She nodded.. she soon Scanned and found.. she’s going to need an operation.. but if one is Smaller.. then the second one will be taken out surgically.. she started helping her.. keeping her calm is first priority.. one push... she whined.. barely any movemnt but she assures her “You can do it ole girl..!” she inecouraged. 
soon the first pup makes it out.. the little extra film of energon is rubbed off so the first vent is clear.. placced in a warm redlight box.. she begins to push again.. this time.. she whined.. 
{{”she.. can’;t get the second out, I’m going to need you to help with the operation..!”}}
Ratchet's Old Friend; Sprocket had gone missing.. but ends up finding another Medic that appears Similar. And she sees to be carring something.. Moving.. she called out via her old outdated voice modulater it's broken.. staticy.. and she is in need of heavy medical care herself.. her only pup left she could Save is now nursing on her frame.
Wild paused, hearing static. Was that a voice? No surely not. She carried on but slowly before stopping again. No the medic definately heard a voice. The femme turned around and in the distance noticed a very damaged figure, wasting no time the femme ran to her “Are you okay?! I’m a medic im here to help!”
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The hound whines in pain. the port is beginning to stretch.. and it Hurts.. she will have to be put under inorder to deliver her two pups.. she looks like she’s carrying Five- she whined unhappily as they finally enter the ward.
The older femme that’s in the medical center is actually also one of Ratchet’s sparklings. She may be young.. But she is only 1 million years ol.. him by a grand amount.. but she IS his femmeling.. she noticed her fellow worker- she relised that Hound..! “Sprocket!-” she called the hound whined in pain.. raising a paw to her..
“Wild- Please- be carefull! she is all i have left of my sire Ratchet..”
she pleaded.. “I must help you..!” she insisted. such a Calm and KInd femme.. never one to show emotions.. unless angered or defending.
Ratchet's Old Friend; Sprocket had gone missing.. but ends up finding another Medic that appears Similar. And she sees to be carring something.. Moving.. she called out via her old outdated voice modulater it's broken.. staticy.. and she is in need of heavy medical care herself.. her only pup left she could Save is now nursing on her frame.
Wild paused, hearing static. Was that a voice? No surely not. She carried on but slowly before stopping again. No the medic definately heard a voice. The femme turned around and in the distance noticed a very damaged figure, wasting no time the femme ran to her “Are you okay?! I’m a medic im here to help!”
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her saddle bag, she has old medicine.. decaying.. medicine.. she is weak.. she knows the spark within her will be what to Give.. she limpped forward. only to fall down and her chamber is Full.. she can’t move much farther.. no..! Not Now..! her little sparks are coming..- she barked out.. whining as she beggs for help.. any medical assitance..
another whines.. then a pained howl.. it’s all she can say.. her frame is aching..a carrier of five sparks and all hers.. she has mated with a  Much Larger hound than herself.. she knows.. she won;t survive.. but not without help..
Ratchet's Old Friend; Sprocket had gone missing.. but ends up finding another Medic that appears Similar. And she sees to be carring something.. Moving.. she called out via her old outdated voice modulater it's broken.. staticy.. and she is in need of heavy medical care herself.. her only pup left she could Save is now nursing on her frame.
Wild paused, hearing static. Was that a voice? No surely not. She carried on but slowly before stopping again. No the medic definately heard a voice. The femme turned around and in the distance noticed a very damaged figure, wasting no time the femme ran to her “Are you okay?! I’m a medic im here to help!”
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“I was looking for you, I had too many close calls with the Seekers and Cons. I.. am Weak.. I have barely any energon in my reserves..!” she spoke.. she has a collar that allows this Acidwaste Forger Hound crossed with the dwindeling Numbers of Rust Sea Wolves. she was a beautiful medihound.. she smiled.. she has a patch on her side- it’s.. actually.. Painted on.. it’s scratched and worn.. “My medic symbol is also worn.. I was sent through a worlmhole.. Strange- But I am here am I Not..?” she spoke.. she was tierd.. she rarely got recharges. if anything-- They were naps.. only a asa nanocycle at tops,.
“I am Sprocket..! You’re friend.. I used to track down and aid those who were under rubble.. I would help them out.. and I was Thought to be Offlined.. sadly.. When i woke up.. I was alone..I was Damaged.. and when this.. Technoorganic Femme repaired me.. she took me to her planet.. I learned quickly their planet was harmed by the war too..”
she explained.. she layed down.. very weak..
“I will explain more.. after I Rest..”
she spoke as she slipped into recharge by the desk. soon Bumblebee was heard on the otherside of the door..
acouple megacycles Passed.. and she wakes up with a bowl of Energon.. no.. it comes into Focus.. it’s Two Whole Cubes of it..! she sees Prime.. she started drinking the first cube after standing up.
Medihouns’s Friend.
A medihound has been sen skulking around place near the Ark.. somehow slipping into it and looking at the walls.. before Long..!- The medihound has found Ratchet. and desides to stay by him.. 
“wake up..!- i have found you..! old friend..” she said as she used it kindly.. but she cpould see he overworked himself..
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Medihouns’s Friend.
A medihound has been sen skulking around place near the Ark.. somehow slipping into it and looking at the walls.. before Long..!- The medihound has found Ratchet. and desides to stay by him.. 
“wake up..!- i have found you..! old friend..” she said as she used it kindly.. but she cpould see he overworked himself..
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You are now a puppy for a week! see ratchets' reaction now!
@ratchet-says-i-needed-that  //since he is collage.. it’s only Fair he gets a puppy for a week til she returns to normal// the puppy padded around the campus looking for a nice young medic to look after her- yapping at a everyone to tell them who’s the Cutest Medipup Ever!
Soon enough the pup finds a red and white medic and started following him from a slight distance! “awuwuwuwuwu!”
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The hound mnerely yawned, she was Bored. but her saddle pack was filled with medicne and small doses of different ailments. even then she knew her friend would need to help at any moment. so she started to laydown until- Wheeljack came in with a.. severed.. servo..?
“ah, sorry doc..! Ah kinda- accidenally- severed my servo.- ahhah-” he said as she started to hand ratchet something. she then went uo to him checked his vitals, she then spoke. 
“He has damage to his struts, possibly from an Explosion... and also his servo is not they ONLY thing severed.. his other arm is loose.. hmm.. seems like you will have to stay here.”
"I am willing to help! What do you need me to do, Friend..?" (firstaidkits-and-lostmemories)
Ratchet smiles at his new friend, not ever wanting to refer to her as a simple pet because she wasn’t. A companion moreso. One that he could actually tolerate to stay in his lab. “There is not much for you to currently do Sprocket; other than simply keep me company.”
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Soon, a rust see wolf with an old set of scars and scuffs in her plating revels a small saddle pack as she has a red cross on her chest. she went to his side..
“easy dear, You can east easy knowing you medihound is here to help.” she pulled out from her pack a bit of medicine and went to his arm, oh- oh no.. the needle is alittle big-
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Oo… ooooh this is a… weird feeling…
maybe going back to metals in my meals after an all-energon diet for about a month… 
(he lies down slowly) hhhhhhwooo I am not used to this anymore…
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Rocket tilted her helm as she stared at her owner. “Yes, but.. I will actually advice you to be Carefull.. last thing I want to to find a Replacement optic.”
Cube Energon? No, no. In this house we eat Energon shards straight from the mines. They are far more nutritious and if anyone tries to take them from you they double as a weapon!
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