fellbrosbots · 2 years
Regarding the missing updates for anyone who has been curious.
So if you're into transformers now, that means you won't finish your uf bros ghost?
I'm trying to figure out if I can bring myself too. Half of me is still deeply invested in it, if not only because of the promises I've made to do them. But I also struggle to focus on projects that don't hold my current fandom interest. It's difficult to explain, because Undertale and it's various AU's do hold a special place in my heart, it's also hard for me to focus on it when I have a fandom that feels like it better suits who I am these days. I want to, but weather or not I can find the motivation too is uncertain. On top of that I'm so ridiculously busy with my volunteer work I hardly even have the time to draw as is, much less code. I suppose the final answer is: I'll try. I know a lot of my fallowers where interested and excited for the idea, and I know I have promised it time and time again for almost two years. So I WILL try. But where I am in life and my interests right now is I don't know. I know that's probably not the answer people want, and I understand it's incredibly disappointing not to have a clear answer. But it's all I have.
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fellbrosbots · 3 years
There was a last minor family emergency this week, I will have to update sometime later when I can/
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fellbrosbots · 3 years
Fell Brothers Ukagaka BETA Remake V1.2, Update #2
I haven’t been able to make to much progress do to my work and due to a small last minute change I decided to make regarding the designs of the fell brothers as a whole.
Those who fallow my main blog may have already seen it, but there designs have changed. Orginally I had plans for them to look like this:
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(the art is a bit old, I apologize) But after much deliberation I decided the designs appeared to simple and generic. They didn’t stand out, and there color pallet seemed bland to me. Thus, I redesigned them:
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I felt this played more into there personalities and the theme of there world (and potentially I may even add a similar pose to this into there roster, but that is for after the BETA release)
Thus, I had to go back through there moddels and add these new collars:
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On top of this. I at least did get the base parts ready for more dynamic poses, which will be the bases for poses such as ‘angry’ or ‘dissapointed’ potentially.
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Thus, that leaves our list looking much the same, due to my redesigning slowling the process down slightly: -Create Poses for: --Surprised (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking (currently in progress) --worried (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Sad (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Smiling (Fell(?), Red) +talking/blinking --Contended (Fell(?),Red) +talking/blinking --Angry (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking (currently in progress) --Thoughtful (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Bored (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking -Complete randomized dialogue (this includes chain dialoge, dialogue for hitting/punching/petting, ect.) (currently in progress) -Complete initial install dialogue -Complete Menu customization -Remake Preview Card  Completed for the BETA: -Standard Pose
-secondary pose -Creating Custom Balloons -Naming the Ghosts
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fellbrosbots · 3 years
Fell Brothers Ukagaka BETA Remake V1.2, Update #1
Bellow the cut is a long winded explination to catch up on what’s been going on the past few weeks, as well as a breif/possibly incomplete list of goals for the BETA release of the Fell Brothers Ukagaka.
Since this hasn’t been doing well on Ko-fi, and I’m sure my fallowers would like more information on these, I’ve decided to set aside a blog specifically for the Ukagakas. Quickly here I’ll go over what's been missed the past 2-3 weeks.
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Currently this is where most my progress is at. I have two fully lined poses complete. You might think, wow, that’s not a lot for two weeks. It’s taking a long time because of this.
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Coding. I have to completely relearn coding for this program after my extensive break getting used to my new art program. I was never a particularly skilled coder, and despite working in a computer repair place, coding is a whole new beast then knowing how to run deep virus scans. The coding, and having to relearn everything I can from Zarla’s Ukagaka walkthrough has taken up a lot of my time, as well as work. Right now they are minimalistic in detail, and they’re still pulling from past animations. I intent to simply comeplete all my poses, and then come back to finish the animations after words. Between it, when I have time, I will code. However, I am running an art blog that had nearly daily posts, so that does slow down work by a large margin, as well as having a full time job. That being said, lets put out a check list of things I need to do for the BETA release (meaning, this is the minimal. I have more planned in the future): -Create Poses for: --Surprised (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --worried (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Sad (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Smiling (Fell(?), Red) +talking/blinking --Contended (Fell(?),Red) +talking/blinking --Angry (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Thoughtful (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking --Bored (Fell, Red) +talking/blinking -Complete randomized dialogue (this includes chain dialoge, dialogue for hitting/punching/petting, ect.) -Complete initial install dialogue -Complete Menu customization -Remake Preview Card For now, thats most of what i can remember. Here is a list of thing I have completed for the BETA: -Standard Pose -Creating Custom Balloons (text boxes in which the dialoge appears. You can find them above in the screen shot, but  I will post them again here)
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(Reffered to as, Rough Stone Red, I will offer this for use when I Post the BETA) -Naming the Ghosts It’s a long journey ahead, but I am comfortable saying it should become easier, even though I still have a lot of coding to do.
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