fisharela · 28 days
Clone sisters
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I don't know if it's canon, but I've always thought that Emerie is Omega's predecessor. Nala se created Emerie with the goal that her blood would perfectly replicate the M count, but it didn't work with Emerie, so nala se "discarded" her and sent her with hemlock, to later create omega. In this drawing I imagine an Emerie that was not sent with hemlock, I feel that like Omega Emerie works as a medical assistant, but unlike Omega she is loaded with more work and experiments, but they make a Great pair of sister, Omega would probably talk to her often, and ask her to play something or help her often to keep her company.
I dunno i tough it would be fun
That it im gonna keep crying about tbb final bye bye!
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fisharela · 1 month
OMG THIS IS SO TRUE, also she kinda would be like the last person who knows how to use Kaminoan technology as she demonstrated in the Zillo Beast chapter on season 2, i think thats interesting too.
If they ever make a series and Omega does a cameo or something like that, I need to see her using some of her abilities, especially medical skills, which are almost not presented in bad batch but we know that she has a lot because as you said She grew up in a laboratory helping the chief scientist of Kamino.
(Pd. Now this is stuck in my mind, no one be surprised if i draw something about this 🕴️)
an underrated part of omega is that she's probably AMAZING at science. like she probably knows such advanced science, specifically about cloning and genetics, and her brain is most definitely wired to solve other difficult, complex problems because of 1) her strategy skills and 2) this child spent 12 years helping nala se in her lab she knows more than a few things. she also knows how to fix most kinds of droids as we see multiple times in season 1 AND she learned how to fix starships from tech. there is nothing this girl does not know and if she doesn't know it she sure as hell is going to figure it out
anyway give me more of scientist omega. give me more strategist omega. these are like...her most important skills at the beginning and we do NOT talk about them often enough
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fisharela · 1 month
Im going to miss the bad batch so much, i love this show 🚣🚣🤧🤧 happy star wars day btw!
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All of the thing i have to say about this show are in spanish because i dont trust the translator, so warning 🫡
Amo mucho the bad Batch no tienen idea, yo estuve ahí desde el primer capítulo, la vi porque aparecía caleb dume en exactamente la misma escena en que lo había visto en un cómic y quería ver si era accurate, no lo fue, pero quede feliz igual, después seguí viendo la serie a ver si volvía a aparecer pero nunca lo hizo, y eso no me importó porque encontré uno de mis tropos favoritos “found family” desde entonces me obsesioné con bad batch, su historia, el misterio detrás de omega y su adn, la tecnología de clonación, los clones del emperador, los derechos y el futuro de los clones, personajes que yo no admiraba y apreciaba tanto, hasta que llegó the bad batch y me di cuenta de su importancia, de lo interesante que eran personajes como rex, cody, wolffee, lo interesante que era kamino en general, siempre estaba al día con los capítulos y me metí en el fandom de lleno, ahora pasaron 4 años desde que se estrenó y me da mucha pena tener que decirle adiós, que ya no salgan más capítulos con sus aventuras, sus dinámicas, me da penita, pero igual me alegro porque al final todo salió bien, omega tuvo la infancia tranquila y feliz que se merecía, verla adulta me dio mucha pena pero al mismo tiempo fue muy lindo, poder verla crecer, todos pudieron vivir como una familia tranquilitos dejando por un tiempo la guerra atrás, es justo lo que quería para ellos, asique eso muchas gracias a the bad batch muy bonita su serie, probablemente me la veré de nuevo otras 4 veces más, chao chao!!
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fisharela · 1 month
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them: the rebellion needs pilots
me: get that girl in an x-wing stat
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fisharela · 1 month
This is the only thing that keeps me sane after the end of the bad batch, this lofi video is so cute and omega was so small im not sure but i think this one is first season omega, and that makes me so nostálgic 🚣🤧
Someone has to tell me how to print a video and paste it on my wall 🤺🤺🤺
(Btw Im happy that the bad batch ended dont get me wrong, they got to be a happy family and we saw omega grow up with her brothers and to be a happy child, im just sad that that was the end of this space family advertures jsjs)
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fisharela · 1 month
My star wars oc Sami!
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I swear that she is much more happy and relaxed, the one in the drawing is her resting face.
She is a mechanic, she builds and modifies droids and stolen ships for the Phoenix Squadron, she is a rebel of separatist origin on her family's side and at the age of 10 she joined the rebel alliance thanks to her knowledge of mechanics. In the photo she is 22 years old.
I have much more to say about her but im planning in drawing much of her story so wait for me, i created her when i was little and fan of rebels her design has gone through many modifications, but I think I am finally satisfied with her new look and story.
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fisharela · 1 month
I stumbled onto your blog through one of your fanarts while searching "Emerie Karr fanarts" and WHEN I SAY YOUR ARTSTYLE BLEW ME AWAY...
Like, I LOVE the sheen effect you do and it makes Omega's hair so pretty!!!! Like, it looks like her hair is made of gold 🤩
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It makes her hair look like it's glowing too :D
anyways, here's my classic
"I wanted to drop in and say
Im so happy you liked how i painted omega, I thought about that sheen effect to make her glow because i think of her as a symbol of hope, thats why i also painted the other clones at her side on a greyish colors, to make her shine even more!
Im litterally so happy you notice! And thank you so much for your kind Words I appreciate them so much!! 💕✨
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fisharela · 1 month
Adult Senator omega headcanon, now full color design 😎👍
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My original post if you want to see her on the senate
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fisharela · 2 months
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Sad lil omega on her first weeks on tantiss
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fisharela · 2 months
I propose a new headcanon, senator omega (also my take on adult omega)
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My notes on her adult design, I know this may have plot flaws, let me be happy
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fisharela · 2 months
Can we talk about the symbolism that the straw lula had in chapter 11? The stuffed animal is the physical manifestation of hope and I thought it was very beautiful that Emerie gave it to Eva, she is the only one of the 3 children who has not yet lost hope, she is afraid but she does not give up and hopes one day returning home so she keeps asking and waiting, They are just children and just like Omega once, they seek to hold on to something that takes them away from the sterile and gray environment that they face day after day, something that looks and feels like home.
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This is not a drawing i know but i really cant stop thinking about this
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fisharela · 2 months
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this was made by u/mud-and-ink on reddit and its so perfect i just had to share it here
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fisharela · 2 months
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A while ago I saw a redesign of omega and I really love it, I liked it too much, it really seemed like omega had grown up in Kamino and was Nala Se's medical assistant, I had this fanart idea a while ago, one where omega will spend time with her brothers while they were still in the bacta tank, I know technically It's not okay because at that age they are already cadets but I don't know how to draw babies and they looked weird in a capsule so gigantic so we modified the script for the sale of the drawing, thats it, this drawing may not attract much attention because at first glance you may not know understand that it is omega, but I really liked it, I feel that applies a lot of color theory and im satisfied, that bye bye. And I have open commissions btw :D
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fisharela · 3 months
Not a drawing this is Just me crying over bad batch
I just saw a theory that said Hunter maybe is going to die in the final, and now that I see that his helmet is the cover of Bad Batch and that when you enter the chapters you see Wrecker looking at Hunter, I'm very scared, I won't be able to sleep tonight. I wouldn't stand it if Hunter or Omega died in bad batch, that one of the two would be missing from the found family pieces. If that happens, bring flowers to my funeral.
I ussually post drawings but people who like the bad batch dont follow me on ig and i really need to scream this out because My hyperfixation right now is bad batch and no matter how much I try to deny it, I see signs and I am very afraiiiidddd star wars cant do this to mee 💀🤧🤧🚣🚣🚣🚣
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fisharela · 3 months
“Clones are just empire property”
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“We (clones) are part of this galaxy too!”
Im baaaaack with my favorite hyperfixiation a family found series of one of my favorite sagas, i love bad batch so much you have no idea, i wish a could do more drawings but im really bussy so im working on it, i dont know if you notice but i love omega, she is my favorite character and im so curious about her story and origin, she is the representation of hope and unity also she is the one who usually speaks for the clones and demand their rigths and freedom, so i tried to show that on this drawing painting her with more shiny and warm colors,
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This is the sketch i made when i had the idea at 3 am jajajajsjajaj, sorry crosshair stands i love crosshair too i just tough it was a funny name and it was 3 am
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fisharela · 1 year
TBB fanart
@acuarela_sin_color on ig 🤝
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CRYING and soobing was my state Doing this draw, i suffer so much with the finale it was so sad, i tough that one episodio was be sad and the other was the happy Ending… AND I WAS COMPLETELY WRONG MY POOR CHILD SHE IS LIKE 12 SHE IS A KID IM SO SADDD, i made this drawing cause i remembre omega said she doesnt like doctors, so i tough she really doesnt like the lab and her being an experiment so i tough it will be so sad if they put her on a tube, so i draw that cause i like to suffer i guess, the person next to her is nala se and c-02 is omega’s tropper Number, i guess she was created after boba with the same low Aging and idéntic dna, thats all i hope you liked it cause i loved how i painted i really proud jajajajahjsjs, bye
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fisharela · 1 year
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I made a draculaura draw for a friend too jsjsj
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Draculaurasss ✨🦇
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