fixed notion of a final result in mind. The strength of his paintings lies in the chemistry between the artist and the work as it takes shape. The actual act of painting was rapid and brief; continually interrupted by long periods of observation that would allow the next step to be elicited, as it were, from the painting itself.
I was really inspired by the use of colors, the emotion and the movement. I could look at it for hours.
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For my documentation I got inspired by both pieces. I decided to paint what I felt at that moment (with a wink to Bob Ross). Over that layer I wrote a few words that came to mind when thinking about the exhibtion. They are all connected to lines that lead to a center point. That center point represents my vision.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 16 | take a sheet of paper and ask a stranger
I started today by making a mindmap. What is the worst thing I did to somebody. Did I hurt someone fysical? mental? Of did I dissapointed someone? Maybe bullied someone? Or even did something behind someones back. I’ve been thinking about it for a very long time. I don’t really know. How can I know that I really hurt someone? Cause maybe my words hurt someone, but I didn’t realise it. It’s quite subjective.
So instead of writing the worst thing I did to someone I decided to say sorry. Say sorry to who I hurt without even knowing or wanting it. Make the world a little bit better. Starting with saying sorry.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 15 | walk around a new neighbourhood
Today I walked around a, for me, new neighbourhood. I collected some items that I found, drew some doodles of my observations, took photos and made a map of the route I walked. That way I’d have some different thing to create a map with.
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My route
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My route with the ‘verhouding’ between nature and buildings.
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I tried mapping with tape, but it dind’t really work out for me.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 14 | create a mix-up poster
For today’s assigment I went on the streets in Tilburg. I tried to walk trough the streets I would normally never visit. They suprised me.
The first one is a love letter to the city. It really feels like home to me and it brought me so much. I spend 5 years of high school in Tilburg. I came from a deep, dark place and Tilburg brightend it up for me.
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The second one is a more general poster to invite people over to the centre of Tilburg. To show all it has to offer. That’s why I used the other photo’s I took in the bakcground. 
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 13 | what I see
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 12 | recreate a Bob Ross painting
This is something I wanted to do this summer, but I could find the time. Before I started I was really excited about it. When I was doing it I felt my convidence going down. I want to be as good as Bob. I did not have the right tools, but i tried to make it work.
From this assignment I learned about failure, cause damn I failed this challenge! My camera for instance, it suddenly stopped filming me, but I had no clue that it stopped. So I contiued painting and that hasn’t made it on film. I think the outcome is a failure. The colores didn’t bled as goog as I wanted to. I just couldn’t find my flow.
I defenitly want to a Bob Ross painting again. Just to challenge myself. Maybe one day I’ll be a real Bob.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 11 | free some water
For today’s assignment I let some tap water free in it’s natural habitat.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 10 | act like an alter ego
When I think of an alter ego I immediately think of one of my biggest inspirations: Jett Rebel. Jett Rebel is the alter ego of Jelte Tuinstra. He is a Dutch singer and musician. He is crazy talented, very musical. My fascination began when I saw this documentary of him created by Linda Hakeboom.
“Who the fuck is Jett Rebel tells the story of a young musician struggling with his identity. Jelte Tuinstra knew from an early age that he wanted to become famous with his music. But what do you do if you yourself are actually too shy to be on stage? Then you create an alter ego: Jett Rebel.
In contrast to the calm and shy Jelte, Jett Rebel is a rebellious crook, a stage animal. Music god by trade, pop hero of the universe and The Next Best Thing. Not Jelte, but his self-created rock 'n role character Jett Rebel is adored by the general public, resulting in panic, vulnerability and uncertainty. I’ve watched the documentary a few times now.”
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I also got inspired by a podcast I was listening to. It’s called ‘De eeuw van de amateur’. One episode they had Aaf Brandt Corstius, a Dutch columnist, as their guest. She told a story about going on a vacation alone for the first time. She said that as a kid she was always very shy and introvert. That first vacation alone she decides not to be shy. To go out and meet new people and to try new adventures. From that day on she never was shy again. In dutch you would call her ‘een spring in het veld’. She became the opposite of what she used to be. I find it inspiring that she just flipped a button and became a person that was her alter ego but became part of her identity.
For today’s assignment I tried it as well. I tried to be extravert instead of introvert. A few examples of today:
When I had my lunchbreak, I sat down with my friend, but she had to go. I sat there alone with some people I’d never even met. I decided to be that extraverted person and to join their conversation.
In the evening I sat down with my roommates to have dinner. When most of them were gone I was left with my roommate Storm. We chatted for a while when he invited me over to join him and his friends on the rooftop terrace tonight. My first inner reaction, as an introvert, was like ‘uhmmm I don’t know…’ But an extraverted person will join. So I joined them tonight.
To me it felt difficult, cause it’s so different from my nature. Even though sometimes it felt hard I really made some personal progress. Just let go sometimes and go with the flow.
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update: I had a really fun evening. Met some new people and learned more about my roommate.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 9 | my clothing collection
For this assignment I first was thinking about a collection. What could it all be. in Dutch collection means ‘verzameling’. I started thinking about myself as a child. I collected gemstones. Nowaday i try to collect a card everytime I visit a museum. That’s when it me me. Art is also a collection. Because of that I decided to show my clothing off as if it’s art. Fashion is a form of art.
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I really like this picture above.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
I’m no singing bird
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 8 | write a love song for your favorite colour
I wrote a song about my favourite color: BLUE. It’s the favourite color of many people, but it’s been my color since I was born. Becaus I have a twinsister my parents gave us our own color so they would know who is who. I got blue and she got pink. When my little sister came she also got her own color, green. Not everthing was that colour, but, for example, our bottles were.
Blue became a part of my identity from the moment i was born. It makes me feel safe and it makes a place feel like home.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 7 | draw yourself in the opposite gender in lifesize
At first I didn’t really know what to do. What was the perfect wat to portray myself as a man in lifesize. That’s when it hit me. I need to draw on myself! I created a mustache, thickened my eyebrows, created a tighter bonestructere and some more. 
When I changed myself into the male version of me I really felt some change from the inside. I felt more confident. I felt like it dind’t really matter how I acted, cause I’m a man. I also walked in the dark dressed like this and it felt pretty good. As a woman I feel like I always need to be alert when I’m on the streets in the dark. This feeling completly dissapeared when I dressed like a man. I found this really interesting.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 6 | draw a bird using your mouth and a pencil only
Every bird is drawn in a different way. For example by nog taking the pencil of the paper or to use quick lines only etc.
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floorvandeloo-blog · 4 years
DAY 5 | do something you loves as a child
As a child I loved doing so many thing. I think I've tried every media output. I’ve had my own radio station, my own magazine and paper. I always made up plays and daces with my sisters. I did so many creative activities as a child.
I chose dancing, cause it was something I did soooo many times. Later on I would even be accepted at the dance academy. This movie is all about dancing and my passion for it. Eventough I might not be that good anymore I really loved going outside and be dancing. Unfortunately I had to stop my dancing career due several injuries. That’s why the video stops after my headphones falling on the ground and me taking off my pointe shoes. The pointe shoes where my biggest dream, but I had to let that go.
As a child I loved watching the tv-show “Dance Academy” that’s why I used this song to dance on. This song gives me the urge to dance. I’m feeling so many emotions that need to be expressed. My favorite character on the show. he passes away and his friends dance an ode to him on this song. So now it’s my turn.
This is my ode to Samuel.
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