fcklovis · 6 years
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You’re just embarrassed because I was like, you know, I was like this amazing thing, like your special creation or something. And you don’t like who I am now.
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fcklovis · 6 years
‘ oliviapatric
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“I’m glad I won’t have to sit alone,” Olivia smiled as she spoke. “Surprise me, but get me something fun. I can’t drink alcohol unless it takes like candy.” She crossed her legs to have her body turned to him. “I’m Olivia.”
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“candy, you say?” he all but questions without expecting an answer. the choice seems to fit her but he keeps the thought within. louis returns his eyes to the female bartender. “one tall glass of mudslide, frozen, please.” he says. he takes another careful sip of his own drink, his ears enjoying the thumping beats of the club. “is that good enough? i’m louis.” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
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Olivia was seated at the bar. She had waited around that area for a chair to open up for nearly thirty minutes. She was glad her waiting paid off, as her heels were incredibly uncomfortable. She turned her head when someone spoke to her. “Oh, yeah, sure! I won’t say no to a drink.”
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soft elated smile etched on countenance, louis is relieved to hear a yes. the british young man doesn’t take well to rejection. he’s a knack for getting exactly what he wants by just hurling out a few charming words. “perfect. i was worried i’d have to drink alone.” he tells, grinning. “what’s your poison?” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
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           The woman couldn’t help but feel out of place. Sitting at the bar, she wasn’t doing her best at blending in. After an exhaustive work week, she had somehow been persuaded to try out the opening but as she approached fifty, it was clear this wasn’t the place for her. “Charming. You certainly know how to make an old hag feel good about herself.” Pointing the obvious out didn’t make her feel any better but the alcohol influence was more the cause of her insecurities creeping in. RenĂ©e knew that she needed to be careful; the last thing she needed was to push her body too far and have to face the consequences. “I have one, thanks. Do they let twelve year olds in here? I’m pretty sure I have cans of soup older than you.”
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well shit. louis carries youthful features, that itself isn’t exactly news anymore and while he does find it irritating when people make fun of it he can’t get upset when the person happens to be an attractive older woman. age never mattered to him. he has flirted and made bed with those much older than him infact the obvious fact that they’re a lot more experienced can enuciate the pleasure. “i can make you feel more if you like.” louis tips his head back while taking a chunk of his drink, feeling hot in the throat. “condescesion isn’t appealing at all, i can already tell your looks aren’t exactly the reason you’re here by yourself. how old do you think i am?” he asks, raising a brow. 
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fcklovis · 6 years
CJ turned the toward the voice, blushing a little as they recognized the person. “Oh um.. sure. I’ll have whatever. Will you be joining me?” They asked. Honestly, CJ didn’t even know why they were here. They hadn’t really ever been to a club, so they wanted to try it, even if they knew it would be massively crowded.
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“oh, hi there stranger.” a coy smile passes through skinny lips. louis hadn’t expected to see a familiar and lovely face so soon, he suddenly feels light with his smile stretching into a grin. louis has missed seeing cj around. he has always been such a pleasant presence have. “of course. i haven’t seen you in such a long time. how have you been, darling?” he asks with glimpse of curiosity in his eyes. “tequila sound good?” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
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Beautiful Boy (2018) Dir. Felix van Groeningen
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fcklovis · 6 years
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louis sitting by himself, enjoying himself as people indulge the little hijinks of the new club. he’s yet to drink anything heavy for he desires to maintain at least an ounce of complete sobriety so he won’t get in any trouble on his way back to his apartment. admittedly he has a poor alcohol tolerance, take a few shots and he’ll be throwing up in no time. finding himself at the bar still to socialise, his british accent is thick as he approaches a stranger. “you look lonely. can i buy you a drink?” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
“Would it be too cliche to say just take a damn picture it’ll last longer?” Monty wasn’t the nicest person on the block but their morning had started off horribly and from the looks of it, things were just about take a turn for the worse. They started blaming on everything, everyone. Even this certain person whose eyes had just locked with their own. “Cause you have been staring for the past five minutes I’m sure.” They wondered if it was their slouched body or the bleached blonde mop on their head. “What is it? Spit it out already.”
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“a little bit, yeah. cliche but fitting. i mean it’s what grouches like you usually say.” louis doesn’t know why he’s been attracting himself to trouble lately but with the summer vacation around the corner, he knows he’s going to be swallowed by boredom and he’ll need to find something to do or someone to bother to fill up his time. “somebody piss in your cheerios?” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
‘ finneganinqueens,
Finn was trying his best to stay away from the drinks and instead focus on the patrons at the party. Finn had been hired as a lifeguard for the event, which he was grateful for. The pay was good and much needed. Finn was meant to keep drunk party goers out of the ocean and provide first aid if anything went wrong over the course of the evening. As he watched, some familiar faces drifted in and out of the crowds. Finn wanted to go up to a few and say hi, but anxiety gripped his chest and he decided to keep to himself. As his eyes scanned the crowd, he noticed something. “Is everything alright?” He asked, approaching the individual. 
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if louis wasn’t so drunk himself he would have been moaning in pain right now, his left handed fingers are stroking his own cheek. it’s bruised after escaping an altercation that just unfolded minutes ago, two grade a assholes getting themselves into a big brawl. louis had his face elbowed while he was trying to break the fight. it’s still happening now, but he figures evading them would be the wisest option. “you might need to calm those two buffons.over there.” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
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“oh, i’m not drunk. i’m not drunk AT ALL.” he is, he’s had alcohol already and he sways like a skinny and thirsty sailor but despite the not-so-dismaying occurence he’s kind of having a really great time. bonfire, lights, and people dancing. louis hopes it’ll only get better. “let’s go grab some more...s’mores? get it?” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
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Timothée Chalamet | Out and About with a friend in London, May 4th, 2018
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fcklovis · 6 years
Would you ever date Keegan?
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“i mean, i haven’t dated anyone in such a long time and i’m terrified of committments. though i would love to go on a date with him. he seems like a true romantic at heart.” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
‘ noorxkhalaf,
Noor was delighted to hear the young man seemed to put in the effort to brighten his grandmother’s mood, especially when he happened to live so far away from his family. “That’s incredibly kind of you. I wish everyone shared your views.” She smiled, nodding with enthusiasm when he asked about Hana. “I do, yes. She’s four so I am not entirely sure how easy or complicated international travel would be,” she admitted with a soft laugh, “it is nice. I mean, talking on the phone is nice and all but there’s so much you miss when your loved ones live far away. I am sure you know what that feels like.” That being said, she couldn’t imagine leaving New York City for any extended period of time; it was her home, and, more importantly, Hana’s home. “That sounds so nice. Going back and meeting new relatives is always a joy.” 
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“it’s common sense. we should be kind toward those who’re kind to us. my nana taught me well.” as a child he was labelled as an ass kisser, which bothered the boy at first but he had soon come to learn that appreciating his family was not a cursed thing or a habit he needed to be embarrassed about. “how i wish i knew. my family backs me up with the majority of my accomodation but that takes a lot of time to get through. i’d imagine it’s hard doing all of that by yourself.” he said, his smile bittersweet. “sometimes i wish they could all just move here altogether but i feel like that’d only scrape my path to complete independence.” louis laughs. “and it’s better to miss them then to be overwhelmed by the presence of your family members. too much is never good, no?”  
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fcklovis · 6 years
“Well, my introverted nature kept me away from crowds, so I haven’t really put myself out there until recently,” he admitted. CJ smiled at the ground with Louis’ tone, his face tingling now with how long he’d been blushing. When the other grabbed his hand, he looked shyly up at Louis, squeezing his hand back. “Well, I’m from Chicago, I love books and sci-fi movies. I get nervous with just about any situation. Um.. I love tea. Not really a coffee fan.”
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“until recently?” louis asks as his eyebrow curls up in interest. “how many guys or girls have you dated?” of course louis wouldn’t want to be too prying but he’s curious of this man and background which isn’t common. most guys he encountered except, say, keegan, meant nothing to him but messy hair and bedsheets. cj has hooked him even when they have not done anything physical. yet. “i’ll make sure to order the best tea later then.. perhaps for when you wake up in the morning?” he teased. “do you work?” 
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fcklovis · 6 years
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timothĂ©e chalamet filmography: ↳ love the coopers (2015)
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fcklovis · 6 years
‘ callxmexcj,
“Okay,” CJ smiled brightly, cheeks still bright red. He ducked his head a moment, before looking over at the other. CJ wanted badly to reach out to grab Louis’ hand, but restrained himself, not wanting to seem too eager. “I look forward to it then,” he said, grinning back. “I um.. I’m not very outgoing, never have been,” he replied, feeling like his face would be permanently flushed with the way Louis spoke to him. “I’m not all that great, honestly.”
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“you don’t have to be outgoing to be great. infact i find your shyness to be quite attractive. it makes you sound humble and mysterious.” louis adds the last part in a semi purr, wanting to tease him all over again. he thinks he saw a glimpse of hesitance and slowly he reaches out to take ahold of cj’s hand, squeezing it gently. he doesn’t want this to be awkward, he wants to make sure he’s comfortable. “so tell me more about yourself.” he tells, smiling. “where you came from, your likes, pet peeves. anything you want to tell me.”
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fcklovis · 6 years
‘ keegan-anderson,
Keep reading
“and i want to keep kissing yours.” louis continues in a mumble, running his slender fingers to the man’s body like he was appreciating art. and the man is a hot breathing masterpiece if louis has to be honest himself. he makes sure to add enough pressure so his touch can be felt through his shirt. he wants him to know he’s desired. “your lips and every inch of your body.” he whispers as he inhales deeply, the scent is a mix of cologne, closed rooms, and mulling sex. 
he bites his lip when the man pulls away but his grip on his hips is steady as ever. he feels like his heart is about to launch out of his chest when the male’s body comes into the view. oh. he’s so gorgeous. louis can’t believe how fucking lucky he is. “no. i’m talking about you.” he presses closer and navigates him to the bed. he leans forward to kiss his bare collarbone. “you’re so.. god, you’re a god i want to worship.” he mmumbles, kissing his chest, then his abdomen. his own hands start unbuttoning his own shirt as he does so. “take off your pants, beautiful.” louis demands, breathing heavily. 
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