fandom-gt · 2 days
COMMISSION TYPE: Full Page + Add-On x2 PRICE: 95 FANDOM: MCU CHARACTERS: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
REQUESTED SUMMARY: “you mentioned wanting to add a bit more to the Cock Ring Chronicles at the bottom of this post: (https://fandom-gt.tumblr.com/post/650691500542492672/i-want-to-add-to-the-prompt-where-steves-super) with some Stockholm Syndrome on Bucky's end. That + him dreaming that he's actually Steve's dick at one point (let me know if that's too out there) and him being on Steve's dick while Steve is doing some docking kink with Scott
WARNINGS: Objectification, humiliation, cock transformation
Bucky’s lost track of time. He knows better than most what it takes to be broken down and remade, he’s been through it before, but he’s pretty sure it took much longer last time — and he’s also pretty sure he knows why. He stopped counting after about a year, because time doesn’t really matter anymore like this. Not when you are what he is.
He broke and remade himself faster this time, because this is what he’s supposed to be. He’s with who he’s supposed to be with. After all this time, all these reaffirmations, every single day living and breathing it, he’s finally come to accept the fact that he is part of Steve’s cock. He belongs here, on it.
More than that, though… more than that, part of him has started to believe he is it. There’s no real separation, no distinction, between him and it. He’s pressed against it day in and day out, he flexes with it. They share showers, they share sex. He’s on it when Steve pisses, he’s sweating with it when they go for a jog, trapped deep in the muffled confines of Steve’s jock strap.
He dreams about it now, when he falls asleep. Dreams that when he flexes, he’s all of Steve’s cock, and as he tenses it goes hard. He dreams that he feels the pleasure Steve feels, and that when he’s rigid and locked up, the only relief he can find is when Steve wraps his hand around himself and slowly jerks off, squeezing him too tight, choking out pleasure and sweet relief until it comes spilling out of Bucky’s mouth, and he goes soft, and limp, and boneless in Steve’s hand.
And then Steve tucks him away, and he nestles there, spent, twitching occasionally in his place atop Steve’s balls. An extension of his body, sentient but mindless, aware of only a few objectives and needs that must be met and doing his very best to please the greater part of the larger organism that is his best friend, the ecosystem that is his body always all around Bucky. One small part of a larger whole, only meant to make his friend come.
He’s in the middle of one of those dreams when he feels the flesh he’s pressed against begin to harden. Once upon a time he’d have protested this, or dreaded it, but not now. It’s been so long, so many hundreds — thousands — of erections, it is instead by now a duty he’s prepared to fulfill.
He knows his part in this. It’s to wrap his arms and legs around that special, sensitive spot on the underside of Steve’s cock, to be an extension of it. A built-in little vibrating piece that helps things along, symbiotic almost. His job is to writhe there, hugging and grinding and rubbing, sending jolts of nerves straight up the root of Steve who, by now, has grown used to expecting them. His self-pleasing cock, always rubbing him off.
Something grips him through Steve’s clothes. He knows it isn’t Steve’s hand, because he’s intimately familiar with it now — he knows exactly how tightly Steve likes to grip himself, he knows the shape of those fingers almost as well as he knows how to be Steve’s dick. It’s somebody else, palming him over his underwear, roughly dragging the coarse fabric over Bucky’s back.
Steve won’t like that as much, he knows. Steve’s cock (Bucky himself) prefers soft things, wet things, although the friction’s nice, it could be better, and so with an air of dutiful resignation, Bucky wets his lips and licks as much moisture onto that spot as he can. Lubricating, because that’s what dicks do.
Distantly, the rumble of thunder above him means approval. It’s Steve’s groan, low and encouraging as it always is when Bucky does exactly what he’s supposed to.
The pressure disappears for a moment, and then a new rumble follows — almost as familiar as Steve’s voice, the sound of Steve’s zipper being dragged down and open. Light streams in, and an unfamiliar hand encroaches, fumbling clumsily with Steve’s erection still in the confines of his underwear.
Fingertips find him, and above his head, he can hear somebody with a slightly higher voice than Steve say, “Oh- I feel it, okay, that’s cool.” It’s casual, cavalier, chipper — he knows it from somewhere, he thinks, but it’s hard to tell. Things sound distorted at this size, everything’s deeper, everything has more bass, a resounding echo that carries like thunder over empty hills.
Steve’s erection is pulled free, finally, and he feels as much relief as Steve’s straining erection does at the space. It’s so confining in there when Steve gets hard, Steve’s dick always throbs impatiently, begging to spring out — and so does Bucky. Maybe he’s gone a little crazy in here after all this time, but it’s like he shares the same mind as Steve’s dick these days. They can read each other. He knows what it’s thinking, and it’s the same thing he’s thinking, because they are the same.
Now, he hangs from the underside of it a thousand stories from the ground, watching a pearl of precum slowly roll down the tip. He waits for it patiently until it soaks him, and then he writhes to help spread it, because that’s part of his role in this ecosystem.
Beyond Steve’s cock is a blurry landscape that slowly comes into focus as color whirls down and toward him — and then eventually, a pair of eyes become sharply in focus, bigger than he is, staring at him. Those he can actually put a name to: Scott.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding. Look at it, must be crazy at that size,” Scott says excitedly, “Maybe I’ll hop on there one day and find out.”
“Why are you talking to my dick, Scott?” Steve breathes in a raspy, compromised chuckle, faintly confused — like he’s forgotten the concept that Bucky can be spoken to, like he’s forgotten that part of his cock could speak back.
“Oh, I get it, is that like- a thing you guys are into? Okay, sure, I’m down.” Scott clears his throat and then, to Steve, says, “Boy, Captain America sir, this sure is a mighty fine cock you have here.”
As though to emphasize the point, he wraps his hand around both Bucky and Steve’s member and begins to stroke — shooting a wink at Bucky right before he begins to stand again, towering away and growing too distant for Bucky to see properly.
“You’re kind of a weird guy, you know that?” Steve says, not unkindly, somewhere a mile over Bucky’s head.
“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Scott doesn’t sound remotely offended. If anything, just a little preoccupied, and Bucky soon realizes what exactly he’s preoccupied by when a new blurry shape takes up the space where his face once was.
Another erection, obviously Scott’s, looms into view just past Steve’s tip. It’s nearly as thick as Steve’s is, uncut and soaking wet and pink, and it doesn’t stop its approach. Two titanic columns of flesh meet in the air as Scott presses the tip of his dick right up to Steve’s.
“You ready for this, little guy?” He hears Scott ask, and Steve scoffs.
“Don’t let anybody tell ya you don’t know how to stroke a man’s ego,” Steve says wryly, “Pretty sure it ain’t little.”
“Oh, right,” Scott says. “Sorry, shoot, don’t worry, I’ll figure it out. You ready for this- Steve’s… dick?”
“Stop talking.”
“Yeah, that’s fair. Okay, here we go, buddy,” he exhales, and beyond him, Bucky sees an avalanche. That’s the closest thing he can think of to describe it, the way an absolute sea of flesh begins to roll toward him, always progressing, never stopping, rolling over itself in its frantic haste to consume him.
Scott rolls his foreskin over the head of Steve’s dick and, it goes without saying by now, Bucky too. He’s entirely swallowed, encased in it, all light blotted out until the only thing his serum-enhanced eyes can perceive is flesh. The head of two cocks, slipping against one another as precum rolls down the two of them, and the thick pink walls that barely let red light dimly illuminate the space.
He’s squeezed, as he often is, by a hand — but with the new sensation of fleshy, soft foreskin between him and the knuckles. Two titans overhead groan, and slowly, the foreskin rolls back again, dragged away from him all the way up to his chest.
And then it rolls back, swiftly swallowing him as Scott begins a slick, filthy back-and-forth glide over his and Steve’s joined cocks. Both of them continue to leak, filthy and warm and thick, but it has nowhere to go, nowhere to escape to except over Bucky’s squished, struggling form. He can barely breathe like this, between he pressure and the precum and the skin dragging over his moth, his face.
Steve loves it. Steve’s dick loves it. It throbs so wantonly, Bucky can only sigh and concede to it, because at the end of the day, what it wants is what matters. Steve’s dick is hard, and it’s his job to make it cum, and so he does what he’s meant to. He squirms, and writhes, and above him he can hear Scott gasp.
“Holy crap, I can feel it movin’ around under there, that’s so fucking hot-”
The world is a blur of color. The squeeze gets tighter, the skin rolls faster, thick and deafening wet noises as Scott frantically begins to jerk them both off.
When they cum, one after another, Bucky is floating in a sea of the stuff, mouth filled, eyes squeezed shut, holding his breath for dear life for long, long seconds as rope after rope overfills this tiny pocket -— until, at last, Scott’s hand releases him and they both fall limp, hanging, dripping.
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fandom-gt · 23 days
The Code Problem
COMMISSION TYPE: Full Page + 2 Additional Page Add-ons PRICE: 95 FANDOM: Stranger Things CHARACTERS: Steve & Eddie, ft. Robin REQUESTED SUMMARY: ”Steve loves having a giant boyfriend. He also loves having a rockstar boyfriend. Unfortunately he’s not used to either, and winds up stumbling across what each code means personally, sometimes dragging Robin along.” WARNINGS: Entrapment, feet, insertion, unaware, dubcon, edging -——
The first code Steve ever learned was 6, and he probably should’ve realized after that point he’d be learning the first five the hard way. The fact that they even have codes should probably have been a red flag, because it means they’re common enough occurrences they get their own categories. Getting personally peeled out of his boyfriend’s balls by Chrissy had been an embarrassing affair that left him flushed red and flustered, but oh, what a naive fool he’d been to think that was either the last time it would happen, or the most embarrassing thing that could happen. Code 2 was worse. He learned through a little ill-advised snooping that Eddie likes to wear a condom throughout some of his performances. He’d wondered they were for, those enormous foil-wrapped sachets in Eddie’s giant nightstand. After all, Steve’s his boyfriend, in theory they’re the only ones involved in their sex life, and Eddie’s definitely not sticking it anywhere that could possibly require protection — mostly because until Steve turns into a latex balloon or a stretchy rubber doll, it literally just wouldn’t fit. In a bid of frustration and curiosity, he’d peeled open one corner of the package, snuggled his way down over the rubber ring, and waited for his opportunity to pop out and declare an angry “gotcha!”, only to be absolutely baffled when Eddie pulled the latex onto his completely flaccid cock in an utterly empty room. He’d been too baffled, even, to remember to jump out, or to successfully flag down his boyfriend’s attention. “Hey- wait- no, hold on, EDDIE-” was all he managed to get out, before the swooping sensation of gravity kicked in so fiercely he’d nearly upchucked his lunch. Flashes of metal studs and dark leather passed by in a blur, until suddenly he was face to face with the head of a very familiar cock, smashed soft, mostly-clean flesh just beneath the tip, and those unyielding fingers carried on rolling the remainder of the condom down its spongey length.
And then Eddie pulled his underwear up, then zipped his leather pants, and Steve was so firmly sealed beneath so many layers he could barely move — a full reverse snow-angel under his boyfriend’s slit. Through all those layers, he could still hear the voice that came over the PA system. “Five minutes until showtime, Ed,” came a cheerful call. Unrelenting force squished Steve so hard his back popped as Eddie gripped himself and answered, “On it. Almost ready.” As it turns out, performing gives Eddie one hell of a hard-on. The more he gets into the riffs of his guitar, the harder the bass kicks and the drums pound, the more the blood rushes to his cock. By midway through the show, Eddie’s sporting a raging boner that keeps leaking down over the tip of his slit, smearing over skin, and flooding down Steve’s back. He guesses Eddie wears that condom to keep the precum from soiling his underwear or leaving them fully damp while he’s trying to perform. After the nightmare of Code 6, they gave Steve a wristwatch walkie to wear for other such incidents. It takes nearly an hour for him to be able to move his arm close enough to his mouth, and it’s only thanks to the lubricated precum that he can manage it, but he finally does, engaging the walkie and hoarsely pleading for help.. “I’m stuck- oh crap, he’s doing a solo, why does he have to hump his guitar every time he does a stupid solo-” “Steve, is that you? What do you mean? Also, you’re supposed to say ‘over’ when you’re done talking. Over.”
“I’m stuck in Eddie’s stupid crotch again, in the condom, i can’t get out, you gotta make him stop doing the stupid solo!” Silence follows for a minute, before he impatiently snaps, “Over!” into the mic. “You mean you’re- in there right now? Over?” “Yes! Tell him to stop and get me out!” The silence that follows is unsettling, and is ultimately broken by a regretful, “We can’t do that, Steve, I’m sorry. We can’t just- stop the show, he’s only half way through. You’re gonna have to sit tight until after the finale, and then we’ll try to catch him before he- you know. Fills it up. Over.” A full hour of Eddie’s cock rubbing against the hard back of his guitar later, Steve finally catches a break as Eddie’s PA stops him in his dressing room to whisper an urgent, code 2. His boyfriend peels him out, salty and soaked and exhausted. There’s an irreverent, amused smile on Eddie’s face as he holds his tiny boyfriend up to inspect him. “I should’ve known. I always play better when there’s a Code 2. It felt great, babe. Maybe you should hop in there for my next show, too.”
Code 3, as it turns out, is nowhere near as exciting. He finds himself tumbling down a combat boot the size of a house, and before he can call for help on his watch, Eddie’s bare toes make an oppressive sight at the top of the boot, and force themselves into the shoe, taking up every inch of space, and slamming him against the sole. One big toe smothers his face, too big to wrap his arms around, and he squirms beneath it. Dating Eddie for so long and repeatedly running into these scenarios must be getting to him, or building some kind of weird association, because along with the fear and frustration and humiliation, Steve finds himself getting inexplicably hard under Eddie’s unrelenting toe. And then Eddie starts to walk, pounding weight onto him again and again rhythmically, and Steve’s too crushed to call for his watch. So… look, it’s not like he has much else he can do down here, right? He wraps his arms and legs around that toe as best he can, and he grinds his hips up into his boyfriend’s foot, desperately seeking relief for his anxiety-induced hard-on in between every step. It’s an exercise in frustration, because just as he’s finding a rhythm, the foot slams back down again, crushing him too tightly to move. And then it lifts up, and he rolls his hips quickly, frantically, hoping- Only to have that foot slam back down again, cutting him off prematurely before he can get close enough. And so it goes for half an hour, Eddie blissfully unaware, Steve uncomfortable and terrified and trying to come. Only once Eddie finally sits down at his final destination does he realize there’s something in his shoe, but rather than investigate, he just starts wiggling his toes around, manipulating it, turning Steve’s little body sideways and scrunching them, catching him between them, rubbing them. An absent, thoughtless assault on his entire person that leaves Steve in near-tears from the friction and overstimulation, none of it regular enough for him to finally just get off. And then Eddie walks home, peels his boot off, and investigates. Seeing Steve’s sweet little body in despair, and seeing exactly how hard his boyfriend is, he chalks it up to Steve having some kind of foot fetish. “Sorry to interrupt, I didn’t realize you were in there having a good time, Harrington. You should’ve told me you were into Code 3,” he says, lowering Steve back down into the boot. He can’t hear Steve’s miniscule little protests as he shoves his foot back in, and carries on playing with Steve’s little body. Code 1, though… Code 1 has to be the most intense of all the code Steve’s run into so far. He never in a million years would’ve guessed it happened with any kind of regularity, but there he sat at the bottom of a crushing tunnel, the light above so far from him it’s barely visible, and then Robin’s voice calling down to him. “Wooooow, seriously, Steve? A code 1? You guys are such- dudes, you’re so weird, and horny, and unsafe, and I can’t believe I have to do this again-” “Again?! What do you mean again?!” Steve called up, his voice thick and strained as a muscle spasm of pleasure rolled through Eddie involuntarily. “And could you tell him to stop getting off on this?! I’m slipping!” There’s a moment of silence, and then Robin calls back down, “He says he’s sorry, he can’t help it, you’re in a really good spot right now. Which is exactly the same thing that happened to Chrissy, and to the last one that ‘accidentally’”- she made air-quotes with her fingers. Steve can’t explain how he knows, he definitely couldn’t see it, but he’s one hundred percent certain she did the air quotes. “Tripped and fell down your giant boyfriend’s stupid giant dick. Now, if you wanna get out before you wind up in an even worse spot, you’ll shut up and stop moving! Otherwise, this could go from a code 1 to a code 9 really fucking quick, and trust me, you do not want a code 9.” Steve looked down at the flesh-paneled walls behind him, and gulped.
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fandom-gt · 23 days
Steve Rogers City Growth
COMMISSION TYPE: Quick Fill (2-3 Paragraphs) PRICE:  $5
REQUESTED SUMMARY: ”Hello! Can you write Steve Rogers getting some cosmic power with the side effect that he starts to grow to massive size. Outgrowing his clothes and getting more aroused with each growth spurt. Until finally he's absolutely towering over the city. Also please keep me as anon when you post this please!”
WARNINGS: Explicit
The first spurt hits at ten in the morning on a Tuesday, while Steve is in the middle of breakfast with Tony and Scott. It catches him off-guard, that sudden lurch of arousal and shifted perspective — it’s a flood of warmth, of heat, the sensation of stretching muscles like a good workout, and the next thing he knows he’s four feet higher up from the table than he’d been a minute before. Except… he’s not just seated higher, he’s bigger, taller, larger proportionally. 
“Uh- Tony?” He starts, and the much smaller genius stares at him wide, dark eyes — equally baffled. He shifts in his chair, a new gnawing discomfort digging into his thighs and his biceps, under his arms, at the seams of his crotch, and soon enough he realizes that it’s the hem of his clothes digging into his muscles. He flexes once, and ripping fabric fills the air.
“Woah, Cap, I wouldn’t-”
Whatever Tony’s about to say is swallowed by a groan that Steve only belatedly realizes is coming from himself. It’s another flood of heat, another stretching sensation, the sudden release of pressure as his suit gives up the ghost and fully shreds itself off of his flesh, falling into tatters on the floor some twenty feet below. 
Wait- twenty feet?!
God, it feels so good, though, he almost doesn’t even care. The next flash of heat sends him rocketing up not feet but yards, dozens of them, and he’s so hard he can barely stand it. He ought to be ashamed about being naked and erect in the middle of the city like this, but… frankly, when his cock’s larger than some of the buildings beneath him, it’s hard to worry about the opinion of the specks he can barely even see anymore.
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fandom-gt · 25 days
Commissions Open ft. New Options + Patreon
Hey guys! I'm back again tentatively opening up my commission slots, which you can find on my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fandom_gt
It features a new experimental slot for scheduling an hour of dedicated RolePlay time, if you've ever wanted to RP a specific scenario or set of characters.
In addition, I have also created a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fandom_gt
This is in case you want to support me to be able to write more consistently, with an experimental option for a monthly raffle to win a free commission -- contingent on having at least 3 people sign up, otherwise it isn't much of a raffle.
These are just different concepts I'm trying out to see what will stick and what feels motivating for me, but no pressure! I may post a few Patreon-exclusive stories now and then, but the majority of my commissions will still be posted to this blog for you all to enjoy.
Commission times may vary between 3 and 6 weeks depending on the quantity I get and how much I struggle with the prompt. I will always post status updates for any delays on the Discord server!
Stay tuned for content in the coming weeks!
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fandom-gt · 26 days
Are you still writing or taking commissions? It’s been a while since you’ve posted 🤓
Hello! I was considering reopening commissions in the coming weeks, but I wasn't sure how much interest there would be. If anyone would be in the market, let me know and I'll think more seriously about reopening them.
I was also considering accepting commission requests for kinks outside of just micro/macro content if anyone is interested in hitting me up for additional prompts.
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fandom-gt · 1 year
please write anything with Sherlock 🥺
Like what?
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Was very happy to see a notification of your latest story, and it did not let me down! Thank you for writing and thank you whoever commissioned it!
Shoutout to the commissioner!
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fandom-gt · 1 year
it's not a good time to be reading a smut fic atm (both in terms of mood and actual timing) but just seeing the summary gave me like. a spark of arousal.
my body knows you write The Good Shit, apparently.
-- bitty
Hey Bitty! Glad to see you still around :)
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Glad to see your back! I can't wait for potential new material!
Hope you like it :)
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Just wanted to say I’m so happy you are back!
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fandom-gt · 1 year
COMMISSION TYPE: Full Page + Add-On x2 PRICE: $30 + $20x2 FANDOM: Harry Potter CHARACTERS: Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin REQUESTED SUMMARY: ”Ok, Literally I just want a continuation of the Harry shrinks and Sirius permanently sticks him to his Cock series and keeps forgetting about him- I was thinking a shower scene with Remus and Sirius- Remus Blowjob to Sirius- Could be aware or unaware. You hold the cards though so run with it- Let me know if you are chill with my request being a continuation as well.” WARNINGS: Unaware, Pseudo-Incest (Godfather/Godson)
It’s been three weeks since Harry’s been shrunk. Two since his godfather placed him directly on the underside of his cock with a semi-permanent sticking charm. At first, Sirius kept forgetting to take him off, only to remember before bed and decide it’d be pointless to take him off now, that he’d get to it ‘first thing in the morning love’, spend the night Harry into the bloody sheets hard as a rock, wake up and take care of himself groggily, and then start his day without thinking about his godson much. Unfortunately, about a week ago when Sirius did remember, it’d been with his cock flopped casually forward on his belly and Sirius reclined, staring down at him with consideration and concern.
“I’m sorry to say, Harry, but I believe you’ve gotten smaller,” complete with a gentle examination of his size with Sirius’s gentle, enormous fingertips. Sure enough, after a gentle comparison and some measurements, he’s far smaller than the first knuckle on Sirius’s finger. Smaller than his fingerprint. A few moments of careful consideration had led to a disheartening conclusion. “I think I’d best leave you stuck there, love. I’d hate for you to get any smaller and have you wind up lost between my balls.”
Harry can imagine it - getting tinier, being down in the hammock of Sirius’s underwear, having him sit down and being promptly swallowed by all that skin. Getting trapped in a wrinkle somewhere, and his enormous godfather searching him out with those calloused hands, unable to find his tiny form. The concept makes him shudder.
“Can’t you just put me somewhere else?!” He yells up, but Sirius’s expression doesn’t so much as flicker. Another dreadful thought occurs to him - Sirius can’t hear him. He’s too small, Sirius’s ears are too far away. He just carries on gently prodding at Harry on the tender spot of his cock in a way he probably means to be soothing.
“Oh, I’ve an idea-” he says suddenly, plucking Harry’s tiny form off his cock as though it’s nothing, as though that sticking charm that keeps Harry firmly in place is nothing more than a magnet. For one delirious, hopeful second Harry things he is being put somewhere else.
But then as he hovers there suspended an inch or two above his godfather’s cock, a second hand sweeps in to slowly pull down the foreskin Harry’s been clinging to for weeks, fully revealing the head of his godfather’s cock. Harry’s filled with a sinking feeling as he’s lowed back down, directly flush beneath the head -— and then something hot and tight rolls up the back of his calves, his thighs, his waist, his shoulders.
Sirius murmurs the sticking charm again, and then finally, Harry’s head is swallowed with the rest of him - pinned, trapped underneath Sirius’s foreskin, with only a small slit of space above his head to look up and through. His godfather’s face smiles down at him through the view screen of surrounding skin.
“There we are. Snug as a bug in a rug.”
“No- no, wait, please- I don’t want to be in here, Sirius-!”
Still deaf to his protests, he feels the world around him lift as Sirius hauls his cock gently up. Feels the breath pushed from his lungs as Sirius gives himself an experimental squeeze, and then he’s lowered back down again in reverse, with the hefty weight of Sirius’s cock settling on top of him and the feeling of his balls behind that skin at his back.
He’s there for hours before Sirius finally stands up and begins to walk. Harry clings, not that it matters much - that foreskin is sealing him in tight against Sirius’s somewhat-hard cock. He bounces in time with it as Sirius walks, as the world disappears behind a robe for a minute or two, only to reappear shortly after when the robe drops. Hardwood floor is replaced with tile, and Harry is long since become familiar with what the bathroom looks like at this scale.
Some more shuffling, a quick use of the loo, and then another familiar sound: the deafening cacophony of roaring water as Sirius turns the shower on. Well, he thinks, one good thing about this new position -— he’s not constantly being run through a deluge of water like he’d been when clinging to Sirius’s balls or stuck to the underside of his cock. The skin keeps him more or less protected, he only gets wet when Sirius absently peels the skin back to clean himself (and Harry simultaneously).
Something new does happen this evening, though. A new sound in an otherwise normal routine. A voice. He can’t understand it, it’s too big, too deep, too drowned out by the torrential downpour of water, but he does know it isn’t Sirius.
That’s all but confirmed when his godfather starts to harden, when his cock begins to jut outward instead of down, and Harry’s small viewing window of parted skin reveals another set of genitals a mile away and veering swiftly in his direction. There’s a collision, rough and jarring, as his godfather’s cock smashes up against someone elses and the two begin to gently rut.
His godfather’s cock hardens against him, the elastic skin growing more taut as it’s stretched to accommodate, and Harry is flattened tightly against the underside of the swelling head.Above him, the now-familiar groans of his godfather add to the sounds. Skin catches gently on his partner, and is rolled back just a bit - enough to free Harry’s head, before it’s swallowed again on the up-thrust.
A pearl of precum escapes the slit over his head, trails downward, dowsing Harry’s hair and coating his face; the taste and smell of it has gotten far too familiar for his liking. But that’s hardly the worst thing that happens today.
The pressure at his back lets up, the rutting stops, and for a long moment there is nothing. Until, very abruptly, there is. The white backdrop beyond his viewing window is slowly encroached upon, then erased, taken over by the cut of a massive jawline. Followed by a chin. Followed by lips.
It’s the bottom half of a very familiar face.
“...Professor Lupin?!”
As though to answer Harry’s question, those lips part - but no words come out. No sound or voice follows. They just get… closer? And closer. And then quite suddenly Harry realizes what’s about to happen. Instinctive, animal panic sets in, and he begins to squirm.
“No, don’t swallow me!”
Remus, even with his keen hearing, cannot hear such a tiny voice over the pounding shower and the moans of his lover. Darkness descends as he wraps his mouth around Sirius’s cock and begins to ever so softly suck.
Sirius, distracted by his love and the absolutely unbelievable sensations he’s feeling before there’s even lips on him, has forgotten once again about his tiny godson. He doesn’t think to associate that tingling at his most sensitive spaces with his godson’s writhing, he just knows he’s unbearably horny and has been for nearly three weeks now. He buries himself in Remus’s mouth, dragging the head of his cock against Remus’s tongue, and it’s absolutely fantastic.
Remus’s tongue goes searching as his hand works at the shaft, as the movements tug the skin, intermittently revealing and again swallowing Harry beneath it. The warm velvet pad of his tongue seeks out every ridge and bump and topographical change - meaning it flattens and presses into his favorite student, tasting and squishing him gently against Sirius’s cock. Sucking harder, like he means to suck Harry clean off and swallow him.
Minutes of this torment pass, a constant blind chaos of wet and warm and saliva and semen, until Remus pulls back to take a breath. Settled there on his knees, he examines Sirius’s cock up close for the first time - only to double-take at the little dark spot beneath the bell end that is Harry’s head.
“Oh,” he says, sounding faintly surprised and casting a look up at Sirius. “Darling, did you forget something?”
“Oh, bloody- I’m sorry, Harry, it slipped my mind again. Hope that isn’t terribly uncomfortable,” he says breathlessly, as Remus pulls the skin back a bit and angles his cock up for Sirius to see. Against his chest, Sirius’s cock pulses hard and heavy, squeezing him as the skin tightens around the fresh rush of blood and arousal. Sirius groans, burying his fingers in Remus’s hair.
“I’m- nearly done, just, try and be mindful of him Remus?” He asks with a note of apology in his tongue. Before him, Remus nods. Shoots Harry a sympathetic smile.
“Try and hang on, Harry,” he says pleasantly, before parting his lips again. Slowly, those house-sized teeth and vast cavern descend on him, swallowing him back into Remus’s mouth as he begins to fervently work Sirius’s cock again. His tongue swaths over Harry gently, mindfully, as his godfather’s cock begins to pulse. The urgency increases, and Harry knows all too well what the signs mean.
Sirius is going to come, and Remus is going to suck him through it while Harry desperately clings on through waves and waves of his godfather’s orgasm.
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Hi, I thought you had a tiny Steve Harrington story posted yesterday, but I can't find it. Did you delete it or did I just make that up?
It's still there!
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fandom-gt · 1 year
we back boys!!!!!!!!! missed you so much
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fandom-gt · 1 year
I held off for a while, but I still have ideas I want to send to you. I'll try to send in more moderation, though.
I like the idea of pretend unaware cock vore, where a tiny is stuck in a giant's balls and the giant pretends not to know. This can be any pairing you like.
This situation could have happened accidentally and the giant is just taking advantage of it, but I like the idea of the giant intentionally manufacturing the whole thing. The giant has everything planned out: how to shrink the tiny if they weren't small already, how to get the tiny to fall into his slit in a convincingly "accidental" way, and how to ensure there's no possible way the tiny can ever escape.
I like to think of the giant's perverted pleasure of knowing what he's going to do with the tiny before his plan unfolds, interacting with the soon-to-be captive as though everything is normal. Chatting with them about pleasantries while secretly enjoying the fact that they have no idea they're about to be living full-time in his cock, eating only the pleasure they will give to the giant.
After the tiny's been successfully vore'd, the giant gets a lot of satisfaction from talking to others about how he hasn't seen them in a while. Wondering where they are. Maybe he helps fill out a missing person report for the tiny, knowing full well they'll never be found where they are, soaking in his semen.
But the best part about the whole thing is playing with the tiny as he works himself up, never once acknowledging the tiny's presence. Letting the tiny think that no one knows their fate, that there is possible hope for escape someday if the giant ever unobstructs the way out.
It would also be interesting if the giant screws someone associated with the tiny, while the tiny is trapped in the giant's urethra and therefore being squeezed in and out of the partner. Who the other person is is up in the air- an enemy? A friend? A rival in love? A sibling or family member? The tiny's significant other or crush? Whoever it is, it's someone who the giant knows would emotionally devastate the tiny, knowing the two are sleeping together and that the tiny is a forced participant.
And the tiny still thinks the giant is their friend. That the giant is a good person who would help them, if only they could get his attention. The giant loves it when they pound on his walls and wiggle and scream- it feels so good, he can feel all of it, and pretends not to. He pretends he doesn't know what's causing him to be so horny, and basks in the fruits of his labors.
These have been idling in my ask box for so long, sorry fellas
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Here's another TUA idea: well-meaning cock vore. Diego is trying to help Klaus get clean (Klaus is either unwilling to sober up, or he asked Diego to help him since his willpower is weak), and eventually resorts to stuffing Klaus into his dick in leau of a better option. I'm picturing this happening pre-season one, but could work later as well.
How did it get to that point? It was some combination of not being able to leave Klaus unsupervised (even when he's tiny), needing to protect tiny Klaus (vigilante work is dangerous), and Klaus being an absolute annoying pain to deal with as he's going through withdrawal.
Diego is so relieved to have found a solution after everything he's been through trying to wrangle Klaus during this, he decides to leave Klaus in there for a while. He's safe, he has plenty to eat, and best of all, he's not driving Diego crazy. Though the feeling of him in there is driving Diego crazy in a completely different, way more pleasurable way....
I also like to think that, if Diego and Eudora were still dating, she would agree with his decision to leave Klaus in his ballsack. Maybe she'd been sick of Klaus too, but even if she didn't see anything leading up to the vore, she thinks it's a good thing. It just doesn't come across as cruel or unreasonable; in fact, just the opposite. She would praise Diego for being such a good brother, for caring so much about his degenerate sibling. His soft and caring side turns her on....
After it's been long enough that the worst of it should be over (which is several days or weeks), Diego comes Klaus out on a probationary basis. Klaus is only free while Diego has time to watch him, then he goes right back into his nuts. Diego's more excited for and gratified by the feeling of putting him back in than he lets on to poor Klaus. This goes on for a long time, until Klaus has been clean for long enough that Diego feels he could extend the short leash he has an Klaus.
Klaus has been thoroughly traumatised by the experience, not that he'd ever let on to how deeply it affected him. His complaints come off as dramatic and performative, like how he's always written off to be. Diego can't tell the difference between when Klaus is putting on an act to distract from his real wounds, and when he's genuinely desperate and on the verge of breaking down. Klaus pretends the latter never happened.
The only upside is that Klaus is now too scared to even think about using again. He'd sooner shoot himself with a gun than shoot up if it meant Diego might find out about it.
Diego is proud of himself and the service he did for his brother. Klaus totally owes him after everything he did for him. Klaus pretends to be grateful, but the taste of his brother's semen and the sting of it in his eyes and nose is never going to leave him. Now he gets nightmares of the mausoleum and the fleshy dungeon of Diego's balls, sometimes where they're one and the same. He's yelling for Dad to let him out while the sweltering mausoleum around him shudders in pleasure and ghosts made of vicious cum scream and claw into him, swallowing him up, drowning him.
UA Shorts
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Here's the thing: all the Hargreeves kids are still under the influence of miscellaneous rumors. Part of Allison's training was rumoring them, and she used rumors liberally to get her own way besides. They usually resolved themselves, or she took them back, but some slipped through the cracks.
Luthor can't enter Allison's room without knocking first. Vanya can't practice the violin after 10pm. If he tried, Diego would find it impossible for him to pick his nose. Small things that are easily forgotten or written off as a personal preference, not an infraction of their autonomy.
But Klaus has more of these invisible rules than all the others combined. He was a rambunctious and easily spooked child, not a very good combination. He always had nervous energy spilling out if him and he had a way of getting under his family's skin. Allison was not one to put up with that kind of nonsense.
Klaus knows intimately the rules that dictate his life, but he can't inform anyone, because one of them is that he is not allowed to tattle. He can't tell on Allison's naughty misuse of her powers. Can't explain himself when he bends over backwards for them. Can't ask for help.
He'd been hoping that Allison had spent some time reflecting on her actions while she was off being a superstar mom, that maybe she would feel bad for everything she'd done to him and take back her rumors. It quickly became apparent at the funeral that she either regretted nothing, or had forgotten entirely. Klaus isn't sure which hurt more.
Allison is oblivious to the fact that Klaus is still under her influence. She doesn't realize that he's still forced to let her do as she pleases. So when she asks Klaus if he would babysit for her while she works out joint custody with her ex one day, she doesn't know that Klaus has no other choice.
She instructs Klaus to keep Claire happy at all costs. This somehow ends up with him becoming doll-sized and living in Claire's expensive doll house.
Allison is furious because she thinks Klaus walked out on Claire. Claire loves her new toy and doesn't want to get in trouble if any adults found out about it. So Claire keeps him in secret, and Klaus must do his best to cater to her every whim and keep her happy.
This is a good setup for some unaware while no one besides Claire even knows Klaus has become tiny.
Also, thinking further down the line, if Claire never gets caught and keeps Klaus indefinitely, Klaus would be her best friend. His entire life is now committed to making her happy, but Claire wouldn't know it's because of a rumor. When he assures her he wants to stay by her side and stay secret, it's because that's what she wants to hear, not because it's how Klaus really feels.
As for Klaus, he hates being dependant on a child for everything: food, safety, companionship. It's scary that he can't tell Claire if she's doing anything wrong, because that would upset her. He likes Claire, she's a good kid, but she's inherited her mom's controlling personality. Klaus accumulates more rules. He never had a chance.
Eek back at it again with the UA!
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fandom-gt · 1 year
Here's another sadistic Five one because he's the one I can really see going out of his way to fulfill his fantasies, like this one. This is is about bondage and sensory deprivation.
Klaus is small for some reason and Five is keeping him to himself- the others either don't know or don't care. Five is, once again, an adult. Five likes the power he has over Klaus and how Klaus has to just deal with however Five sees fit to treat him.
Five keeps Klaus in an enclosure on his desk, and he loves to treat Klaus as though what Klaus wants is insignificant. Five scoffs when Klaus asks for things like specific foods or music for entertainment, or even basic things like conversation or a bath. Five denies almost all of Klaus's basic requests, on the grounds that Klaus is not worth any inconvenience to Five. He likes to not even acknowledge Klaus when he tries to talk. Five lords his own agency over Klaus while flaunting Klaus's.
While Five finds this enjoyable, he quickly wants to escalate the situation to start having some real fun with Klaus. He makes the necessary preparations, and then does this:
Without a word to Klaus, he opens Klaus's enclosure and plucks him up. Klaus is confused and annoyed, asking what Five is doing and snarking at Five about boundaries. Five ignores him and uses the mini bondage gear he made to strap Klaus's arms behind his back.
Klaus is reasonably alarmed by this and Five takes pleasure in not responding to any of Klaus's protests or questions. Five then takes out his custom tiny earplugs and carefully stops both of Klaus's ears, loving manhandling the guy and loving how delicate his little head is. Klaus is still yelling and panicking and Five is throbbing in his pants, but keeps his face looking passive, as though he's stripping away Klaus's senses and bodily autonomy away one by one just on a whim. Like it doesn't matter to Five one bit.
Finally, Five straps a blackout blindfold around Klaus's head and gags him with an O ring. He collars him and chains him to Five's desk. He wants to assault Klaus right away, but that would make him seem too eager and ruin the whole indifferent facade. He lets Klaus believe that he's been bound because he was such a nuisance. He waits several hours or days until the next stage (He feeds Klaus with a syringe through the gag now).
He's at work at his desk, and makes sure Klaus can tell. Klaus can feel the vibrations of the table while Five writes on it and the wind as Five shuffles things around. Then, still working with one hand, he uses the other to start fiddling with Klaus like he's a fidget toy. A fidget toy with a penis.
He toys with Klaus, watching in avid fascination as he writhes and twitches, until he comes. Five is acting as though he's not paying attention to his actions, though, so he keeps playing and playing, loving the fact that Klaus can't stop him as he rubs Klaus vigorously through his oversensitivity. Five loves that he's in control of Klaus's orgasms; not only can he not come without Five, but he will come when Five wants him to. When Five's done "working," he lets go and leaves Klaus like that for the rest of the night.
Five also enjoys talking care of Klaus without Klaus's input or permission, like bathing him (and I guess helping with the bathroom issue), feeding him, and changing his clothes. He loves that he gets to pick what Klaus wears, and after a while he starts to dress Klaus in things like panties and stockings. He likes that Klaus never knows what Five is going to do and that Klaus doesn't know what this own body looks like in the clothes Five puts him in.
It takes a while after the fiddling stage before he starts surprising Klaus by shooting his load onto the blind and deaf tiny, before he starts rubbing off using his little body, before he starts filling the syringe with his cum and pinning Klaus down while he pushes the plunger to force it all down Klaus's throat. But Five is patient and he enjoys every step along the way.
for the umbrella academy folks
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