My Opinion
(This is going to be long...sorry!)
I never really give my opinion on things like this but after everything that as happened and after Iā€™ve had time to process everything, I wanted to share how I feel about it
I have only been really watching F1 for the past year or so (mainly down to having nothing to do during lockdown) but I had seen it on TV many times growing up due to both my nan and my dad being big fans of the sport. My dad is a big Lewis Hamilton fan whereas my nan canā€™t really stand the guy.
If Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™m more of a Max fan as he was the first driver I took an interest in when I started watching it.
But that aside, let me give my opinion on what happened on Sunday and what has followed.
Firstly, Iā€™m really glad that Max is okay. I was watching the race live when it happened and I canā€™t lie, I was in tears at the site of the crash. I have never been so worried in my life and when I saw him get out of the car, I was so relieved to see that he looked somewhat okay and later when I saw his posts on social media, I was feeling better but after reading them, I have my own opinion about it
Iā€™m not going to go into detail about who I think was at fault for the crash but from what Iā€™ve seen and having looked into what other people have said, I think Lewis is more at fault for the crash. Thatā€™s my opinion on it and others may have a differing opinion and thatā€™s alright, everyoneā€™s allowed to have them.
As for that Instagram/Twitter post (we all know the one Iā€™m on about), I somewhat agree with him but I also disagree with him. I somewhat agree with the fact that the move may have been dangerous, I donā€™t believe Lewis did it on purpose or anything like has been said, but the move was a bit odd to me if Iā€™m being honest. I believe if Hamilton hadnā€™t had understeer and hadnā€™t been affected by the dirty air, he would have made the apex and maybe the move would have been done.
As for the penalty, I believe that the penalty was correct but I feel like it should have been a little harsher. The penalties are inconsistent and I feel like this needs to be fixed as if we go back to Austria, Perez basically had a 10 second penalty for forcing Leclerc of the track a couple times and for Lewis to get the exact same penalty for causing a collision at high speed, I donā€™t agree with it as causing a collision is a lot more dangerous than forcing a driver of the track. I feel like what the stewards should do is use the 5-10 second penalty for something minor like track limits, forcing another driver off the track, crossing the line at pit entry etc. but use the more severe penalties for things like collisions as a crash is more severe and more dangerous that going over track limits. And donā€™t even get me started on the penalty points...
As for the part saying Hamilton was unsportsmanlike and disrespectful for celebrating his win while he was still in hospital, I donā€™t really agree with that and I think that it may have been a big misunderstanding. Lewis didnā€™t know that max was in hospital until it was mentioned in an interview and I have a feeling that Max didnā€™t know that Lewis hadnā€™t been told yet. I feel like there were things that both sides could have done better, Mercedes could have had someone tell Lewis before the podium that Max had gone to the hospital, it was common knowledge at that point (I think?) or Lewis could have asked the team how Max was doing after going to the medical centre whereas Red Bull could have told Max that Lewis hadnā€™t been told yet or make him wait until the interviews are over to post what he did.
I get that Max was probably mad, I was for a short while, but I think he should have waited to post what he did and maybe edit it a little to not make it sound like it did. I just hope that maybe sometime they can clear the air between them after this...
As for what Christian Horner and Dr Marko said, I do NOT agree with them in the slightest. I find some of what they said to be abhorrent. I havenā€™t seen everything but from what Iā€™ve seen/heard, I donā€™t think I want to if Iā€™m being honest. Iā€™ve never liked either of them, especially Dr Helmut Marko, and now I have a bigger reason to hate them more than I already do
As for everything else, I find it absolutely appalling seeing all the racial abuse that Lewis is getting at the moment. I know that some of it is probably from Max fans and I hate that some people think that itā€™s all of us that is sending this abuse to Lewis when itā€™s not. Just because some of Maxā€™s fans are doing it doesnā€™t mean we all are!Ā 
Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Lewisā€™s but I would NEVER send him messages like some of the ones I have see on social media. I just find it abhorrent that some people feel like they should because he deserves it, when he doesnā€™t! Heā€™s a human just like the rest of us and just because he is slightly different doesnā€™t mean you can treat him like heā€™s not.
As someone who has been bullied in the past for the way I am, itā€™s horrible to see these messages that Lewis is getting and I admire him for the what he does and how he can cope with it so well, not letting any of the messages get to him and continuing to grow and get stronger.
Anyway, this became a bit of a rant and I hope you managed to get through all of it. Thank you for reading and remember, we can all have our own opinion on things...
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