fathers-thoughts · 5 years
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Hey all! The time has come to move on from @fathersthoughts. I’m grateful for all the brave and tender souls who caught the vision and believed in what I was trying to build here. If you liked hearing from me on my boys or parenting in general, please follow @theconsciousfamily where both myself and my wife will be sharing about our life together raising boys, living consciously and all the things that go with that. It’s a new thing we’re doing and we’re really excited to consolidate our efforts and bring our individual strengths to one unified table. Thanks again, give @theconsciousfamily a follow and peace to all. ✌🏼 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SHf5pv
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fathers-thoughts · 5 years
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#myfathersthoughts @thislifeas5 ・・・ “• PARENTING • A question @omnionyoga and I often ask ourselves is, ”Are we going to f*ck our kids up?” I think it goes without saying. Parenting is tough, the world isn't always fair, getting older is inevitable, personalities clash, even if it's your own kid. There is a fine line to the art of parenting, and I would be surprised if anyone has ever figured it out. In parenting, even if the porridge is just right, they are still lacking a lesson somewhere. Maybe they don't know adversity. Too hot, they may lose the ability to adapt. Too cold, maybe life is too rigid, forcing them to see life with blinders. I dunno, just spewing thoughts here. So I say, live free...not in a do what you want when you want kind of way but through your families set of defined parameters. Be free as a unit. Explore. Create. Take chances. Pass things up. Fall. Get up. Laugh. Cry. All we can do is set them up the best we can. Am I right?!” — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2D6iMRj
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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“I have the strongest desire I’ve ever known right now to be “new dad” to my kids and “new husband” to my wife. To leave everything I’ve known about myself behind and arrive on this earth, on this day, in this circumstance as day one. More than a redo, a metamorphosis, a bursting from the cocoon. I like who I am but I am in love with who I will be and I want to inhabit him and embody him and be him. My kids deserve more than the same old guy. He’s not one I really even relate to. Eyes like these reflect that man. They remind me of who I am deep inside and beckon me out of hiding.” @jimmyaceino for #myfathersthoughts — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2rppM4Q
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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@daringtodad for #myfathersthoughts “Took Rhodes to his first wedding this evening. I love sitting next to him, speaking softly in his ear and explaining the different moments that make up a wedding. Like a tour guide on a safari, we talk about the different ways people choose to express themselves as we watch and listen. I have such different views of marriage now than I did when I got married at 24 years-old and it’s fun to engage in these conversations with my son.” — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2rkRY91
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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“|| BECOMING || DAD LIFE || Your birth gave me reason to be responsible. - @thislifeas5 for #myfathersthoughts 📷 by WJF (my 6-year-old)” — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QcOggw
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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@jimmyaceino #myfathersthoughts ・・・ ”These two are growing so fast and so strong and so full of kindness and love in their hearts. Enthusiastically vegan, obsess with dinosaurs and fast cars, embracing of every form of gender expression, interest and spectrum. I am amazed at the ease at which they embrace truth and reject hatred. They are tough and trying willed but they are kind to the core. I love them deeply and thankful they chose me to be their dad.” — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2EcHPnZ
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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My brother @daringtodad for #myfathersthoughts ・・・ “He may look like his mama, but there is so much of me in his personality. Seeing myself reflected back is terrifying in so many ways, but there are moments when it reminds me of the goodness I can offer to others. I see his laughter and contagious joy and it inspires me to want to lean into those qualities in myself. I love how enthusiastic he gets about the things he loves doing and wonder where along the way I got too cool for that. I may be his father, but it doesn’t stop him from teaching me. I love you, Rhodie Roo.” — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2D6L7sw
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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@jimmyaceino for #myfathersthoughts ・・・ “The sweetness of his soul, the beauty of his spirit, the tenderness of his eyes. The immeasurable depth of the pinholes in the dimming shroud that covers us all. The light pierces through it though with such precision, such boldness, like it was meant to, like it has every right to permeate, soak, influence and restore. These are the things, the mysteries I desire listen to with increasing attention and welcome. 📷 by: @missverse” — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2MHe1yW
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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“Elliot is the most beautiful human inside and out. He is filled with empathy, concerned with your acceptance, a fierce fighter for your comfort and relentless with showing love. He nurtures protects and lavishes affection. I love you son in a way that compels me to shout it from mountain too to grass valley. The birds and the bugs need to know.” @jimmyaceino for #myfathersthoughts — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PH8Dhk
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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It was my son Asher’s birthday this past week and I’m still gushing. ・・・ “It’s all about this guy this week. Tomorrow he turns 6, and even though it’s mostly anticlimactic because, man is he wise beyond his years, it is such an explosive never ending torrent of love and affection bursting from me for what an amazing and absolutely fantastic human he is. I can hardly believe how he’s grown and matured and for his towering intellect and incredibly nuanced interests. He gives his all into every question, every discovery, every passing joy; over his own abilities even, and doles it out equally for the accomplishments of those around him. As much as I sometimes want you to stay a squishy, cuddly, ball of baby love, I am so honored to walk alongside your maturity Ash. You are one of a kind.” @jimmyaceino for #myfathersthoughts — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2oeiteF
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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I just love this! The love of a father understood by that love being reflected back to him through his grown adult son is pure magic and so inspiring. This is what we’re working towards gentlemen! Such an example! ・・・ “Dad🧔 You are my HERO👑.....❤️ My inspiration .......👮‍♂️ Thnk God 🙌 Superhero, inspiration,believer, companion, dad. muchlove ❤️❤️❤️” @yousuf_ali_i for #myfathersthoughts — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2OQwECb
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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“Blood of my blood. Daily am I inspired by their friendship, their bond, their brotherhood, and their comradery. They share some serious vibration. I’m tapping their wavelength regularly just to experience something holy.” @jimmyaceino for #myfathersthoughts — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2MkWelM
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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“The first day of his life on this earth and we put our hands in each other's and made silent vows.” #myfathersthoughts by @jimmyaceino — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2L4yBgY
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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THIS! ・・・ “To say that he’s my best friend would be a criminal understatement. I’ve learned more from him in 3.5 years than from anyone else in my 37 years on this earth. It’s one thing to see things through a child’s eyes but it’s another thing completely to have to rethink how you communicate with someone. I’ve learned to listen in ways that have nothing to do with sound and learned to read body and mind trying to stay on top of his wants, needs and feelings. Watching him light up when we understand a new word he’s trying to say, a beaming smile when he gets to use a sign or a word with someone new. Last night he was pacing before bed and couldn’t get settled so I jumped on the bed and asked him “do you want to wrestle?” His eyes opened wide and he flashed a huge smile. No need to nod, he came flying on top of me and we wrestled and laughed until we couldn’t keep our eyes open. All that said, I’m yearning for the day he can ask me questions like, “why are you crying Papí.” 😭 ~ Papí .” #myfathersthoughts by @findingrafasvoice — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Nt5MIk
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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“Today is a perfect day to begin. With abandon we can run towards internal freedom and liberty. Last night I laid down in the shower and did what I see so many women bravely modeling but almost zero men even mention or even acknowledge, I looked down at my body and I felt my presence and I felt the mystery of the world and I held it all in guiltless, undefined and peaceful tension and I validated myself and I accepted myself. And afterwards I never slept better. Body image, sexual shame, self sabotage, intense guilt, regret, and a total disregard for oneself and ones own body is a plague that affects men and women alike. For a moment I felt almost led by the hand to simply hang up the hat of trying to understand and in my total mystified state I felt peace and acceptance for things I have long ignored, disqualified or flat out demeaned and rejected. It was a small, small step but an impactful one. I have no advice other than: be open. I have tried many times before but wasn’t ready. I don’t know what made last night the right time. Maybe it was the fact that I started reading Black Elk Speaks again, maybe it was the @theboxerrebellion song “Rain” that I listened to earlier that evening, maybe it was the 23 min of the 1988 interview series with Joseph Campbell I watched immediately prior, maybe it was the last 20 years of my searching striving and pining painful life. Whatever it was, it was ready for me and I for it. My son is depending on me to go through the valley first. He’s depending on me. Let’s let this relationship continue shall we?” #myfathersthoughts by @jimmyaceino — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Kc1Nlp
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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Beyond grateful for all the dads that have shared their hearts in this community and have inspired so many to feel deeply and think critically. Your support for this platform is obviously appreciated but it’s the inspiration and courage you’ve given so many others that may never let on how much you’ve helped and challenged them with your public affection and vulnerability. THANK YOU keep pressing in! And HAPPY FATHERS DAY EVERYONE! — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2K1yaT5
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fathers-thoughts · 6 years
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@thislifeas5 #myfathersthoughts ・・・ “Life is measured in moments.” . Sometimes the simplest observation is the most profound. Thanks for sharing, friend. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2y5KBsk
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