everwonder Ā· 3 years
iā€™m here again :ā€™)
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
hi i would love to write but my tags arenā€™t working but i just remade my indie as i was previously @everwonderĀ ā™” this & iā€™ll message you about plotting or reply to an open starter!
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
hi besties! i know itā€™s been a million jillion years since iā€™ve showed face in the indie/rp universe but i am so excited and glad to say that iā€™m back and better then ever! iā€™ve completely remade a new indie with all brand new original characters over at @vainbeauty so if youā€™re at all interested in writing with me or missed writing with me (hehehehe....) please follow me over there - my tags arenā€™t working quite yet therefore iā€™m throwing that out over here.. but i will be following my active mutuals/people i was following before love u guys very much ok? with all that being said i am so excited to write again & super geeked to be back & show u guys my new babies. :)) @vainbeautyĀ 
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
HI MY BEAUTIFUL MUTUALS ( and / or anyone at all who cares :p ) i just let my jaw drop as i realized iā€™m like really close .. ( 3 away ) from 100 followers now idk if thatā€™s a huge accomplishment on indie but it makes my heart explode w happiness i don't care ! anywho, i will be taking a small hiatus to regain some muse for each of my babies & kind of regrouping my head space because iā€™ve been totally out of it with the overwhelming stress from school & work. if you want to drop our threads feel free to do so, we can plot more when i come back or iā€™ll respond to whateverā€™s there for me when i come back ! thank you for taking the time to read this if you did , you have all my love ! mwah mwah mwah iā€™ll see you guys soon :p
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
drew & arielleĀ !
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  sightĀ  ofĀ  presenceĀ  approachingĀ  theĀ  tableĀ  sheā€™dĀ  occupiedĀ  lessĀ  thanĀ  tenĀ  minutesĀ  sentĀ  aĀ  rushĀ  ofĀ  panicĀ  postureĀ  throughĀ  spine,Ā  Ā shouldersĀ  backĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  wasĀ  raised.Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  iĀ  wasĀ  beginningĀ  toĀ  thinkĀ  youĀ  werenā€™tĀ  coming,Ā  ā€Ā  Ā sheĀ  greetedĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  withĀ  aĀ  smileĀ  andĀ  aĀ  casualĀ  twirlĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  hair.
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā stepping into the familiar restaurant heā€™d brought all of his charades to, something about tonight had felt much different then any other time. sliding in the booth, greets other with a shy smile,Ā ā€œ and you think iā€™d ditch out on my one opportunity to take a beautiful girl such as yourself out ... ?Ā ā€œĀ 
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
halle & kaylee !
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this Ā  felt Ā  like Ā  the Ā  most Ā  ideal Ā  way Ā  she Ā  wanted Ā  to Ā  spend Ā  her Ā  day. Ā  nothing Ā  but Ā  good Ā  company, Ā  music Ā  and Ā  vibes. Ā  a Ā  small Ā  happy Ā  sigh Ā  escaped Ā  the Ā  lips Ā  of Ā  the Ā  brunette Ā  as Ā  she Ā  stretched Ā  out Ā  her Ā  arms. Ā  she Ā  could Ā  feel Ā  her Ā  cheeks Ā  begin Ā  to Ā  warm Ā  up Ā  at Ā  the Ā  sight Ā  of Ā  halle. Ā  she Ā  nods Ā  her Ā  head Ā  to Ā  show Ā  interest Ā  in Ā  her Ā  song Ā  recommendation. Ā  ā€œokay, Ā  lets Ā  hear Ā  it.ā€ Ā  she Ā  chuckled. Ā  the Ā  moment Ā  she Ā  hears Ā  the Ā  song Ā  she Ā  instantly Ā  knows Ā  it. Ā  words Ā  slipped Ā  through Ā  her Ā  lips, Ā  singing Ā  to Ā  the Ā  melody Ā  before Ā  words Ā  fading Ā  to Ā  appreciate Ā  the Ā  song.Ā Ā Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  anytime any individual person would ask halle about her inspirationsĀ  ā€” the first thing on her list would be anything musical related. though it wasnā€™t even an actual love language, if anyone had asked sheā€™d say music was hers. it was just her absolute favorite way to communicate, no matter what mood she had been in. turning her head, her gaze meets the otherā€™s physique taking in the rhythm of the song, she faces the other singing softly as she does.Ā ā€œ soooo ... what did you think ? is my music taste any good because iā€™d spent a lot of time making you playlists that will probably never be played aloud ..Ā ā€œĀ 
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
olivia & quentin !
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the sound of something hitting the wall makes him rush back in the bedroom.Ā ā€˜ā€™yo what was that, are you okay?ā€™ā€™ he asks before he sees hisĀ phone near the wall, the screen broken.Ā ā€˜ā€™dude what the hell?!ā€™ā€™Ā 
he winces when he sees the naked girl - alana -Ā  on his screen and automatically understands whatā€™s going on.Ā ā€˜ā€™did you go through my phone?ā€™ā€™ he frowns.Ā ā€˜ā€™thatā€™s a serious violation of privacy, olivia. do you not fucking trust me? did we not have a long talk on this earlier? seriously?ā€™ā€™
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  the way that sheā€™s in disbelief says enough, her lip quivers just enough to let him know that sheā€™s upsetĀ  ā€” however she refuses to let him see her sobbing her eyes out ... once again.Ā ā€œ you canā€™t be serious quentin .. thatā€™s what you get from this ?Ā ā€œ at this point, sheā€™s shaking .. not able to determine whether or not itā€™s from the overwhelming feeling of disappointment, sadness, or even .. anger.Ā ā€œ GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DONā€™T COME BACK ! iā€™m sick and fucking tired of you playing with my head. fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you..Ā ā€œĀ 
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
lola & harper.
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Ā  Ā  āĀ  you might not allow it but i bet she has her little panties in a bunch thinking about you right now . ugh ! i hate the way she stared at you . this is why iā€™m not good with this stuff . i get too mad and then my trust issues get involved . why did you pause before saying that ? felt like you had something else to say but , it doesnā€™t matter . i just want to get out of this dress and sleep . Ā āž
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā› well you know maybe if you would have spent a little more time looking at me, you wouldā€™ve realized ... my eyes were glued to you ā€” not ... not some bimbo i could give a shit about. iā€™d prefer we go home and you ... you just let me hold you. and .. ? and we could forget about this big, jealous mess .. ? āœ
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
not me contemplating whether or not to redo my theme coz iā€™m very damn bored on this saturday night....................
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
olivia & quentin !
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he drops the food on a table nearby and sips on his drink before sitting next to her, on the edge of the board.Ā ā€˜ā€™you look so adorable babe,ā€™ā€™ he kisses her and plays with her hair.Ā ā€˜ā€™i have practice tonight, but iā€™m yours all day okay? why donā€™t we just relax and watch movies. i really want to chill.ā€™ā€™ he gets up to reach the food, and starts to eat. the silence is comforting, not awkward or weird. thatā€™s what he likes the most about his relationship with her, they can just beĀ together without doing anything, and he feels at home.Ā 
ā€˜ā€˜iā€™m gonna go wash my hands okay?ā€™ā€˜ he says once heā€™s done eating. he leaves his phone on her nightstand and grabs the mcdonalds bags to put them in the trash on his way out the room.Ā ā€˜ā€˜be right back!ā€™ā€˜
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  usually, olivia is quick to resist the temptation of going through anybodyā€™s phone besides her ownĀ  ā€” however, when the consistent pings continued to go off as heā€™d walked away and a petite blondeā€™s photo flashed on his screen, some of her personal red flags began to go off. to her surprise, sheā€™s greeted with threads of the girlsā€™ nude photosĀ  ā€” thatā€™s not what catches her attention at first, surprisingly. the kissing emojis and hearts next to her name pops out bringing a sick feeling to oliviaā€™s stomach. without a second thought, she chucks his phone across the room, smacking the wall only a little harder then sheā€™d intended. with her mouth dropping agape, sheā€™s unable to find the words to fathom the feelings stirring up in her chest. WHY CANā€™T HE JUST BE HONEST WITH ME ?????? so unexplainably angry the only words sheā€™s able to get out follow,Ā ā€œ get. out.Ā ā€œĀ 
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
lola & harper.
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Ā  Ā  Ā āĀ  theyā€™re friends ! itā€™s a friendly hug . meanwhile , this is somebody who you work with . a stranger . unless you guys are little texting buddies and iā€™m unaware of it . i know her intentions and i want you to stop making her think she has a chance ! ā€” ā€” did you even hear how condescending she was towards me ? sheā€™s a mean , mean person .Ā Ā  āž
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā›Ā  youā€™reĀ  ā€” youā€™re kidding, RIGHT ? lola jeong, listen to me very clearly for a minute. not in any sense, form, OR fashion would i ever even allow that thought to process in her tiny, pea brain ... is something not adding up here ? maybe think about the fact that iā€™m in .... i like you a lot... and there is not a single soul iā€™d rather be crawling into bed next to most nights .....Ā  āœ
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
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did anyone say serotonin boost ? šŸ• šŸ¾ šŸ‘©šŸ»
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
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pretty chungha in pink
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
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Dahyun | Switch to me.
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
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everwonder Ā· 3 years
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multimuse, Ā semi-selective, Ā independent Ā roleplay Ā blog. Ā established Ā in Ā february Ā of Ā 2021. Ā 
penned Ā by: Ā miki, Ā 22, Ā she/her, Ā please Ā read Ā my Ā rules Ā before Ā interacting!
+ Ā for Ā a Ā bestie , Ā ā™„ Ā for Ā a Ā kiss Ā in Ā the Ā ims, Ā and Ā ā†» Ā for Ā a Ā boost
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