ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
FFXV Fandom Friday, Week Six
Hello folks and welcome back to another FFXV Fandom Friday where this time we’re featuring TWO suggestions from anon’s! Thanks so much for messaging and asking to see these creators, it really helps me out when picking who to include!
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First up though, a personal favourite of mine! I stumbled across @0littlelight0 ‘s art a month or so back and I instantly fell in love with it. The style is so eye-catching and unique and the Noct/Luna picture above really gets me everytime. It’s so emotional and beautiful. I also really adore the Ravus art there too, his expression looks so soft ;w; There’s a selection of amazing artworks too that feature the boys with music instruments- honestly, I could babble all day. Check out the rest of their art on their tumblr!
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Here’s this week’s author! Suggesed by an anon user, @ferix-writes , or Ferix79 on AO3, writes FFXV fanfiction with amazing levels of description that really do put you in the character’s mind. I’ve personally bookmarked a few of these for later! Check out their AO3 or their tumblr which is linked at the beginning of this paragraph!
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Anon: @titusdravtos​ is a talented gif maker  whose works are absolutely stunning. Each of their gifsets are well-crafted, graceful, and elegant, having an emotional quality that touches the viewer with a sense of awe and wonder. I highly recommend following this user!
And that’s it for this weeks FFXV Fandom Friday! Apologies that it’s an hour late; but it was totally worth the wait right? Don’t forget to keep sending those anon requests in, and feel free to include a paragraph as to why you’ve chosen them too!
Previous weeks below the cut!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
kupoxv writes loverly mermen fics :D
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
jlavisant recently did some streams to draw our beloved trash daddy and IT WAS FABULOUS
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
moonraccoon-exe is a wonderful little bean and needs cuddles
@moonraccoon-exe someone sends you cuddles~!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
Ardyn-LC is bae and I want him to come home with me
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
FFXV Fandom Friday, Week Five!
Hey folks, and welcome back to FFXV Fandom Friday, Week Five! We had a week’s break, and we’re back on track to see three more awesome contributors to the fandom!
As always, you are more than welcome to message me anonymously and suggest a creator!
So let’s get started..
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First up! @bambilena does some absolutely amazing fan-art of FFXV, and in particular, I am totally in love with the painting on the right! I first saw it a while back when it circulated around tumblr and even now I think it’s one of the most stunning fan-art’s I’ve come across! I love the little addition of red in the eye, and how damn right bad-ass he looks!
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Next up, and moving onto cosplay, is Jozu Cosplay! Two awesome cosplayers who really do an amazing job with Prompto and Noctis! I really love the top left image with how the light is all swirly, like the crystal’s power in game! These two are absolutely epic, and you should totally check out their pages, and especially the instagram for adorable videos!
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Finally, we have this week’s requested creator! MidnightNinja14 is a FFXV fanfiction writer on AO3, and I’ve definetly saved a few of these for later! And besides, we can’t ever have too much fanfiction! Go take a look at some of them! :)
And that’s it for this week’s FFXV Fandom Friday! We’ve had some great creators so far and I can’t wait to see who ends up on next week’s list! Don’t forget to drop suggestions if you want to see someone in particular! Week One: KingCael, Yuuma, Rah-Bop Week Two: Destiny-Islanders, Hee, SchalaKitty Week Three: BarcodeChocobo, Roguehearted, CherryVane Week Four: Peach_Oniisan, The_Asset6, Kaciart
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
FFXV Fandom Friday; Week Four
Welcome back to another jam-packed fandom friday! This week we have an author, a cosplayer and an artist! This is the first week someone’s requested to see someone in this post, and I’m going to say this now;
You are welcome to send me a fandom contributor who you want to see on these posts!
It doesn’t have to be a big name; just someone you look up to! The aim of these posts is to spread the word about anyone who is epic and awesome! Because this fandom can never have enough love!
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First up is actually a personal favourite of mine! Peach_Oniisan does some absolutely amazing cosplays of Prompto that are absolutely spot-on, even the down to the details of the wig, or the wristband in the image you can see up on the right. Not to mention the photography behind each shoot is incredibly well done, and I really really suggest you go give his twitter a stalk! There’s some nice little Promptis shoots too - and I won’t lie, I’m weak for Promptis.
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Moving on, sit yorself down with a cup of tea and open up The_Asset6′s AO3 page! These fanfictions are amazing, and will literally have you glueing yourself to the computer screen for hours on end. If you’re looking for a Sleeping Beauty AU, then the fic featured above is totally for you! My personal favourites are Gaman, which will make you cry, and Finding a Home~
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Finally, our first requested creator! @kaciart’s work combines amazing pieces of art with often-emotional stories to go alongside them. The mix of headcanons and stunning drawings is something I’m sure anyone would want to see on their dashboard - so, what are you waiting for? Click that follow button!
That’s it for this week’s fandom friday! I’m posting it a little early because I’m moving house; and as such, next weeks may be a tad delayed! Don’t forget to take a look at these amazing creators, and you can see the other weeks below the cut!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
FFXV Fandom Friday; Week Three!
Welcome back to FFXV Fandom Friday! Yep, I know this one’s a bit late, but that’s because I’ve had some IRL work to do in the meantime. (There might not be one next week because I’m moving house!) I’ve got some awesome picks lined up for you this week, so take a look!
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When I first joined tumblr, @barcodechocobo was actually the first artist I came across and I immediately fell in love with their quirky comic style. I really, really love how Prompto looks and honestly I wish I could make ten posts with this artwork on aha! If you’re looking for some amazing content, definetly drop them a follow; or even better! Go buy ‘em a coffee ;)
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FFXV Fandom Friday’s first fanfiction author! If you’re up for some Dad!Cor shenanegans, then I totally reccommend Crownsguarded by @rogueheartedfiction. The style of writing is so intricate that you can literally close your eyes and picture the polaces, expressions, and characters. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself some awesome FFXV bedtime reading!
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And finally, some absolutely beautiful art by @cherryvaneart of Noctis! I absolutely love the lighting on these pieces, especially how the ground on the left image has little blue floaty lights. I’m a sucker for floaty lights. But I digress; CherryVane’s art is so wonderfully heartwarming that you should totally go drop some follows and check out the rest of their stuff!
And that’s it for this weeks FFXV Fandom Friday! If any of the images are slightly blurry, just give ‘em a click to see the full resolution! I’m still working out the nooks and crannies of tumblr picture posting.
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
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Welcome back to FFXV Fandom Friday! This week we’re featuring three more epic creators from the fandom!
First up! @destiny-islanders ! I first spotted Destiny a good few months back, and I can’t name a single comic that hasn’t had me falling off my chair in stitches of laughter! Their crossovers between KH and FFXV are absolutely worth a read, and if you’re looking for the best AU ever - check out Spider!Prom too! There’s just so much content on this page.. You’ll have to check it out for yourselves!
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Next up, is this week’s cosplayer, Hee!
Hee’s Cindy Aurum cosplay is absolutely amazing, and is spot on down to the smallest details! Not only that, but if you follow Hee’s twitter, you’ll be greeted with tons and tons of adorable posts, as well as a few other cosplays! They’re super nice, and incredibly adorable as Cindy, so give a follow!
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Finally, have you been looking for FFXV merchandise across the web? Well, SchalaKitty has an amazing store here where you can find some really awesome treats! The geeky housewares are totes worth checking out if you want to spice up your room with some FFXV-themed goods! Don’t forget to follow SchalaKitty on tumblr and twitter too, the more pages the merrier! That’s about it for this week’s FFXV Fandom Friday! Thanks so much to everyone who made the first week such a success, please check out the pages above this week too!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
FFXV Fandom Friday!
Welcome to FFXV Fandom Friday, where I’ll be showcasing three creators in the fandom per week across various platforms! <3 This’ll be the first week I kick this off, so I’ve got a super cool lineup for you all!
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If you’re looking for some absolutely awesome watercolour art, Cael’s got it nailed. What I love most about these pieces is the array of warm vibrant colours mixed in with cool counterparts that blend amazingly well! Check out Cael’s pages on the links above!
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Next up, and moving briefly into the cosplay side of the fandom, is Yuuma! I stumbled across Yuuma right back when I first entered the fandom, and the above Prompto images re-appeared on my dash recently! I think we can all agree that the cosplay is absolutely spot-on and amazing! That gaze though in the first photo O: So intense! Check out Yuuma’s pages in the links!
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And finally, Rah-Bop! Rah-Bop’s art is absolutely beautiful, and they do a great job of depicting creatures from the FFXV universe in amazing detail! - I mean, don’t you just want to hug that baby fluffball? Not only this, but Rah-Bop does some amazing artwork for fanfics that are absolutely jaw-dropping! So make sure to go check out those links!
– That’s it for the first FFXV Fandom Friday! Let’s get the word out about artists, cosplayers, and more! Spread some positivity and love in the fandom!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
Relationship: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum
Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Aranea Highwind, Cindy Aurum, Dave Auburnbrie, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Iris Amicitia, Cor Leonis
Additional Tags: Blood and Injury . Mild Language . Hurt/Comfort . Major Character Injury . could be brotherly . could be romantic . you decide . World of Ruin
Summary: World of Ruin. Gladio struggles being a shield with no one to protect. When Prompto goes missing, can he find him in time? Will Prompto make it home alive?
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
I did this wrong last time oops lol sorry I’m very dumb hah
This is a crossover fic I’ve made, definitely a rarepair since like there’s only one other person than me who ships Add x Noctis lol
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
So, this is my Sleeping Beauty AU! It starts from Regis’s perspective, but Noctis is the main protagonist. At this point, most characters will be involved with our favorite chocobros taking center stage. Relationship tags haven’t been listed yet to avoid spoilers.
Currently two chapters in with much more to come!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
Just wanted to show appreciation for thirstyforhughdancy's weird as fuck but strangely good fics.
@thirstyforhughdancy some appreciation for YOU!
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
Don’t forget ladies and gentlemen, it is FFXV rare pairs week July 3rd - July 9th! Check out @ffxvrarepairsweek and their FAQ with detailed rules here!
We encourage you to send them your new works, but we will also be happy to share them for you too! <3
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
Want to say I love chocobutt-trash's writing and fanfics! This is a pure diamond in the promdyn fandom
@chocobutt-trash some looove for you! (we here at FFXV-works have to admit, we do enjoy some Promdyn~)
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ffxv-works-blog · 7 years
Here is my fanfic “My Sacrifice”, finally complete!
Summary: In Altissia, Prompto saves Ignis from an attack that surely would have killed him; at the cost of his own sight. Ignis realizes what the gunner really means to him, but when Ardyn intervenes, is it already too late to save Prompto?
Pairing: Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia
Tags: Hurt/Comfort . mental torment . Spoilers . Blood . Major Character Injury . Permanent Injury . Blind!Prompto . Slightly OT4 . Fluff and Angst . New Relationship . Mild Language
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