fiewannabeskinny 3 years
My mind so mess now
Im thinking to kill myself
Wish someone can talk with me and make me fell better
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fiewannabeskinny 3 years
I dont want to eat
Just let me die !
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fiewannabeskinny 3 years
I鈥檓 feeling shitty, after I purged
Nothing in my mind only don鈥檛 want feel regret after binged,
Im so bad!
How could I do this
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
I dont wanna eat
I dont wanna eat
I dont wanna eat
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
I tried to edit my photo to let me know how I look when i get skinny
And that photo triggered me, I look so nice with skinny body, look so cute.this photo's motivated me to be skinny.
I will try harder to be skinny
Don't give up!
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
I want my anorexic come back.
I want I count every calories I ate
I want to do a lot of exercises
I want to step on weight and see my Weight go down.
I want to looks good on the photos
I want to my boyfriend care about me looks me so fragile and he give me more attention.
I want....
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
I'm really a loser!
I'll never get what I want
Bcoz I have no control, have no control of myself
I will always be a fat girl, I'll always be loser and hiding from everyone because of this body!I don't have any willpower, will be a loser for the rest of my life.
And let everyone look at me with that disgusting look, with their eyes they let me feel I'm so gross, I am a problems!
I couldn't control myself, just let all that foods go down into my body, let my body grows bigger and bigger, and my boyfriend, I know he just feel so sorry for me, he just look at me as a poor girl,
He doesn't leave just because he promised he will never leave me, but when I see into his eyes, I couldn't find love anymore,his pretend to be here with me, but he actually wanted to get a better girl, I know that, but I sick to be like this, I tired to get his attention, I'm not attractive anymore.
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
Today I find my stomach getting bigger and bigger day by day, I couldn't control myself
I always overeating everyday, always thinking about food
What would I like to eat tomorrow, what Id like to eat for dinner, I'm just fucking loser
Hate myself.
I was lose 9kg weight and now I gained it back,
I really wanna die now
Every one looks me with disgusting look, I can see that from their eyes
And when I'm eating every one will look at me, bcoz they thought why I can't stop eating with a body like that.
I should stop eating from now, I don't want be a loser for the rest of my life
I wanna be skinny I wanna be pretty
I ready to do anything for being skinny!
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
Yes me too
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This summer I want to be able to wear jean shorts with confidence!!!
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
I would like to say these words to myself!
I'm fucking loser
Meanspo. 馃惙
From me to me. You鈥檝e been eating like shit for the past few days and didn鈥檛 even work out enough and yet you still jump on the scale, hoping that the number will be lower than the last time. Are you kidding me? Are you freaking blind? What do you think it is? Magic? You won鈥檛 lose weight if you don鈥檛 work your ass off for it. Stop being a fucking pig, stop being so weak and stop eating junk food. Stop looking at thinspo, thinking that just the sight of it will make you skinny too. WORK. Give everything you fucking have and everything you don鈥檛 even have. Work out until you feel like you鈥檒l die. Stop being a stupid fat ass and change your life instead of complaining about it. Make him regret dumping your ass, make her regret telling you you have no motivation to be thin. Just. Make. It.
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
I'm fucking fat!
I hate my self
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
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Lunch, again I cooked too much
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
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Lunch, I cook too much and I feel so full after ate my lunch.
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Dinner, actually I feel not hungry, after exercise I feel don't want to eat, but I will fasting tomorrow and skip breakfast I think I need to eat something.
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
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Day 1
It's hard to control myself to not binge,
I always think about food..
But I so proud to myself today
Eat less...I will be skinny soon
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fiewannabeskinny 4 years
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fiewannabeskinny 5 years
I think I can't attract him anymore.
I'm a big fat girl!
I hate my self so bad!
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fiewannabeskinny 5 years
I don't know is it right or not, but I feel satisfied Everytime I purged.
I love to binge but I also don't want to be fat..馃様
When I see a girl looks skinny and lovely, l feel so fat like whale.
Could I be skinny?
If I don't start it now so when?
These questions always pop up in my head.
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