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what the fuck
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wait ok mutuals what do you guys call your parents???????
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pinterest bitches are so cunty for absolutely ZERO reason😭
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"none of these words are in the bible" you're not even reading the secret part of the bible. with all my posts in it
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Final picture of Kermit for tonight. He looks so hot and sexy and such. Yes. Oh, Kermit. Oh. Oh... Kermit........
Fuck. I am not even in the mood anymore. I feel a sort of rage that is making my conciousness sink deeper into my own skull. She thinks she can just make a FOOL out of me? My rage disappates. I begin to laugh. Slowly, at first, with my hand covering my eyes as I sway in the center of my room. The world is tilting and a giddy nausea is overtaking me. My laughter increases in volume and insanity. Mother is knocking at the door, scared for how long I have been howling and shrieking in maniacal laughter. A kinshift is coming on, I think dizzily, dreamily almost. Joker? I try to make sense of the visions flashing before my eyes. An 8-ball. A bar with a billiard table, perhaps? It is one of the spots Joker is known to consult with his goons when orchestrating mayhem in Gothem. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It isn't Joker. This presence is more feminine. More cocksure. You remember someone else who wronged you. You remember making her pay. You remember your Vision Eightfold.
Your name is Vriska Serket.
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I shouldn’t do this here because this is the “no marketing” website and I want it to stay that way but… I have just snuck into the realm of traditional publishing and my weird book about assassins (aka The Murder Siblings TM) focusing on stupid jokes, sword fights, masked balls, 🏳️‍🌈gay sex🏳️‍🌈, mental health issues, and rebelling against the rich isn’t being seen in the jungle of hetero TikTok picks and Sarah J Maas books. (Even tho it’s been sold as Six of Crows meets The Princess Bride.)
If Snowblooded doesn’t start getting noticed by people, I think my career in trad pub might be over just as it started. So during this our pride month could I perchance ask you to signal boost this post to support a lesbian and poly author trying to break in to the trad pub jungle? (Also, the book can be bought HERE )
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Valour and Petrichor are esteemed members of the Order of Axsten, an assassin’s guild tasked with keeping order in the rough city of Vinterstock. Plucked from the streets as children and raised to compete for their guild’s approval, Valour uses her brawn to survive, while Petrichor strives to be a gentleman assassin. When they’re given their biggest job yet—to kill Brandquist, the mysterious leader of the city's illegal magic trade—it’s a recipe for disaster. If they can quell their rivalry long enough, the reward will be enough to settle their debts with the Order and start new lives.
If this job wasn’t dangerous enough, Valour is saddled with looking after a famed hotelier, Ingrid Rytterdahl. Valour finds her dangerously attractive, but the aspec Petrichor can’t wait to be rid of them both. He begrudgingly accepts Ingrid’s knowledge and connections as they navigate the city’s criminal underbelly in pursuit of Brandquist.
As secrets bubble to the surface, the duo must outwit the thugs on their tail, keep Ingrid alive, and—hardest of all—work together without murdering each other.
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I hate how white people feel the need to insert themselves into every single conversation.
A Black transmasculine person made a video about how the trans community is very white centered, and it’s just filled with white people being like “as a white person…” or “as a white person I’m opening myself up…” like sorry to say, I didn’t ask. Y’all can’t go five seconds without letting everyone know you’re “one of the good ones” and “you’re listening and learning”, because you’re not!
If you really were listening to us you wouldn’t feel the need to tell everyone you’re doing so, and you’d hold your tongue when we (BIPOC) are talking about our experiences. All you have to do is literally shut up, but y’all can’t even do that.
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recently there was an article talking about people who had to end friendships with swifties because of their literal cult behaviour and i keep thinking about one quote where a swiftie told her now ex friend who suggested other female songwriters "well i just have more expensive taste than you". when you think of this phenomenon from that angle, with a new album every 6 months, all the bloated chart numbers from people buying like 8 vinyl variants of the same album every time, massively inflated tour ticket prices etc, it really all falls into place. i'm honestly shocked that person in the article so readily admitted it like that, because it backs up what i've been saying this whole time, which is that hardcore swifties' behaviour for the most part isn't about them genuinely thinking she's the songwriter of a generation or whatever, it's about status, about money, about paying to be in the "in" group, and the obsessive focus on swarming around anyone with a less-than-glowing view of her or her music is just about keeping it that way.
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If you use the word "knot" as a synonym for a burl on a tree, than would Slipknot be a valid warrior name?
I think so. However this also opens a lot of doors for a lot of specific people
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First of all he’s perfect
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The gas statioj has a drinks store because it helps the car/owner bond if you eat fluids together
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