fieldtrackme-blog · 7 years
How to manage your Field sales activities?
FieldTrack is field sales order management software can use for all operations related to field sales. You can plan sales calls, manage number of teams; get data from the field and by making charts and reports for simple working. Some of the features of the software are as follows:
Ø Planning and Scheduling
FieldTrack‘s automated scheduling software  gives a great comfort  in planning, scheduling and tracking your employee’s activities .A  greater visibility on overall worker’s schedules and a 30 minutes interval auto  syncing  to your team's calendars will make your job as easily as possible.
·         View your representative’s updated locations every 30 minutes using Google maps.
·         Access representative’s visit data.
·         View and edit their calendar.
·         Give controlled discretion to representatives on their visit scheduling.
 Ø  Customer Management
FieldTrack provides you with features that’ll help you maintain your customer relationships by not only retaining the existing ones but by also adding on to your customer base.It organizes Customer information efficiently and allows you to view anything about any customer on one page. It is perfect field sales order management software.
·         View consolidated clientrecords / clienthistory
·         Customize client fields
·         Identify new prospects
·         Import/export customer lists
 Ø Territory Management
Territory management helps to manage your large team efficiently in a cost effective way. When the team is working remotely manager can keep track of their activities in real time through FieldTrack. Territory Management helps to assign the particular task to the required employee.
·         Zone and sub-zone allocations
·         Multiple location management
·         Ensure efficient utilization of resources in the field.
·         Eliminate duplication of assignments and also ensures that a single person is not assigned to multiple works at the same time.
 Ø Expense Tracking
Expense Tracking helps you to utilize your resources on the field and off the field. With FieldTrack you will be able to keep a record of work orders, schedules, manage field employees and maintain accurate accounting records. It helps you to focus more on core activities rather than worrying about expenses and revenue.
·         Track the time taken by their reps for task completion.
·         Record their mileage.
·         Estimate costs accordingly.
·         Increase quality by expense management.
·         Create a paperless process.
 Ø Dynamic Forms
FieldTrack gives you the advantage of making built-in Customized forms to provide to your customers quickly. Create your own forms and add your own fields to optimize the effectiveness of the form to cater to your changing needs.
·         Crete, Edit, Update or Delete forms as per your requirements
·         Capture customer signatures electronically
·         Pre-built forms/sample forms available
·         Easy form customization (options of including radio button/drop-down lists and many more)
·         Sharing and instant uploading of forms
·         Mobile friendly options for building as well as feeding information even while in field
 Ø Intelligent Reports
 You can use this field sales software to get accesses to a number of intelligent reports that will help you throughout your task management process ranging from reps’ information to the clients. The collected data can be used to automatically generate insightful reports without much effort so as to get fruitful results from the findings.
·         Easily manage schedules, customers, employees and vendors.
·         Never lose any data.
·         Maintain and view Attendance Sheets, Work Order Results Start and End Date for a particular Job and Status of the Job.
 Ø  Integration
 FieldTrack has been integrated with a variety of different apps to make the software more convenient to use and to provide more efficiency to you while you carry out your business.
·         Easier payment gateway through PayPal.
·         Schedule your visits worth Googlecalendar for better results.
·         Real time location sending with GoogleMaps.
·         Efficient Accounting of Reports with QuickBooks.
So, with the use of this field sales management software you can manage your field sales activities more effectively and by consuming less time.
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fieldtrackme-blog · 7 years
0 notes
fieldtrackme-blog · 7 years
Field sales management
FieldTrack is field deals arrange administration programming can use for all operations identified with field deals. You can arrange deals calls, oversee number of groups; get information from the field and by making diagrams and reports for basic working. A portion of the elements of the product are as per the following:
 Planning and Scheduling
FieldTrack's mechanized booking programming gives an awesome solace in arranging, planning and following your representative's exercises .A more prominent perceivability on general specialist's timetables and a 30 minutes interim auto adjusting to your group's date-books will make your occupation as effortlessly as would be prudent.
• View your agent's refreshed areas at regular intervals utilizing Google maps.
• Access agent's visit information.
• View and alter their schedule.
• Give controlled carefulness to delegates on their visit planning.
 Customer Management
FieldTrack furnishes you with elements that'll enable you to keep up your client connections by holding the current ones as well as including to your client base.It composes Customer data productively and enables you to view anything about any client on one page. It is flawless field sales management software arrange administration programming.
• View combined client records/client history
• Customize customer fields
• Identify new prospects
• Import/send out client records
 Territory Management
Region administration deals with your expansive group proficiently in a savvy way. At the point when the group is working remotely supervisor can monitor their exercises progressively through FieldTrack. Domain Management appoints the specific assignment to the required representative.
• Zone and sub-zone portions
• Multiple area administration
• Ensure effective use of assets in the field.
• Eliminate duplication of assignments and furthermore guarantees that a solitary individual is not doled out to various works in the meantime.
 Expense Tracking
Cost Tracking causes you to use your assets on the field and off the field. With FieldTrack you will have the capacity to keep a record of work requests, plans, oversee field representatives and keep up exact bookkeeping records. It causes you to concentrate more on center exercises instead of agonizing over costs and income.
• Track the time taken by their reps for undertaking fulfillment.
• Record their mileage.
• Estimate costs as needs be.
• Increase quality by cost administration.
• Create a paperless procedure.
 Dynamic Forms
FieldTrack gives you the upside of making inherent Customized structures to give to your clients rapidly. Make your own particular structures and add your own fields to upgrade the viability of the frame to take into account your evolving needs.
• Crete, Edit, Update or Delete shapes according to your necessities
• Capture client marks electronically
• Pre-fabricated structures/test frames accessible
• Easy shape customization (choices of including radio catch/drop-down records and some more)
• Sharing and moment transferring of structures
• Mobile cordial alternatives for working and additionally nourishing data even while in field
 Intelligent Reports
You can utilize this field sales software to get gets to various astute reports that will enable you all through your undertaking administration to prepare going from reps' data to the customers. The gathered information can be utilized to naturally create canny reports without much exertion in order to get productive outcomes from the discoveries.
• Easily oversee plans, clients, workers and sellers.
• Never lose any information.
• Maintain and see Attendance Sheets, Work Order Results Start and End Date for a specific Job and Status of the Job.
 Integration
FieldTrack has been coordinated with an assortment of various applications to make the product more advantageous to utilize and to give more proficiency to you while you complete your business.
• Easier installment entryway through PayPal.
• Schedule your visits worth Googlecalendar for better outcomes.
• Real time area sending with GoogleMaps.
• Efficient Accounting of Reports with QuickBooks.
Along these lines, with the utilization of this field sales management software you can deal with your field deals exercises all the more adequately and by expending less time.
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