fauzanilham14 · 6 months
healing ke puncak.
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fauzanilham14 · 6 months
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fauzanilham14 · 7 months
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fauzanilham14 · 8 months
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keren banget dan sangat antusias sekali temen" dari SMAN 55 Jakarta. terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan bersedia mendengarkan presentasi dari Universitas Mercu Buana. semoga kalian bisa keterima di PTN dan jurusan yang diinginkan, tapi jangan lupakan Mercu Buana ya!
thanks juga untuk LP2K yang udah menyelenggarakan event ini, sukses selalu!
terima kasih juga partner presentator atas kerja samanya, Jauza!
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Webinar Series
"Exploring Intervention Techniques for Various Psychological Issues"
Series 1: "Progressive Relaxation for Easing Anxiety"
Presented by Ms. Mariyana Widiastuti, M.Psi., Psikolog, who provides clear guidance on how progressive relaxation can help alleviate anxiety. The taught techniques are easy to follow and highly useful for managing day-to-day stress.
Series 2: "Managing Psychosomatics with Self-Hypnosis Technique"
Presented by Ms. Ratri Kartikaningtyas, M.Psi., Psikolog, who explains effectively how this technique can aid in managing psychosomatic issues. This session helped me understand the empowerment within oneself to control both physical and mental conditions.
Series 3: "Overcoming Academic Stress with Mindfulness"
Presented by Ms. Ega Asnatasia Maharani, M.Psi., Psikolog, providing incredible insights into how mindfulness can reduce academic stress and enhance concentration. The shared techniques are something I will implement in my daily life.
Series 4: "Narrative Writing Therapy for Emotional Healing"
Presented by Ms. Dr. Setiawati Intan Savitri, M.Si., who explains the use of narrative writing therapy for emotional healing—a highly intriguing approach. I find this to be a creative way to address emotional issues and aid in the healing process.
Series 5: "Brainspotting as a Trauma Healing Technique"
Presented by Ms. Rizki Dawanti, M.Psi., Psikolog, offering deep insights into the brainspotting technique for trauma healing. Despite the complexity of the topic, her delivery was remarkably comprehensible. I now have a better understanding of how trauma can impact our thoughts and emotions.
Series 6: "Managing Self-Obstacles through Transpersonal Approach"
Presented by Mr. Supriadi Hardianto, M.Psi., Psikolog, discussing the transpersonal approach excellently. I feel inspired to tackle my personal obstacles in a more holistic manner.
Series 7: "Enhancing Psychological Well-being with Joyful Activities"
Presented by Ms. Dr. Dearly, M.Psi., Psikolog, reminding us of the importance of engaging in activities that bring happiness to maintain psychological well-being. I am motivated to indulge in activities I enjoy more frequently.
This webinar series is immensely valuable, providing broad insights into various psychological intervention techniques. Each presenter possesses profound knowledge and excellent presentation skills.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Job Readiness Training
Every step towards a new career is an exciting adventure, but it's undeniable that many individuals lack the proper preparation when embarking on this journey. Often, enthusiasm and determination alone are not sufficient for success in the competitive professional world.
I had the opportunity to participate in a job readiness training that truly transformed my perspective on starting a career. This training not only provided me with in-depth insights into the industry and field of work I'm interested in, within the realm of psychology, but also equipped me with practical skills that are highly demanded in the real world.
Throughout the training, I wasn't just sitting and absorbing information, but actively engaged in various case studies and work situation simulations. This provided me with real-life experience in handling challenges that might arise in the field.
Not only did the training cover technical aspects, but it also delved into the significance of soft skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and leadership. This made me realize that success isn't solely reliant on technical knowledge, but also on the ability to adapt to a constantly changing environment and to interact with diverse kinds of people.
Perhaps the most valuable aspect of all was the renewed enthusiasm and motivation I gained from fellow training participants. Sharing dreams, fears, and aspirations with individuals who share similar goals is truly inspiring. With a solid foundation in place, a bright future in my career awaits.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Basic Peer Counselor Training
This training covers three topics: Fundamentals of Counseling, Substance Abuse, and Dating Violence.
Topic 1 "Fundamentals of Counseling": Participants will learn about the counseling process and basic counseling techniques such as attending, building rapport, active listening, questioning techniques, and session closure. Counseling is not about providing information, although information can be shared during counseling sessions. It does not involve giving advice and suggestions. One of the goals of counseling is to empower the client to gain confidence in making their own choices and to become aware of alternative solutions, enabling them to make their own decisions.
Topic 2 "Substance Abuse": This topic begins with an introduction to the concept of substance abuse, reasons behind its occurrence, common types of substances that are abused, recognizing signs of substance abuse, the resulting impacts, initiating conversations with individuals facing substance abuse issues, and providing support. The message from the presenter emphasizes, "Take care of your mental health before helping friends with substance abuse issues," why? This is because when we assist others while our own mental health is compromised, we might inadvertently be influenced to engage in similar behaviors or experience side effects.
Topic 3 "Dating Violence": Participants will learn about the meaning and types of dating violence, identifying signs of individuals who have experienced dating violence, the origins and consequences of dating violence, guidelines for fostering healthy relationships, and techniques for aiding friends who are experiencing dating violence.
Participants acquire skills to establish strong counseling relationships, identify and support individuals dealing with substance abuse, and recognize and assist friends involved in healthy dating relationships. Overall, this training significantly contributes to participants' abilities to foster positive interactions and aid others in challenging situations.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Psychological First Aid (PFA) Training
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed approach designed to assist individuals who have recently experienced traumatic events. PFA aims to reduce stress and anxiety and help individuals initiate the recovery process. PFA can be provided by anyone, such as volunteers, teachers, and social workers.
PFA consists of the following components:
1. Contact and Engagement: Establishing a rapport with individuals who have recently experienced a traumatic event.
2. Safety and Comfort: Ensuring that the individual is safe and comfortable.
3. Emotional Stabilization: Assisting the individual in managing their emotions.
4. Provision of Information: Providing information about what has happened and what they can expect.
5. Connecting with Support: Helping the individual connect with sources of support, such as family, friends, and mental health professionals.
6. Promoting Normalcy: Assisting the individual in understanding that their reactions to the traumatic event are normal.
7. Prevention of Retraumatization: Avoiding exposure to triggers that could evoke traumatic reactions.
8. Referral to Ongoing Services: If necessary, referring the individual to mental health services for professional assistance.
This PFA training is a crucial intervention aimed at aiding individuals who have recently experienced traumatic events. Through this training, participants learn fundamental skills to help individuals reduce stress and anxiety, as well as initiate the recovery process after experiencing traumatic events.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Intelligence Test Course
It's hard to believe that the fourth semester has come to an end and a new academic year has begun. Studying Intelligence Tests has been an incredibly impactful experience, as these tests provide profound insights into an individual's cognitive abilities and potential. Through the process of learning Intelligence Tests, several reasons contribute to why this experience has been so remarkable:
1. Self-Understanding: Intelligence Tests assist individuals in gaining a deeper understanding of their cognitive potential and abilities. Test results offer insights into areas where they excel and where further development might be needed.
2. Personal Development: Engaging with the Intelligence Test learning process can foster personal development by stimulating analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Test results can serve as a foundation for identifying self-improvement opportunities.
3. Educational and Career Guidance: Intelligence Test results can provide valuable guidance in choosing suitable educational and career paths aligned with an individual's potential. This helps one make wiser decisions about their future.
4. Enhanced Confidence: Recognizing one's intellectual potential can boost self-confidence. Individuals can feel more prepared to tackle intellectual challenges and actively contribute to various aspects of life.
5. Exam and Selection Preparation: Intelligence Tests are frequently employed in educational and job selection processes. Learning about Intelligence Tests can help individuals prepare effectively for these exams and selections.
6. General Cognitive Skills: Studying Intelligence Tests can also aid in developing general cognitive skills such as logic, reasoning, and language. These skills have long-term benefits in enhancing precise and effective thinking abilities.
7. Complex Problem Solving: Intelligence Tests often involve intricate questions or problems. Learning to approach these types of challenges can sharpen individuals' abilities to solve complex problems.
Throughout this semester, you were taught various aspects ranging from theory and practical exercises to test scoring. The assessment tools employed include:
1. Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale (WBIS)
2. Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
3. Stanford Binet (SB)
4. Intelligenz Struktur Test (IST)
5. Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT)
6. Progressive Matrices (PM)
Studying the administration of Intelligence Tests equips me with valuable skills as I prepare to graduate as a psychology major. My interest lies in the field of psychological assessment.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Community Engagement
Media and Communication Psychology
The seminar and psychological intervention activities are planned and systematic outreach programs organized by 4th-semester students of the Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana. These activities serve as a foundational stepping stone for us to better understand the various aspects of psychology moving forward. Alongside my colleagues – Aisyah Syawalia, Alifa Aura Salsabila, Chanakya Diefta Zahry, Della Maharani, Estri Chintya Prameswari, Herfany Alya Raihan, Mutiara Hafizha Deya, and Nisaa Asmarajati.
The goal of the seminar and psychological intervention is to provide education and raise awareness about mental health among all participants. Additionally, the program aims to enhance communication skills in facing identity crises. We also hope that participants can get to know, accept, be grateful for, and believe in themselves, embracing both their flaws and strengths.
The seminar focused on the topic of "Identity Crisis, Self-Awareness, and Communication Skills." Specifically, the discussion centered around "Communication Skills in Developing Self-Awareness to Address Identity Crises among Students" at SMK Plus Pelita Nusantara, Cibinong, Bogor.
Based on the outcomes we received and the experiences we had, it can be concluded that this community engagement program was successfully executed. This is evident from the pre-test and post-test results, which were quite satisfactory and met the desired criteria. The counseling sessions also took place as planned beforehand. Both the students and educators, as well as all presenters, carried out their tasks effectively, resulting in the successful realization of this activity, just as intended.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
Pagi yang semangat adalah nafas baru bagi jiwa yang tak pernah berhenti untuk bermimpi, mengawali bab baru dengan antusiasme dan keberanian.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Pelatihan Siap Kerja
Disini saya belajar bagaimana proses mendaftar pekerjaan hingga proses interview. Dilatih untuk membuat personal branding yang baik melalui LinkedIn, bedah CV dan membuat CV, serta dilatih untuk menjadi interviewer yang terlatih agar menghasilkan kandidat karyawan sesuai posisi yang dibutuhkan dan relevan dengan bidangnya.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
Malam adalah cermin gelap di mana kita bisa melihat kilauan sejati diri kita, terpancar dalam diam yang penuh makna.
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Pelatihan Basic Peer Counselor ~ Day 2
Mari kita terus berjalan dengan tekad, menginspirasi, dan menerangi jalan bagi mereka yang mencari jalan keluar dari kegelapan menuju cahaya!
📍 Laboratorium Konseling, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Mercu Buana
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fauzanilham14 · 9 months
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Pelatihan Basic Peer Counselor ~ Day 1
Bersedia mendengarkan, berbagi cerita, dan menciptakan ruang aman di setiap percakapan. Kita semua butuh seseorang yang mendengar dengan penuh perhatian.
📍 Laboratorium Konseling, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Mercu Buana
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fauzanilham14 · 10 months
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Satu momen dapat menjadi jembatan antara kamu dan dia. Dengarkan dengan sepenuh hati, biarkan cerita berbicara, dan rasakan keajaiban empati mengalir di antara kamu dengan dia.
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fauzanilham14 · 10 months
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Pelatihan Psychological First Aid (PFA)
Kadang-kadang, yang dibutuhkan hanyalah telinga yang benar-benar mendengarkan. Dalam Psychological First Aid, kita belajar untuk memahami bahwa setiap cerita adalah unik dan berharga. Bersama-sama, kita menciptakan ruang aman untuk berekspresi, memperkuat ikatan kemanusiaan kita.
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