finnickgrey-me · 3 years
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
nanny crowley, buying a present for younger warlock: would you like a hot wheels or barbie toy?
his mother: uh... he's a boy.
crowley: congratulations!
crowley: do you want a hot wheels or barbie toy?
his mother: i want a boy toy, please.
crowley: aha, don't we all.
his mother:
crowley: so do you want a hot wheels or a barbie toy? you have to choose one.
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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tired: Aziraphale isn’t gay because he’s nonbinary
wired: Aziraphale IS gay because he’s still living in the 19th century and sees gender and sexuality as inextricably tied together
inspired: Aziraphale doesn’t know how to quantify his gayness when his partner keeps hoarding the genders and bouncing around them
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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Here’s a couple from my hoard. I made the top one myself :) 
Gonna start a post with blank memes. Please add any you have on hand and reblog to spread them.
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
Those are awful big words for someone within head pike-ing range
If I was the mayor of new yourk you’d see me skipping the front of the lines of hot dog stands, asking for a “Mayors pass” for one free daily hot dog, and instead of work I’d just spend my entire day trying to get as many free hot dogs from as many stands as possible until the people had enough and put my head atop a pike.
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
Hey since there's a lot of talk about how "X dont look tags" dont work anymore, I want to just tell yall there is an easy and built in function to just NOT see another blogger's posts on your dash. This obviously does not work if you and a mutual share and have a tag system set up, but if YOU know of another shipper and you dont wanna see their content because they make ship content of an f/o you dont wanna see, you can go to filtering on the general setting page
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And at the top you see your general TAGS filtered, like this.
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This is mine as an example cuz I need bug posts filtered, BUT this only works for the tags. Lets say I want to not see a whole blog that posts about a tag I need blocked. Scroll DOWN and under filtered tags you'll have filtered CONTENT
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Put a blog url here and you will NOT see their posts on your dash, it filters it out and puts it under a show more for you. I already have a few blogs that I need their content filtered if it crosses my dash but it works perfectly fine for me. Like I said it only works if you arent mutuals and you just dont want to see ANY of their content, but it does work. Works better than Blocking because even if you block a blog their content can still show up on your dash. But if you filter it, no content will show up.
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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You spelt his name wrong
How many do you think simp for you?
Zero or All
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
Stop lying, imagination doesn’t exist 
Imagine enjoying days
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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You better watch yourself, Queen Liz don’t fuck about
Are you.....British ?
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
Unless trans folk owe you money, then they owe you something
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Gender presentation doesn’t equal gender identity- anyone can look like anything. :)
Like my work? Want to support what I do? Check me out at https://www.patreon.com/anonymousartist or ko-fi.com/anonymousartist to help me out! All it takes is a dollar a month to really make a difference for me!
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand pukicho. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also pukicho’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike pukicho truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in  pukicho’s existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as pukicho’s Tumblr genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a pukicho tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
could you imagine a pie, getting thrown in your face !!!!!!!!!!!!
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
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Finished it! <333 I really like how this turned out. ;u; Here is the doodle of it
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finnickgrey-me · 4 years
Brawlhalla Steven Universe update inaccuracies
(I posted this on reddit first this isn’t stolen)
I recently installed Brawlhalla because of the Steven Universe update and really didn't like it because all of the inaccuracy's that I saw so I decided to list them and if you have proof that they are correct feel to correct me.
Garnet: out of all of the characters I think they get the most right with Garnet, the only thing that bugged me is that she uses a bubbled gem as a weapon which could technically be possible to be a weapon but it is incredibly out of character for Garnet to do so.
Amethyst: Amethyst uses an axe and a laser light cannon as weapons. The axe seems to have her whip rapped around it but you can still use the whip whilst the axe clearly hasn't changed, this suggests that the axe was made by Bismuth but this is set after the movie and there was never any footage of this axe so if that is the case that's and odd choice. The laser light cannon is another odd choice it is most likely one of the Quartizine trio and if they are it is a weird choice that Amethyst gets it as she was the least close to Rose compared to Garnet and pearl, on top of this she doesn't have to say the 'If every porkchop was perfect' line to get them to activate.
Stevonnie: What confuses me the most about Stevonnie is that they Steven's shields as boxing glove type weapons whilst in the movie Steven already uses his bubbles as boxing gloves which would have been a much better choice. Other than that the only other thing is that it appears that they can create (or at least cause to appear) one of lion's portals which he then jumps though, in the show they can't do this.
Pearl: In my opinion Pearl was the worst, in terms of inaccuracy. First of all she uses (what I assume is) Opal's bow which disappears when Pearl and Amethyst un-fuse. In two of her attacks she uses her holograms to hit the other characters this is inaccurate as the holograms have no physical forms and therefore shouldn't be able to touch other characters although the holo-pearl has a sword it doesn't appear to use it. It also appears that Pearl creates the holo-pearl using her bow which is also no accurate as the holograms come from her gem.
I understand that most of these were for the gameplay or other such things but it was annoying me quite a bit so I thought I would share it with you. Thanks for reading
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