fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
hey, guys! i’m sorry to do this, but i’ve decided to move natalie onto my multi.  i still have tons of muse for her, it’s just that the fandom’s really small and i think i have a good amount of writing partners where i feel more than comfortable doing this! i’ll be moving all of my drafts over, so no need to worry.   my mumu is HERE.  
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
i’m online and i’ve finally eaten a burrito! i’m so happy, omg. 
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
sorry i didn’t get to stuff here today! i will tomorrow, for sure.  goodnight!
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
it seems like, whenever my fiance is at work and i want peace and quiet, our god damn roomate INSISTS on blasting electronica music through her fucking speaker so i can’t write or concentrate. it’s like mf sensory overload up in here???
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
why is elliot stabler in true blood and why is he a vampire oh my god, go back to svu 
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
*runs ice cube along the back of your neck* {Anyone you want}
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she had to admit, it felt nice.   it’d been a particularly hot day and already, natalie was beginning to cool off.   but, there was still a tiny part of her that hadn’t   ------    that still needed more.   natalie’s eyes closed as she hummed, her head tilting forward to expose more of her neck.   ❛    that feels nice..   ❜   she mumbled, words slurred a bit.   
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
You never really had a childhood.
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
“ … y’know, you’re kinda hot when you’re angry. “ - pam
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❛    are you seriously flirting with me right now?   ❜   it was no secret that vampires were incredibly alluring.   and she wasn’t blind.   pam was attractive, strong, even had a bit of a temper.   natalie would also be an idiot if she didn’t notice all the leather she wore.   however, that didn’t mean that she was an idiot and she wasn’t about to risk getting caught just because pam saw NOW an appropriate moment to speak.   ❛   just..  hush.   we can talk about this later.   ❜
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
“quit it or i’ll bite.” - pam
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❛    i didn’t come here to argue, pam.   ❜   sighing heavily, natalie moved to carefully place her gun on the table between them, signaling that she meant no harm.   ❛    i came here because they’re sniffing around fangtasia again.   now, i knew the moment i came to bon temps that this wasn’t just a regular town.   and i knew what i was getting into.   but..   vampire blood?   everyone’s high on it!   ❜   shaking her head, natalie ran a hand down her face before she gave pamela an exhausted look.   ❛    i can get andy off your trail for a bit, but i don’t know much more than that.   ❜  
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
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this cutie deserves the absolute world and no one can change my mind. 
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
hello, hello !!  i’m online, but i’m watching true blood.  doing things sporadically. 
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
heatwave starter sentences
“I can’t bear this heat anymore.” “I’m melting. I’m actually melting.” “What? You said ‘get me something cold’. You never implied I couldn’t throw it over you.” “Don’t be a pussy, it’s just a bit of warm weather.” “We’re going to the beach. Now.” “Yes, I’m naked and no I’m not ashamed.” “Is it socially acceptable to go out in nothing but a wet towel?” “Wow, you look even worse than I feel.” “Just how many popsicles have you had already?” *runs ice cube along the back of your neck* *throws you into the pool, whether you want it or not* “If you’re that hot, then why don’t you take something off?” “No, no, no… not now. It’s way too warm for sex.” “I’m sweating in places I didn’t even know existed.” “I went out for ten minutes. Ten minutes! Look at me, I’m basically fried.” “That looks like a nasty sunburn…” “You’re not going out there before I’m lathered you in sun cream.” “I can’t get up… Can you get up? I can’t… I can’t get up.” “You’re such a stick in the mud! Everyone’s out enjoying the weather and you’re sitting inside complaining about it.” “Another shower?” “Please kill me now. This is unbearable.” “Let’s break into that office block. I’m sure they have air conditioning.” “I know! Let’s have a water balloon fight.” *sprays you with a water pistol* *blows cold air into your neck* “I can think of some more things to do with ice cubes…” “This is the perfect timing for an ice bucket challenge.” “I can’t sleep in this heat.” “I might as well sleep in the bathtub and it would be less wet.” “I need refuge, my airco broke.” “Your neighbours have a swimming pool, right? Let’s sneak in tonight.” “I’m going to book a holiday to Alaska. Now.” “I shouldn’t have stayed out so long… I think I have a heatstroke.” “Is that a rain cloud? Is that a mother fucking rain cloud?!” “Did you feel that? It was a breeze. We are blessed.” “Even my cat wanted to take a shower.” “Don’t smell me. There’s no deodorant that can mask this.” *throws water balloon straight at your face* “I take it back, summer is not my favourite season at all.” “I made an ice water bath, specially for you.” “If only it was always this nice and warm.” “I feel lazy and it’s great.” “Let’s go to the supermarket again and take a very long time staring at the frozen vegetables.”
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
im online, just mobile bc im watching true blood. FINALLY AT THE PART WHERE TARA GETS A GF.
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
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agent emily madison was not your typical, run-of-the-mill director of the fbi.  it’d taken her years to climb that ladder.  the death of friends, the death of family, but also..  the death of her ex-wife, barbara.  the two of them had had everything.  they’d been unstoppable.   they were surely the ones to beat.  but, when a case went horribly wrong, barbara died.  emily had only made it to the scene an hour later when her body was being zipped up in a bag.  the event still haunts her, even if it was seven years ago.   soon after that, the light in her eyes faded.  she was no longer the happy, helpful woman she’d once been.  she was cold.   people began talking, saying she was the devil incarnate, there to cast out those who weren’t worthy enough to step foot into her kingdom.  in the last seven years, she’s fired nearly twenty agents and has no idea what she’s going to do.  natalie colfax is a thorn in her side and though she is a good agent, she’s incredibly mouthy and believes that each decision she makes it the right now.   emily believes that she doesn’t know how to take orders, but something about her has kept the woman from being fired, too.  each night, emily goes home, has as many glasses of wine as her body will allow and sleeps off the remaining alcohol. she knows no one wants her around.  but she uses that as a driving force to get up and go to work every day.  underneath the exterior, emily is a good person.  she’s caring and loyal and just wants to know what it’s like to be loved again. her daughter, melissa, has been in college for the past year and she finds herself calling her in the middle of the night just to have someone to talk to.   melissa rarely picks up, though. 
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
reminder that the stigma of lesbian characters/writers being ship obsessed or ship crazy or thirsty is super toxic and super harmful and used to shame wlw for doing what makes them happy so if you feel the need to label lesbian writers or lesbian characters with shit like that for trying to find ships with the few people who value f/f content you are being uncool and unsafe to your fellow writers, wlw, and women
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fbicolfax-blog · 6 years
caitlin todd.   /   hellhaths. 
              she’s incredulous, and sceptical. of course, kate doesn’t think tony is a complete idiot     –     he has his moments, and maybe he deserves more credit than she gives, but that’s their whole dynamic. they tease and taunt the hell out of each other because it’s their thing. she couldn’t imagine a world where she and tony get along nicely. that said, kate can’t help but hum in faux understanding, as if the concept of tony’s smile was worth the headache of a relationship with him. 
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         ‘     OH, HE’S JUST FINE.     ‘     she commented idly, lifting her hand when her name is called and leaning forward to accept her coffee. her head turns slightly as she glances over her shoulder at natalie, rolling her eyes as they continue their conversation.     ‘     –     SETTLE DOWN ? ARE YOU SURE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME ANTHONY DINOZZO ?     ‘
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hearing that he was doing fine, natalie mentally cursed herself for even having the gall to approach this woman.  he was probably living his life, having forgotten all about her, all about where the two of them started out.   and honestly, up until she’d seen him?   she’d been living a pretty similar life.   good.  he was fine.   she didn’t see a reason to go and see him and upset that.   natalie’s head cocked to the side when kate asked question that made it sound like he HADN’T settled down.   she was right   ------    that man would probably leave this earth, unmarried, but with fifty women lined up at his coffin.   ❛    you’ve got a point.  i just thought maybe..    really, not even you two?   ❜   taking a second glance, she noticed that kate was actually very pretty.   just the kind of girl she could see tony going after and pining over for months.   she silently wondered how many women he’d used that tactic on, but found it best not to get herself too worried about it.   ❛    sorry, that’s none of my business.   i guess i’m just curious to see what old spider’s been up to.   ❜
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