fan-of-many-stories · 10 minutes
Made a little girl cry today.
I was manning a booth while dressed as a witch, and an elementary schooler asked me for a potion that would turn her big brother into a frog. I agreed, and spent five minutes preparing a concoction of vinegar, baking soda, food coloring, soap, and glitter, all according to her specifications. I had her stir it, and then when it was ready, I procured a little glass pebble, dipped it into the potion, and told her to place it under her brother’s bed to turn him into a frog by morning.
When I held it out to her, she started bawling, and explained that she didn’t really want her brother to turn into a frog, she loved him, and she didn’t want my magic after all. 
“That’s okay,” I said. “This just means you’re a good sister.”
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fan-of-many-stories · 17 hours
what if i told you that a lot of “Americanized” versions of foods were actually the product of immigrant experiences and are not “bastardized versions”
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fan-of-many-stories · 17 hours
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Abolish the comic book industrial complex 🙂
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fan-of-many-stories · 17 hours
When kids are trying to explain a problem they are having to you, you need to ask questions. Kids often don't have the words that they need to explain what is going on. So, they substitute in words that they do know that are as close as possible. If you take what they say at face value, you can sometimes entirely miss the actual problem.
A recent example is a kid, ten years old, I know who kept saying that their problem is that they "get bored" when reading. I've been helping by recommending books and other material relevant to their interests to their parents, but it didn't seem to work. So, I came over, sat down with the kid, and asked them to read as much of a short story as they could before they got bored.
They could read about sixty or so words before they were unable to focus on the text any longer.
According to them, this has been a problem since they were seven. But because "boredom" was the only word they had for it, they received attempts to get them more engaging texts. That's a great strategy for most book-shy kids, but not when it's looking far more like an undiagnosed disability. This kid has amazingly supportive parents who are now looking to get them more expertly evaluated, but because they didn't have the language to explain how bad the problem was, it flew under the radar for three years.
Ask kids clarifying questions when they're having trouble, especially when the problem you think they are telling you about isn't being solved by solutions that would normally work. You might figure out why those solutions aren't working.
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fan-of-many-stories · 17 hours
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fan-of-many-stories · 17 hours
I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.
- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.
- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.
- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.
That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️
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fan-of-many-stories · 17 hours
“Years and years ago, there was a production of The Tempest, out of doors, at an Oxford college on a lawn, which was the stage, and the lawn went back towards the lake in the grounds of the college, and the play began in natural light. But as it developed, and as it became time for Ariel to say his farewell to the world of The Tempest, the evening had started to close in and there was some artificial lighting coming on. And as Ariel uttered his last speech, he turned and he ran across the grass, and he got to the edge of the lake and he just kept running across the top of the water — the producer having thoughtfully provided a kind of walkway an inch beneath the water. And you could see and you could hear the plish, plash as he ran away from you across the top of the lake, until the gloom enveloped him and he disappeared from your view. And as he did so, from the further shore, a firework rocket was ignited, and it went whoosh into the air, and high up there it burst into lots of sparks, and all the sparks went out, and he had gone. When you look up the stage directions, it says, ‘Exit Ariel.’”
— Tom Stoppard, University of Pennsylvania, 1996 (via flameintobeing)
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fan-of-many-stories · 18 hours
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fan-of-many-stories · 18 hours
found a baby turtle in my sewer and used AI aging techniques to work out what it would look like as an adult and used google reverse image search to find images of its parents who were in a nature documentary in 2017 and used harsh economic sanctions to encourage them not to lose their baby in the sewer again
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Emet Selch: Would you stop this foolishness?!
WoL: What foolishness would you like to see?
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WoL: Hydaelyn put me on this star to accomplish certain things.
WoL: At this point, I'm so far behind I may never die.
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please tell your wols they are wonderful and i love them
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"I love all of you. Even the parts that you believe are too dark and too shameful. Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection. I love you."
Lvl 80 DRK Quest, probably
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WoL, taking a protective stance in front of Gaia: the Ascian you sent after me is part of my found family now.
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WoL: “Is this the hill you want to die on? Because I can make that happen.” Is a solid disagreement beginner and finisher as well as an effective threat to an enemy.
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Azem: Date someone who will wake you up at 3AM to look at the stars. Emet Selch: If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, wakes me up at 3AM to go look at the sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
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