familiar-finn · 4 hours
The last time Finn had been invited to partake in a serious conversation with someone had been... well, the last one he could remember has been his ex and none of those had gone well enough to be considered conversations. So needless to say that Finn was irrationally a little nervous as he made his way to Mateo's suite at the set time. Really he knew he had no reason to be; the thunderbird wasn't like that and seemed pretty level-headed comparatively. Still that knot in his gut refused to quell until they started.
He met the other's smile with a warm one of his own, slipping his hands into his jean pockets as he entered the suite. "Hey, howya been?" he greeted him. He glanced around the suite quickly, sure that he'd been here but he couldn't really remember taking much notice of the decor before. Heat week could do that. "I'll take a tea if you've got some."
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Spring Mischief had been...a lot. It had been Mateo's first and while some of the spells were fine, that whole body switch with Finn had really done a number on him as he was pretty sure had been obvious. Mateo had needed some time to come to terms with it and to psych himself up for the conversations he was due to have. There was definitely fallout from his breakdown and his ill advised hookup with Finn's master. The thunderbird felt like he owed Finn an apology and an explanation but he'd been...putting it off. It was time to fix that, though.
Mateo had invited Finn to his suite so they'd at least be in a comfortable environment. There was no doubt he was nervous but Mateo was trying to play that off. It wasn't like he'd talked to anyone but Rhys about...what he was going to explain soon and it wasn't like he'd ever moved past the guilt of it, as much as he'd tried. Fucking around in Finn's body felt like a violation, too. Regardless, it was time to face up to all of it and hopefully...well, hopefully Finn wouldn't totally write him off after everything.
When the knock on the door came, Mateo took a deep breath then went and opened it, smiling because he couldn't really help himself. "Hey. C'mon in, make yourself at home. Can I get you a drink or something?"
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familiar-finn · 4 hours
"Ooh, I can be real good at extra credit," Finn clicked his tongue against his teeth and winked at Mateo. He laughed lightly and leaned back against his seat, draping an arm over the back of it. "Sure, you can use a series. Or you can think it over and get back to me on our next date if it's really challengin' for you," he teased.
"Maybe. I could think of some ways for you to earn some extra credit and get your grade up, though." He smirked as he teased back and gave him a suggestive look. Mateo only held it for a moment though before he chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, just some suggestions. I'll try to fit them into your genres unless you wanna branch out." The coffee was definitely helping to sober him and made him feel warm besides, though that was also partially due to the company he was pretty sure. "Just one? That's impossible! There's no way I can just pick one. Can I cheat and use a series?" Mateo had read and loved so many books that it really did feel impossible to just pick one. He might be able to narrow down a top 10 or top 5 if given some time but he doubted Finn wanted to wait that long.
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familiar-finn · 6 hours
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familiar-finn · 2 days
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The Show Live on Tour | Nashville
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familiar-finn · 4 days
Finn barely had time to recover from his orgasm –– surely the first of many to come with Hunter. As much of a bastard as his master's fledgling was even he had to admit he left the young vampire physically satisfied in ways his parents surely would disown him for if they were still alive. Not that he'd ever say that out loud, of course. Finn whimpered once his legs were spread and Hunter took position, all too familiar with the feeling of Hunter's cock filling his cunt. "Fu-uuck––" The demon's eyes fluttered briefly with the initial stretch, vision blurring from rising waves of arousal that were twice as powerful this time around. "Talk less, fuck more," he ordered. He grasped Hunter's wrist around his throat with one hand while the other fisted the sheets, Finn rocking his hips and clenching tight around the thick cock pounding into him just right.
Watching Finn writhe and moan had Hunter so hard it was almost painful, but he made sure to keep going until the familiar came, until his whole, petite little body trembled and tensed, until that hot, wet cunt couldn't take anymore stimulation. "That's it," he breathed against Finn's neck, feeling the slave's thighs squeeze his hand, but he kept going, his fingers slowing as the familiar rode out his orgasm. Hunter wasn't at all done with Finn's body, immediately pulling his hand away once the familiar's body had relaxed, before gripping both of the slave's knees, pushing his legs wide and settling between them. Taking hold of his throbbing cock, Hunter pressed the tip of his length between Finn's wet folds, rubbing the head up and down just to tease before finally pushing in all in one go, not stopping until he was buried to the hilt inside the familiar's tight little cunt. "Such a shame I can't knock you up," Hunter chuckled, his right hand moving to Finn's throat, wrapping around it as he started fucking into the tight, wet heat of the familiar's pussy.
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familiar-finn · 4 days
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NiallOfficial: Night Thirty-Nine Raleigh
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familiar-finn · 4 days
"Will this be a mandatory reading list where if I wind up not readin' everything I'll fail the class?" Finn teased. He certainly didn't mind receiving recommendations though now he wondered when he might even find time to read around here what with Gareth up his ass almost all the time and trying to keep Bradley and Silver from killing each other... He could barely watch television in the suite without a distraction. He swallowed down the last of his tea and pushed his cup off to the side for the waiter to take when he passed by again. "What's your favorite book you've read then?"
It didn't seem like a good sign when Finn stalled and glanced away and that suspicion was confirmed with the demon's confession. "There's always time for reading." Mateo chastised, playfully, though he really did believe that. He couldn't imagine his life without books or taking time to read frequently. At least Finn had read some, that was something. "Action adventure and mystery, huh? I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I'll start collecting some titles and make you a reading list." He took a sip of his coffee and smiled as the question came back to him. "I have a fondness for the classics but I'm a real sucker for a good fantasy, too. Something about getting lost in a whole other world has always appealed to me. Though I'll read pretty much anything if it's well written."
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familiar-finn · 4 days
Finn bit his bottom lip against another needy noise, eyes fluttering as Mateo's gentle touches riled him up again. His skin flushed with fresh fever and he tilted his head back so that the thunderbird had full access to his neck for more of that. "Shower sounds fuckin' perfect right now." He grinned lazily. "Hope you're prepared for it to be a long one." Because getting clean was the lowest priority for the demon now.
It was clear just his touch had an effect given how Finn's breathing changed but that wasn't surprising, considering. Mateo was a little disappointed at the refusal but he barely let that show and nodded, smiling right back. "No problem. Never know if you don't ask, right?" He kissed him again, slow and lingering, not really moving his hand and starting to stroke him slowly again, feeling his own heat stirring. When the kiss broke, he nuzzled his face into Finn's neck, dropping a few kisses there. "Should we take this to the shower?"
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familiar-finn · 4 days
Finn rolled his eyes at the stupid answer, expecting nothing less from Gareth at this point. It'd mostly been rhetorical anyway. His gaze settled on the familiar charm he'd hoped he'd never have to see again. Though this was likely his own fault for opening his big mouth and posing a challenge that both of them knew the familiar had a hard time of backing away from. "What're you waitin' for then? Put it back on, I'll fuckin' show you I'm not a little bitch."
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"The fuck would I knock for? Everything in this suite is mine." Gareth thought Finn would be used to him just invading his space whenever the hell he felt like it, but clearly that hadn't happened yet. Which just meant that the aswang would have to do it more often. He settled back just a bit so that he was simply straddling Finn instead of leaning over him, a short laugh escaping Gareth. He held up the charm, quirking an eyebrow at Finn. "Course I do. I'm pretty sure I warned you that I was keeping all of these just in case I ever needed to use 'em again."
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familiar-finn · 4 days
"Ooh, you're havin' so much fun, aren't you?" Finn practically purred, his already bright blue irises sparking with a hungry glow from spilling another part of his demonic vice's power. The tight leather pants hardly did anything to contain the growing bulge between the demon's legs, Finn wrangling any amount of patience he had left not to either take his master there or pin him down, take the cage off, and ride him till he saw stars. Or both. He pressed the tip of his tongue into his bottom lip as he cut Gareth again, dragging the blade slowly down the center of abdominal muscles in a clean, vertical line from chest to navel and mirrored the motion as he licked the slit from bottom up for another taste.
The cock cage had been something that Gareth had initially balked at when he and Finn had been planning this little game out. While he very much enjoyed someone having that level of control over him, that type of thing was usually reserved for the councilmen that he sometimes fucked around with. He'd finally come around to it after reasoning that he'd actually be in enough control in this situation that he didn't really mind the idea of the cage so much. The aswang exhaled carefully, his fingers flexing as he locked eyes with Finn once again, an eyebrow raised at him. He shook his head once at the question, not having a chance to do much else as the knife once again cut him, slicing through the skin of his chest, the amplified feeling drawing a strangled noise from Gareth, almost like a whimper. His hips rocked forward and the master attempted to say Finn's name around the gag as his slave's tongue trailed over his skin, sending another spark of pleasure right through him.
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familiar-finn · 9 days
Finn's eyes widened in surprise at Iah's boldness. He sure didn't mind it, much happier to move away from the awkward moment just now and onto something else. It might've been the magic at work but hey, wouldn't the two of them gotten here at some point anyway? He bit his bottom lip against a soft noise, eyes darkening with hunger as he looked the vampire over in that delicious outfit. "I'm all for it, love," he all but purred, hopping off the table. He gently brushed his fingers along the other's jaw, forefinger and thumb holding Iah's chin. "I prefer gettin' fucked though. What's your preference?"
Magic or not, he was concerned about Finn. However, the cloud of spring mischief was not so easily broken and soon it was obscuring his better judgement again. "The rest of you," he hummed, "especially this." His hand slipped between Finn's legs to grab at what he found. The magic was definitely back in control.
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familiar-finn · 9 days
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Niall on stage | The Show Live On Tour in Hollywood, FL (May 29th, 2024)
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familiar-finn · 9 days
"And your cock has always been one of mine," Finn returned in between the heated exchange. He moaned shamelessly against Tiernan's lips as he rolled his hips expertly in the ghoul's lap. Every bounce he was sure to clench tight around that thick cock buried inside of him, wanting to feel every inch inside him and brushing against that sensitive spot. He quickly set a steady pace for himself as he rode Tiernan, nails digging into the skin of his shoulder. "Fuck, Tiernan," he whined the other's name desperately, head falling back and eyes fluttering closed for a moment. That pressure in his belly coiled tighter and tighter, the familiar closer and closer to climax if it wasn't already obvious from the increased volume of his pleasured sounds. "Better be fuckin' close, want you to fill me with everything you've got. Please."
As Finn moved to strip off, Tiernan took a moment just to admire the view, watching every movement, taking in the sight of the familiar's lovely naked form. He hummed in admiration as Finn straddled him, wetting his lips as letting out a soft moan of pleasure as the familiar's warm, tight heat was lowered down onto his cock. His hands moved to rest on Finn's hips, smirking into the kiss at the feeling of the little demon's hand on his neck. "Good boy," he purred, nipping at Finn's lower lip, his hands trailing down to take hold of the familiar's ass, encouraging him to ride him. "Your ass has always been one of my favourites, my little demon," Tiernan whispered before pressing into another rough, hungry kiss.
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familiar-finn · 9 days
"Yeah, we'll fuckin' see, won't we?" Finn laughed, quickly catching up with Charlie's pace out of the Undercroft. Not that he could blame his kid, of course, but he still had the good sense to stop him and briefly let Henderson know that he was renting him for a bit. Gareth had the money to afford it anyway. With all that done, they continued on their way up the stairs and through the halls, Finn in no real rush to teleport them. "You hungry? I can make you something that's better than Undercroft food."
"Are you sure about that? 'Cause I feel like neither of us have had the best luck these past few years." Though shit could have definitely been worse. As much as he hated the fact that his dad was in Krovs, at least they were there together. Charlie didn't think he'd have adapted to the place quite as well if he'd been in the castle on his own. He perked up at the question and nodded, hooking his arm through Finn's and practically dragging him toward the stairs. "Yes, please. Maybe our luck will turn around this time and your asshole of a master won't be in his suite."
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familiar-finn · 10 days
"You're delusional," Finn grumbled, shooting a glare at Hunter. Though he wasn't wrong despite the familiar's insistent denial. He glanced back at Gareth again as both vampires continued with their weirdly gentle touches that Finn wouldn't have minded from anyone else. He expected he wouldn't be getting any breaks from Gareth who took great pleasure in bothering him on the regular. Finn pressed his lips together tightly, half-tempted to tell Gareth and Hunter to go shove it at that command until he remembered the bargain and that they'd likely get their way regardless.
"Need more room than this," he said, grabbing a fistful of Hunter's shirt and pushing him away as he pulled out of Gareth's proximity. They sure as hell weren't doing this in the kitchen. He dragged the much younger vampire the few steps into the living room where he immediately got to work undoing his jeans and working them down his long legs with his underwear. "Fuck, I want you so fuckin' bad," Finn groaned once he saw the only part of Hunter he didn't entirely loathe. Again, he'd never admit it out loud. He spat into his palm and licked his bottom lip as he dropped down to his knees, wrapping his hand around the other's cock and stroking it slowly to get it nice and hard. Once satisfied, Finn held the base and leaned in, pressing his tongue flat against the underside and licking a thick stripe all the way up to the head where he wrapped his lips around it and started nursing it. He glanced up at the tall vampire, watching his features intently through his lashes as he worked.
Smirking at the pet name Finn had given him, Hunter just watched the little bargaining interaction between his sire and the slave. Hunter knew for a fine fucking fact that if he had a slave like Finn, he would keep that shit collared twenty-four-seven. It seemed, however, that Gareth had things under control.. ish. "C'mon, Finny, you know how much you enjoy our dicks. You always cum so hard around mine," Hunter chuckled, threading his fingers through Finn's hair, toying with the strands teasingly.
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familiar-finn · 10 days
"Right there," Finn confirmed, practically screaming it if he wasn't so breathless. He ground his hips against Hunter's hand, craving more of that wonderful contact. His moans and noises hiked in volume and intensity, Finn an absolute mess of frustration and pleasure as his orgasm drew nearer and nearer. It hit him hard and he cried out Hunter's name. Stars blinded his vision and he writhed on the bed in ecstasy, still squeezing his thighs around the bastard vampire's hand.
Knowing how much Finn hated him only made pleasuring him even better, so that's precisely what Hunter focused on as he used his fingers to massage the familiar's sensitive clit, enjoying the way those smooth thighs tightened around his hand. "Yeah? Right there?" He whispered against Finn's neck, nipping at the soft skin. Hunter started moving his fingers a little faster, wanting to feel Finn start to squirm and lose it. "So wet for me," he purred, enjoying the obscene, wet sounds of his fingers rubbing Finn's cunt. His cock was so hard, but he was determined to make the familiar cum from his fingers alone before he gave him his dick.
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familiar-finn · 10 days
Finn glanced up when Gareth entered his room, unannounced as fucking usual, and just climbed on top of him. "Whoa, hey, do you fuckin' knock? Say hello first?" he drawled, narrowing his eyes for a moment up at his master. Course they narrowed further as Gareth brought up their latest fight about him being a bitch all cause the sicko aswang forced a cunt on him. Finn, being Finn, didn't take that lightly –– he was no fucking bitch even though a part of him almost wished Gareth had forgotten about that.
"Let me fuckin' guess, you still have that fuckin' charm, don't ye?" Had to be it, didn't it? How else would he prove it to Gareth when it'd been the main point of the argument? The shit-eating grin on his master's face only confirmed it.
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Once he'd taken off that little charm that magically gifted Finn with a cunt, Gareth had never really planned on putting it back on the familiar's collar. He'd gotten bored with it pretty damn quickly -- something he'd told his slave not that long ago, claiming that it was less fun because Finn was a little bitch about the whole thing. As was usual for the two of them, it had ended up in a fight with the older man claiming that he wasn't a bitch and he was going to prove it, something Gareth was all too happy to take him up on. The aswang whistled happily as he walked through the suite, twirling the little charm around on one finger as he made his way toward Finn's room.
Gareth smirked once he'd stepped into the room, hopping right up onto his familiar's bed and pinned him down, a wicked little glint in the master's eyes. "So. You ready to start proving to me that you're not a little bitch, Finny?"
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