equcstrian-blog · 7 years
The harsh words make him flinch, but he does hi best to hide it. It’s not the right time for that, a moment of hesitation might get one or both of them seriously hurt.
It’s not a secret that Miles absolutely despises him, though why he does is still a mystery. If Miles just hated him, that would be fine, he could deal with that. The hate is not the problem, not at all. The problem is that he’s right.
Tamaki will never understand why most of his classmates are always so kind and patient with him. He was just a burden almost all the time, his fears and anxiety always dragging him down and forcing everyone to slow down to let him keep up with them. He hated that, burdening them like that.
He’s weak, coward, and shouldn’t even be there. Yet he insisted on being selfish and following his dream of being a hero.
He could overthink later, though, when there isn’t a spar to start. Now is the less appropriate time to let himself be crushed by his own mind.
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Instead of words, he answers with actions, the newly formed tentacle in his right arm moving fast towards his opponent.
The fight was on now.
Mass was pulled from his left leg to add to his right arm, further strengthening and sharpening the shark scales that lined his skin. His arm would be brought up to protect himself, held across his chest, and the scales would tear into the tentacles when they (if they) wrapped around it. That was about it for his offensive moves for the moment, and he would allow himself to be pulled close to Tamaki (or for Tamaki to come close to him).
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Being close would give him a chance to make a jab with his other hand, go to bite Tamaki’s side with his palm- and if that didn’t work, a beak similar to that of a squid’s opened up on the elbow of his other arm to bite at the tentacle arm.
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
Miles found himself absentmindedly patting the wolf’s side, ignoring most of the words that she said. She was just talking for the sake of filling silence, something that he understood all too well. That, or she was just trying to get under his skin-- something else that he could sympathize with. Big Bad (and Miyu too) was someone he actually cared about far more than most of his classmates combined.
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At the mention of being called a murderer though, Miles paused. “Hnn? I don’t understand-- why would I...?”
@equcstrian met the Big Bad Wolf
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“That shifting ability of yours is pretty cute. Anyone tell you that before?” Is this Miyu trying to be patronizing or is it Big Bad Wolf acting up? It’s hard to tell when she’s like this. Either way it’s obvious she’s starting to get bored with this stakeout and Big Bad Wolf is just looking for trouble. If the heightened sense of smell and hearing weren’t specifically requested for this then Miyu wouldn’t have bothered changing. But this job needed a pair that could tell if a stranger was approaching or not. “Turn into any animal. When did that come in? Ever been called a murderer because of it?”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
I honestly cannot believe I got babadook memes | @losteidolon
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Miles snorted before reaching up, grinning as he (gently) snagged the unicorn-turned-human’s nose between his fingers. It was just a light little tweak, but he coupled it with his own: “Dook.”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
“DOOOOOOOK” // loool
Holy shit why did this babadook meme exist | @frailborn
Had he-- had he heard correctly? Miles had to blink as he looked up, blue eyes scanning to see if he could spot the source of the dook. He expected to see a child, or some unruly teenager smirking in their chair at him from across the cafe from, but no-- the place was practically empty aside from the workers and a young woman. She appeared thoroughly embarrassed but was grinning as well, her focus split between trying to gaze at the drink in her hand all the while trying to sneak surreptitious glances over towards him.
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“Ex... Excuse me... Did you just dook at me?”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
"Miles are you friends with the Babadook?"-Lykosquirk
This fucking Babadook meme | @lykosquirk
A heavy sigh escaped the blue-haired male as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Miyu...” He wanted to be mean, if only because that was his default response to any sort of situation he was ever in, but this was Miyu. This was one of the few students that he actually sort of liked.
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“Miyu, why... why would you think that I would be friends with the Babadook? Why would you even think that it was real?”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
Starting off her statement with you’re the horse guy wasn’t the best way to ingratiate herself with Miles. Not that there really was much of a possibility of that happening in the first place, considering how she was a member of class 3B, but it just further shot those chances down.
And then she just. Kept on talking. And he just stared.
“I...” Miles blinked as he stared at the overly excited girl. She, this... what? Had she just... stepped straight out of some old western film? Fascinating. And something he really didn’t want to deal with at all.
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“I have a horse, yes,” he said slowly. “She’s about half an hour away by bus ride. Why?”
@equcstrian liked for a starter
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“You’re the horse guy, right partner?”
Etsu didn’t really know the names of anyone else class 3A. Introducing herself had always seemed scary, so she just never got around to doing it. In this case, she had a purpose for doing it, but she was still forcing herself out of her comfort zone just by talking to him.
Supposedly this guy knew a lot about horses. That was the first time she’d found herself with something in common with a non-classmate. After a bit of encouragement from her parents, Etsu decided to take the initiative and make a new friend.
“I was wondering if you’d ever like to talk about it. I used to ride them back when I lived out in the countryside, but I was between hay and grass back then. I haven’t seen a bronc up close since I moved closer to the city.”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
Honestly, she could have just asked him and he could have just given her his lunch. Food wasn’t something that Miles held in any sort of high regard. In fact, his relationship with the source of all Fuel and Energy that the human body needed to survive was a very hit-or-miss one, and he often found himself on the receiving end of quite a few Lectures over how he needed to eat if he wanted to be any sort of Hero.
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Still, he arched a brow at Aoi, and shot her A Look. “Seriously? Are you too keep to go get your own Cafeteria Meal?”
equcstrian ❤’d
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      “Yum~” She totally didn’t just eat the others lunch without them looking.
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
Even if we fight, I still care about you.
The note stuck to his desk had Miles narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Immediately he reached for it, fingers snatching it up as he scanned it several times to see if he could try to identify the writing before he crumpled it up. 
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Ken? God, of course not; he’d never go this stupid anonymous route. Akio? Tamaki? Gross, but maybe. Oona? Miles found himself mentally listing off the classmates that he often butted heads with, and he found himself growing more and more agitated with each one.
Tch. Whoever it was-- Asshole. What did he care if they cared about him-- wasn’t like they mattered... or that he really mattered to them...
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
He rolled his eyes at the winged girl. Geeze... And they had the audacity to try to say that class A was the issue? Barely two words out of his mouth and she already seemed entirely done with this conversation. What was the point of even trying?
Or was he just projecting-?
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“Man, never mind.” Words spoken as he pushed by her. “I wasn’t aware I was talking to a snob.”
Yup. Definitely projecting.
@equcstrian flies with angels.
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    “ – did you say something ? “
Stops in her tracks, glancing to lock eyes with the boy who’d passed– she knows him, of course she does. Spent 3 years hiding in the shadow of 3A, so she’s aware of their faces now. Still, she’s not sure why he would speak to her. Despite how she acts, she holds resentment to them, all of them. 
Why would someone who is supposedly so much BETTER bother with her?
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
@lykosquirk from here
Something that might have been mistaken for a sullen huff escaped Miles at Miyu’s response as a touch of red started to color his cheeks. He honestly hadn’t been trying to be an ass-! Not to her, at least. And yet, here he was, managing to run his mouth and say things that should have been kept in his head.
She was taking it in stride at least. Actually-- she seemed to find it amusing, which was the only saving grace to this terrible situation. A breath of relief escaped him before he slouched back in his seat.
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“Hmm. Maybe you found human teeth in your chicken nuggets, but you get free McDonalds for the rest of your life now.” A decent mixture of good and bad. Because honestly, he had no idea how to read her expressions even still.
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
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     “You’ve got that, like, changing your parts into animals right, or something ? What if you want horse legs, where do your pants go ?” These were very important questions, ones that, of course, filled his dirty mind. “Have you ever changed stuff down there ?” 
He offered the strange grape-haired male a tight-lipped smile as Miles crouched down to be closer to eye level with him.
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“Tell me... do you know what a lamprey is?”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
@acidalienqueen liked for a starter!
“You know, there’s a girl in my class that seems a bit like you. At least with the whole pink skin and unnatural eyes thing.” Miles made a couple of gestures to try to add further emphasis to his statement, hand pointing at eyes before making an overall swipe to indicate himself.
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“... she’s kind of a giant bitch, though.”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
@makenstore liked for a starter
He had honestly lost track of all the underclassman, and wouldn’t have known who did and didn’t belong in the school unless they straight up told him. Case in point was the white-haired girl in front of him, the one whom had knocked into him and practically sent Miles thudding back against the wall. She was the same height as him, but she was far heavier than his own (incredibly underweight) form.
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“Jesus.” The word was mumbled under his breath before his shook his head. And then, louder: “What the hell are they feeding you first years now? Lead?”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do?”
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She’s spent plenty of time in pursuit of villains, only to get berated for ‘going out of her assigned area’ and ‘being reckless.’ Heroes risked their lives every single day, so what was wrong with what she did?
“1-A also almost died under the school’s watch, which could have been the end of U.A. I just… I think they only see me as a sidekick. I’m sick of being underestimated because I’m small and ‘cute.’ I’m strong, I’ve trained my body to the limit, and they’re still holding me back…!”
“And we’re just supposed to be sidekicks.”
Again, there was a lack of empathy, but he was really having a hard time seeing just what she was even trying to get at. Miles arched one brow as his head tilted to the side, one hand moving to plant against his hip. “You don’t just become a hero right out of UA. You start off as a sidekick. You have an internship, right? So it’s not like you’ll really struggle becoming a sidekick, and from there you start making a name for yourself.”
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Don’t put the cart before the horse. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t-- “Look you’re basically expecting to run before you can even walk. Maybe wait until you graduate and you’re in the hero business before you start kicking yourself about before forgettable. Doing it ahead of time just feels like a waste of time and a pointless exercise in self loathing which, I mean, I guess is fine if you’re looking for pity.”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
[ shift ]
[ shift ] for your muse to move hair off my muses face. | @panimate
He must have been concentrating too much on something that wasn’t Pamu. After all, why else would she make any sort of gesture that could almost be mistaken for genuine affection? Affection? Genuine? From her?
Probably. He knew she cared about him. They had just to pretend that they both didn’t, or else the fragile illusion they both held onto when it came to this relationship would come crashing down around them.
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Miles huffed as he closed the zoology textbook he had been pouring over in order to glance over at Pamu. “What’s up Bitchcraft?”
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
[ Braid ]
 [ braid ] for your muse to braid mines hair | @bladedhero
The sudden feeling of fingers running through his hair had him jolting in place, and Miles couldn’t stop himself from craning his head back to see just who was daring to touch him. He wasn’t as bad as Kenji was, but physical touch tended to fall under the ‘no no’ category. The ‘look, but don’t touch’ rule definitely applied for him, and yet here she was.
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Blue eyes flicked towards the ceiling as he huffed up at Ife. “What you’re trying to do would work a lot better if I actually had hair to braid, you know.” His blue locks, while shaggy, weren’t exactly what he would call ‘braidable’.
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equcstrian-blog · 7 years
[ shift ]
[ shift ] for your muse to move hair off my muses face | @losteidolon
The gesture was gentle enough that Miles scarcely noticed it at first. He had been engrossed in his task of trying to take care of the injured gelding, and had been doing his best to tend to his wound while keeping him calm. Horses, for all their Might and Majesty, were painfully frail creatures, and it took so little to take them down. Injuries weren’t fatal, but they could be in panic wasn’t minimized.
“Shh, shh...” A few calming words as he gently brushed his hand along the gelding’s flank. The horse huffed before relaxing, and Miles took the moment to pull another stitch through his flesh. It was the last one that would be needed, and a few swaps of a wet cloth to clean the wound should make sure it was cleaned as well.
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He must have been sweating from the effort, and some of his bangs had started to stick to his forehead. Miles hadn’t really noticed how much it had been affecting his vision until it was moved aside, and his blinked before glancing over at Lily. A twitchy smile -- a grateful one, though his current strain made it hard for that to be seen.
“Hey-- thanks--”
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