fenaerii · 6 years
Outside the Window
My eyes pierce through the transparent crystal, for through the glass lies a dangerous, darkened world. Full of lies, full of fear. People who walk down the sidewalks with their crafted smiles and their cheerful greetings are not kind nor happy. The snow radiates more warmth than the coldhearted beings of our own species. Even the midnight sky is brighter than their intentions.
Trees grow menacingly, their branches reaching down as to pluck bugs from the grass. Bird calls echo against the sun-bleached houses like screams.
I hide in my home. I keep the door closed. I keep it closed so as to never let the fear in. But I am alone in my cold house, and I wither away. Deep in my bones I know I must open the door, but I am already afraid.
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fenaerii · 6 years
Why I'm never getting this drunk
So I wake up at 3 am, and decide, why don't I check everybody's snap stories? I'm viewing them when I come across one of my buddy's pics. I see a pic of him, then a car, then (posted at 11pm) a nude. On his story. By now I'm thinking, "he didn't mean to post this, not on his public story. I swipe up and dm him "Dude wtf!?!" and go back to sleep. I wake up and see a dm from him. A few hours later I call him on discord so he can explain. So here goes: he was at a friend's party where he ended up getting pretty wasted. Knowing he shouldn't drive drunk, he walks home. On this walk, he has an urge to piss. A normal, sober person would just unzip, but not my drunk friend. Instead, he stripped completely naked, in order to take a piss. Being the absolutely drunk fool that he is, he forgot to put his clothes back on, and proceeded to run all the way home, nude. He comes back home and thats when he makes the decision to post him "after a jog" on snap. Next thing you know, theres a nude on his public story and a shit ton of screenshots taken by people who viewed it. 67 views 35 screenshots
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