firetreeclans · 6 months
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can you believe this thing is old enough to be a warrior apprentice
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firetreeclans · 6 months
I uhhhhh don't have access to the ipad I was drawing on anymore (was not mine, was borrowing it and the owner moved out) so give me a bit to relearn how to draw with my ol' huion
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firetreeclans · 6 months
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Hmm, what's this on the horizon..?
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firetreeclans · 6 months
Moon 8 - Leaf-bare
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Talonshade and Lilystream confessed their feelings for each other and became mates.
Having spent many moons in the nursery and apprentice den daydreaming about having a mate and kits someday, Lilystream finally has half of it down.
Small lore chunk I didn't get a chance to stick in anywhere yet is that when Lily was younger, Spidershade expressed interest in taking her as an apprentice due to her connection with StarClan, but she declined since she wanted to have a mate someday.
Another small lore chunk is Spidershade and Talonshade are distantly related (his aunt or great-aunt, haven't decided and its not that important tbh as they're all the games clan founders so it's all "headcanon")
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firetreeclans · 6 months
Moon 8 - Leaf-bare
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Roseflight was seen having a serious conversation with a kittypet.
She left her 3 moon old kit, Junco, to the clan, stating she can no longer keep her safe due to troubling events happening in Twolegplace...?
Before Roseflight could get more details, the kittypet got spooked and ran away when another patrol approached...
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firetreeclans · 7 months
thanks for the follows and support btw 💞 means a lot!
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 7 - Leaf-bare
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Cloverpaw seems to be spending a lot of time with Spidershade lately
Spidershade appreciates how Cloverpaw always asks how she's doing
After not finding any herbs in the middle of leaf-bare, Cloverpaw puts a smile on her face with a bundle of juniper berries she found on patrol.
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 7 - Leafbare
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Plumtail bristles after being scolded by Minnowpaw
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 7 - Leafbare
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Talonshade sees Lilystream stumble while hunting and thinks it’s cute
Howlburr steals Talonshade’s catch right from under their claws
"Maybe if you weren't staring at Lilystream all patrol you would have caught more." growls Howlburr...
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 7 - Leaf-bare
It just wasn't fair at all! Cloverpaw got to explore the coastline with Cinderstar this morning, and Minnowpaw was stuck out in the forest scraping moss off of the roots of trees. All of those moons in the den listening to the ocean's distant roars and tales of it's blessings and dangers, and she was headed to some little patch of woods to do boring den chores.
"This is stupid" Minnowpaw growled, flicking her paw to loosen moss from her claws. Plumtail seemed less than pleased--was she ever pleased?--with her apprentices' moss gathering skills.
"Sleeping in the cold in Leafbare would be stupider." Plumtail mewed, swishing her tail impatiently. The orange tabby stretched her paw out, slowly hooking her claw into the moss and cutting it cleanly off the tree to demonstrate once more.
"See? Firm swipe, but gentle pull to leave the dirt behind."
"Cloverpaw got to see the tidepools today! She got to see an octopus!" Minnowpaw whined. "And I have to do stupid moss duty, it's not fair!"
"We all have to do moss duty eventually."
"But for my first time out of the camp? This sucks! How come we can't do something cool?"
"Roseflight decides the patrols, not me." Plumtail was clearly beginning to lose her patience, watching as Minnowpaw carelessly tore strips dirty moss off the tree as she complained. "I'll have to have a word with Cinderstar if you keep up your bellyaching." Plumtail's voice was stern, and she was flicking her tail tip in annoyance.
Minnowpaw grumbled, ripping another sloppy chunk off the roots. "Whatever, Tattletail."
"Excuse me!?" her mentor bristled. "Well, you can take that moss straight to Spidershade for tick duty."
Minnowpaw growled wordlessly as she sunk her claws into the mossy root. She could think of a better place to stuff that moss, but she felt it was probably better to keep her mouth shut if she wanted a chance of seeing the beach anytime soon.
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firetreeclans · 7 months
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 7 - Leaf-bare
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FogClan welcomes two new apprentices this moon, now that Minnow and Clover are 6 moons old.
They're a couple of trouble makers, so after much internal discussion, it's been decided that Minnowpaw shall be apprenticed to the strict Plumtail, and Cloverpaw will be apprenticed to Cinderstar himself in hopes of guiding the sisters down the right path.
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Also they both have splotchy skin!
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 6 - Leaf-bare
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[Fog] Roseflight's patrol encounters a SnagClan patrol at the border. Roseflight eases any tensions with a polite greeting and small-talk.
[Snag] Wolfpatch is settling in well into his role as a medicine cat. Three cats are healed and out of the med den thanks to him. Mothshadow boasts about him a bit to Roseflight.
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firetreeclans · 7 months
i'm the worlds most slowest worstest writer (unmedicated adhd gang) but how would you all feel about flashback chapters set in the past. yes this is about foxbright.
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firetreeclans · 7 months
good news is i have my laptop so i'm about 20 moons further ahead in each of my clans than i am on the blog rn
so im out of town for the weekend and i was planning on bringing the ipad to work on art for this but i brought the tablet pen and not the actual ipad. So.
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firetreeclans · 7 months
so im out of town for the weekend and i was planning on bringing the ipad to work on art for this but i brought the tablet pen and not the actual ipad. So.
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firetreeclans · 7 months
Moon 6 - Leaf-bare
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[Onion] Greyclaw and Mistpelt's patrol rescue a FogClan cat (Lilystream) who was forced to trespass to escape a dog.
[Fog] Roseflight and Cinderstar joke around about how bad the other Clans smell. ... bad enough to scare off dogs!
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