estrla Β· 20 hours
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estrla Β· 2 days
I will attempt to write my Stella's biography ( it's been a long time coming, honestly ) - in the meantime, please take this post as a starter call! I will hop into DMs / Discord to plot <3
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estrla Β· 3 days
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@estrla said: β€œ i don’t have the patience. ” - ☽ song lyrics - accepting !!
PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE hard won, rare in these parts but cultivated by few for very specific reasons, as a means to a cunning end. the goetia are an ancient brand of aristocracy built on warped versions of such virtues: the patience of a cold-blooded, century-long revenge; the burden of immortal life; the slow machinations of a well-hatched plot; the long wait to ascend to a higher rank and status among them ... to name a few.
it is what he exercises when he's in her thorny presence, in the business arrangement that is their marriage.
when he levels his gaze at her, any conflicted feelings he has are neutralised by such distant reflections. he sets his empty teacup on the saucer with a clink, as if to punctuate his words.
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"oh but you do, my dear."
cursed with a rather short fuse, for as long as he'd known her stella has always been that way - like her namesake celestial body, she is as cold and beautiful from a distance as she is scorching at close range. but in time, as they grew reluctantly together into the intricate tapestry of goetic rules and regulations, and bloomed into the darling couple, envy of all high aristocracy, they have learned their place in navigating those complex rituals. it seems to him that save the occasional outburst and positively bristling aura, even stella has mostly learnt to temper her fiery disposition into sharp wit, cutting remarks, astute manoeuvres and vicious sarcasm - it is truly a wonder what a simple mask can do to a face.
don't they just make a dashing family portrait?
from what the owl prince knows of his wife, she has far more patience keeping her from the ghastly beast roiling in her breast than she lets on, though on occasion it rears its ugly head. he supposes he has it coming, being the main source of her resentment.
"I'm confident we're not far off from an egg. we just need to keep trying."
certainly not a good premise for a conception, but it's what they agreed on to carry out their main duty to the goetia, after all.
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estrla Β· 3 days
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@k7tt1Β : ❛ Oh, don't be cute. ❜ / from @estrla for Via!
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"I thought that was myΒ jobΒ as aΒ Goetian princess." The muttered remark is barely audible over the noise in the palace, but she doesn't doubt for a moment that her mother caught it. So far, she's fucked up by a) not dressingΒ to standard, b) spending more time on her phone than mingling with her parents party guests c) asking to be excused when she didn't want to spend another two hours pretending to be interested in climbing social ladders, or whatever this party was for.
There was a time when she attended these functions as theΒ spitting imageΒ of all that her family wanted her to be : dressed to perfection, all smiles and pleasantries. Back when she thought it mattered. Back when she thought how she behaved would have some impact.
She's over it. Past over it.
"Mum, can IΒ pleaseΒ just go back to my room? Nobody here even knowsΒ me."
rivals ( to lovers?Β ) sentence starters
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estrla Β· 3 days
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@k7tt1Β : ❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜ / from @estrla for Via!
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The drawing clutched between careful talons wrinkles slightly at the edges, the little girl hugging it against her chest instinctively, as though to protect it. She knows better than to tug on her mother's skirts, of course, but... but she'd wanted to show her what she'd painted for her! The nanny had assured her that she would like the gift. Had she lied...?
"But... it's for you, mama..." Trepidation slips into her words, a shake that so often precedes tears. But she wasn't going to cry! She was a big girl, wasn't she? Too big to be crying! The paper crumples more. "...okay... I can show you later..."
rivals ( to lovers?Β ) sentence starters
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estrla Β· 4 days
I will attempt to write my Stella's biography ( it's been a long time coming, honestly ) - in the meantime, please take this post as a starter call! I will hop into DMs / Discord to plot <3
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estrla Β· 4 days
🐝 Β *  ―  𝑭𝑢𝑹𝑻𝒀 𝑹𝑨𝑡𝑫𝑢𝑴 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑢𝑡𝑺.
❛ Β are you always so competitive?Β  ❜ ❛ Β are you okay? are you hurt?Β  ❜ ❛ Β are you sure you can do this on your own?Β  ❜ ❛ Β are you thinking what i'm thinking?Β  ❜ ❛ Β can you go take care of this, please?Β  ❜ ❛ Β can you show me how to fight?Β  ❜ ❛ Β can you tell me more about your adventures?Β  ❜ ❛ Β do you believe in ghosts?Β  ❜ ❛ Β do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?Β  ❜ ❛ Β does it really have to be like this?Β  ❜ ❛ Β don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?Β  ❜ ❛ Β has no one ever given you a compliment before?Β  ❜ ❛ Β have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?Β  ❜ ❛ Β have you noticed anything different about me lately?Β  ❜ ❛ Β haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?Β  ❜ ❛ Β how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?Β  ❜ ❛ Β how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?Β  ❜ ❛ Β is there anything else i can do for you?Β  ❜ ❛ Β is this really how you want this to end?Β  ❜ ❛ Β isn't it ironic?Β  ❜ ❛ Β what are your plans for today?Β  ❜ ❛ Β what else do you want me to say?Β  ❜ ❛ Β what else have you hidden from me?Β  ❜ ❛ Β what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?Β  ❜ ❛ Β what has happened in your life that made you like this?Β  ❜ ❛ Β when were you going to tell me?Β  ❜ ❛ Β where are we supposed to go from here?Β  ❜ ❛ Β who will be able to stop them now?Β  ❜ ❛ Β why can't you just act like a normal person?Β  ❜ ❛ Β why can't you just leave me alone?Β  ❜ ❛ Β why can't you just stay focused?Β  ❜ ❛ Β why does everything always have to be so complicated?Β  ❜ ❛ Β why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?Β  ❜ ❛ Β why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?Β  ❜ ❛ Β will it ever stop hurting so much?Β  ❜ ❛ Β will you go out on a date with me?Β  ❜ ❛ Β will you just shut up and kiss me already?Β  ❜ ❛ Β will you please text me when you get home safely?Β  ❜ ❛ Β you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?Β  ❜
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estrla Β· 4 days
Aggressive Starter Sentences
Send one or more for my muse’s reaction!
potential TW for abuse, violence, etc.
β€œI wish I’d never met you.” β€œDo you have any idea how difficult you’re being?” β€œSit down before I put my fist through something.” β€œI hate you. You hear me? I hate you!” β€œYou’re nothing but a waste of my time.” β€œDo you want me to hit you? Is that it? Will that help?” β€œDo me a favour: go fuck yourself.”
β€œYou lay one hand on me and it’ll be the last thing you ever do.” β€œGo ahead, hit me. See what happens.” β€œStop yelling at me.” β€œDon’t raise your fucking voice at me!” β€œI’ll talk to you when you’ve calmed down.” β€œI’m not being difficult, you’re just being an asshole.” β€œYou don’t own me.”
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estrla Β· 4 days
the feminine urge to release a gut-wrenching scream from the depths of your soul
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estrla Β· 4 days
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tea party
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estrla Β· 7 days
Worship the ground I walk on or leave me alone.
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estrla Β· 7 days
i want to be flirted with!!! i want to be desired!!! i want to be lusted after!!!
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estrla Β· 7 days
❛  you’reΒ  theΒ  oneΒ  whoΒ  toldΒ  meΒ  iΒ  shouldΒ  blowΒ  offΒ  steam .  ❜ (Octavia @thethiefsden)
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Her gaze is a blade, and her blink is the guillotine that drops down for execution; Β  Β  ❛❛ Β  Β  Properly and in the vicinity of your own room, Β  Β  ❜❜ Β  Β  A respectable lady doesn’t scream or hiss [ NOT UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES… OTHER TIMES, HOWEVER- ] & truthfully, though the matriarch has little patience for… nearly everything, her daughter is rather an exception.
Not that Octavia would understand or see that; Stella was her age once, and she’s very much aware of the ways of teenage rebellion,
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Besides, best to remain as in control as possible in front of the offspring [ SHE REFUSES TO ALLOW HER DAUGHTER TO SEE HER LOSE HER CALM DEMEANOR; WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE DOES SHE WANT TO SET? ] Β  Β  ❛❛ Β  Β  Not at the dinner table, Octavia; turn that blasted music down and stop playing with your food. It’s improper… Β  Β  ❜❜ Β  Β  She could listen to her silly sounds all she wants in her room; but Stella can hear the blasted thing from across the table.
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Waving away their imp butler in dismissal, she makes it a point to look at her daughter in the eyes, Β  Β  ❛❛ Β  Β  Don’t make me ask a second time, Octavia. You know how I get when I’m cross. Β  Β  ❜❜
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estrla Β· 17 days
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Angry & Irritated Sentences, Vol. 19
(Angry and irritated sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Well, if you've got a better idea, I'd like to hear it!"
"Is making me lose my concentration part of your strategy?"
"You're acting like a little boy! You're being rude!"
"Is this what you wanted? Is it?"
"I think at this point, I deserve an explanation."
"I can handle my own problems! I've done it for a long time before you came along!"
"Who told you where to find me?"
"Do me a favour? Let's save this male bonding for another time."
"You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be."
"Pretty full of yourself, aren't you?"
"You're arrogant, or else you would have never walked in here."
"What would possess you to do something so foolish?"
"It's hard to find something in a man who rejects people as much as you do, you know that?"
"You know, people who give me advice, I reckon they're actually talking to themselves."
"You really have no decency, do you?"
"You speak too slowly. Always have."
"Don't be so grumpy!"
"Go on; I know you can't resist the urge to say 'I told you so'."
"You have no respect for tradition."
"I need you to act normal, alright?"
"How did you expect to get away with this?"
"I don't like your face. It makes me want to do things to it."
"Have you any idea how ridiculous you sound?"
"I'm not a cynic; I'm a realist."
"You never could take a hint."
"No one is entitled to know things about me that I don't want them to know!"
"Why didn't you say anything about this before?"
"We've run out of time, and I've run out of patience."
"I don't want to be part of what you're planning."
"It's going to be one of those nights, isn't it?"
"Our lives are ticking away while we do nothing!"
"You are straying dangerously close to offering advice about a situation you know little about."
"I don't want you turning this into a media circus!"
"Can you at least pretend to enjoy yourself?"
"Don't you ever dispute me in public, do you understand?"
"You're nothing but a goddamn coward!"
"I do hope that I'm not about to regret the soft spot that I have for you."
"How does he do it? He makes me look like a dangerous lunatic while he comes off as a hero."
"You came to me for answers. It's not my problem if they're not the ones you want."
"Don't you ever listen to me?"
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estrla Β· 17 days
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estrla Β· 18 days
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estrla Β· 18 days
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Marilyn Monroe on the set of The Prince and the Showgirl (1957)
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