feelslessfoodmore · 5 hours
Harrow: God have mercy
God: here? right in front of your salad?
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feelslessfoodmore · 2 days
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happy pride month fellow gay ppl on my screen!! have some griddlehark (figure skating au)
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feelslessfoodmore · 3 days
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Mighty Eyes: Molly, Caduceus and Fjord
Trying to wind down from stupid brain clouds making me self doubt everything today. Eyes are nice. 
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feelslessfoodmore · 5 days
rereading gtn and feeling insane about Colum the Eighth refusing to draw his sword on Gideon when he’d given her his word 😭
OH NO now I want to reread GtN... I'm not-so-secretly an Eight House stan, they compel me enormously. When Colum says that everything he is belongs to Silas, that he was MADE for Silas, but he has his word and he won't break it... when Silas says that God has lost his way if he asks them to kill their cavaliers and he has his line and he won't cross it... I have so many feelings about the snotty child Pope and his batter nephew. Especially in light of everything we learn about Cristabel and Mercy that makes it extra interesting / heartbreaking when you figure out why the Eight House are Like That
anyway. Silas emerging from the River is in my Alecto bingo card
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feelslessfoodmore · 6 days
I'm only halfway through but means so much to me that not only does Nona the Ninth depict a character with profound intellectual and developmental disabilities with compassion and depth, she is surrounded by love and support. Her family may occasionally be frustrated or exasperated (pencils aren't FOOD Nona) but they never get upset, never make her feel stupid or useless, they challenge her without depriving her of support, and love her unconditionally.
At school the teachers are unfailingly kind and give her jobs that are within her capabilities and make her feel helpful and competent.
She is not required to go through a gauntlet of social trauma in order to earn friends. There is loving teasing among the gang but she is accepted and valued as who she is.
Even in the interactions we see with random strangers, she is viewed with kindness or gentle humor (with the one creep exception), not the disgust and aversion we so commonly see people with disabilities treated with in our culture.
So much can be written about how, even in the midst of The Horrors, Nona finds love and support, but right now I'm just holding the simple beauty that she gets to experience that people can be good.
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feelslessfoodmore · 7 days
i want dulcie septimus to be a little bit fucked up and vicious. she's horny for *revenge*. harrow likened her to a *malign* fairy. i want her to be angry and feral and spiteful and selfish even as she's funny and charming and fiercely loving. i want her to cause problems. i want her to find cytherea's ghost in the river and beat the shit out of her. i want her to bully john. most of all i want her to make paul worse
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feelslessfoodmore · 8 days
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Everyone shut up! He's experiencing childlike wonder
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feelslessfoodmore · 8 days
paul is like - so they're an abombination, right? a monstrosity, imperfect because there is no way lyctorhood can be anything other than a deep perversion. but, they're a success. a big fuck you to john, a unison of two people who only ever wanted to be together anyway and went loud. you can't ever seperate cam and pal now. they're a last-ditch effort, the only available choice to make in a sea of shitty options, the only choice they could ever make, the best and worst thing two people can do, they're a meticulous and thought-out procedure and a mistake and a terrible thing made of love and a perfect person born out of viscera and desperation. they are a contradiction because of fucking course they are. what else could they be?? they are two people so wrapped up in each other they're one and it's - a beautiful tragedy, and a horrible triumph.
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feelslessfoodmore · 13 days
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feelslessfoodmore · 15 days
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HEY MATTHEW!?!!?!?!?!
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look at that fucking face he fucking knows what he's doing to me
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feelslessfoodmore · 15 days
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Dorian & Orym, Episode 95
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feelslessfoodmore · 15 days
Okay, so I’ve figured out why the ‘but it wasn’t fully Laudna’ argument pisses me off so much.
Because it doesn’t matter.
If it was Laudna, or Delilah or a combination of the two, it does not matter, the outcome is the same. Orym was attacked in his sleep, magically blinded, and then was treated like the aggressive party once everyone else got involved.
At a stretch you can say that Orym should have talked to the Hells about using Otohan’s sword, but even that feels victim blame-y. (Also, it’s not a one-one comparison but I don’t remember the fandom having an issue with Yasha continuing to use Skingorger after nearly killing Beau with it, or with her keeping it at all in the first place.)
As someone who has dealt with the repercussions of someone else’s addiction the reason behind their actions very much do not matter, the outcome does. Delilah’s influence is the explanation for her behavior, it doesn’t excuse it, and if you were to strip that away and have this be just Laudna acting like this there would be no defending it.
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feelslessfoodmore · 16 days
It actually feels very meaningful when Laudna tells Orym, "You wield a blade gifted by the Voice of the Tempest, why would want this wretched thing?" and Orym pauses for a long second before saying, "The blade's from my family, first."
Whether this was intentional or a slip of memory, Laudna does not know the origin of Orym's sword. She connected it to a gift from a powerful political figure, not from Orym's husband, who gave it to him and is the reason he still carries it as a poignant connection to a lost loved one and also a reminder of what the Vanguard has taken from him and countless others. Paired with her asking him, "Why do you care so much?" and Orym turning to the others to answer for him because he's made it very clear for a very long time why, exactly, he cares so much, it feels telling that Laudna is not actually considering and/or aware of the place he's coming from in this conversation.
She doesn't even know where Seedling came from.
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feelslessfoodmore · 17 days
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"Look at me. You don't have to protect everyone all the time."
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feelslessfoodmore · 18 days
For the people who are spouting the stupid OMG THE CAST ARE PISSED AT EACH OTHER OVER CHARACTER CHOICES takes.
They're having the time of their lives.
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feelslessfoodmore · 18 days
yussa is literally sitting right next to predathos in the cage I just know it
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feelslessfoodmore · 19 days
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