feinclaud · 4 years
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feinclaud · 4 years
Write a story that starts with emptying the wastebasket in the bathroom.
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feinclaud · 4 years
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RIP Chadwick Boseman (1977 - 2020)
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feinclaud · 4 years
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"In my culture, death is not the end. it's more of a stepping off point. You reach out with both hands and Bast and Sekhmet, they lead you into a green veld where... you can run forever."
Rest in peace, Chadwick.
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feinclaud · 4 years
Reaper Chp. 3
Chp. 1, Chp. 2
I fought to keep my eyes on the road instead of the thing in the rearview mirror as the speedometer ticked higher, higher. Even so, I still caught glimpses of it out of the corner of my eye: some polymorphic shape, flowing in and out of itself.
It was gaining on us.
As it got closer, I started to notice individual features. Teeth, a wing. A face, or…not faces? But every time I thought I saw something distinguishing in what I now thought had to be more than one creature, I quickly lost track of it in the swirling cloud.
Aesa continued to fire at the swarm, and it seemed to ripple with the impacts. It didn’t slow down.
Suddenly, Aesa jumped on the hood of the car. I swerved in shock, nearly spinning out of control, but Aesa remained firmly planted where he crouched. His dark eyes locked with mine.
“Whatever happens, keep driving,” he ordered. Then he turned to face the road, coat swirling around him. He reached out, hands clawed as though he was trying to tear the air apart. The air began to shimmer and warp as he strained, the muscles on the back of his neck standing out.
The swarm was getting closer, and individual members of the group were breaking off, getting closer, closer.
Then Aesa screamed.
Energy pulsed through my being, and I saw reality rip in front of me. I had no time to react, and the next thing I knew, we were hurtling through.
I could feel the pressure around me once again, but this time it was neither soft nor gentle. It pulled  at me: my hair, my skin, my eyes, dragging me backwards like a rubber band. Then the pressure snapped, and we were through to the other side.
This place did not look anything like the fields and mountains of the landscape of the inbetween I had seen before. The terrain was warped, rocky, and violet-grey, the sky a strange olive green. I jerked the wheel to avoid twisted outcroppings and instinctively hit the brakes.
“Keep going!” Aesa yelled, “We have to draw them in!” And so I gasped a prayer and stomped on the gas as my tiny vehicle rocketed through the alien landscape.
We gained a little breathing room as the swarm was forced to fight their way through the hole Aesa had ripped for us, but they quickly burst through. Before, we’d had the advantage of a straight, clear highway; now we were slowed as I desperately swerved through the uneven terrain of the other place.
And now, I could hear them. They muttered and shrieked almost words, echos of hunger and hatred and an ancient fear. However, Aesa didn’t fire on them even as they neared, crouching in wait on the trunk. Finally, he reached out again, and the hole he had made in reality began to shimmer and knit itself back together.
Distracted by the sight, I was forced to jerk the wheel to the side, barely avoiding a large rock which suddenly loomed before us, sending us between the walls of a canyon. Horrified, I realized that the canyon appeared to empty out into nothingness.
“Aesa!” I screamed. He turned, sprinting to the front of the car.
“Just keep going!” He told me.
The swarm was right behind us now. Gas pedal pressed to the floor, I stared helplessly as we speed towards the edge of the cliff. Tires kicked up violet dust and pebbles before spinning uselessly as we hurtled over the edge. For a moment, all I saw was the olive sky. As we began to fall, I saw a deep abyss beneath us, sparkling with neon flame. I closed my eyes, the screams of the swarm enveloping me.
A moment later the pressure embraced me again, and by the time I opened my eyes we were flung back into the world. Gravity shifted, and instead of falling nose first, we crashed wheels down into the middle of a field of wheat, deploying my airbags as dirt spraying around us and we skidded to a stop.
Aesa flung up his arms to seal the hole, but the swarm was already forcing its way through. Three managed to squeeze their way through before the final cracks glistened and disappeared, severing another as they did.
Aesa drew his weapon and fired off three shots in quick succession, the final stray exploding into a grey mist beside my window.
I clung to the steering wheel and breathed as the wheat shivered and stilled. Everything fell silent. Aesa sighed, slumped his shoulders, and fell off the back of my car. I threw open my car door and tried to run to him, but my legs gave out. I fell to my knees and vomited.
On the ground beside me, the last remnants of the thing bubbled away into nothingness.
Breathing heavily, I crawled over to where Aesa lay, crumpled. He seemed almost ethereal, more a shadow than a man. I reached out a trembling hand to touch him.
“No,” he whispered, “no help, not safe, just, rest, a minute, please.”
I drew back and let myself sink into the crushed wheat, moving only to try to spit the foulness out my mouth.
Finally, Aesa stirred. When he spoke, I could barely hear his voice.
“We need, get back, people. Safer.” I dragged my eyes to his face. He wore a thousand-yard stare. “If, I can’t, another. Need others.” He began to drag himself back to the car, and I followed suit. I shoved the airbags out of the way and strapped myself into the seat.
I reached for the steering wheel and then stopped, trembling.
“What was that thing?”
Aesa didn’t look at me.
“I’ll tell what I can later. Rest now. Please.”
I looked at him sitting there, barely present, as though he might fracture at lightest touch. I pushed away my fear and made myself go numb.
I pulled out onto the highway, speeding away from unspoken terrors and a field of crumpled wheat.
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feinclaud · 4 years
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165K notes · View notes
feinclaud · 4 years
You know what I'm just gonna say it.... pads are better than tampons, everybody needs to stop lying
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feinclaud · 4 years
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feinclaud · 5 years
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feinclaud · 5 years
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me_irl https://ift.tt/31rEkjV
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feinclaud · 5 years
so my dad is a college professor and he just got alerted recently that in an effort to go “paperless,” the faculty is having their printers taken away. My dad decided to take this opportunity and… create a meme? So he goes proudly up to me and tells me “I created a meme!!!” and lo and behold…
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my dad’s first meme
he was so proud of it and he emailed it individually to other faculty and nobody gave him any acknowledgement, he came into my room all sad. pls share to give my father the meme support he deserves
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feinclaud · 5 years
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677K notes · View notes
feinclaud · 5 years
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594K notes · View notes
feinclaud · 5 years
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185K notes · View notes
feinclaud · 5 years
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by weird
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feinclaud · 5 years
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feinclaud · 5 years
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Talk shit, get hit
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