fennel-tea-dragon · 9 days
if a girl introduced me to her stuffies, i would remember all their names. just sayin.
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fennel-tea-dragon · 9 days
luv compression socks :3 they feel so cozy n niceee
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fennel-tea-dragon · 10 days
therian tips! (food)
so, I CRAVE raw meat a lot even though I can't eat it :( BUT I have compiled a list of foods that beings with human bodies can't eat (or just prefer not to), but that most animals eat that I could translate to human foods :D
worms = gummy worms :3 if you want them to be slimy like real worms, you could put water or a thin layer of oil on them
little insects = raisins or chia seed pudding (thank you to @puddin-dear 😌)
bigger insects = you could prob eat plain chips, I think it would have the same crunch affect. or chippers! (chocolate covered potato chips)
carrion (dead animal flesh) = jerky
raw meat = meat sticks (I believe you can get them in beef or turkey) or raw pepperoni (you can get it small bags). suggested by @avocados019, salami :3, and commented by @horse-wisteria 😅 prosciutto (which I honestly forgot was a thing 😭) and multiple beings have said salmon and I keep forgetting about salmon 😭
mice = marshmallow mice (credits to @ink-man-sam )
kibble = cereal (I think most of you know that though) or for something softer- gnocchi! (Suggested by
treats = Scooby snacks!
Go-gurt (if you freeze them, they're really good!)
nut bars, such as Nutri grain or Kind (good protein/energy + tasty)
Chex mix
assorted nuts/trail mix
(i may be updating this a lot so keep in mind)
Have fun!
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fennel-tea-dragon · 12 days
heres to the gentle dragons. the ones that cry easily, the ones that love plushies and baby animals, that are vegetarian. the dragons that dont have sharp teeth, that dont want to cause fear, the ones that are always careful not to hurt anyone. the dragons that cant stand for themselves, that prefer to keep quiet, that feel too small and helpless.
you are not a coward. you are not pathetic. you feel so much, and that is a wonderful thing. that just means you care.
you dont need to be anything else. you are a gentle dragon; you are yourself.
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fennel-tea-dragon · 13 days
started a hoard today!! but there’s a rlly prtty shiny that won’t fit in the “altoids” containr kep suggest I use
anyway. here it is!!!
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ignor the wife pls!!!! listenin to music auuhhhh!!
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fennel-tea-dragon · 14 days
hiii um it’s kep !! m not usually gonna be the one posting here but I’m little too andb kinda scared to put stuff on main rn. anyway bait made me adn fen a bubble bath it looks so nice
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fennel-tea-dragon · 15 days
ouww yawn !! v v sleepy creature alert i am oh so tired.
ibhave been gifted a bottle of peach juice mixed with blue raspberry somtehinh and wow.. yummy
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fennel-tea-dragon · 19 days
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fennel-tea-dragon · 24 days
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doodle of a BUG
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fennel-tea-dragon · 24 days
woauuh i think i remember havin a crush on a dragon <33 unfortunately there aren’t many of us left here and im on my own
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fennel-tea-dragon · 26 days
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Oirase stream, Japan // 癒しの映像館 ♡
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fennel-tea-dragon · 26 days
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gay people
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fennel-tea-dragon · 27 days
:3c I am holding this critter in my lil jaw it has a tough shell an im not tryna hurt it :3333 keep dropping er tho!!
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fennel-tea-dragon · 27 days
so I’m back an kep’s in a bit of a weird place mentally rn n wish i knew how to help but we are going to have a bubble bath!!!! which he says they like never do , I feel rlly special ehehee :3
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fennel-tea-dragon · 29 days
the cat I was drawing has 18 mental illnesses :(
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fennel-tea-dragon · 29 days
so I’m like semi here i think (blurry) but im talking to em and listening to baits playlist while doodling >w<
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fennel-tea-dragon · 1 month
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Afoxgendic aka Avulpegendic
A gender in which one does not have/feel a sense of gender due to being a fox, and therefore does not understand/relate to human genders.
Can be compared to Agender/Abinary.
This was made with nonhumans/alterhumans/otherkin/otherlink/therians/ect in mind, but can be used by anyone. Free to use with credit.
Black is for Not Having Gender
Red is for Red Foxes and their color morphs
Blue is for Arctic Foxes and cold weather foxes
Tan is for Fennec Foxes and hot weather foxes
Orange is for All Other Fox Species
The Triangular Shape is to represent Agender
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