famouslove05 · 7 months
Oi pessoal, eu vou desinstalar o tumblr não estou usando no momento e não vejo sentido em continuar no meu celular, obrigada pelo tempo aqui, beijos.
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famouslove05 · 8 months
Fico me perguntando onde é que está o amor, e falho miseravelmente ao buscar a resposta, por todos os lugares onde ando, não o encontro, mas pra isso, preciso dominar a arte do desencontro, já aprendi isso, o amor não frequenta lugares óbvios, essa é uma lição da qual não vou me esquecer. Pelos bares da cidade, muitas pessoas razoavelmente interessantes se esbarram, mas nada me desperta uma sensação diferente, nada me capta a atenção como aqueles malditos olhos verdes. Eu sei leitor, depois de 4 anos, era de se esperar que eu estivesse livre, não? Seguindo a vida, mas é tudo um tanto quanto complexo, já tive outras pessoas na cama e na cabeça, mas ninguém chega ao coração, e talvez você aí do outro lado da tela, só vá entender isso, quando um par de olhos verdes, intrometidos, mas incrivelmente lindos, cruzarem o seu caminho. Tem uma frase que eu gosto muito, que diz que somos partes das pessoas que amamos, o que como o próprio autor completa, é fudido pra caramba, pois quanto sobra de nós mesmos? Quanto sobrou de mim, quando você foi embora com esses malditos olhos verdes, e me deixou olhando pro céu cinza, tão cinza quanto os meus sentimentos. Sigo escrevendo ao som de Toquinho e Vinícius de Morais, "e por falar em saudade, onde anda você? Onde andam seus olhos...?" Teimo em me questionar, onde anda você?
-Apenas um Sundae Sem Calda
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famouslove05 · 8 months
𝓑𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
everyone has their own definition of a dream girl - a girl who is simply everything we want or everything we want to be. i strongly believe that discipline and the law of assumption can help anyone become their own version of a dream girl. so why not just manifest that into your reality?
start by figuring out exactly what it means to be a dream girl to you.
what's her name? what does she do for a living? how much money does she make? what about her education? where does she live? what does she look like? what does her body look like? what kind of clothes does she wear? what kind of person is she? what does her morning routine look like? what does her day look like? what does her night routine look like? what are her hobbies and interests? how does she see the world and other people? how do other people see her? what are her goals in life? what kind of people does she surround herself with? what does she do in her free time?
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now the most important thing is to answer those questions like you're talking about yourself. not "she is..." but "i am...". i suggest you write it down somewhere just so you can come back to it whenever you need it.
answer those questions and add whatever details you want your dream girl to have. please remember that this is the version of a girl who is perfect to YOU. don't feel like your answers have to be something that other people consider perfect, just describe the version of yourself who is truly happy with her life.
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now that you know what a dream girl is to you, tell yourself that you are that girl. i don't wanna hear any "oh but she's rich and i'm not" or "oh but she's this and that and i'm not". no! she is you and you are her. if you can imagine it you can have it. think about what your life would look like if you were that girl. daydream, make plans, journal, create vision boards, do whatever that helps you be in the dream girl state. you are your dream girl, that's it. you look like her, you talk like her, you walk like her, you are her. no matter what shows up in your reality, that doesn't matter, you're becoming your dream girl and nothing and no one can stop you.
something that will definitely help with that is doing the things on your list that are possible for you right now. if your dream girl wakes up early and you know that it's possible for you then start waking up early as well. if your dream girl does yoga and you have enough time and are physically able to do it, start doing yoga. you don't have to start with extremely expensive products and routines, just whatever is possible for you right now. do whatever will help you stay in that state and the rest will simply come to you :)
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famouslove05 · 8 months
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JEAN SIMMONS as Varinia Spartacus (dir. Stanley Kubrick, 1960)
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famouslove05 · 9 months
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Monica Vitti by Henry Clarke 1969.
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famouslove05 · 9 months
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Lana Turner as Peggy Evans & Carol Burden in Slightly Dangerous (1943)
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famouslove05 · 9 months
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Old Hollywood stars + text memes (part 2)
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famouslove05 · 9 months
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Born in Enfield, North London, Louis Shabner was a talented British glamour artist inspired by glamorous female beauty, known as pin-up.
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famouslove05 · 9 months
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🌓Sweet Girl Venus ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
This world contains in it a great number of elements that push most everyone to toughen up and abandon all senses of calm, grace and loveliness on the path towards growing up. In this world, so many people believe that the only way towards great achievements is by becoming tough. Whilst it is true that strength of character is crucial for survival, I don’t think toughness has to translate into being actually hard on oneself or everyone else.
Psychology says, ‘When someone is exceedingly critical of the smallest, most trivial things, that means they crave Love most of all.’
Here is a love letter from the Venusian Goddess harmonic of your Higher Self to yourself💌More than you may realise at this moment, you really are still a sweet and kind baby of gentle melodies and fragrant bouquet💐If you’d eventually realise this of yourself wholeheartedly, oh, that would be…
SONG: teddy bear by Hamasaki Ayumi
MOVIE: Uptown Girls (2003)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – Bubblegum Blue Baby
VIBE: Hatsukoi Shoujo (Singer’s First Love) by Sheena Ringo & Noir by SUNMI
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what’s really sweet about you – King of Wands Rx
You’re the type of person who, in spite of your passion and determination, aren’t cruel. You possess a strong character and try to uphold justice everywhere you go. You’re really a courageous fellow with a heart of gold. Baby-blue gold. I see that you’re often the type of friend who cheers other people up; you always have an idea in your mind to make someone else feels better about their darker days. When somebody is lacking courage or confidence in themselves, you’re the one who says, ‘I believe in you, tho! It’s clear to ME you can do it!’
And because you always seem so energetic, confident and capable, people easily believe your words. I think people haven’t told you enough how grateful they are that you’re always cheering them on like that. It’s not that they’re not grateful; it’s that they don’t know how to convey their gratitude properly. You know, sometimes words fail us. Especially when you’re the type of magickal butterfly that attracts naturally a lot of people who are not so confident in themselves. Such people, sometimes they simply don’t know how to utter words of gratitude because not many people in their lives have shown them enough appreciation. You could be, probably, like the ONLY person in their world who shows them appreciation like that!
You’re really so kind and charitable, more than you’ll ever hear from the mouths of other people♥︎
honouring your softness – King of Cups
And I guess, for the most part, such people really see that you’re an authoritative figure in your own respect. Because you appear to them so large and magnanimous, people don’t even suspect that you also have your down days. Certain days, you’re also in the mood for getting praises just like everybody else! But because you don’t get that as much as you’d like, sometimes you get sad. I think you struggle with a little self-loathing (or a sense of being a phoney) every now and then, feeling like you’re not good enough whilst everybody else seems to move ever forward, supported by your encouraging words.
Sometimes you feel envious of others for what they have. They seem to have everything going on a lot easier than you. But baby, stop! This is all your wild assumption. The truth is, people really be trying their best to put up a strong face, to put their best foot forward and come and tell you good news about them, because they want to get praises from you😅Yeah, some things in Life really be tricky like that. As convoluted it gets, this is actually their way of thanking you. You encouraged them before, you gave them so much courage, inspiration and motivation; now they’re doing better and they want to let you know it’s thanks to you! They want you to feel proud of both themselves and the magnanimous ways you’ve cared for them🥲
Well, now that you know… Pretty baby, stop being so sad!🐬
a happily ever after – 7 of Cups
You’re the type of person who, most of the time, has your head in the clouds. This makes you feel ungrounded often. I think you sometimes feel overwhelmed by reality itself. There’s a lot of things you don’t understand and you often feel lost about the meaning of existence and your place in the world. Fret not—you’re hardly a failure. You’re magick, baby💙Magickal beings often find living in the Human world incredibly taxing, so you can be patient with yourself—it’s a group thing LMAO
If anything, it is exactly because you’re a magical being like this that you can be sure you’re going to get everything you want out of Life. As long as you don’t allow yourself to stop dreaming in exchange for being practical! You see, the world really isn’t as linear as you think. So, be confident in who you are and your own personal favourite methods of manifesting. There’s quite nothing in this world you can’t have. You just need to learn to focus on one or two things at a time so you get each thing you want faster⚡️Isn’t so wonderful to be so magickal?
Know that you could be so much happier. You could be so much more spiritually content because your heart really is good. In spite of some things you may believe about your flaws, your Higher Self really doesn’t view you that way. In this world that is a world of chaos where 98% of people are hurting and hurting each other, it’s expected, so it’s not such a big deal. You really are such a kind Soul and your sweetness, your charitable bubbliness, just needs your acknowledgement so you can give yourself more tender care🌸
quantum glow-up! – Silver Physician (John Dee)
practical self-care tips♥︎ – Priestess of Magick
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Pile 2 – Soft Enterprising Boss
VIBE: Cookie by NewJeans & YEPPI YEPPI by aespa
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what’s really sweet about you – Ace of Pentacles
You are a powerhouse of creativity. You’re incredibly smart and resourceful. You’re like an idea bank but you couple that with real, tangible efforts that always produce real results. You have an amazing capability for laser focus and your work ethic is almost inimitable. With that, you’re truly a dependable friend who has a lot to offer those around you. People turn to you for advice, and you always have something valuable to offer. But yeah… that doesn’t mean your input is always appreciated. But that’s not your fault, right?
You need to admit that a lot of people are hopelessly confused. Sometimes, people simply want a friend to confide in and hear their whining. I know you’re almost always there to lend an ear even though it kinda irritates you that people seem so lost, so incapable of helping themselves. You genuinely want to help, but like already mentioned, sometimes all someone needs is a company that listens compassionately. I think you’re good as long as you’re there to be a pillar for someone in need.
So really, you needn’t concern yourself with how that someone will resolve their issues if they, indeed, do not seem that interested in resolving their own issues🤪It’s not like you’re getting paid for caring so much about other people’s personal drama!
honouring your softness – 2 of Pentacles
More than you give yourself credit for, you’re actually a really reasonable person. You’re grounded in reality and able to weigh options more realistically than most people you know. You’re always thinking of pros and cons in your head. That’s wonderfully responsible, of course, but sometimes you could get stuck in a rut when you simply can’t decide. Still, I think you’re such a wonderfully capable person who’s willing to go the distance when your mind’s finally set for a prize.
You’re ambitious and tenacious; no matter the challenge, you’re up for whatever. If it requires lessons, training, complex practices, extensive readings, you can do it all. But hey, stop to breathe a little, will you? The world doesn’t end tomorrow so you needn’t hurry so much, alright? It benefits no one to be so hard on yourself whatever the rewards may be at the end. What’s really exciting about this whole thing is how much you’re enjoying yourself as you gain knowledge and skills. So, I hope you remember this at all times.
As long as you’re having fun, Life’s good, you know. You can’t possibly think that Life’s only gonna get good when you’re at the end of your journey, right?
a happily ever after – 8 of Wands
You are a visionary—admit it. You have amazing ideas and your visions could possibly even change the world. You could become someone profoundly inspirational because there’s a teacher-like quality in you. If you feel that you’re not that good at communicating your ideas, it’s definitely a skill you can polish. You really have got it in you to become an effective speaker, even on a public platform, because your mind is usually quite methodical. Practice is all you need.
Even if you identify as someone shy, or timid, actually you will be so much happier in Life if you could be in the public eye for when you do so, you get to be charitable with your skills and knowledge. When you’re older in Life, you will have gained so much expertise in various disciplines, and if you’re not gonna share with others, how else are you gonna ever feel blessed?
You are a shooting star sent from Mars—or Venus—to teach Humanity a transcendent way of living. I hope you never forget how precious you are just for the fact you’ve reincarnated on Earth in this passage of time😜
quantum glow-up! – Green Magus (John Dee)
practical self-care tips♥︎ – Priestess of Fertility
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Pile 3 – New-World Inventor
VIBE: Super Shy by NewJeans & Spicy by aespa
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what’s really sweet about you – 4 of Cups
Gosh, you are such a loyal one that sometimes it comes to your detriment. You’re the type of person who could go the extra mile to accompany someone who doesn’t even deserve your compassion. You’re willing to sacrifice a lot to make another person feels less alone even when you’re not getting the same in return. I think you have a noble heart and that’s something clearly valuable. But… I hope you know when to stop giving your support to those who are clearly losers, hopeless cases. There’s only so much you could give to another when your own Cups aren’t getting filled in return.
‘People treat you the way they view you. Be blind if you want.’
I know you don’t want to disappoint because you know how depressing it is to get disappointed. You know first hand all the painful sensations that come with having your trust broken. But the way I see it, you shouldn’t turn your past disappointments into a goody two shoes tendency to please everybody. Are you certain this isn’t just a weird overcompensation that could destroy you in the end? You may wanna check out this concept of a Good Girl Syndrome. Understanding the symptoms could just help you unravel the patterns🧵🪡✂️
honouring your softness – Queen of Pentacles
You are an Old Soul, and it doesn’t matter how young or old you are right now, you have this innate desire to be of service to others. On a profound Soul level, you have this magnanimous energy that makes you want to care and nourish those you come into contact with. You are really a kind person, incredibly generous, to a fault LMAO After all, this Human world is littered with shameless takers who do not set a limit for themselves. You don’t wanna be stupid enough to get drained all the time by ingrates, right?
So, it’s time to stop giving too much of yourself and start affirming that you, too, deserve the company of people who will nourish you as much as you them. If you don’t start reaffirming this daily, it may never manifest, which would be such a shame because you’re so deserving to be blessed with warmth and sweet emotions🥧
a happily ever after – Page of Swords Rx
At the present moment, you may be thinking you’re simply afraid of conflicts and arguments. Heck, you don’t even like feeling other people’s negative emotions. If you were to stand up for yourself, you’re sure everybody would give you a nasty look, or even spew very unkind words to make you feel bad. So you know this and you try to avoid that as much as possible. But that’s got to stop now because when you really think about it, all the chaos and conflicts are WITHIN you. Is that even worth it? Do you think you deserve to live like this?
‘You’re keeping the peace around you, but what about the peace in you?’
I’d like to remind you, you’re really such a smart person. You’re so knowledgeable and actually, if you’re honest, have great desires to be of service to the world. You’re a high-value somebody, so you’re allowed to muster the courage to affirm that you CAN take up space and still maintain your boundaries. Alright? One day you’re going to really change the world. But right now, you need to change your world first.
Don’t be afraid of being seen as a bitch, especially when you know you’re not a bad person🍒Sweet girls can still be SPICY🌶
quantum glow-up! – Gold Astronomer (John Dee)
practical self-care tips♥︎ – Priestess of Innocence
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famouslove05 · 9 months
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This is a masterlist to help you , elevate your mindset. It only works if you actually implement it , just watching videos and daydreaming, will not.
I'm always open to suggestions to add any videos to this , just send me an ask or a comment
how to master your emotional intelligence
"friends" to watch out for
you are a queen , u were born one
bye bye lazy girl era
the song jia effect
overcome your phone addiction
acceptance and change
learning to value
not taking risks , is the biggest risk
the perfect student
your enemies are secretly addicted to you
creating a successful mindset
mindset is everything
being your own dream girl
stop being lazy and pathetic
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famouslove05 · 9 months
Tips on how to maximize your pretty privilege as a femme fatale? :)
Hi love! Check out these guides:
How To Be More Graceful, Elegant, & Command Presence
How To Look More Expensive & Elevate Your Aura.
How To Master Public Speaking Anxiety & Communicate Like A Boss
How To Reduce Social Anxiety To Boost Your Confidence, Make Friends, & Become Magnetic
How To Build Unshakeable Self-Confidence
How To Build A (Realistic) Femme Fatale Wardrobe
Building Your Cult of Personality Part I: Style & Self-Presentation (Post +)
Small Ways To Look More Polished (Essential Style & Beauty Tips)
Tips & Tricks To Feel Clean, Confident & Seductive Daily
Hope this helps xx
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famouslove05 · 9 months
I want Divine Union, a spiritual provider man with just as much ambition as me, glowing skin, a fit and healthy body, financial abundance, a beautiful home, hundreds of different income streams, multiple successful businesses, a supportive high vibe friendship group, extravagant travel, the ability to buy literally anything that I want multiple times over, good relationships with my family, and much much more that God has in store for me.
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famouslove05 · 9 months
“I can’t do glamour magick. I don’t have the tools!”
Shampoo- cleanses your hair of negative energy
Conditioner- restores/adds positive energy
Body wash- restores/adds positive energy
Scrubs- cleanses and removes negative energy
Face wash/cleanser- removes negative energy
Moisturizer- protection, restores positive energy
Sunscreen- protection
Lotion- depending on scent, it can help with plenty of things
Rose- love, confidence, self-love, beauty
Lavender- calmness, peace/self-peace, self-worth, comfort, soothing
Vanilla- self-love, confidence, attracting good energies
Coconut- protection, purification, chastity
Contacts/eye drops- insight, wisdom, to see what others can’t
Hairbrush- negativity remover
Mascara- to see what others don’t tell you
Lipgloss/lipstick/lip stain/chapstick- to speak smoothly and clearly, to have a way with words, to improve your voice
Toothpaste and toothbrush- cleansing, to help watch your words
Tongue scraper- to get rid of past regrets from past words, to stop gossiping
Concealer- to conceal what others should not know/what you do not want them to know
Foundation- protection
Setting spray- calmness, peace, good luck
Nail Polish- match them to your intentions!
Purple- intuitive needs, spiritual needs, imagination, creativity, third eye, wisdom, peace
Pink- love, harmony, kindness, self-love
Red- love, lust, seduction, confidence, courage, sex, motivation, ambition, passion, strength, action
Silver-moon energy, emotional needs, reflection
Green-healing, wealth, growth, money, luck, fertility
Brown- grounding, friendship, security, material needs,
Blue- clarity, creativity, faith, forgiveness, communication, calmness
Orange- joy, energy, success, optimism, excitement,
Yellow- happiness, clarity, creativity, manifestation, strength, positive thoughts, sun energy, good health
Black- protection, stability, banishing, releasing
White- purification, peace, purity, truth, hope, cleansing
Cuticle oil/hair oil- growth, improvement, new beginnings, letting go
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famouslove05 · 10 months
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Daisies (1966) dir. Věra Chytilová
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famouslove05 · 11 months
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Pandora Reynolds
Ava Gardner in Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951)
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famouslove05 · 1 year
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famouslove05 · 1 year
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Princess Margaret
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