Jogan Fruit
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Bode Akuna x Reader
A/N: This is a small little something I thought about while planning a fic. I'll probably include it. I don't know yet.
All I wanted was some jogan fruit. Greez, for some reason, had imprisoned the sweet treat in a class jar confinement and I struggled to open the damned thing.
"I am a strong, independent jedi. I can open a cursed jar of fruit." I whispered to myself.
I glared at the jar trying to figure out how to access the object of my desires. It was a puzzle I couldn't solve. I was just about to use the force in a way Master Plo would deem inappropriate when Bode came out of nowhere.
The man had a smirk plastered on his face. He leaned on the counter as he watched me struggle. I glared at him. I could get this. I know I could get this. It's just a stupid jar.
Ultimately deciding to use the force, I reached out only for the jar to be ripped from my grasp. I looked up at Bode who simply held my gaze. Without looking away, a smirk still plastered on his face, he opened the jar and placed it back in my hand.
"There." he said.
There was something in his eyes. I couldn't quite grasp what they were trying to say. It made butterflies flutter in my stomach. This was new seeing how, yes, we flirted but it didn't mean anything. It was two friends sharing banter. Nothing more. This, however, was not that. it was something more.
Bode winked at me before turning around to go sit on the couch behind me. I watched him but he proceeded to work on his blaster with no other sort of acknowledgment of my presence. The only indication of our interaction was the smirk that never left his face.
I looked at the other two members on the ship to see if they caught any of that. Cal's eyes flicked from me to Bode. he had a slight frown and his brows were drawn. Greez stood there a little shocked. Coughing, the man shook his head and waved it off as he strode back to the cockpit. Cal still stood there for a moment before looking back at me. There was almost a question in them. I simply shrugged.
A little shocked, I went back to my jar. I pulled out a few juicy quarter slices and put them in a bowl. Whatever the hell I just witnessed, I hope it figures itself out. Otherwise, I have no idea how I'll handle it.
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Lazy Morning
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: You and Cal have a lazy morning.
A/N: It's been a while since I looked at my star wars fics. I have advanced my writing so much and you will see once I actually get started on my Survivor fic. Hope you enjoy this one no matter how old it is!
“Ugh,” I groaned after being roused from my slumber. Those on this junk planet were already awake and clearly didn’t care about how tired I was. Suddenly, A hand came into view and slapped me in the face.
“Mmhmm huh?” Cal beside me had just woken up.
“Cal!” I watched as he jerked up, he was definitely more awake now.
“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!” 
A huge grin spread across my face. Cal followed suit. Giggling, Cal fell back on the bed as the laughter to consumed him. I had curled up due to the intense feeling in my stomach.
Once we had calmed down, we had curled up next to each other. I rested my head on his chest with an arm around his waist. He had his arms wrapped around me and rested his chin on my head. We lay there for a few moments basking in the presence of each other.
“Prauf and I are working on the star destroyer that came in three days ago.”
“Yeah? I’ll be there too I think. I’m helping Osira and the crew with cutting the wing.”
“Sounds like the both of us have an exciting day ahead of us.”
I snickered as we both climbed out of bed. There was no struggle in getting ready. Even if our space was small. We’d perfected the motions over the past two and a half years we’ve been together. As I brushed my teeth, I thought of the moment when I met Cal.
I was late. I was so late! Kriff, my boss is going to kill me! If I had actually gone to bed when I was supposed to I wouldn’t be in this predicament. But no, I let the girls talk me into going out on the odd chance that I’d meet someone. It was a great night and I sort of met someone. I probably won’t see him again. Since I didn’t have any way of contacting the man. I don’t even think I remember his name. Oh, what was it? Cam? Caer? Ugh, I can’t remember! I need to stop thinking about him and hurry up and get to work.
It was as if fate had a funny way of messing with me. I got to work which started out with an earful from my boss. Then I was shipped off to help out one of the riggers. The irony didn’t fully set in until I reached my post for the day.
“Hey, um… I’m supposed to be helping you out today.” I cautiously approached the man kneeling on the ground. I couldn’t really see him because of a shadow.
When there was no reply I spoke again, “Excuse me? Did you hear me, sir?” Yet again there was no response. That is until I heard a chuckle to my left. An Abednedo stood there watching the exchange.
“He can’t hear you. He’s got headphones on.” The massive Abednedo moved closer to the man and me. “Name’s Prauf. This oblivious idiot’s name is Cal.” My eyebrows drew. I knew that name from somewhere.
“Hey, Cal! You got someone here trying to talk to ya!” With Prauf’s booming voice, Cal finally moved.
Standing up and turning around, the man, looked at Prauf. “What’d ya say, buddy?”
“This one’s been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now”
Cal turned to me and his eyes widened. I followed his movement. This is the man from the night before! The one from the bar. I knew I recognized the name.
“I didn’t think I’d see you ever again. I don’t mean that in a mean way. I just… We never really exchanged any information.”
“Yeah, no. I get it. I felt the same way too. I uh, was told to come help you. I guess the force has a way of bringing people together.” At the mention of the force, Cal’s eyes widened but soon returned to normal.
“Heh, no kidding.”
“Hello, Y/N, come back to me.” Cal waved his hands in front of my face.
“Oh, sorry. I zoned out.”
“I can see that. What were you thinking about?”
“Just how we met.” I heard Cal snicker, “What?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just how that worked out.” Cal, with a grin, pulled me closer, “I’m glad it happened though.” With a light peck, Cal let me go.
I quickly finished in the bathroom as Cal ran around our place looking for some clean socks. I simply walked into our bedroom and found a pair of socks and presented the socks to the man. With a grumble, Cal took the socks. Now ready, we said our goodbyes and went to our posts.
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Hello! I'm currently moving all my Star Wars fics from my main blog to this blog! Enjoy!
Cal Kestis -
Before the Purge - Coming Soon...
The clone wars are getting worse and the High Jedi Council is struggling to provide Jedi to lead the clones into battle. What better way to get more Jedi than to lower the age limit. The now-eligible padawans have to experience the Jedi trials before they are knighted and can help in the clone wars. Follow the reader as she, Ahsoka Tano, and Cal Kestis are thrown into the Jedi trials.
Lazy Morning - An early morning for you and Cal.
Bode Akuna -
Jogan Fruit - You just wanted some damned fruit.
Obi-Wan Kenobi -
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