ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Hey guys. There is a reason why this isn’t under a read more.
But.. after lots of consideration I have decided to drop Keru and Shou. I would like to apologize to everyone whom I have been plotting with and I’d like to thank everyone for being so kind to me ;u; 
Hopefully one day I will return to Kairos once I have more energy but for now I must say goodbye~ If anyone would like to keep in touch please shoot me a message and I’ll send you my KKT (that I just made ohoho~) or we can figure something else out to stay in touch. 
Again thank you guys so much for the kindness and hopefully I will see you guys again in the future~
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Chuseok Event | Self-Para | Foreign Festivities
Takeru approached the village of Hanok dressed in his royal purple and pink hanbok that he had chosen. Luckily the fee was free to all those wearing hanboks. Admittedly, Takeru had never actually partook in any of the South Korean festivals that was held. Maybe it was because whenever a festival came around he always felt homesick. Even though the festivals in this foreign country had similarities to festivals in Japan, there were still many differences. It was a different culture after all. Usually during festival seasons Takeru would lock himself up in his studio apartment and take the days off of work. Which was an incredibly rare sight. Since he hardly took time off work he was always granted the festivals off (if there happened to be work on those days). Probably in assumption that he would attend.
Upon entering the village he was given a beaded bracelet that he was told not to lose. He slipped it onto his wrist and and nodded towards the staff who had given it to him. He had no idea why a bracelet would be so important; maybe it was so the staff and volunteers knew he didn’t try to con his way in?
The first thing he did whilst in the village was head over towards the food. There were some people that he recognized and greeted but he didn’t want to bother them as most of them were on dates or came with other friends. Not that he cared really. As long as they were happy. Of course he tried the famous half-moon cakes that they were selling and it was one of the most delicious cakes he had ever eaten. Of course, nothing compared to cakes in Japan but that wasn’t important. He made sure to buy a couple of extra packaged so he could take them home and eat them later. He tried out some other food of course; half of it he didn’t know what it was due to the fact that his Korean wasn’t completely perfect. 
Secondly he tried out some traditional painting. Now Takeru wasn’t an artsy guy (excluding music) and he probably butchered the painting. It mostly consisted of stick figures and elementary-school level drawings of hills and houses. But hey, he was happy with it and the teachers didn’t seem to mind. His painting was mostly coloured in shades of blues, pinks and purples; his favourite colours. Once the small painting was done he tucked it under his arm and proceeded to explore the village. 
The scenery was certainly a sight to behold. The ancient buildings and beautiful trees that were contained within the village was breathtaking. There came the homesickness again. Takeru quickly scurried off to a corner of the village where he knew no one would see him... probably. He quickly pulled out a cigarette from his bag and decided to have a quick smoke to calm his nerves. He took off the outer pieces of the hanbok so they wouldn’t smell like the smoke and his garments underneath he would probably take to the dry cleaners. Sometimes he wished he was back in Japan and had his family again.
However, he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying the Chuseok Festival. 
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
I shall continue plotting with those I haven’t finished plotting with yet and get going on my replies~ ^^
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
I just wanted to apologize! I’m gonna be on hiatus until Monday since I am really behind on my outfit and my photoshoot is soon omg. But I will be back soon!!!
So both Shou and Keru are on a small hiatus until then~ Thank you so much guys for understanding ;n;
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
“Decent human being huh?” he repeated quietly. Takeru shifted his gaze towards Hyuna when she poked him. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” he spoke, obviously in a joking manner. Since Hyuna knew him so well he knew she would catch on to his humour despite the tone of his voice not changing. With people he was close to he was able to relax more and joke around. Even though his facial expression didn’t change and his voice remained the same, he knew they would understand. He was really glad he had Hyuna in his life. If it wasn’t for her, he would’ve had a hard time adjusting to life in South Korea. 
As soon as Takeru saw the dog his eyes lit up. He knelt down and carefully held his hand out letting her get used to his scent. Takeru’s eyes were shining brightly. He swore at that moment he fell in love. Although he could say that to almost every little critter he meets. Once she seemed ok with him, he reached his hand out and gave her lots of pets. 
He looked up towards her and if he could frown he probably would. “Ah really? That’s a shame...” he spoke quietly and focused his attention back to the dog. After one final pat he stood up with her leash in his hand. “I’ll make sure she has a fun time touring the place,” he nodded. “The next time you see her; she will be a very happy pup.” 
A Helpful Assistant | ft. Hyuna
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
I just wanted to apologize for being so slow right now! ;n;
Mun has a big convention coming up this weekend and a couple photoshoots I have to prepare for~ And my outfit is nowhere near completion ;u; 
I just wanted to give you guys a heads up! I won’t be back 100% until after this upcoming weekend!! I mean don’t get me wrong I’m still around~ I’ve just been replying slower than usual ;u;
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Takeru nodded at the other’s statement and relaxed. He still didn’t know Changwook that well at this point but he was glad that there was a familiar face here. Takeru quickly shook his head, “No I’m in no rush at all. I’d be happy to help you.” He looked down towards his own hanbok and was debating on trying it on as well. Takeru had never worn a hanbok before and was still contemplating if he was going to get one. 
He carefully trotted along after Changwook and waited for him to try on the hanbok. When the man came out he also tilted his head to the side. If Takeru could blush he probably would have. Damn, Changwook looked good in purple. “It looks good on you. It suits you..” he nodded. “You should try on the other one too... just to compare.” Takeru added. 
H is for Han..dsome— feat. Keru {`Chuseok Event}
Changwook smiled brightly at him, actually glad that someone he knew was there and very much willing to help him, yet he couldn’t help to eye his hands as he clutched his own hanbok. “Don’t worry, I won’t take it away~” He mused in gesture and chuckled, looking down at both hanboks on his hands. “Mn, you’re right– I should try them on… I mean if you’re not in a hurry or anything, I don’t wanna keep you busy.”
Smiling softly, he started walking towards the fitting room, deciding to try the purple one first– this was the first time he wore Korean traditional clothing since show and tell when he was a kid. Reason why he found it a bit difficult to put together, but after a few five to eight minutes, he came out and opened his arms wide while tilting his head to the other. “So– yeah or nah?” 
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Takeru cocked his head to the side slightly. He knew that the performances were an important part of this club but he never would have thought they were that important. More specifically the crowd that he attracted. He never really saw himself as an amazing musician like his friend Jongdae who was also a performer here. “Well.. I’m glad I’m able to attract a decent crowd.” If his crowd gave the bartenders good business then he was glad. 
He reached for his drink and gave the man a slight bow in thanks. He took a sip of his drink and if he could smile he probably would. “Ah, this is really good.” He shifted his gaze from his drink up towards the bartender, “Your drinks are really good Baekhyun.” Even though his face remained expressionless, his words were sincere. 
“Doesn’t it bother you after awhile?” he asked. “As long as you are happy doing it, that’s what matters. But hey, if you ever have any problems with any of the customers don’t be afraid to ask for help ok?” Takeru knew how some drunken people could get. He would absolutely hate it if he heard that his co-worker got hurt in any way as a result of that. 
Calming Your Nerves | ft. Baekhyun
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Takeru ended up at the store perusing through all the hanboks. What could he say? He was interested in this event and wanted to experience it. He decided that wearing a yukata (as much as he wanted to) wouldn’t be appropriate. Since he got the ticket, why not try out a hanbok for a while?
He had finally found a hanbok that suited him. It was a deep purple and pink robe and styled a bit more modernly. Upon hearing a familiar voice he quickly spun around to see Changwook approaching him. “Ah, hey Changwook...” he greeted, clutching his own hanbok tightly. Personally Takeru loved the colour purple and, the purple hanbok Changwook had caught his eye. But he was sure the red and gold hanbok would look good as well. “I’m not sure.. you’ll have to try them on.” 
H is for Han..dsome— feat. Keru {`Chuseok Event}
So it was time to go shopping if he really wanted to join the Chuseok festival, but there were so many choices of colors and styles to wear, that even when Changwook has a great fashion sense, he was simply not pleased with anything, or on the other hand couldn’t choose because he liked all of them– who would have thought he’ll have such conflict with choosing a hanbok out of any other outfit? Yet again, the man had to keep his image, even in a large silky and colorful outfit, he should be able to still look handsome.
He was immersed in the bright colors and clothing patterns, so he didn’t noticed the other male’s presence right away– though casually raising his gaze, he spotted him at the other side of the store and decided to walk towards him with a few outfits in hand. “Keru-kun, fancy meeting you here– quick, red and gold or royal purple with silver?” 
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Takeru still felt guilty that his studio wasn’t in the best condition but at least it was better than it was before. Noticing that the smell of his cigarette was still lingering in the air he swiftly opened up a window which hopefully would help with the scent. If Takeru could he would probably be embarrassed and bow apologetically but instead he remained impassive like always. He nodded in response to her and focused his gaze elsewhere. He truly appreciated that she always came by to help him, even all the way to his home. But, secretly he felt like he was almost like a burden. She had to come all the way from her office to his home just to see him. He just hoped that one day he would be able to show her how much he was grateful to her. Most people would just perceive him as a cold person who didn’t care about anything. But not Hyojoo. She somehow was able to see the emotions behind his words. 
He quietly shook his head. Takeru couldn’t remember what he had eaten today besides an energy drink at 4am and some pastries from Seoltang. “Ah, you brought food? How kind..” Takeru quickly scurried over to the kitchen and grabbed some small plates and cutlery for the two of them. He gently took the bag from her, glancing up at her for permission, then dished out some food for the both of them. He handed her a plate and nodded again. “That would be fun. I haven’t played in awhile, you’re probably better than me.” Inside, Takeru was just trying to tease her playfully but his facial expression and tone of voice didn’t change. 
Rubbing his tired eyes, he got up and selected a game to play. “You like Overwatch right?” he asked as he held up the game case. Takeru knew he didn’t take care of himself much. He never slept and didn’t know how to cook very well. His psychiatrist knew him very well and would subtly do small things like bring food as a way of telling him to take care of himself. He appreciated her concern for his well-being but would never actually admit his horrible self-care habits. 
He put the game into the consoled and powered up his TV. Bringing over a controller he sat down next to Hyojoo and gently passed the controller to her. Since it was a single-player game he would let her play the first couple of rounds before him. “You can start it.. I mean if you would like to.” He wasn’t trying to force her to play first, he was just trying to be kind to his guest. Even though she was a paid professional sent to work with Takeru; she was still in his home and he still considered her a guest. 
Time After Time | ft. Hyojoo
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Count Down | ft Yoongi
Takeru can still remember the day when he first met Yoongi. He was at the park doing nothing but practicing his singing when an angry boy came stomping down the path. He wondered why he was so angry and even to this day he had never questioned what was troubling the boy that day. Maybe it was fate that happened to bring the boy towards his path. Takeru never once regretted reaching out to him that day. 
Over the period of time that Takeru knew Yoongi he noticed the other had a lot of pent up rage. Again, Takeru never questioned why but instead was next to Yoongi’s side when he needed it. Takeru was glad to be of any kind of assistance to the other and would do absolutely whatever he could for him. Even if it meant that Yoongi took out his rage on Takeru. He would do his best to be there for Yoongi. It wasn’t until Takeru sang for Yoongi that he noticed it helped calm him down. That’s when the idea dawned on him. Maybe music was a good was to help soothe Yoongi’s rage?
Since then Takeru took it upon himself to teach Yoongi music. Music definitely helped him out a lot when he was younger; hopefully it would have the same effect on Yoongi. He became a mentor--a teacher if you will-- to Yoongi. Takeru wanted to be there for the younger male and even though he had a hard time showing that he cared, this was one thing he could do for the other. 
Thus today, he was waiting back at the park where he had first met Yoongi. That’s where they have decided to meet from now on. It was a nice open environment that not too many people knew about. It was the perfect place for teaching music lessons until the snow came along. Takeru had brought along one of his guitars with him today (and had an extra one for Yoongi just in case) and was singing to himself in the park. Patiently waiting for his student to arrive. 
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
╾ {event prompt} | Free Ticket
It’s a double shift kind of day. There are not many like those but that one irresponsible kid who works there as well decided to go MIA and it’s all on you again. The boss is nice so that’s why you stay or maybe because there’s nowhere else to be, no one waiting at home.  You find it when you’re roaming around the room, the piece of paper sticking from behind one of the guitars and you wonder who left it there but no one seems to own it. Rightfully, it feels yours now whether it hits the trash bin immediately or it tempts you to read.. now that’s a whole different story.
Takeru had picked up an extra shift for that one kid that didn’t show up for work. Not that it really bothered him; he enjoyed working and his co-workers were all so nice to him. Plus he kinda worried about that kid. He wondered what must have happened to the kid to make him not show up? Takeru was too kind for his own good sometimes. He always thought the better of someone rather that face the truth.
He made his way around to the guitars and was dong a quick tune-up on them. With everyone playing with them to test them out or whatnot, sometimes the strings would loosen or they wold go out of tune. Takeru’s current task was to go through them and fix them up.
As he combed his way through the guitars he noticed a small piece of paper jutting out from behind a guitar. Since Takeru was the curious sort; he carefully took the paper and gave it a quick read. “Hanbok-rentals?” he mumbled to himself. In all of his years spent in South Korea, he had never once worn a hanbok. Maybe that was because he was from Japan and would rather wear a yukata instead.
“How interesting…” he muttered in Japanese. Since he was in South Korea, he might as well try it at least once. Takeru quietly slipped the ticket into his pocket. Later when he had free time he definitely had to check out this Hanbok store. He was curious to see how he would look in a traditional Korean hanbok.
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Takeru couldn’t help but agree with her there. She was right, there was a time to worry, but there was also a point to where it got ridiculous. Besides, it’s not like he actually worked there so he couldn’t say he knew what she was going through. “That’s true~” he agreed with a quiet hum. He perked up a bit at the idea, “well, a brochure would be handy. Do you think people will read it though?” He wondered how many people actually read brochures on pet care. Even if they did read it would the prefer what the paper says over confirmation from their vet? Again, Takeru wasn’t in this field of work. It was times like this he felt useless sometimes. “If you gave me a brochure I would read it,” he reassured her. Anything she gave to him he would make sure he read it enough times that she could even quiz him on it. 
“She’s brave for not being scared of all the new animals.” If Takeru were in her shoes, he would be scared too. When he first moved out to South Korea he felt the same way. On the inside he was actually really nervous about moving to a foreign country. Luckily he met Hyuna shortly after his move. If it wasn’t for her he would’ve had a much harder time getting used to life in Seoul. Hell, he probably would’ve moved back to Japan already. “Ah ok, I’ll walk her around as soon as she’s done with those things.”
Once she tapped him on the shoulder he quickly turned around to face her and followed her to the waiting room. Upon hearing her words he couldn’t help but crack a small smile which showed off his dimples. A smile in general was rare for Takeru and if Hyuna wasn’t such a close friend, she never would have seen it. “You don’t have to thank me Hyuna. I’d do anything for you.” he responded sincerely. Even though he smiled for that fraction of a second, the tone of his voice didn’t change. He was still working on trying to draw his emotions out. 
A Helpful Assistant | ft. Hyuna
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ex-krkeru-blog · 8 years
Takeru was enjoying his coffee that he ordered; everything here always tasted superb. He had just begun to dig into his cake when he noticed the owner of the cafe approaching. He quickly took the fork out of his mouth and sipped his coffee once again. As much as he wouldn’t admit it to anyone; he had always found the owner attractive but he would never say anything. Especially since he didn’t know the guy very well. Takeru was also too introverted to speak to the man himself. He doubted anything would happen anyway so for now, he would just admire him and keep his thoughts to himself. 
As Changwook sat down next to him Takeru stared at him with an impassive expression. “Ah, of course it is. The coffee is the best here,” he spoke almost without any emotion in his voice. If you knew Takeru well you would be able to detect the slight tone of happiness in his voice. But, to others his voice was expressionless like always. “I don’t mind at all...” he spoke and his voice slowly trailed off. 
He had no idea how to start off a conversation with the other as much as he wanted to. Curse his inner introverted self. “Is it hard being the owner here? I mean, with it being so busy all the time...” he said softly. Takeru cleared his throat and took another sip of his coffee. “What a great conversation starter...” he mumbled to himself in Japanese. Takeru always became really awkward when meeting new people. 
Caffeine and Sugar | ft. Changwook
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