fear-is-contagious · 3 years
How well do you know your third cousin?
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
I’m sure you know your third cousins, with whom you share on average 0.78% DNA, very well.
You're going to hell for posting about the prince
well at least I've never slept with my relatives. Now if you need me, I'll be in hell, drinking whisky and chatting shit about the royal family with Freddie Mercury
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
oh you care more stopping ppl from laughing over a racist old man finally kicking the bucket because its Diswespectfuw 🥺🥺🥺 than how disrespectful all his racist ideologies and policies were? babe im sorry prince philips wrinkly, shriveled corpse isnt gonna sleep with u. hes dead no matter how hard you defend his disgusting racist ass. lol pissbaby literally choke ❤️
Umm, what ‘policies’ are you referring to? He wasn’t a politician. As far as I can tell he held no racist ideologies.
As to your last few sentences, the utter vile disrespect you show tells me you are still young. Perhaps with age you will learn empathy and kindness, and be able to respectfully disagree with someone or something without feeling the need to insult, defame, lie and act like a tantrumming teenager,-  in doing so debasing yourself, spitting on any shred of dignity and decorum you had left and leaving your ignorance in clear view.
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
AHAHAHAH YOUR ENTIRE BLOG IS JUST YOU GRASPING AT STRAWS TO DEFEND THE ROYAL FAMILY NOW THAT PRINCE PISSSTAIN IS DEAD THIS SHITS HILARIOUS AHAHAHAHAHA FJSJFHJSJFKSJDKSBD keep doing what you’re doing I have never seen anything so fucking stupid in my life and it’s the funniest fucking thing
If the funniest thing you have ever seen is someone who loves their country paying their respects to a loyal public servant and war hero and defending him against those with only hatred in their hearts I sincerely worry for those around you. With such a lack of empathy, may I suggest you be checked for some form of anti-social personality disorder?
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
wow bestie i’m impressed you can even speak about the monarchy around how hard you’re deepthroating that boot 😳
I’m torn between accepting the compliment or actually educating you.
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
ur literally the same sort of person whos gonna have crab rave playing at ur funeral lmaoooo
I confess I had to look ‘crab rave’ up; I must finally be too old to keep up with the ‘hip new trends’. I have not made any plans for my funeral as of yet, but I highly doubt such drivel will be on the setlist.
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
My great-grandfather also fought Nazis and I owe him my utmost respect for that. Not only for the freedom I enjoy today but for doing something I don’t if I could have been brave enough to do simply because he believed it to be right.
Idk how to explain to my mom that yes,
The thing making me laugh violently in my room is the death of a racist monarch corpse thing
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
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“Y’all can stop with this “Philip was a nazi” nonsense. He had 4 sisters who were from 16 to 7 years older than him, and he was around 10 (early 1930’s) when 3 of his 4 sisters married german princes who would then become members of the nazy party, with Cecily dying in a plane crash in 1937 and Margarita’s husband being dismissed from the army for being part of the plot to kill Hitler in 1944. None of them were invited to his wedding by the way. He was attending a school in Germany founded by jewish educator Kurt Hahn who fled to Scotland in 1933 for speaking against Hitler publicly and founded Gordonstoun where Philip also followed. He was SIXTEEN YEARS OLD when he attended Cecily’s funeral where there were nazy officers, in 1937 (almost 2 years before the war), was he not supposed to go to his sister’s funeral? He joined the Royal Navy and fought in WWII AGAINST THE AXIS, which is none of the keyboard warriors around here can claim. He took his mother’s maternal name Mountbatten which is a converted form of the german Battenberg, something many british with german blood did after WWI, the queen´s family included. And in fact his mother is buried in the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem and was recognized as Righteous Among The Nations for sheltering Jewish refugees in Greece during the war. What have you been doing today?” - Submitted by Anonymous
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
Hey OP, since when was being well-travelled bad?
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hey bbc... 143 countries is not a good thing
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
On the many ignorant, vitriolic responses to Prince Philip’s death:
When all you know about the breadth and depth of a man’s century-long life is what you binged on Netflix one weekend, you are in no position to talk smack.
That is all. 
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
Hey everyone. As many now Prince Phillip died and he was 99 with health problems. For a while before his death he became a meme for “already looking dead” and “predicting when he’s gonna die” some may think these things are already messed up, some would say it’s just funny.
When he died I immediately noticed memes of his death, which I expected. However, what I didn’t expect was some memes being incredibly disrespectful and some even celebrating his death.
Even though I’m English, I’m not a big royal family enthusiast. My knowledge about them is a bare minimum but I think I’d know if Prince Phillip was such a bad person that people where mocking his death by being happy about it and joking about it.
Here are some screenshots of some arguments I had with some rude people on Instagram. They made memes about his death and blatantly mocked it. I have covered there usernames in respect of their privacy although they do not deserve it.
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You should never mock death. It is very literally the worst thing that can happen to a person and their family. All I know about Prince Phillip is that he set up charities and raised money for good causes. His death deserves to be mourned respectfully. If you don’t care about his death, it’s very simple, don’t post about it, don’t mock it.
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
You could have made that a lot clearer (also maybe learn to understand sarcasm).
Okay then, English common law is out, widow-burning in India is completely fine again, I don’t like tea or coffee so I won’t miss that. Or do only material aspects of culture matter?
I do not assume you talk to everyone this way, you don’t have to for it to reflect badly on you as a person. 
It’s okay to be anti-monarchy, but there’s a much more dignified and human way to discuss systems of governance without insults, generalisations, and ignorance. Calling a clearly very ill, elderly man a ‘literal walking corpse’ is hardly the sign with the capacity to respect those with whom they disagree, and to show grace in the face of others’ adversity.
Maybe with age and time, your empathy will grow. You will, sadly, come to experiences many losses in life and perhaps with that will come to appreciate how distasteful and inhumane the manner in which you conduct yourself now is. When Prince Philip was young, he fought Nazis. You have chosen a different path.
I reiterate: I sincerely hope that when you grow old and near the end of your long and happy life that people speak of you with more respect and dignity than you are showing others in their final years, days, and in the hours after their passing. I hope people judge on your finest moments, the sacrifices you made for what was right and the joy you brought to others and not on a few off-colour remarks, your physical appearance, or on the way you are speaking now. I hope you are shown more kindness than you show to others.
Idk how to explain to my mom that yes,
The thing making me laugh violently in my room is the death of a racist monarch corpse thing
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
You’ve spoken to all of them - that must have taken such a long time. Oh, you mean you’ve only spoken to the anti-monarchist tumblrites, well.
If Britain is to give back art to the countries she colonised, those countries should also have to give back the things they received - isn’t that fair?
Yes, “he literally just died” and yet you think it tasteful to act and speak in the manner that you do. Now, I don’t think that you can’t speak ill of the dead - there are certainly those in world history of whom I can think of few to no redeeming qualities. However, generally, there is a certain grace given to those who pass, especially early on, and more especially on the day of their passing, and whose loved ones are still around. I could only ask you to respect that, but I can tell by your attitude that they may be unlikely. So instead I say this: I sincerely hope that when you grow old and near the end of your long and happy life that people speak of you with more respect and dignity than you are showing others in their final years, days, and in the hours after their passing. I hope people judge on your finest moments, the sacrifices you made for what was right and the joy you brought to others and not on a few off-colour remarks, your physical appearance, or on the way you are speaking now. I hope you are shown more kindness than you show to others.
Idk how to explain to my mom that yes,
The thing making me laugh violently in my room is the death of a racist monarch corpse thing
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
So everyone should pay for things their ancestors did before they were even born and without them having any say in it whatsoever? So if my great-great-grandfather stole something, I have to be punished for it? Or if I trace my descent back and find family members kidnapped and sold by the Barbary slave trade I deserve some kind of reparations from North Africa? Good to know.
Other people’s ‘horrible shit’ is most people’s ‘humour’. The jokes may fly over your head but to the majority of people about whom they are made, they’re funny or completely inconsequential. Being offended on behalf of other people is ridiculous and belittling.
Also, maybe if you actually asked those people in those countries that Britain ‘literally colonised’, you might find that their opinions on the Royal Family aren’t quite what you might be expecting.
Idk how to explain to my mom that yes,
The thing making me laugh violently in my room is the death of a racist monarch corpse thing
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
Fact check:
1) Prince Philip was not a monarch.
2) Prince Philip did not colonise anywhere or anyone.
3) Prince Philip was not a racist.
4) You can be a proud Irish immigrant without being a POS with no appreciation for the wonderous terror of mortality.
5) Prince Philip generally had a good relationship with both Northern Ireland and in later years with the Republic of Ireland. If there was any negative feelings on his part it was towards the IRA who literally murdered his uncle but he still did his duty without a grumble.
Idk how to explain to my mom that yes,
The thing making me laugh violently in my room is the death of a racist monarch corpse thing
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
Some of y'all crossing the line with the jokes
Block me if u want it's my opinion
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fear-is-contagious · 3 years
What a true anti-fascist looks like
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