famedhunter · 3 years
They are a complicated family, he knows that, and his father knows that, but Max also knows that his parents have done all they could to try to minimize it. Hunters don’t usually get mixed with supernaturals, so having a hunter and a witch having kids together is not very common. So Max is proud of both his parents for actually trying because he’s seen a lot of stories, simpler than theirs, end worse. Both him and his sister had been raised by their mother, but Asa was there too, when he could, and for a while Max had wondered if it was a temporary thing - if he would come once or twice and then be done with it - but he kept coming back and that was all he needed to know. 
“I know you wouldn’t.” he says. he knows. he knows that Asa is a protector and he would be even if he wasn’t a father. It’s his nature. Max thinks he got some of his own protectiveness from him, but also the whole ‘i love you but I won’t say it with words’ thing they both do with those they care for - case in point: Max with Alicia. Then again, she is his other half and they do have the freaky-twin-connection to add to the mix. Other than that, Max is all Tasha, from the witchy talent to his carefree nature and playful personality.
“I’ve heard it too, but more than that, I’ve felt them. We’re in the middle of something that feels sort of apocalyptic and I’m not sure if all hands on deck will be enough,” he admits. realistically, he knows they will struggle and a lot of people will inevitably die. “That’s why I’m saying you need to be careful. Mom says thinking first was never your strong point.” he concludes, squinting his eyes at the man, faking disapproval. 
“or bribe a witch. heard they’re real problem-solvers”
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Hand to his heart, he feigned a wounded gasp before chuckling at the comment about him not thinking first. “Ah, I can’t even pretend that she doesn’t have a point there.” He knew that he was rather rash and not only because his mother constantly reminded him of it. Asa was retrospective enough to notice or maybe it was just that obvious that even he could notice. Either way, he wouldn’t deny that criticism regardless of who it came from. 
“Yeah, no more bonfires in the woods of a corpse. Hopefully, I can get a crematorium to work out or something.” Surely it wouldn’t take too long for him to become numb to the amount of bodies dropping and maybe even stop caring about leaving the monster bodies lying around. For now though, he was pretty determined to keep the numbers down in whatever way that he could if the locals continued to largely stick round for the madness. 
Witches would undoubtedly be crucial in getting this whole thing taken care of. He knew that Max was great and powerful on his own, but if the three Banes did end up in Devil Hills he would have a lot more hope at getting this altogether. “Gotta keep trying anyway. Good thing I know a few solid witches. Maybe won’t need serious bribing capabilities either. Don’t have great funds for that.”
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famedhunter · 4 years
send  “you’re not a monster.” for my muse’s reaction
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famedhunter · 4 years
Unus Annus Sentence Starters
In celebration of the end.
Memento Mori.
Feel free to change them around should it be required.
“ Math was never my strong suit, nor was anything else. ”
“ We live our lives taking each second for granted. ”
“ What would you do if you knew how much time you had left? ”
“ God help any woman you ever finger. ”
“ Well I’m going for the record, baby! ”
“ They’re a good colour on you. ”
“ Does this please you? ”
“ I don’t want to be a burden to anybody when I die. ”
“ How come you never give me gifts? ”
“ Life’s too short to not try new things. Don’t let opportunities slip you by. Grab it by the tail and bite its head off. ”
“ That’s not up to us, is it? ”
“ Making something more complicated doesn’t make it any better. ”
“ It wasn’t what we planned for, necessarily, but is life ever what people planned for it to be? ”
“ A year seems like such a long time, but if you’re not paying attention, days can seem like seconds. ”
“ I don’t know why but I just get happier and happier every time you’re in pain. ”
“ Don’t tell [Name]! ”
“ Hey, this is a family friendly place. Watch your fucking language. ”
“ That’s not funny. ”
“ I thought it was funny. ”
“ My mother told me she loved me every day. ”
“ Death is not different from life. It’s just one end of the bookshelf. ”
“ Well I get to spend every day with you, [Name]! What could I ask for other than that? ”
“ I am mad every time I hear your voice. ”
“ Ex-fucking-scuse me? ”
“ Words can’t explain what this means to me. ”
“ I’m the one that’s supposed to be getting drunk. ”
“ All we are are walking bags of memories. ”
“ Make the best you can, while you can. ”
“ This was my magnum opus of ideas! ”
“ One year. That was the deal. ”
“ Do you feel close to god? ”
“ I know it’s tough being you. ”
“ I’m embarrassing myself! I’m embarrassing myself in front of the whole wide world! ”
“ Eventually, we’ll be the only people to remember it. ”
“ I just need some more fucking time. ”
“ It’s gonna be gone. ”
“ Time always seems to move faster when it’s running out. ”
“ What is a graveyard other than humanity’s hall of fame ? ”
389 notes · View notes
famedhunter · 4 years
‘  an old person, huh? in a hospital? phew, better call the coast guard.  ’
‘  between you and me, it’s freakin’ comfortable. it’s like i’m wrapped in hugs.  ’
‘  don’t make me lick your damn face.  ’
‘  don’t you remember? we’re married.  ’
‘  drive picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.  ’
‘  family don’t end with blood.  ’
‘  for us every day is halloween.  ’
‘  gun. mouth. now.  ’
‘  here ghosty ghosty ghosty. come out, come out wherever you care.  ’
‘  hey! ass butt!  ’
‘  i can’t do it without you.  ’
‘  i can’t do this alone.  ’
‘  i could go into detail, but i’m not going to.  ’
‘  i don’t care that i don’t care.  ’
‘  i found a liquor store and i drank it.  ’
‘  i got to say, you, uh
 you don’t suck.  ’
‘  i lost my shoe.  ’
‘  i never lied. that’s important. it’s fundamental.  ’
‘  i started a blog. mostly just pictures of cats, they’re so cute.  ’
‘  i think the fourth kind is a butt thing.  ’
‘  i want to know what you are.  ’
‘  i wasn’t supposed to play favorites, but you were mine.  ’
‘  i will keep fighting. i’ll keep swinging until i got nothing left.  ’
‘  if it’s any consolation, i think you’re a truly awful person.  ’
‘  inside, you’re already dead.  ’
‘  it’s just an interesting observation. in a, you know, observationally interesting way.  ’
‘  i’ll pay you money if you sit still.  ’
‘  i’m in pain, that’s how i’m doing.  ’
‘  i’m proud of us.  ’
‘  maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie cause the think it sucks. cause, i mean, it kinda sucks.  ’
‘  maybe you should try ‘plan d’ for ‘dumbass’.  ’
‘  no matter what you hear or what you see
 promise me you won’t get out of bed.  ’
‘  no one in the history of torture has been tortured with the torture like the torture you’ll be tortured with.  ’
‘  screw consciousness. that’s what i say.  ’
‘  so what, our home’s not good enough for the ‘hang in there, kitty’ poster?  ’
‘  son of a bitch.  ’
‘  sure, humans are weak and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint. but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. and above all, they never give up.  ’
‘  the human soul is not a rubber ball. it’s vulnerable, impermanent, but stronger than you know. and more valuable than you can imagine.  ’
‘  there ain’t no me if there ain’t no you.  ’
‘  they are better than us. damn right they’re flawed, but a lot of ‘em try. to do better, to forgive.  ’
‘  they say you can’t protect your loved ones forever. well, i say screw that. what else is family for?  ’
‘  too many things are things.  ’
‘  we didn’t lie. we just avoided certain truths to manipulate you.  ’
‘  well, boohoo. i’m so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess.  ’
‘  we’re far from perfect, but we are good.  ’
‘  we’re the ones you should be afraid of.  ’
‘  what happens when you’ve decided i can’t be trusted? 
again?  ’
‘  when you betray us, i’ll be the one to carve your heart out.  ’
‘  who cares where happiness comes from? look, we’re all a little weird, we’re all a little wacky – some more than others – but
 if it works, it works.  ’
‘  you are a great big bag of dicks.  ’
‘  you brave little soldier. i acknowledge your pain.  ’
‘  you don’t have to be ruled by fate. you can choose freedom.  ’
‘  you explain to me
 tell me why you abandoned me.  ’
‘  you have a guinea pig? 
where?  ’
‘  you know who does that? crazy people! we are insane.  ’
‘  you know who spies on people? spies!  ’
‘  you, me? we deserve to be loved. i deserve to be loved! i just want to be loved.  ’
‘  you’re all duct tape and safety pins inside.  ’
‘  you’re bossy
 and short.  ’
‘  you’re too precious for this world.  ’
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famedhunter · 4 years
✂ ━━
“oh, they’re real good at disappointment.  i’d say get used to it
given asa’s profession, dean is fairly certain that he’d experienced his fair share of disappointment.  it pretty much went hand in hand with the job
 an occupational hazard.  being a hunter wasn’t exactly something that had steady pay ( any pay
 money was hustled ), a good location ( no location in particular, you went where the flood of obituaries took you ), dental ( unless you counted loose teeth in your head after being his so hard your jaw felt like glass )
 all in all
 not exactly a career path to happiness

fulfilment maybe. saving a life.  even one.  still made all of that hardship somehow worthwhile.
“yeah, god is kind of a dick too.  not super invested in much that goes on beyond the edges of his most recent hobby.”
and it’s spoken with more of a wry tone than perhaps even dean was used to. who the hell knew if chuck was tuned into winchester radio at any given time - and even if he wasn’t - omniscience went a pretty long way toward eavesdropping on people
  their words.  even their thoughts

“well if you hang around i reckon you’ll have plenty o’chances to hit a few more high scores.  definitely somethin’ to add to bar tales and drinkin’ games.”
but on the topic of heavens insular little cells, dean just shrugs
  it hadn’t been quite what he’d expected either.  some weirdly automated version of bliss that was just a little too bright and too sharp around the edges.   too cold. too sterile. even hell encouraged a little creativity in it’s minions - not that that ever turned out for anyone involved
 heaven on the other hand

“i know a couple of people made their way to each others paradise pockets, but only because they knew how to play the game.  heaven is run by robots for the most part
 pretty sure it’s gotten twisted and bent outta shape.  angels are pretty – literal. since daddy dearest went off on sabbatical - and they don’t have a lot of capacity for initiative then
 they follow the letter of the law, even if it don’t make no sense
it’s kinda like wandering into bed-bath-and-beyond.  emphasis on the beyond.”
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for some weird reason - dean feels a little like he’s somehow kicked a puppy.  doling out hard ( and disappointing ) truths about the afterlife wasn’t something he’d planned on doing.  but if asa really was going to stick around to tackle the next big bad to hit - then honesty was probably the best policy.  it was better than getting caught up in the idea of something, and finding out the hard way that reality didn’t quite match expectation
 especially where angels were concerned.  that kind of disappointment could also be deadly.
there’s definitely a double take
 sure dean knew mary had been a hunter.  he’d also had a pretty rude awakening as to how the deal with azazel had come about - john dead
 her parents dead
 a desperate act to cling to the one person she had left in the world.  what he didn’t know was that she’d still been hunting after the fact
 and sure, it’s good that she’d saved more lives - asa’s included but

“1980?  i was
 one year old.”
she was retired
 she had retired
  hadn’t she? but his parents relationship wasn’t as perfect a marriage as he’d been led to believe
 heaven at least had been useful in reminding him of that.  he remembers the arguments.  perhaps that had been the cause of one of them.
there’s a moment where dean attempts to digest.  the crackle of the fire and the gentle shift of burning logs the only sound to fill the silence
just a word spoken quietly.  mary had never wanted that life for them.  but twists of fate, manipulation of paths by entities unknown
 tragedies and blood and death
i started learning how to hunt when i was
 four.. five
after she died.”
it was impressive how much the other man seemed to be privy to. clearly from his words, he was yanked into a lot more shit than most other hunters. the job was never easy, but asa and his friends still found times to smile. asa still had the honor of being able to watch his kids grow up rather than be targeted by the monsters he hunted. of course, they were well equipped to handle anything that came at them, but he knew it was ultimately still a blessing.
“heaven, god, and the angels suck. seems like with the supposed balance of the universe it was only a matter of time before we were heading down an apocalyptic path.”
it was the first time he truly let himself believe that was what they were facing here. he didn’t know if the few hunters he had seen around so far could really make a dent in this, but it was the job. he was prepared to die trying. 
but he would send out some sos’s to all of his hunter contacts. at least the ones that wouldn’t clue in tasha or alicia right away. keeping them safe seemed imperative, despite how he was growing a bit more hopeless at the success of getting any of this mess cleaned up. 
“guess i should give up on trying to hide my corpses that contribute to the body count. it’s going to keep growing anyway? i don’t imagine any of those angels that fell will be too keen on helpin’ humanity. if any of them are even still alive.”
they were probably might pissed about whatever had kicked them out of heaven and he wondered what it meant for the people living up there. maybe they could at least escape these weird cells that they seemed to be cooped up in and socialize with the people they cared about.
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despite all of the grim information being tossed his way, the lowest blow for asa was learning about mary’s fate. he could have guessed as much, which was why he stopped writing his postcards as frequently before stopping altogether. never meeting her again or hearing about her, he could only assume that she had succumbed to the fate of most hunters early.
which was a damn shame. three years after she had saved him? he was happy that she had gotten those three years retired like she had wanted, but it was disgusting that people either went insane, died, or were eventually tracked down and killed by some monster if they ever dared try to leave.
“she did tell me she was retiring. had history with the werewolf that nearly ripped me apart, only reason she was out that day i think.”
four was young and from the limited information he knew about dean, it had been jam packed with more trauma and bullshit than he could even begin to imagine. 
“that’s rough. sounds like you never had two shakes of a chance to not get caught up in this. shame that it keeps chasing us even if we’re not chasing it.”
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famedhunter · 4 years
@maxbxnes asked:  [TEXT] Can you come pick me up? for meme weekend
[text] Of course. Anytime. Text me where and I’ll be on my way. [text] Do I need a first aid kit or are you intoxicated?
0 notes
famedhunter · 4 years
@samwchster​  how much more do you really want to know?  for meme weekend
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              ❝ whatever you feel like spillin’. you know a lot more about all of this than most of us do. with my son here, i need to make sure i’m equipped to keep both of us safe. ❞ he hoped like hell that alicia would be kept away from it, though he knew that their side of things could use the help of both her and tasha. another part of him wondered if they had a chance in hell at fixing this mess if every living hunter descended upon the town. hopefully, dean and his own suspicions  had been wrong and they could recruit more angels that weren’t mortally wounded into fighting for the right side. 
             ❝ i found out about the fact that we’re in the middle of things from every aspect of the afterlife being spit up here. can’t get much worse than that, can it? ❞
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famedhunter · 4 years
@maxbxnes​ asked:  while you may not be scared about what could happen to you the next time, other people are. people who care for you. for meme weekend
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             having his son privy to his often rash and careless actions wasn’t a welcome change for asa. it was easy for his desire to get the job done as quickly as possible to get in the way of his logic and sense of self-preservation. he wasn’t stupid, by any means, and his reputation as a great hunter was well earned, but his sense of fear had been beaten out of him for the most part over the years. after the long battle with the demon jael, he didn’t think there was much that he hadn’t seen or anything that he couldn’t handle. 
            living had always been a priority, at first for his mom and now for the twins. they may have deserved a better father, but he wanted to be there for them in the ways that he realistically could for as long as possible.    ❝ -- you’re right and i’m sorry. i’m going to try to be more careful... team up more than i usually do. i didn’t realize how many of these things i haven’t even heard of before. figured someone hunting for as long as i have been would’ve heard of most things.  ❞
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famedhunter · 4 years
@maxbxnes​ asked:  “It looks worse than it is. I’m sure it’ll be gone in a couple of days
” from last meme weekend
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         ❝ alright. i’m trying not to be overbearing, because i know you’re an adult and you know what you can handle. so if you say it’s fine, i’ll back off, but if you need me to do anything for it let me know. ❞ he couldn’t lie and say that he wasn’t worried that max was in this hellhole, but he wasn’t going to ask him to leave, especially now that he hadn’t done that from the jump. might be a mistake if tasha found out and came down here too, but he couldn’t worry about the hole that he had already dug. 
      ❝ unless ya want to go out the only liquid comfort i can offer you is whiskey. what were you after, anyway? an influx of angels and demons is bad enough as it is, let alone all of the weird things that have seemed to find their way out of purgatory. ❞ asa had thought that all monsters that died ceased to exist. finding out about the existence of purgatory was an unpleasant surprise. 
0 notes
famedhunter · 4 years
send  “you’re a monster.” for my muse’s reaction
alternate to this post.
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famedhunter · 4 years
tv meme / person of interest  content warning for death.
we’re not living. we’re surviving.
whose guardian angel are you this time?
don’t be a hero.    
people who say they have nothing to hide almost always do.  
you can end me all you want. right after your nap.     
best we can hope to do while we’re here is protect those closest to us. 
thanks for saving my ass.
while you may not be scared about what could happen to you the next time, other people are. people who care for you.
hang on, kiddo. i’m coming for ya.
run for your life.
i got bored sitting in the car.  
fugitives can’t be choosers.
we walk in the dark. doesn’t mean we have to walk in it alone. 
alright, you’re being weird.
do you want to talk about that? i really think you want to talk about that.
safety first.
my life’s always in danger.  
you were my safe place.
how much more do you really want to know?  
only the paranoid survive.
when that person is taken from you, what do you become then?
be careful. compassion and loyalty make people weak; easy to exploit.
now that you’re not going to die, we can have a little chat. 
silly me. brought a knife to a gunfight.  
that means yes. tell me.
guess the young lion is looking to be king.
if you really need a mystery, i recommend the human heart.
and you know what? it’s not a question of if, but when.
not a very friendly homecoming.  
how badly did you have to break it to make it care about people so much? 
you can’t make something right by doing something wrong.
i don’t need protection, okay? i do the protecting.  
it’s not that you don’t have feelings. it’s just like the volume is turned way down. like the sound of an old tape. the voices are there. you just have to listen. 
this might be the first time i feel like i belong.
i’m worried about the mission.
this isn’t personal. it’s just that you keep hurting people. and i don’t like when people get hurt.  
i guess, there are things i care about here.
i’m doing all of this to save you.
if you wanna die, okay. but die for something that you love.  
we shouldn’t throw caution to the wind.
that’s the problem with humans. they just sit around, hoping that someone will fix things. but no one will. no one cares. the universe is infinite and chaotic and cold. and there has never been a plan. at least not till now. 
i’m angry that you have people that you can love.      
we have free will, and with that comes great responsibility. and sometimes great loss.  
hey, there is no “dead” in team. so instead of going all charles bronson on me, let me clear the way.
you didn’t give us a name.
i’ve already lost a friend. i don’t intend to lose another. not tonight. 
where does a man hide when a god wants him dead?
don’t worry. i’m really good at this game. 
always trying to be the hero, huh?
i’ll come find you. bring you back.
567 notes · View notes
famedhunter · 4 years
These can be quite fun when you don’t want a full fledged thread, but instead something shorter or different. Enjoy!
[TEXT] Are you drunk?
[TEXT] Are you free tonight?
[TEXT] Are you fucking kidding me?
[TEXT] Are you high?
[TEXT] Are you ignoring me?
[TEXT] Are you okay?
[TEXT] Are you up?
[TEXT] Can I ask you a question?
[TEXT] Can I borrow $20?
[TEXT] Can we talk about this later?
[TEXT] Can we talk?
[TEXT] Can you come pick me up?
[TEXT] Can you do me a favor?
[TEXT] Come over.
[TEXT] Delete my number.
[TEXT] Did you make it home safely?
[TEXT] Did you sleep together?
[TEXT] Do you ever wonder what it’d be like if we were still together?
[TEXT] Good morning, sunshine!
[TEXT] Goodnight.
[TEXT] Hey! Long time no talk.
[TEXT] I can tell that you’re lying, even over text.
[TEXT] I just woke up.
[TEXT] I know everything.
[TEXT] I know it’s late, but come over.
[TEXT] I love you.
[TEXT] I mean, if we’re both single

[TEXT] I miss you.
[TEXT] I wish you were here.
[TEXT] I’m busy. Bye.
[TEXT] I’m so bored.
[TEXT] Leave me alone.
[TEXT] Let’s talk about this when we’re both sober. Goodnight.
[TEXT] Pick you up at 7?
[TEXT] Send a picture.
[TEXT] Shut the fuck up.
[TEXT] Sorry, that was not meant for you!
[TEXT] Sorry, whose number is this?
[TEXT] Stay away from me.
[TEXT] Stop blowing up my phone!
[TEXT] Text me when you get home.
[TEXT] Wake up!
[TEXT] Want to get a drink sometime?
[TEXT] Want to hook up?
[TEXT] What do you want?
[TEXT] Where are you? You said you’d be here 30 minutes ago.
[TEXT] Who gave you my number?
[TEXT] Why are you still awake?
[TEXT] Will you stop calling me?
[TEXT] Without me? ;)
[TEXT] You can’t hide from me!
[TEXT] You take a long time to reply.
[TEXT] You’re cute.
[TEXT] You’re gorgeous.
2K notes · View notes
famedhunter · 4 years
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Top 15 Orphan Black Characters (as voted by the OB fandom): Tied for #15 → Cal Morrison
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famedhunter · 4 years
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     she was becoming annoyed & it was extremely evident. “stop beating around the bush & tell me why you’re burning a vampire,” she hissed, not wanting to play his games anymore. jane wasn’t an incredibly patient person, so it was no surprise that she was becoming agitated without much effort on his part. “believe me when i tell you that you better think good & hard about your answer to that question,” she warned, arms crossing over her chest as she eyed the other. “because i can do plenty of damage without even touching you.”
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           “well for starters i have him tied to at least three murders in the last two days.” he didn’t want trouble and admitting he was a hunter to a woman who had touted the fact that she wasn’t human was stupid, but he really wanted this conversation to be over either way. hand gripped the knife holster on his belt as his eyes returned back to hers. “less bodies for the residents of this town, the better. can’t dump them in the river. the abandoned buildings are seemingly occupied... and i don’t have access to a woodchipper. so this seemed like the best plan to try to keep the body numbers down a bit.”
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famedhunter · 4 years
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@famedhunter​ asked: ‘ it’s not a joke! I’m a legit snack! ’ // asa noo omg
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“  you  better  be  careful  ,  dude  .  there  are  some  people  here  who  might  take  that  literally  .  ”  it  may  only  have  been  a  couple  years  since  charlie  was  introduced  to  the  supernatural  side  of  life   -   but  she  had  definitely  learned  some  things  here  and  there  .
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“ won’t be so bad if they only nibble a little bit, would it? ”  he doubted any of the monsters lurking around would stop at nibbling, but he was also more well prepared than most of the people lurking around town.  “ and if they try more, they’ll regret it. ”  
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famedhunter · 4 years
✂ ━━
“hot tip.  angels are dicks.  don’t expect ‘em to come save you.  most of the time they’ll screw you over faster’n you can blink – they’re out for themselves.  at least with a demon deal, you get a guarantee
  angels – not so much.”
of course, there were exceptions.   not many. a purse of lips, because sure
 angels dropped out of the sky on occasion.  either having their wings clipped or finding some kind of backbone and pitching into the ‘free will’ camp.  but nothing like this before
 maybe once before.  a mass exodus from heaven when their ‘old pal’ lucifer took the plunge.  and that was a biblical level event.  old testament
 wrath of god type shit

and while he can’t quite put into words that this might be the second in a ‘one time event’ - he sure as hell is glad when there is a confirmation of help.  and if the guy is a hunter - the proclaimed ‘wendigo king’ - then he knows this life isn’t a cakewalk.  that every decision could be the last one you ever make.  that there are – consequences.  dean sure as hell ain’t here to babysit - but another pair of capable hands?  won’t go amiss

there is however a tilt of his head as the number is announced
  like a dog who’d just heard a bag of snacks opening in another room.  interest piqued
 and impressed. 
“i mean, we’re probably in the middle of a three way, ‘alternative plane of existence’ war.  so - if you wanna up your count - this is the place to do it.”
one ugly sonofabitch was bad enough.  five was
 pretty freaking high on the acclaim list.  even by winchester standards.  maybe there’s a hint of a tease in his tone as he says it.  the amusement making itself all the more plain as asa asked how he got out of each of those onward destinations

“bad news is - y’have to die first - which sucks, wouldn’t advise it if y’can avoid it.  then y’get thrown out, dragged out, or fight your own way out
heaven, hell and purgatory.  in that precise order.
“and heaven ain’t the peach you might think
 no reuniting with loved ones
 not really.  you get your own private cell of ‘happy day’ reruns.  ever watch star trek?  it’s kinda holodeck hell.  just a different kinda prison
 but shinier.”  
now - that - is unexpected. dean is more than aware that mary had been a hunter
 long before john had ever stumbled into it.  long before her boys had their first nightmare about the monsters under the bed ( which were
 very very real ).  but when the name comes up, it’s not often ( pretty much
 never? ) that their mother comes into the equation.  so colour him surprised
 and cautious
  but perhaps there’s something to asa’s tone that allows his neck to move, his head to nod - even if only briefly.  
because for all the loss.   and all the time that had passed. it still didn’t hurt any less
 dean was just fortunate that he had some memories
 not so much.
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  our mom
  how come you know about her?”
“a tad disappointing, but not all that surprising. if we had a true source of good working for the world then i don’t think the monster situation would be what it is, would it? god doesn’t seem too great if he lets so many innocents get taken out.”
he had never been religious because his mother wasn’t either. after everything he had seen since he found out monsters were real he never really could be. not to mention all of the innocent and young lives taken out by disease and natural disasters, without knowing of monsters that would be enough to make him suspicious of what was supposed to be an all good god.
a threeway alternative plane of existence sounded a lot worse than what he had imagined. the idea of bridges between the afterlife and angels falling down from heaven was truly lost on him. it wouldn’t be something he would think possible without seeing it. he had assumed a gaggle of monsters had found their way to the activity of the mysterious light show.
“i’m working on it. maybe i can become the king of something else too while i’m here. gotta say though, it’s also a drinking game the amount of times i mention the word wendigo around them. they don’t think i know, despite always getting wadded whenever we get a chance to catch up.”
for a hunter, asa was pretty easy going. he would happily be friends with any hunter that he met along the way. never really all that territorial and his only rivalry was with the demon jael. with all this talk about the alternative planes, he hoped like hell it didn’t find its way back to earth.
a furrowed brow as the man talked about his experiences with purgatory and heaven. sounded like an awful thing to die more than once and still find yourself walking around and kicking. of course, asa would rather be helping people that bumming it out in what sounded like the most awful design that heaven could have.
“really? that’s pretty bleak. think we would all rather hang out with the people we cared about in real time than be forced to only see our moments with them on repeat. i mean, i guess at least that way those of us that love bad people will still get to see ‘em.”
the joke brought the slightest upturn of the corner of his mouth to his lip, humorless because it was the only upside he could really see to what he was being told.
 “sorry that ya’ve experienced it all though and you’re still here to watch all this shit unfold. guess it must beat the alternative? bit of a bummer that nothing good waits for any of us after we die.”
his eyes lit up when he mentioned mary was his mom, though it reminded him how old he had really gotten. plus, the question had him curious of what he had expected all along, that the woman he idolized was long gone. he wasn’t about to bring up his stack of postcards for her to her son, though. he would respect that line for the moment.
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“she saved me from a werewolf when i was ten. 1980. the reason i’ve been in hunting since before i graduated high school.”
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famedhunter · 4 years
@wascomiccon​ asked:  ‘ yeah, I have about a billion objections to this. ’ for meme weekend
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           “not a command, simply an invitation. things are on an extra level of messed up around here. figured those of us that can should team up.” he had no idea how to approach this situation best. monsters of all sorts were everywhere and it was hard to pinpoint what was killing where or track anything. while out and about, he was keeping a bag of nearly all of the types of weapons he owned in case he accidentally ran into something. vampires were the easiest to bait and he figured there wasn’t a shortage of blood around.
            “i don’t want to disrespect the dead either, but if we get some of the fangheads out of here we might at least slow down the bodies dropping with fang marks on them. luring one species at a time seems as good a strategy as any.”
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