So you know how there is a reputation to big eco friendly people that they are all vegan and they don’t use normal shampoo and they never ever buy clothing new?
There is nothing wrong with that, but it’s way too much for a lot of people -- and a lot of people go “mmmm eco-friendly is not for me” because they are afraid it will ruin their hobbies or their hygiene or their physical appearance.  And that’s a shame.
There are a lot of things that every day people can do to be more eco friendly without really giving up anything -- besides maybe a small amount of time or a small amount of money.  And that small amount of time or money is totally worth it when you consider the consequences of everyone continuing to do what we’re all doing now.
So I’m here to help!  I’ll be giving thoughts and suggestions and whatnot on eco friendly things you can do without a ton of effort or devotion to the cause.  If I do the research for you, it costs you even less time, so what’s to lose?
Let’s do this!
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