finnfeline-blog · 6 years
My FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/FinnSeitz
My dA: https://finnfeline.deviantart.com
I'll still be using my same Picarto account as well.
I'd give my Twitter but if I'm gonna' real, my Twitter only showcases SFW art, so if you go there for smut, you're gonna be sorely disappointed.
Anyways, now I wait for the Tumblr nukes to drop, see you around space cowboys.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
Taking Requests?! What?
I wanna see what crazy ideas you can come up with. Nothing too complex though, I'm doing these for fun and will pick the ones I think will be the most fun to do.
And just to make things even MORE interesting, NO ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. That's right, only canon characters allowed this time around, so keep the ideas fun and nothing too ridiculous.
Let's start sketching.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
So I woke up to a rather interesting pile of notes from all areas of the spectrum about my willingness to draw lewds of Ralsei…some thirsty notes…and a LOT of very angry, very demanding, and very confrontational notes.  But believe or or not, I actually got notes from some actually pleading to me and politely requesting that I not go through with it. Some from outside viewers, and some even from my own fanbase, asking me not to, but if I did, then that’s okay too; almost in a manner that a certain fluffy boy himself would writing these.
After seeing how many likes and reblogs my tweet of my Ralsei pic received at the time of writing this, it became clear that he wasn’t just some cute fluffy boi, he was a lot more to most people…he was a reflection of themselves, someone they didn’t want to see defiled through some thirsty means. And ya know to be honest, he’s a reflection of myself in a small way as well.  Always trying to set things right, even if things go wrong, or trying to help others, even if they don’t want the help.  Plus his voice sample almost sounds like my own voice, heh.
And something strange happened…I started to genuinely feel bad.
So I’ve decided not to lewd the fluffy boy and keep him pure and happy, for myself, for my fans, and for the thousands of others that genuinely enjoy him and my pic of them, despite the fact the majority of my work is +18.
And yeah, regardless of my decision, I’m expecting a lot of people to turn their nose up at me and scold me, be it for “placating to crybabies” or being “bullied into submission” or doing some form of “damage control”, but ya know I really don’t give a shit about any of that at this point. This is my decision to make, and I feel that my reasons for making this decision are completely legit.
Also an aside to all of the militant, rude, and threatening gatekeepers of this shitheap of a fandom…see how far being polite and diplomatic gets you? It gets you results.  It gets you alternate means of resolving a problem. When all you do is bully, threaten, and act like an otherwise soul-less vessel to carry out some really nasty verbal abuse and death threats…you are NOT taken seriously.  All that happens you to is you get reviled and ignored.
Stop being a buncha Floweys, and consider being a Ralsei.  Hug the goats.  Pat their heads!  And let the power of fluffy boys shine inside of you!
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
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Okay, last one for a bit, and you guys get to see this before the dA and the FA crowd. Here we have my new girl, Irenea, just being tickled by feathers because screw it why not? Expect more of this girl in future pics X3
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
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So I created this character on a whim while thinking "what kind of female character would be cute?" and then I thought of a doe. I decided to make her hooves into toes just because it seemed like a good idea.
This pic will be marked as mature since there is NSFW content in one of the two ref sheets, and I didn't want to upload both to avoid redundancy.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
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So I was streaming with @caroosdungeon the other night and had the urge to draw my ponysona after not doing so for roughly ten months. I did the whole thing freehanded and it was a blast to make. If you guys have suggestions for what I can do to this pony boyo let me know ^^
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
Sick banner art that I intend to start using in my streams. Twomario went above and beyond for this one and I really appreciate it ^^
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Commission for ShibaZ 
This is an offline banner image for his streams! (https://picarto.tv/FinnSeitz) 
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
Do Not Ask Me For Money
I am not a charity. I'm sick and tired of people trying to manipulate me or treating me like dirt when I do decide to help. My money is mine to do with as I see fit, not for people to try and make me feel guilty for doing it or worse for not doing it. I'm not gonna name names, but the people who're responsible know who they are.
Anyways, my rant is over, and from this point on, anyone who asks for money without a good reason, will get blocked (I've had to do it before), because I'm not one for being manipulated. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
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Forgot to post this last week. It may not be tickling, but I figured it’d be nice to change it up a bit and see how I’d do on my first butt drawing. I also figured I might as well hop on the Elora train.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
If you're not watching already, go watch Teckworks draw. They are very talented in what they do.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
New Content On the Way
I have the weekend off next week so I'll have plenty of time to stream if real life doesn't get in my way. My grandparents are staying for the weekend so I unfortunately cannot do any streams tonight or potentially tomorrow. But keep your eye on my page, because good things come to those who wait :)
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
Here's a weird question. What would happen if Kibbles had a blaster that shot pudding?
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
OMG Casey will flip! You made her look so cute and I'll be sure she sees it
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What a 25 minute sketch on stream looks like ^^
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
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Tower Power Pokey.
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
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22 FOLLOWERS?! I’m honestly amazed that I could get so many followers in the span of 3 days. I’d like to thank @caroosdungeon for the multiple reblogs to this page as without them, I’d likely still be undiscovered. I’d also like to thank everyone else who may have helped, even a little. I have a picture of a certain mouse that you Caroo fans may recognize in the works and once I get the rest of the details worked in, I’ll have it up. Expect it tonight or tomorrow. Either way, thank you all so much for checking out my page and I’ll send virtual hugs to all of those who decided to follow me. [Editor’s Note: The gif is of F.A.N.G. who is a character obsessed with the number 2 (you know, like Two-Face from the Batman comics). Since I have 22 followers, it seemed fitting. So there’s your context for why it’s there.]
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
Words cannot describe the cute overload that is this picture. So thank you times one million my dude ^////^
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A cute little quick sketch I did last night. <3 Fionna. One of @finnfeline OC is getting slipped into a pair of day-long tickle sandals. How long will the sweetie last until she’s squirming in a ball on the floor? <3
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finnfeline-blog · 6 years
Nice to see you finished this. Sorry I couldn't see the rest of the stream. But I'd be happy to see more human characters or anything really <3
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Poor Violet Parr, it seems some fiends are using her as bait to get to the rest of the Incredibles. To ensure she can’t concentrate and use her powers, her hands are contained in special full encased shackles and her feet are subjected to light-but-unrelenting tickling to keep her mind distracted and distressed just enough. How long will it take her family to find her?! - This pic was mostly just my desire to try and practice with drawing more humans ^^ Do you guys like these sorts of drawings? Do you want to see more humans and humanoids tickled and teased?
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