featheredheartache · 3 years
❛❛ hakaze,   nice work.   c’mon,   car’s out back.  ❜❜    gaze lingers on the stream of onlookers,   taking it a tad slow on account nobody would be stupid enough to try something within studio.   still,   never know.   he’d prefer if the idols beneath his care remained in one figurative piece ~ made the paycheck feel worthwhile and not dirtied ( although,   this being showbusiness,  can imagine finances are tainted regardless of one’s own conscious ).   ❛❛ up next is  .  .  .  a meet and greet in studio c,   otagari’s scheduled to be there with you so we’ll be making a slight turn since he’s slated on the opposite end of town.   why they’re so enamored with keeping you lot fa~ar as possible is beyond me.   and,   so we’re clear,   don’t flirt with the fans too much.  ❜❜ 
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He may have matured from the stupid, frivolous playboy he was a year ago, but that doesn’t put a stop to the slight swagger in Hakaze Kaoru’s step, nor the grins he flashes to the excitable crowd outside his latest nob. Though, these smiles are more sincere, his eyes shine brighter and a light pink blush dusts his cheeks, He waves in greeting, giving his ‘minder’ a mocking pout, even though the idol isn’t sure he can actually flirt with his fans like he used to. A lot about him has changed in the last year, after all.
Still, he does have a reputation to uphold, after all.
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“C’mon Kaiden-san, don’t be a killjoy~” he ‘whines,’ pouting even more and adding wounded look to the mix for good measure. “All these ladies waited in line just to get a glimpse of me, shouldn’t I reward them just a little bit?” So saying he turns to the crowd and blows them a kiss (or several), grinning at the squeals of excitement that meet his ears. It’s all he can really bring himself to muster, especially when Kaiden is giving him a ‘are-you-done-yet’ look, and he deosn’t really want to keep Adonis waiting any long than necessary. So with an exuberant (and slightly over-acted) goodbye, he clambers into the car, his grin fading to a concerned look as he peers out through the tinted windows.
“...Seriously though. If I’d known they’d have been hanging around out here I would have ordered in a crate or two of water bottles.” he mumbles, pulling out his phone and tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. “...Maybe I should order ahead for whoever will be waiting at Studio C...?”
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featheredheartache · 3 years
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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Ensemble Stars! || Kaoru Hakaze Episode 3
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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wiser words have not been spoken
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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Kaoru Wallpaper
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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Kaoru Hakaze Icons
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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gifted with love
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featheredheartache · 5 years
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kaoru but ive saved him
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featheredheartache · 6 years
conflictborn replied to your post: He comes back from surfing to this, can things get...
kiss my ass, hakaze.
“Thanks, but I don’t know where it’s been.”
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Or what’s been through it.
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featheredheartache · 6 years
He comes back from surfing to this, can things get any wor---
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The answer is yes. Things can get a lot worse.
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featheredheartache · 6 years
Animal Familiar Quiz
Result: Dolphin
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Known for its playful and upbeat nature, the Dolphin is in fact one of the smartest animals, besides humans. Their sometimes accepting behavior around us has lead to them as being a symbol of protection and kindness. Like the Dolphin, you are a very creative and cheery individual, but intelligent as well. You don't overthink things, instead trusting your intuition and enjoying life as it is. However, if someone is hurting you or others, you don't back down, and are brave enough to stand up and face the threat. A Dolphin familiar helps guide their master to the right decision, show the optimistic side of things, and inspire them in ideas or goals. This familiar represents:
Acceptance of others
Tagged by: @conflictborn
Tagging: @azurewishes, @odorokitsuru @meslamtaeas and anyone else that hasn’t done it yet owob
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featheredheartache · 6 years
Bold / Italicise what you apply to your muse. REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG !
Tagged by: @azurewishes​ (Chus!)
Tagging: @kuroppelion, @tsukaimonos, @upboundline and the rest of y’all~
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DEFENSIVENESS : arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling of lip // baring of teeth
REFLECTIVE : hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures // putting hand to the bridge of the nose // pursed lips // knitted brows
SUSPICION : arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact// wrinkling of nose
OPENNESS & COOPERATION : open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on the edge of a chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders // droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward
CONFIDENCE : hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin //rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up / shoulders back // arms folded just above navel
INSECURITY & ANXIETY : chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent / closed gestures // clearing throat // “ whew ” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer / marker // smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically
FRUSTRATION : short breaths // “ tsk ” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // running hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // revealing teeth/ grimacing // sharp-eyed glowers with notable tension in the brows // shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing // clenching of jaw / grinding teeth // nostrils flaring // heavy exhales
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featheredheartache · 6 years
Kaoru and your friends oc??
If they had a kid meme!
(Me shrieking because they have TWO whoops. Also Anon, how do you know dsjfskfj)
Name: Flora Jones
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes.
Personality: Shy and fearful, having grown up in a war torn country, Flora was adopted by Kaiden not long after her parents were killed while he was acting as a mercenary in said country. (Before Kaiden and Kaoru finally got together permanently) However, with Kaoru and Kaiden’s love and support, she’s been getting braver and stronger. While generally a gentle soul, Flora’s trauma has resulted in her lashing out in anger and fear at her parents or other more than once. It’s something she hates and is instantly regretful over.
Special Talents: Much to Kaoru’s chagrin, Kaiden has taught Flora how to use a variety of weapons and self-defense techniques. (Though no guns until she’s 17) Beyond that, Flora is a dab hand at first aid, often trying to patch Kaiden up when the other comes home injured or when Kaoru hurts himself while surfing.
Who they like better: As a result of being adopted by Kaiden before he and Kaoru finally got together, she is undoubtedly closer to Kaiden and tends to run to him when something goes wrong. That said, she’s warmed up considerably to Kaoru and will often give him a spontaneous, if shy, hug.
Who they take after more: Despite being raised by Kaiden and inheriting some of his ….less savory ideas, she actually tends to take after Kaoru more, with a brighter outlook on life, now that she’s in a safe place with people who love her and can protect her. Like Kaoru, she also strives to do whatever she can to gain the approval of her parents and keep the safe status quo within the household.
Personal Headcanon: Flora still has a shrine to her birth parents that she talks to every night before bed. While she expresses remorse that they were separented so cruelly, she also tells them not to worry, she has another family that love her and will keep her safe, and that she’ll meet them again someday.
Face Claim: Krista Lenz/Historia Reiss - Attack on Titan
Name: Daniel Jones
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Tall and fit, with messy black hair and heterochromia, with one blue eye and one golden eye. 
Personality: Flirty and cheeky, Daniel is a troublemaker with a big heart. However, when he shows his ‘serious side,’ he becomes almost deadly serious, as like Flora, he’s learned from Kaiden how to wield weapons and defend himself. While he is Flora’s younger brother, he tends to protect and fuss over her due to her timid and traumatized personality.
Special Talents: Is fast becoming a master marksman like his father, even if it’s just through practicing with replica guns. However, he’s also inherited Kaoru knack of charming girls, with a somewhat better success that Kaoru had in school. Much to Kaiden and Kaoru’s amusement, Daniel is utter useless when it comes to music, he can neither play an instrument or sing a note in key.
Who they like better: Daniel does love both of his parents but tends to have a slightly closer bond with Kaiden due to their training. However, he’s extremely close to Flora and will happily spend  most of his free time with her if he can.
Who they take after more: Kaiden, from his talent with weapons and his tendency to be revenge-driven when his loved ones are hurt. However, much like Kaoru, he still has a flirty side and loves the ocean and anything in it. (Except Jellyfish. They can burn as far as Daniel is concerned)
Personal Headcanon: Due to his hetreochromia,  Daniel sometimes wears an eyepatch like Kaiden even if he doesn’t need to because it’s ‘cool as hell,’ but tends to quite like his eyes more as he gets older. However, he will don either a golden or blue contact if the situation calls for it and if a eyepatch is too conspicuous.
Face Claim: Mika Kagehira - Ensemble Stars
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featheredheartache · 6 years
Tell me about Rei and Kaoru's kid :3c
If they had a kid meme! (Incorporating Anonny’s ask as well)
Name: Hikaru Sakuma  (朔間輝)
Gender: (Male Assigned) Agender
General Appearance: Floppy sandy-blonde hair, red eyes, slim build and fairly tall.
Personality: A flirty child with a sunny outlook on life, Hikaru lives up to their name of ‘shining.’ While they are somewhat at odds with Kaoru’s father and their gender is regarded with anything between curiosity and outright hostility, Hikaru does their best not to let the negatives in life drag him into darkness like it did to their parents. A mischeif maker, both Kaoru and Rei are usually on the recieving  end of their pranks, along with Koga and Adonis. (Though they’ve since learned that pranking Koga is a Bad Idea)
Special Talents: Like both of their parents, Hikaru can sing, and Rei has taught them to play the violin and piano, while Kaoru has brought them surfing as often as possible. However, Hikaru’s true passion lies in drawing and art in general; something their parents support wholeheartedly.
Who they like better: While they love both of their parents deeply and try not to pick favourites, the fact that Kaoru finds their pranks funny and tends not to scold them too much, they have a slightly stronger bond with him.
Who they take after more: Kaoru, what with the both of them being flirts and throw themselves fully into life. It means that Rei just adores them both even more and will get them back when they try to double-team him.
Personal Headcanon: When Hikaru was about 15, they realized they didn’t exactly fit the mold of ‘a regular boy,’ but that they also didn’t ‘feel like a girl’ either. This plagued them for months, eventually causing them to be sick with the stress and terrifying Rei and Kaoru. After a hospitalization and a heart to heart with their parents, Hikaru slowly became comfortable that they were agender, though it’s still a work in progress, particularly when they come across hostile attitudes. 
Face Claim: Ion Fortuna - Trinity Blood
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featheredheartache · 6 years
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
General Appearance:
Special Talents:
Who they like better:
Who they take after more:
Personal Head canon:
Face Claim:
If they had a kid meme
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